THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. ,MJC.HIGAN GL MI(X Your G1raduation Stilt The COAST LINE to MACKINACI Tiee Table (Revised) March 1, 1800. ______________________________-+$-T ETH4..e EAST. WEST. PM.Mall and Ex-.--350 Mail------ A8 We would like to make for you. We have the Goodhs, N. Y. Special.... 5 00 N. Y. Special.... 7 30 . .- Eastern Ex---.. 10 12 N. S. Limited...- 9 25 can siv you perfect fit anvd correct Stylec Besides we A. Ai. P. M. wve?. Atlantic Ex-.__7 30 Pacific Ex---12 15 cain an will savC von money. What more do von want'? D.N. Express.... 5 40 Western Es.-_-2 00 " ._=id G. R. Epress -__11 05 Chi. Nt. Ex .---10 02 G.R.Ex------5157 See Mr. Rose at the Cook house every Tuesday. 100 <, M AC KINAB 0. W. RUGGL~ES, H. W. HlAYES, Ptenlts G. . T At. Cicgo At.An Abo nw cotch P atterns, latest novelties, jtust opened. Suit DETROIT to order $20.00 and up. PETOSKEY " , CHICAGO I AiR.B7 d THE GOLDEN EAGLE CLOTHING CO, DETROIT.2 New SteeliPassenger Steamiers " ii-.-W^Costruction-Luxuios Equipmiet, Artistic ATT1 GADOPI.blUEF~. Punishing, Deceratieneand Edficient Service, AT TE GRND PER OUSE ow shall earn cnoiiih dulrleltinsuring the highest degree of RAILROAD. _ CrfIFORT, SPEED AND SAFETY. TeTbe Sa,0,Ol. Al. G. Field's n1gro 10 inslrci Co. the summer to carry me Foos Toes$ PRxWEEBEcoEEN NRHSOT. will appear at the Grandl Opera Rouse thronolh the winter? Write thse 64dDeri ndMcia *7:35ia. m 1e1 .I i . toniglht. This lis iositivcly Itie only PETOSKEY, THE SO0," MARQUETTE, '19:15 a. io. '11:30 a. m. ASS DULUTH. *s:2d peem. 1':11 p. sm. appeairane in this city of the famous Merchants' and Manu- LOW RATES ts Picturesue Mackinac an~d **95i p. so.*9:02 p. M. . Return. inluding Pleals and Berths. From, I~eo eyhtceTld n 1minsll s. All lovers of good she'0s . Cleveland, SiS; frsm Teleds, $S;llfrom Ve bsrgu ontlonliibtekweenvlTolegdoofthnd011)01. f acturers'Mutual Life trlst. 5o *eDaily sleeper-. between Toledo asd EVERY EVENIsG Franhfort.ttlit5 5ani see it. Asocatinof Ie-Between Dtotand Clevea *5Oally except Sesda y Isoibo, C u-Dtot~~vs W t. ti. BENTR REENWOCn, Agent ANN AItlOit 1. I. BU LLE.TtN. ConnectinegatCleveland with Eliest Trains WH.BN EG. P. A. Toledo 0. tol aea gnyt elfralpit sSuhadSuhetada p ^ D It~ats-s of one and onie-thmird farec ritk ae o s ell i oralpinsNrt n orhet ANN ARBOR & Y PSILANTI STg RY. the certifeate plan will be mlade for ILife Insurance that pleole Sunday Trp JuneJly, August andSeptember Only. Time Table, May 17. 18965. Chicago-Asociatioin of Nurserymnen, will buy, and you Can make Cleveland, Put=in-Bay 0 Toledo, allo 1.Cend lee Illustrated Psasphslet. Address Leave Ypsianti from Coegress st., 6:30. 8:00 June 10 o i. oney alslimmer. A. A. SCHANTZ, . a. A.. DETROnIr, eIOM, and 11:00 a. in.; 12:45, 2:00, :30, 5:00, 0:45, 8:110 ClevelandO.-Yv. 21. C. A. Seere- We frnih0tie5nost1)om.la14Ie Detroit & Clevetai~a Stearn Hy. I . Leave Asmn Arbor Jsnction, 7:00,85:30 end tmries, Jone 5 to 9. We________efurnishthemostpopular t1:30 a. in.; 1:1.5, 2:30,64:00, 5:30,7:15, 9:00 and 19:45 j).so. Cleveland, 0.-Master Plumbi~ers, forms ofLieIsrneothC am Op a ou , SUNDAY TIME. June to 5.ofLfInrnc th Op aH u Leave Ypsilanti from Congressest.,1:30,35:20,da inirluce Or 5.00, 6:30 end 9:00 p. .Esca~inabi, Mieii.-OHib:rnian Csuiven-1da at poulr rie. Ou Leaye Asn ArborJuneclen, 1:00,4d:00, 5:30, TtoilRSluYbeV,10. Cars run os city time Fare: sinlsetri15 Muskegon. SMis--Arbeiter B9uidiii iea.A-TUSA VM Y2 cet;round trip tichets 25 costs.. cet; WM. F. PARERtn, Sept Jukec 9 to 11. five, energetic men wanted. ST D N S~ Onlefilesfor rounid trip for Itic foi. drs heAscaioWi- AL.,G.FIELDF S L a l T T loig drsth Asoito, hi-If yes want coed reliable life isurance call tayVIdea-Cam~p Meeting alud As- ney HoeuseoBlkock. M IN , R en bred T M~cOmber, ollice No. 1, S.5 Opera Fut v.snby uy7t 0 pCiiego-0)eioeraotic Nationali Coni- ( n' 50 Artists on thie stage. The. Bicycle .Rzepairing. venti-n, nly o(.A .Saiing @ DrhS la rgest negro mnsrlc1a Iltioi, : 00 i. fi 51pany in the worldi. St. ILouis, Mho.-IteiioblicaiiNationalh - . >-. "The N )meIs a Coar- nnn la I tn7 !, sss Ri. C Bicycles Enameled and all kinds of machine woek. HUNTER F.BROS.. No. 9 East Libserty St. RENTSCHLER, PHOTOCP.A PHER!. A'NN ARBOR. MICH. Jst Received a Large and Elegant ALine of New Pipes! Hot Lunches, Chocolates and Bon Bons. R. B. J O LLY & C O. lOS. State SE., Sager Block. RANDALL Photographer 15 Washington Block. Closing Out We have left a fair stock of all sorts of --WRITING TABLETS which can be closed out as follows : MAMMOTH 200 PAGE TABLET, 5 GOOD RULED TABLETS, 100 PP.3 FOR IOC GOOD WRITING TABLET, 8 C CRANE LINEN TABLET, - 15C BEST CRANE LINEN lABLET,- 350 WRITING PAPER BY THE QUIRE OR LB. This stock will not be replaced. Comne quick for first choice. Argue Printing House. Coniventioni, Julie 12 to 1.. W9asingtoni, 1). C. -Y. P. S. C. E. Convenmtion. I. S.,GI\Iai-N\VOtD, Agt. Before deciding oii your Summl~ler Outinig. ciisiiit the "F-our-Track Series," itie Yew York Ceintral's beaul~tifuli toioks of travel. Illulstraoted Cataloguie00117 free, post- ipaid, oni receipt of a two-cent stnup, by George II. Daniels, Gleneral 1'as- senger Agint, Gramnd Central Station, New York. Funrnishmed House 10 rent for two mionthis begining Jolly 1, excellenmt location for those desiring to keep a boarding and lodginig house during the sunmmmer school. Apply or address IS S. Unhiversity ave., opp. campus. Lost--A Kappa Kappa Gammina Sor- ority key, set with pearls, owneros nanie on back. Finder return to Ste- ward's office and receive reward.t LOST-In the rush 0n tile athletic field Tuesday, ftay 281, a 1D. IK. 1.,Cfra- ternity pill. Finder is requested to leave at D. K. E. house. Lost-A Liddell anid Scott's Greek Lexicon. Finder please return to Steward's office. For Rent--A furnisbed. house. Ap- ply at 78 N. Washlilgton s7., between the hours of 1 and 4. 178 Gentlemen-If you have any second- hand shoes or clothes you wish to eell, call a t 31 N. lain ft. 17t6 Subscribe fr the Denyv. Summer Law Lectures, Ulniv. of Virginia, July 1 to Sepe. 1, 1855. For students sand practitioners. 27th year. For catalogue,ad -dress 19. 0. Charlottesvllhe. Va.) R. C. MINOR. Secretary. ./?Z-5 mtee" tha:t the article 'gearin:g it is the best = m. rduced. OZsnlfors m .ud Supplies of every { fj t escription for Base. hull. Tesnis Glf, '- Seed ior hsidsssme ._. llustrated Catalo tee. The Arme of sPerfectiona- THE SPALDING BICYCLE FOR '96, A. G. SPALDING & BROS., Nesw York, Chieago, Fbiladelpls.a Largest Manuftu-rers ofB icycles asd Aths- ilee oode ie time world. Spaldimrs Oficiail hioSebll Gu Ciide foreIO;~ - SUMMER NOVELTIES, Waist Seths, Silk asnd Leathmer Blts, Silk Umisellis,"U. of M." Pius, Steins. WM. ARNOLD'S JEWELRif STORE. TRADEvnIaPA KEi e Purest and heot Soda in tlilseity. I: eels: s' sO 9 , i l -- Home made and fresih candies. aeauto .'. lae0.s 7, see IFruits is season. tGivo us a cell °2 .w o f,,E sand he well treated. Cor.° St-ste ;s~.9. °''4 and N. Uniiversity ave. sus:1, i 190 S. STATE The Onlg Sleeping Gar Line between To-1 T P& Co;STREET..+ -+ eds end Golumbus. Call on them for The Onlg Sleeping or Drawi-ng Roons Gar Fine Lunches,lMacbte ToeoClubs.n Fine Chocolates, The Onlg Drawing Room Ear Line between and Baked Goods. Tnledo, Ilolumsbus aod Charlesten, Try Our Lunches. W. Va. Pullman Sleepers between 'Golumbus and Chicago. nAGT rFrn CATERER, THE ONLY LINE swllh 4 trsas each wnysdnily HANGSTEaing.- etwenOoldoa e Col wayuen 29HE WauYiagNEt e iths8eains eaclumbus. _______Sundaysbetween__Toledo____Celuseben. THEKINERGRTE Bil~lRD AIL between Toledo, Bowling csmeayanid THE KINERGARTE BILLIAD HALL THE ONLY LINE wilth 2 traiss esah~db THE ONLY DIRECT LENS beis etween Tlg RAILROAD TICKET BROKERS bTwenPPLARlId n ,T and Iltheigins. MONEY TO LOAN ON PEESON0AL. ria, BueyrusGransville andsewark. PROPERTY. Fell lnformation relative Is raise.,ttine oc traine, ale., wililbbe ceerfully funiebeAbaW Wholesale Cigars, Tobaccos asd Cgaretteus.Agent o te OiolCentral Linea. MOULTON 11OUK. 0. P. A.. Subscribe for the Daily. TOLEDaO, o rno