the tt. of VOL. VI. No. 174. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, W EDNESDAY, MAY 27, 1696. Fount PAGES-3 (CENTS. I - '99 AM GETS CHAMPIONSIP1 . !; L 5=_ ______41 I5 1 ARRANGEMENT "IS CONCLUDED WeM s D v . t onos r f-----4 2 1 0 0 0__ We ±vus~ uOVC o01(, 211 -4----2------ 1 The store we now occupy bos 11 Final Game Played Off in2 Inter- Ktot k ve. ------ 1 1 5ts Tickets on Sale for Saturday's 1INI been sold. We most seek new I islhop. 3b------- 4 0 0 3:01 quoarters. Class Series. lloyd, lb_________40 S Game at D~etroit. _Totals - 71714 15__ We Must l os out1 1 204 2(17 56 1, 1s 1 o lc f sc st'1 - 0105 N Thise yeartos issler-class loso-Ioli 's9M ---------o0 1 2 0 0 2 4 is--1ilAt l' the '1'littofthes'Atllsetic- ' Bicycles.o eVresO whch f10tltctampi~onshlli hstos 0111'o1)the fro'slt Earned runs-'9905. 2. T'b1' hsselits-('ossIBoadj lst n ight filial arnelet will sell toods if low prices ~ot o'l(i iss ots eus s-don, Ap"1te1tc'oli c Esar st .01leo blo~s- { fl moan anything to buyers 1111 edcl ls, 1 W ea e selE.-3, 1l1olsy 2, ooley 2,. (ierh '?2, (twn. iWeretmladeiSfor the Deltroil: -.sine tet I toubsle play-Abt-e ,ecn and 1NI lsoss.Ba-csoos f g~f lUES 10 faed te fr'eshmllens oftsf1he l iterary2 balls-O] i [ 1 , ottil i'sIet s tr ls-iss . By 'S trday2. i EN NApe nv ;se ells 2 inse 2:',0. sAttensdance o Xll50 I-isol10 IS EASBUINS tjde'ptmntbltyesterdaoyfby at score'of -1300. Umpire-t roes. roseilecrintan ilb If you Iwantl.t in i nsls" tese111oertle f('ian(elta, ev mscliteicesouroseprices this il 101to7. 'fts'eltlterrboh oltst- 96 Ctass Day Committees. ltoe ie2i-,gll0'l~-d et' p lase~ fsy'e 211 sslsled hy theis' pollt- - l ~ 2)i.11. 2 1 0sIIsley. THE ANN ARBOR ORGAN CO, t esl.otisfl iedrsvefoIstI The sola cl a 1 115sslmet eslesohl- tllrsrtsl2fsltesitt7111 i S. MAIN ST'. game d11 tidi sot (c110' until ftler lt-e11111 ratified 1111' ac-tio51 1f tillco10-11-'2. 11.m'fie roun(d t'llp inludsintg BUBN-HUR BICYCLES. f tsevenlf t itlg. tite 11 11'l it t ril~iltt' llIiO o t he abI le~~t, sifw eill 51:J). Bu! ~Theite ltffreshment aesI the lirtcontrattfot' a portaitof Prtof.Kntoow--Thte'lwain gras-5 ltdsi 1110e)ll5 re- Sdlotlo tess-ey- Ies, of Dt'roit. Prolf. srots lt he Ies fts' lli Jon_________________________f_ irotsst untitillesec~ltiondiwhenWehle'reladthl'ces ae e relached fBltotnOttltt trror, 00111ntItllilhidKnIow-lt ovwettto Dtros-it i'SaturdayI p)5'lacdottnss'e aII Wrig-Il, Kay ' o'2. flte at o asel blo ndcosed Ite p to ilfss lt 1i-tll'1111 vlioi soi's y'OIf' tole. T'f ii eil'forl' these Its a [eI~Iael5 ~I~lllfOr i ls'Ieck os- tilttihe11'po~rtrait i5 lilt- s'atoswill bI'10 cet-s. 'hillnslt e 1 1111 htts- to'tl fis s'' isileli. 5r1a1d oStnlI 51 la 1u s sat , 1111tthe ilt'l'51'firsttitlo 151Itlssierr'or.llill 1-i-Illthostis-bills'-oslitetsrrtree in the season, but we fSolts erets'retired It irst. Jsos 'h rsnaino 11 otat orgt adsd ilb re to first, latd the I:) '. C.ssred iselorele bIlls' ball''ttg fifssscosrs-ffedlllf'l lbeforsifeo ll tithleIs is'irsliti a111ffng00f isereaslswlllbecll1d5 slgllS Iil be tllltlttolfh I ohs 511nisis' rtnl frt1 o' het'. llii'n iO sssssn to sciooses' , I tl'ttl ft hf clls ad1 sss i tllnd lithe 1' oo'y iflise $2 fsot',I sinle ~ ~ 11 ilili ot ahos OB to llmike thfis' enl't'tionilt. busggy still$2 io'anhttfintg over. a Ipsosedi hff stll si so.i l hrssow. T eVefoll owffling fhav'e'be's'n cihssen ss s o thol ti amsiwilslrhf sop latthil 11155'f fite ithLles' aisors''s. comtlftes'sfor class tbayad otisi - hiouse, the ('lsirosse1a51 irriv'ing W i"0leicll'lte sxe'riss:IfosIte ast Iridasy e'einsgso-fills Alh f ter secetiitg a isase listbillfs s' 1111111 fijI ~~~('sssss'srsleslet InvihltItion01111rot'ts-hss Xas'siy soilgo foownsioill'teaffy IIIFI~ stofe seconds, reatched thsirsd sinVs'sll- .gitl-t'ave'rt, Watit, Rolsentbaumll He'JU~iJ s shnlefcandsc tt1'ioi 0 fiiO'i sry511 1 Dr'ot.waistSaturd-lay itisriig.Th'Illihi-- baltl. Vseiii'l stosle seond and 11011ored Arrangementl'ltto andfil ilnteamtilill oulgsto the gros'sliin ta -on hand and. most respect' oil I~trEosn's hit. soln, linig, I{,ggleston, Siriialoil,hsuss secorsited ovihlti'y'llowv11111 ilfie fully solicit your patron- 'fite mlediclin tte secnresd fouor ll'e Shos . lohti lg andi Caopaiedl iys ts-eir mascsott p Reitcieep-'11,ilonyliiOt. N .dtit ttion A.J.fI'ti, gat, itthlliI I f st i ag oakietlep s si ' e st winy-h 'Se I'e47 \jJ.Smit, Ham lenMartidale fo'f i glfesandsiio ohtaltwoi a ger. Decoritf i ns --ool'' , J.inge . -is isg gita spe' iaiil excrhis'ion mayg-tbe E. HuronStreet. tissinnintg, . ,('ondontsoring. Msiirtssst, Stater', V'ert, twood- Centasif flr thss'benefit of tull Ci-sago E.________Huron______________Stretet.soer issedt '52 s'nworths,tBlock. sitets, 11011it ho exiles-ti-fdithat1 Ift'ttihlI-ttlol1lt'hltl' W. If1. Ass- lis t 210 "rooters"'soill take titloan- IDP R A TN TC .score itt the eightth,. Kieth ibeing touch- ssrot-isttts ittsC~soa -1lg fttsosoet ed up~ for six singfl's ansi tootwo- Iasdes'. 11 G. H. WIL, The Leading Tailor, ,and only direct Importer in the city, "has just received his entire stock of Foreign and Domestic Woolens for Spring and Summer '96, at 10, 2 E, WASHINGTON ST. NEAR MAIN, leafS Dress (Suits a Specialty. Special Sale. Baseball Supplies, Lawn Tennis Rackets, Lawn Tennis Supplies, Sporting Goods of revery description. 'SEE OUR STOCK AND. PRICES Wm AH R'S. Up Town, Dews Tows, tUnIversIty Bookstors, Opposite Courtlinue 205S. State St. 4N. Main St. flosfilts, The tmetdicaliine owaivssd thseir psant of thte nisithlininig anid Ape-f pitchted toositiningn oithtositti rest. Tis snahled te literary fresil- imeit to ohtain fiv'e rtsns. '4'he "rooteirs" of the freshmanslltlit- erary class rafliedi arounssd a yellowo sn loth hie'91) hannler tduring teiii'glet' As soon astoeIllslst mnan ovos ot this itieshi-al stutdents shorts-siacross ths dhinosid to cap~tur'sthtsbanner anti .a genes-al scrimmiage iesolted. Tsesban- tier ovas tsrn dowin hy aitmsdical fri-sit- man, hot was recovered hy '1)11i. It ovas finally recaplturedi hy 91) 12, itow- ever, asid loris op ilosmtall fliees owhichl oere dsteribmnted sfo uveenirs aitong te freshmn of the medical Memorial Day Exercises. 1s'nsorial Dafy exerciososill heefield itt Uivoersity Itoh, hSaiturdiay sevening. 'flhe folloswintg programlt soill he tat- ried otit: Coluaesn Organs------Ps-of. A. A. Stanley Mtuskc. Ciolumbiaste Gem of the Oests,.,.......- MishLuey IK. Cats,, isd ChildrensCthorus Scripture anid Prayer_,-er. J. 55. Bradshaw Music. Corer thna oveseith BeautifulFlowssers- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - iss Cletsand thildren's Chorus Address-----------e. J. H. Ktdd, Ioeta Mlustc. Aaerica,-__-iss Cole and C'il~dre's Chorus in which te Congregation will join. Oeeedictio,..---.----- Be., J. .Bradshtawl Spring Tennis Tournament. Yesterday aftenoonothis spring tso- nsis torntament svas opeined Isy two natehes, bsotht in the flrst noons. Dali- fsrth won from Wtrrlnnr 6-0, 7-5, ansi Alexander heat Hlarvey ft-, 7-5. The coorts ars iii good condition ansi tile games will he continoed every day, Field Day Postponed. The 'Varsity field day will not he held tomorrow as announced, hot has been pi tponed till Thursday, June 4. 'fiicets hily 1be seuresi ftroms1112 fztflisrs of lt'eAthlticihBsordatsitell Daily office, of Sitd VW. Millard,. ash at thf ischiiigani Central depsot. Chicago.l15; Penn 10, Chticagowosn Mondtiy's ganstes'ftIhe-ir easteris trill, defeating Petnnssylva'iea 25 to 10.'They outbhatted thir op.- pon~fent s anldlhsd no trosuhle in ftidsiing O'Dosnell. The score: 1 2 3i4 5 0 7 StI9i Ciciago-..0 02 1 1 34 5)0 6--15 Pennsylvania ..~0 0 1 0 3 0 0 2 4-10) Ilits--Chircago, 24; Pennsylvantia, 21. E~rrors-Chticago, G; Pennsylvanisa, 7r, E~arned ross-Cicasgo, 6; 'snnsyl- vaioa, 2. Three-haso 'Itits-Grey, Jones, Winston, Ahells. Hoime rons- Wilhelnm, iNiefioso Wise Unsiversity of Wl'isconsin hall team hsave returned frein their East- ern trip in good sfhape, hut withi their spirits cosnsiderably hort. They only ovon two games o01 of seven, hot say that hard lock was, responsible for at least three of the defeats. department. The score: '99 M. ARB e on PO A A pe , p----------------6 1 03 1 0 Lakey,Ib---------------23 4 5 6 5 lMehisp, lb -,,.-.,,-.___ 1 2 2ho3 Wehrle, c--------5 .4.0 1 22 M cE ran ,ff-------5 2 a 1. 15 Kely, c f--------------4 0 0 0 5 Cnava,s....,......d I4 0 1 1 3 eynolds, r f-----5 i1 2 0 0 Wilson, 3hb--- --- ------5 2 1 1 3i 1 Totfals---- ..--.402 16 Id14 7 t5 -99' ABR R 11PO50A Jones, if.-------- -5 1 0 I3 5 E 0j 1, 0