T11L1 UNIV :RSlTY OF' MICHIGAN DAILY. Highest Tribute Ever Paid to a Bicycle New York, March 25th, 1896. Mr.W. C. awley, Sec. Jersey CityY.M.C.A. The National Board of Trade of Cycle Mnafacturers hereby sanctions a plic e- bibition of cycles, accessories and sundries, at the Y. M. C. A., March 27th and 28th. Thin nncion is granted ono the cxpress under- standing that no ehiition of VICTOR BICYCLES will be permitted. Tons tesy, R. L. COLEMAN, President. WHY are the members of the of Trade AFRAID to exhibit their swheels with VICTORS? BECAUSE VICTORS Cost more to bui, Are made of better material. Shos e btter workmanship, En easier and wear longr, Are orth morn than other ticyces. WHY NOT RIDE THE BEST? OVERMAN WHEEL CO New York. Boston. Detroit. Denver. San Francisco. Los Angeles. Portland, Ore. Designer amd maer of fine foot wear. Bot place fot- repairing. JOHN WOTZKE, 43 S. MAIN ST, UP STAIRS. FIRST NATIONAL BANK. OP ANN ARBOR. Oraizd 13. Capital, 510,000. Surplu and Prefits, $0,000 Transats a geecral bning bustnes. Preigen echanes bought and sold. Frish letters of redit. P. BACH Pes. S. W. CLALISON. Cahier. THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK Capital Stok, 50,00. urpls, 10,000. Resources, $1,100,000. Organzed undr the General Banking Lawn of thin State. Receives deposits, keya and sells echange on the principal cite af the Uitated State. Draft cashed upon proper identfication. Safety deposit ous to rnet. OFICEnS: Chritan BMact Pre.; 3W. . Harriman, Vie-Pes. Chas E. Hislcock, Cashier: Ml. J. rice Ansitat Cashier. Lowney's Chocolates. Hot Lunches. TUTTLE'S, 48 S. State St. THE FINEST LINE OF BICYCLES, SUNDRIES AND SUPPLIES. BICYCLE SUITS, BICYCLE SHOES. Evrythin.. inthe Bicycle MIJE lieRSat MSTR RSCycle Emprim, 1 W.Washington t. HYGIENIC=- 0.ARDING -=HOUSE. tocnted slf ac lock from tniercsity grounds. Undecr ness mans-gemest and withe thvie oi, acc ceommcodatieng asypersonc aplyleecfor bocarcd. Wearc- s-aced cf coocd sprinee astroccage. Siceecccur capacity is linited apply at aosce or call at it Mlayncard at., sext to Sdcool of Basic. F. J. RENNINGS, G. W. PRINGLE, PROPRIETORS YOU' WILL SOON NEED A runk or Traveling 'ag l,,rg~est assortmienit in the city. Buy it at T eufel's arness Sho0p, 45'S. Main St. MOORE & WETMORE 6 S, Main andiS. State St. Corner of Willearn Invctce your attentcon to their lane of LAWN TENNIS GOODS, We keep the celebcrated Ashbty Bacquets, strictly bhxhgccrude ct caless rice cletan other racquets sleet are rca better; also nice Talisan, Oxfccrd and Barvard for rceaper eacques. Try lice scw Tennis Hall, tice Slazener, GUARANTEED TO GIVE SATISFACTION. Also Baseball Coeds and Hammocks. lyve ollars for One Guiiess lessons in dancing will Ice given by Mr. or Mfrs. Ross (Gratnger at May seem a big amount, but if you get a pair of their aeademny sring May anid HANA SHES ou wll ot ave o gess June. Programn evenings, Tuea- HAA HEyouwl o aet us day and Saturday. again. You will always know what to ask for. Come and see them anyway. ( 0 PACK UPI= GE C.4 S HK""IGRTSE,0800 S. STATE I Your winterclosthees in - II R SY STEE. (amphcor, rTrCampil- STRET. ~ leoe, orT at (amphor Agent for Mayhew, of Grand Rapids. Papler ad keep out the neiotlis. .} UST OUT! PALMER'S PHARMACY. U1JnVicSaI C~andllypRwr'itcrS 1)8.3 a . 14 #pe ~,cgensW ed Evcaeryhee Sened fr C atalogs._______________ 4 r"' CRASODALL MACHINt CO.. tGlOTON N iI~ ak0)S r 6 rawyIc ok 0 .SlW. Ct . .-g --c.. G U -thd XfdTYT A ''XTIT V0- ' yMixed Nuts--- --- ----------------------l0cperpound Fane; Fancy Mixed Nus--------------1lbsfor $1 Fancy Virginia Peanuts--------------------0ceper pound Fancy Virginia Peanuts----------------12 lbs for $1 DEAN & COUM PANY". 44 South Main Street. UNIVERSITY NOTES. A eceting oef tics .thlctic IBocard will bc- eeldltoinighct. Harevard's eVielt tourneamenlt n-as playced off lcst weei. Amcovceenet is econcot atlccrvcied to lhave ccps aicctgownes of cess rctl- Siceher,.ther:Illietois thcired bcasema, eshlile pclayineg iti yestercass gamese rce- ceiveel a aeleg-rcsee cannountcig the deecth of a reltive. Ois pcace-Was takc-e en y Scoce. Prof. Watlkcer edelivered a lecteure tee cconeStiinlg Inventions" last siglt in the tan lectuartesoomte tfoe aargceg aueince. Prof. Walker f~iiloece lis lecteeres otspactenlt lcaw yesercday. Iron. Martin A. Knapcp, conemiission- cr of the Ieter-State Cccmmeeission, will lecttare intehe Lasy Lectuere tioomteto- morrow evenineg at S oclock, seubject "Some Pleases of the Rilroaed Prob- lema." Persons desirinag to reserve' seats itn thte grantd standc for tier Decorettiotn D~ay game eats do so bey vriting to str. Jewett, cere of Wrighet, Kay & Co., IDetroit. Thaese tickets will be lecldl tp to Satuerdaey amen, of Meay ..0. The "Story of a Big Mow,' is she leatding of a six columnn article its Sundays Chicago Chiroile. ihe ar- tinle is a aort of letstorical constance, andt gives anise of thae facto of thae recent Preshant-Sophoosre agitation. ande a great detal more. fluts: ace givens of M. B. Snow, '9 'before and a! ter shingling,"Olin Alphma Delta Phi, tetel Ps;i I-psilonesc-haptcctectses, t-I (leciegers eanc-eincemtay. ANN AlRBtORlk I. It. BULLtETIN. Dates (of onie feire for the roundsse trite will lee sccaee toe aney plnt stethee Anil. Arbores Roaed DecortatioenDtay, Maty "It. Tickets limcited to flee osne-dey only It. S. GIii\;WO(=)D, Agent. Before deciding on youre Suemmter-Outtieg, consuslt Olin "FourTreeck Series," thee Yew Yorek Cents-al's tbeeatifuel boo~ks of teas-el. Illuestratred tCataloguee sent free, psost- paei, one recipot of a two-cemit stamip, by George It. iDantiels, tieteerl Pas- sengt-r Agent, Grated Central Station, New York. bFoer1esit--A funmished hosens. Ap- ply at 78 E. Washeingtontsat., betw-ecu the houtes of 1 ated 4. 178 f Messrs. Wright, Kay & Co., of De- troit, besides being Olin largest mnt- nfacturers of fraternity badges in thee Uited States, aee headqluarters for fraternity benches, book tmarks, belts, hon hon boxes, bag tags, cattes, fobs, glove fasteners, glove msenders, glove buttoners, garter buckles, sockets, silver lorgnette chents, silver lockets, silver hearts, teenuthols, tuemorable day tablets, memuoratndum tablets, tmatcha safes, necktie holders, pipes. pocket piececs, paper clips, paper cut- ters, rules, spoons, statmp boxes, run dials, sleeve links, umbrella clasps, vinagrettes, stationery, crests, mno- grams, etc., etc. "cViking AND H ummner." GOLF AND IBICYCL.E SUITS. Are up to date and a little be- yond. 1~5 Main St. SPECIAL. DITETAS & SCHANZ sell Soles and Pants at prices to suit everybody; we also do repairing, iclening asd pressineg. ort called for and de~ivered. No. 46 S. Stale st., second fooar. ®M. MARTIN, Funeral Directur, Cloth . n etallie Caskets and Fine Crude Coffins;. Embalming a Specially. Na. 17 5. Fourth ave. UF OPM. SHAYING PARLOR and Bath- roums, All appointments first glans. Imported and domesie cigars. Ladles' artis- tic hair dressing and. batheiag parlurs. J. R. Trojaaowski 305S. Slate at. ~THEN TOUl WANT yuur elothes eleaned ~pressed, relsed or rehound galso Mrs Fingerle, over Sheeans bout stare. Late- oratory aprons made Is order p Ar A ,ANE W COLLARJ