THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Of 4 + j FRATERNITIES AT D)ETROIT Published IDaily (Sunday excepted) during Clhi Psi, IDelta U and Kappa the Collegt vear, at Sigma Aen Banquet. THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. OFFICE: Timeso building N. Main st., opposite tntiot ttncititS'e wre hild icy sev- pest office. eral ci tic hecek letter fratteri'tiesccat EDITOiRS Detroit lFridtay candSaturdaeyii-its J. F. TOMSis, '97. tW. t. ToIAveo. '96 L. <010d wcre itirkedi with great smceesi. E. L. tiescoso, '93 L F. M. Loomis, '9$. The -Mieiiglgoit sittnni of th hit 'i i 0. 11. ImeN, '93. iF. S. P~ixcec, '98. mit ,it tih' tetroit eubtFridacyieiti- R. C. iUNMEwOtcO, '138. C. All. tictEE, '99. Silk ftor'itic etiniinn anti hcistt. IVI&NAGING EDITOU Aimiog the Detroit miemiers preil G. ii. ilARliss\,'Wi L. ire ex-Senaitor Tticiecc AV. Poinmer, Ilon. Don -At. 1iekinsoii, (Cil. Henry iiUS0NEt"S iItANA(OUR MV. Duffielcd, Dr.. S. '.Duffildeix- L. CG. si.Lc, 'cc. .ii ;e .JiiiicJ. Spieid, Eilitt'I'. Sit- ASSOCIATE. EDITORS ceiii, F. T. Sw-ift, W\iliiti it.Willts. WV. WV. iighcs, 'ci. S. it. Scith, 'c6 L. ;oIhiiG. (Bart, Seiiitei 'i. Dile>gias, S. W. South, 'ci. XV. P. litrriil, '9ii. FerdD. C' (hincelmian, iidwaridA. .. L. Itoixi, 'cii c. ii. iB. Siiman,'%O L. I(iot, JariedVi. Finney, [)ccice is. Dav-~ C. B. Roe, '98c D. iLoixe Doiiec, '99. B. . Mthaxy 'cii ii Cooi, c icni, D. l-'crroieiiHecty, Iliney ii. BB.1eLxix 5,9 .ciiiiix.'ccc. Xiiiirti '.V.tiiin PiitA iticiinscec. .JoiitAV'. AnidersonIit. II. The subscriptio price of the Daiiy ha oe wlI.K nesn r arj- beenxreducedito 5 te iniadvancecfortiie refittiieiiK.Aiirc.l.txrw of tie year. Leavsci' siciticiiiat the 1-.AVi. Hc'tidit n t nd.1. Riisiiaindeer. Doily oiiice cc with P. C. Meyer.,iU. of 14. Letters intl teleicroilic if regret cvi" Nestanixd. riad fromii manyiv lroiminent ouitin Gents' Specials in Colored Shoes, FOR A FEW MORE DAYS. Aul Gents' $60 09Siioes go at X5.39. Tiicce pricecsincleii every Ccicreti Aul Gens' $5.30. Shoescgc at $4.99. Siioe in theuse in Ruoxia, N ici anti Aul G(ens' $.00 Shocex go at .$4.49. Cainvas, in aii tile latest shades and AuI Genie' $4.i0OShussxgc at $3.49. tceo. Aul G'et' $3.090.Siicesgo at .$2.69. JACOBS & AL L MA NDWashington Bik troit, -wilice refiiiiit'i cthelii' (ii.O IsilitetT coe', coriler c it li lcnd i'asiiicnaw' icc'., ciontesdaiymorsnin, Mia tcuc 2, ircomc 9:I a. wc. to 1-2 i. rirdcuiicictonsiclcitiibIe aceticteci at. IN eg i e liii gati' for neIt 'iicrcs ' ci . eem wsi 'liccigic. WAi:itcI;II'RS. Assisl~ta 'cicicager. -S i irts, .A' S'I-DtENTiS, A'iTi'NTIOiN. IN Witto Fcedri'ec'ik Mains, Attoincy., areiprioper shapes and fit perfecily'. Ailin, IMi(i.,in. r ~tic i ocfrmicng Editor of todaiy's paper, 1W5IM, cci, csi' 1,Me xTo c iewpr c. Aimoctg thetai win'eil'ttrsfrocincMel- LI. 1. ((A\ti, '9S. Vi'lle' W. iFiller, ellief ,jutcec'cf clie :sup~remleICouirt cf the t'icciStaite's; Niext 'i'istiecay's gaxmceccvitii Chegponii. 'T'homias B. tte','i seaiker if thec wiiii iiib ntieri'i' t oeg iilii hli', landi.ihotuseof reprciese'nta~tivcs; tCoimaict'c wiii affrdti rl-iy sttucc'nt atndtbessiess lcricgi' 'i. lerry, cfi-New' York ; lion. ialan liii cicutciiiiy tc witiciss wiiii'T. Stc'r'intg ''c'ri't cc,- cit gr ctiticre.anit Judcgei'eorgiii. Tucrne'. otti los of timei, iinei'of tilet' gcmsllioAitt'i,.Y.'iiii. of liii sc'll'i, cud if liii''\'cilsiiy treislidt of tic' associcilion icc'csiclc'cl. wilns, tilt'iecicting' giameio'theii'"West- ern I 'hinlpicctielii.'' i'he thitd-anua bnqiiueiiiitocf tie' 'fist' ('icialgic tealli e'pi'it to tht'inl Pe'tinsctiat'Dta.ihclicilil nfs'o'iiriiy cciii ii'icd ct tile hIteciSiec'IaireSal- liii' icst cif cslpce,--the tdici'iieiiCi'tit'ctcc nigihi. Thei' iclctics cioiticeirs glilil ilontheir recilt 1Rcistci' ip n, wecceety ev oci i,ii.I tiii'long rest, cacidie kinowlic'cgt' of prtesidient; lFreticrick Wittolcn, rltc' wvihct iie game'miccns wvinlctut ticim lireidtent; tecitig 1'. tDurft'e, sectacy oi tilleir eisticloight tica i hilsi.1licasurte'; Wiii I,. Scirircc'cf icc- Meawhie te Wrsiy zen N-il c i 'ttd. antiJsc. A. Lehioy anicthe fi-'ed ce'iciof ticcthe niub iees o cf lt'ei've' tintt' Io work iiardt, 1 as iit Y eiv- itivce commsittee. dcc, and wiicn lt'egamle itscclldtiecy Ittcc Chas. AcFiltoni, tClgate I'lii body 'should ice thc're c'h'e'ri't he ilcm c'rsitv. 'h3.aedc'sl c tiostmcier. Thc'se were tile idiots: "'lie tcteai Ic victory.Deltia.',"tasicer C. (Gctec, Brocwn, Societies Eiect Officers. '81; "Rtemniscectes of Dhea '," TJudge AilliairdtM. tLiiliti'c.I aloil- '1'se' Atelcili Society iie'd its last toni, '69i; "De'ltai U. in Atthleiie's," tos. nc'eetislg ofthflii year Saturday night. A. Lettoy, ('-iciveuxify if Mic'iigani, A good pciograliii ccaixreiideredt, ineleici. fiG;"Fturiie of De'ltaiU's," lFr'cderickt ing tw nunbz's bTtheRrnshey., Williams', ,.88; "'flu'(Pci- Dig wit itnni'i' by lie insuiar Deltai -Upsiloii Clib," icrectirick (Slte, IBanjo inlManctolin Cltubc.lice ficliowing oficerti win' electect for Wititon, tiv ersity of 'Michigan, '89 fur next 5-tar: firesident, J. F. '.'honioi; i;cse prestilent, Mr.. Mc intAiteZ'a 'llt'.Aicc Creiy;secetay, Ir Talor reort Simafr'aternity-, held ifs lifthl annatul rireer, etII ars; mei'.e'ioicr;aringor. tbcc ,it tthe t'aidillai' Satusrtay i's, (. f. ax; enberofeteatnghtb. JolhsCabtingh Dties octeet board, . S . Lathes's. as toautmoacter, anrd the followicng 'L'he Allpha 'Nti Society chose the fol- toacts were reipoindeit to: "'The low-lug membeirci ai officers: Preci- rsmn'Osc ct iltse den, I. t. 'tcul vce crsidsi, dos"Our 'Pittire Greats,'' "Charles Htack- Nash; secretai'y, hiistGardnser; treax- leinmn Ewing; "Outr 'Lonle Lit.' " AWl-l uirer, F. Englehtardt;critic, 'Mr. Bi.r- wnDoisi; OrPts"Nr moister; Sibcyl editor,' S. TW. Sntittt. ... Ti Ms. er T.T5-; "c,l,,, . -,. .I is co partishipc'slic hlla cie'll cstab- lished-it ieiss. A e iiiiit'with ,toY ' cciii cftshree'atticrocyc iniltill-ct'local- ities. Viritei'tcoiii'.. FREDEt- I-gtCK StAI iS. Studettscwt-Iishave rilies they ccish cii'irt't 1111issto hinctitng calssgettile' (test andicth-eapccst wiuc-titdcne at the .t'gitx hindtery, co-cr tse Asnn Arbcor Sainigs blitk. t Gen'stle'teni-If youtswanst to sac-c stosntycit shite repaliritig casll on A. Lev'y, 31 N. Masins st., just elowticc-thes lust oftiti'. All cc-ormlirtst clatss. Light soles 50 cents, hetsvy cites 60cents. Satrdtay's gliic's sesuted-c:Illinouis, Tic; Wiseconsins. 4. lcit, i19; Likte F-'cre'stl. S.Browncs, i; "ile' 4. ('clii- 55lt'lilia, it;(c'tsuci, :9. ((siineli, 1its Iowta Stoic',hi. Locst-At U'niv'ersity Ioll lst ighlt ta pair ofclierat;glacsces. Findctr iplease' rettirtsto t31iE. Tiffersoss st. or fat- tssr's idrug store andtirececi'e ri'wa~rd. I wouslet likee to giv-e inistrtuctions in (Gerisias,it exchsange for insstruictions it Entglixsh costcersa)iicts. Caill at 55 thinlgey st. ft. Lutz,I'is. D. 171 L~ost--lKappa Kappla Caisa Sor- onlty key, set wviths pearls, ioivier's stasse on bade. Flnder r'etusrn to Ste- ward's office ansd receive reworxd. t LOS'T-Inth le ruon th ie athsletic filid Tuesdssy, iS~ay'26It. aD. K. E. fra- ternity pusl. IFinder is reqnested to leave tat D. K. E.lhotuse." Lost-A fiddell asid Scott's Greek Lexicon. Finsder please retnrn to Steward's office. Gentlenmen-If you htave any second- hand shxoes or clothes you woisis to sell, call at 33 N. Main st. 376 For PRent-A fnrnised Icosese. Ap- ply at 78 E. 'Washingtont st., between the hours of 1 and 4. 178 ]Baibrigan Underwear for Hot Weather. . WAGNER & C( FURNISHERS, 21 MAIN ST., - ANN ARSOR. Yes osghcttootutorsapast of r Kolored - Shoes, AND KEEP KOOL. ALL STYLES IN KALF ORIKiD. BEALS8100 6 N. MAIN ST. OPP. COURT HOUSE. 2d Semester.' UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF DANCING Opposite LAW building. TERMS $2 FOR THE REST OF THE YEAR. Subscribe for the Daily., Sixteen Inning Oam-ie at Harvard. The Princeton-tHarvard ganme on Hiolnmes Fiield Saturday wtas the long est gtame ever seen at Canstridg". It ctas west in the sixteenth inning by Princeton, (lie score staniding S to 0. Harvard secured five runs in the first inning and. Princeton obtained four in the fifth, tying the score by one run in the eighth. Each side scored -one run in the fourteenth, but Princeton won in the sixteenth bcy a brac in batting. Wise. Briggs Hice; "iOur Prsospects," Win. Tudor Apmoadoc; "'The Dignsity of the Sesiors," Alonzo Say Edgerton,. jr.; "Bcrotherly fLove," 'Wa'rrens Wesley Travis; "Stories of Alphatt.Zetti," Thomas M. Beuner, jr.; "Tcixt Love and Duly," Henry W. Conner; "Auf Wiederselcen," Angus hey Shiatnnon. The Phi Delta Phi Firaternity held its annual banquet Friday night. Subscribe for the Daily and get all the baseball nect:.. BIG SHOE, SALE Randall, Argard & Co. Shoe stock, Grand Rapids, Mich., sold to-us. 65c ON THE DOLLAR. Men's Hand Sected Rtussias $6.00, cut to $4.85 M~en's Hand Welt Rlussias, $5.50, cut 1o $4.25 Men's Dark ]Brown Russias, $4.00, cut to $2.98 Men's Pat. C F Bals Russias, $5.e0, cut to $3.85 GOODSPEED 0BROS fAI..