THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. MICHIGAN GEIFIAL Time Table (Revised) Miarch 1, 1896. Mall and Ex --35 al......... 118 Mal - 38 N. Y. Special---. 5 00 N. Y.LSpecial.... 7 10 Eastern Ma-...10 12 N. S. imited.-. 9 21 Atlantic Es-._7 311 Pacific Es-____12 15 D.N.Express---- 5 40 Western Na- ....20 G1. R. Express _-_11 05 Ch1. Nt. Es-___10 12 G.R.Es-1--52 o. W. RUIOLES, H. W. HAYES, G.P. & T Agt~ ClcagS. Agl. Ann Arbor RAILROAD. Time Table MaiA 17, 1890. -7:35 a. in. -"7:1 a. M. +9:15 a. m. 11:30 a. m. xt:24pm in tA:11p. m. *-91:55 p.m. -98:02 p. in. (OSudoy only between Toledo osnd Ham- bsssg Jonctio. 05Dal ly sleepers between Toledo and Franskfort. "Dsaily except Sunday R. 53. GREENWOOD, Agent W. H. BENNETT G. P. A. Toledo . ANN ARDOR & YPSILANTI ST. RY. Time Table, Nay 17, 1896. Leave Ypsilanti from Congress St., :30. :00 and 11:00 a.mi.; 12:45, 2:00, 3:10, 5:00, 0:45, 0:30 and O0:I5 Leave Ann Arbor Junction, 7:1), 8:30 ard 11:310 a. in.; 1:15, 2:35,4:001, 5:30,7:15, 1:43 and 10:411 p. m. SUNDAY TIMIE, Leave Ypsilanti from Congress St., 1:3, 3:30, :00, 6:30and 9:00 -.m Leave Ann Arbor Junction, :00, 4:00, 5:30, 7:OD and 9:30 p.i. Cars run oo city time Fore: single tip 15 cents: round trip tickets 25 ceots. cl WM. F. PARKERo, Sopt on bred T1 Mc~mbecr, office No. 1, S. Fourtb aoc. Bicycle Repairing, Bicycles Enameled and all kinds of machine work. HUTNTER BROS.. No. 9 East Libserty St. RENTSCHLER, PHOTOCnd&PHEP.T S ANX ARBOR. MICH. Just Rieceied a Large and Elegant Line of New P2ipes!? Hot Lunches, Chocolates and Bon Bonn. R. E. JOLLY & CO. 200S. State St., Sager Block. RANDALL Photographer 16 Washington Block. Closing out We have left a fair stock of all sorts of = - WRITING TABLETS which can be closed out as follows: MAMMOTH 200 PAGE TABLET, 5C GOOD RULED TABLETS, 100 PP. 3 FOR DOC GOOD WHITING TABLET, - BC CRANE LINEN TABLET, - -15C BEST CRANE LINEN TABLET, - 35C WRITING PAPER BY THE QUIRE DR LB.' This stock will not be replaced.. Come quick for first choice. Argu s Printing, House. Your Graduation Suit We wouid like tD make for yDu. We h ave thicGodsl-, caD givo yDu perfect fit 11n(1correct style. Be~sides we Cin an I!xil save yoti Imoy. What morC dDo Dou want' See Mr. Rose at the Cook RoDse e very TuCsda~y. 100 new Scotch Pattorns, iiitest noDvelties, jeist opeined. Sulit- tD order t$20.00 land up. THE GOLDEN EAGLE CLOTHING CO., DETROIT, i Tbs, i1 y2(6, 4:25-Final (g1m1,ini ~- initer-(110s cloimpiossip s(ries. ~>- This., Ma:y 28 'V11arsi toild day. B c ce Sa1t., flay 30-'Varsity vs. Cicaogo lit Deitroit. Moliday-, Jisnet - So llonoe-h reshl-1 man11 lctra c et atalt-i- feld, at~ 'Tues., June -2i roil(y vs. North-1 westersi it Ann Artbor.t Sat.,.JTns --(iVarsity vs. Toronlto -Univesrsity -it Ann Arbor. Ta lt 4V'e1., Jsune 30-, Vol-ily vs. Detroit 4Weistern Lague(-at. AiiiiArbor. Sait.,hJsneo13- 'Valrsity vs.01b11li1 it Oberlisn. Genltleme-If yousi ivisi ae t.. onSee t1r. 1001ey5 011slit- repiing scialon fh everyhr u Levy, )1. N. 1l1in 51., ju1st below tih- lost office. All work: fiot cs. Light soles 50 cents, heavy oiie,, 60(ellis. If youalrc in need of anytin init the line of sportinag goods slnd iwant it chieap, call lit tile Daily office. WAGNER & CO., AGENTS, Athletic goods wasted? Will the 21______ S.________AIN. _____ Victor Atleitic gods are sold at th~e Daily office at a good discosunt. 9. Gl Spalding & Bros, Do younsit a new 10i11 grad- lbi- "The Name ts a Goar- ,4~se"ltttheOtt eicle cyce at lagents price'? Ctill :it Daily :. etrelg itis 1ti0eliest offie. \Z.I ti(0u13d. VUnirm,, r tl leeipihoni foe 1i se- Do you wvant a Victor bausebiall suit b ai. tr, tens (Golf. it a gooil discosint? Then caill at thie f5d ien otteat dslome Daily office. Thle Ates e r -ion- rTlis taily for the rest of ihe year THE SPAL DING BICYCLE FOR '96, for 75e. A. G. SPALDING & BROS.,{ HAN OSTERFERI RE g Nest York, Ccago~ , P1rlaslrpli, _________________________Ltrgest M:anfaciuierx of nBicyclesansd Atih- ltic Goods i teworld. Smmer Low Lectosres, Univ. of Virginia,.Spaldings OffecaalIBaseball idoitfor 1010 July 11 00 Sept. 1, l9t. For students. and contins 52211pg:oticf recnding mat:te ad 40 practitioners. 27th year. Foe catalogue, ad- pagse of hla-tonte pictaees, Iite ladin, allth(e dress 1P. 0. Charlottesville. Vs.: Nationa:l Leaguse teaims, mnor~i letigocetim- R. C. MILNOR, Secretary. 41pions, college teaims titid old-time players; thte SciswPlaytng Ku;off:ibial:avereages of allegue andl eollegeclebb..Prielo, 10 cents. Ilow shall I earn enough during the summer to carry me BUFFALO MEAD throug-h the winter? Write the The corner stalid has the new, Merchants' and Manu- drink oii 0013. Everybody shsould try it. Cool and refreshing. Par- facturers'Mutual Life ker's soda water and honidemaude candy. Cot. State and N. Univer- Association, of De- sity ave. Glive him a call, troit, take an a(-ency to sell: fllP 2 26l t S. STATE' r tuvi w C01 STREET. + + Life Insurance that people Call o them for will buy, and you can mnake Fine Lunches, Fine Chocolates, Money all summer. and Baked Goods. We furnish the most popular Try Our Lunches. forms of Life Insurance of the. d S m e t r day at popular prices. Our UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF DANCING; commf.isions are liberal. Ac- Opposite LAW building. tive, energetic men wanted. TERMS $2 FOR THE REST OF THE YEAR. Address the Association, Whit. How can1 I keep up with the times ney Opera House Block, for 753c. , subsesribe for the Daily. the COAST LINE* to MACKINACt -- --a,--lTA K ET H E . x~-°o- Q MACKINAC DETROIT PETOSKEY CHICAGO 2 Ncw Steel Passenger Steamers The Gireatest Perfection yet saied in Boat Construction-LuxurioausLEquipmsent, Artistic Furnishing, Dmcoratin and Esficient Service insurtingitekhighest degree of COM1FORT, SPEED AND SAFETY. Toledo, Detroit and Mackinac PETOSKt7, "THtESOO,"MAOOOLTTI, LOW RATES tn Pictnresque Mincktnac and' Rletun.isinding fleuls End Berths. Frnm Cleveland, $18:frm Toledo, $j5! fronm Dn- toit, 5s,.5o. EVtnY EVtNING SBetween Detroit and Cleveland Coonectngat Clevrlasd with ltort sITeaits forl poits asitSlotadkonilis et and at Detri~tlforall poitsothiassd Ntwstm. SnndayhTrips ue,July, Augustnd September Only. 10107 DAY BtTWEEN Cleveland, Put=in=Bay ~t Toledo, Send bar Illustrated Pamphlet. Address A. A. nOHANTZ . E. .A.. DETOIv, MICa.. IAAe Detroi & Cievela~g 3teanj Nov. Go. Craud1 Opera. ouse. THURSDAY EVE, MAY 28 AL. G. FIELD'S MINSTRELS 5l0 Artists on the stage. The largest negro ininlistrel coni- pany ini the worlth. PRICES, 35C5 50C; AND 75C. SUMMER NOVELTIES, _ waist Sols, Silk andLth~ler IBelts, Sulk Umbellos, 0"U, of Al."laths, Stemns. IWM .ARNO1fn"R JEWELR(STORE, ,Pe n "gi. ov Tat Only Sleeping G~ar Line between Tn- lids aod Cluimaus. Tae Only Sleeping or Drawing Resin Car: Line between Toledo, Clumnbus and Mlarietta. Tae Only Drawing Room Car Line aetween Toledo,tCslumbaundnSCharleston, W. Va. (PulmanSleepers Ibetween Colnmns and Chlao. TEE ONLY LINE wita 4 train es e wy daily between Toledoanod Caolmbs. THE ONLY LINM wita 8 train s ech way on Sundnys betweensToleo and Colnumbos. THM ONLY LINM with bans each way dily beiwers Toledo, Bowling Oreen and Fiodlay. TEE ONLY LINE with 2Etrinsoeach waysdaily between Toledoansd Charleston, W. Va. THE ONLY DIRECT LIE between Tolae and thse Virgnia. TEE POPUTLARC LINMEIbetween Toledo, Fosto. rias, Eucyrus. Granvilleoand Newrk. Foll informiation relative to eates. time of traino, ste., will he eheerfully furnshed byanW Agent sof heOhio Central Lines. MOULTON HOUKC, 0. P. A. TOLEDO. OHIO