TILE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. For a StylylihTUNS TRUNKS. AND) WELL iiAiiE Uragld tiii Suit -AL.ON- Jos. W. Kollauf, Merchant Tailor, lie Pleases all the Students. 10 E. Washington St. Gibson &Clark PHOTOGRAPHERS, TiRiVEINGBAGS ILarti;est stock anti ltwest prices in the city. 0. A. TINKER & SON, HATTERS AND FINE FURNISHERS, No. 9 S. Main St Five Dollars for One Guiess May seem a big amount, but if you get a pair of HAN.AN SHOES, you will not have to guess again. You will always know what to ask for. Come and see them anyway. JOR & WETMORE e S.,Slain and S. State St.. Corner of William. tavttc year attention to their line of LAWN TENNIS GOODS. We keep tIe celebratel Ashiby 1lcinets, atrctl ie Ic 'gcade at a lesc.ri.c. than oter raquets that are no beller; also lice TaicacOorfcd ad lcarecced for ceapcier raccueos. Try lice new Tenncis Ball, tice Slazencger, GUARANTEED TO GIVE SATISFACTION. Also Baeblall Coods ncd ilamcmncks: lessons tin dancing wviltl be given: icy Ar. or Mirs. Ross Ozranger at thceir academny ducring Mcay ad Juice. Program evenings, Tues- clay and Saturday. 12 W. HURZON ST sORGE C. ISHIRTS 885 STAE UT~ _______________________iSTtET.clothes in AN ARBOR Agent for Mayhew, of Grand Rapids. Ya i1t~rrnhor o Tar tCainp h Ior, oc ar l a m ciphcor LJUSTQIOUT!ZELaper acnd keep ouitthe S t urirnacPwj s~ ~PALMER SjHAklRMACY.~ tr eRAtDALL MAcHtah to,GcOToi, CP1. + . "a-. No. 23 S. Fourth Ave. O OUEA N T ? IIflI ISA Fancy Mixed Nuts------------------ per pound SomeeLae eeorsUni. ciVigicicFancy Mixed Nuts---------------------------- 11 lbs for $1 July 1 Iato e. 1 . ad. lcestudentsanacd Fancy Virginia Peanuts--------------------l_ __ _ __ __1c perpon practitioncera. 27tcyecar. tFocecatacloue, adpun drs I.O hrotesille. tV c cy, Fancy Virginia Peanuts--------------12 lbs for $1 .c 1IOIScea FIRST NATIONAL BANK. 44 South Main Street. IE N 0 14 A Y OF ANN AttBOR.; Organized 1l63. UNIVERSITY NOTES. J Arrangements tee Detroit Coma. 'Capital, $100,000. Surplccs and Profits, $40,000 Atlc iieteIerlcieIgic Trannactn a general hankcing huniaess. Chiccagic will nccciitcca1.sylcait Foreigcn enchangen honght andsld. Parnish mro 4-i ia ra tet o letters of credit. I'll111}1,111111icitody. liecX-iiitP1c ira~iciecsfc P. BACI Prenn. S. X. CLARKSON, Cashier. Ticetsacfocr lie game a ct lDetreit Slitt- ileDecoioni Dacyic ;agile Xiiiltie nlay will hi scd at $1.50imadelandliilith xaiirsicii Iiclcc li TH AN RBR QV11S AN (1-10 lacys lafci'ti encci lce lot- 1bcc tlcedl iccthe liicis ccf 11hc directoccrs THEANNARBRgSVINSnBNK ae hie s fcr saile. Thecctralins X i1l lic atc01 i Capital Storc,9.50,000. Surplun, $50,000. 1grancis id craio. Reoarces, $1,100,000. Tile Bostoii Fcstivali orechestra left 11111112 ? oclocik.reluiarig cit r and .1' Organizedunader the General Banhing Lawn at minihltSaturdayiigict fot In- icsiicetivtly. intl vi l tpcit lco-, af thin State. Receiven deponitn, hayn and tin os atibt iar.Tet'iaotal sells enchange on the princpal cities of the lciclils cii i~i ~iO i(ae lecn United Staten. tDrafts cashced upon proper .1. Leslie frenec has bemeceoselan viiwillriveciii Detruoit Erlilcic-ilgict identification. Safety depoit hoxen to rent. li'feiiic cij,1c1-fioiiitlie Easit, acd bothteaums Xwill OFrICnno: Christian MaohPrenn.; XV. 0. leader ofthfrsmnbuomal' Harrimnan, Vice-Pres.: Chcans E.iscoch stoic at the hIlisseli Olsilse. Canhier Mc. .J. Fritz Anitant Caaier. Bolih anidcilgiar club.I 'Tie irst of lhiceIaric-arci-Peulnsyl- Arrangeiments liare bemiiadle Xii h coaes aniit seriesiof hail g as tXa hX e 11cD. A. '. officers Xviereiy ciii ccii by HtarXrldcit Philaclelphlia Saturday riages andiceceles con tie aditcitedi to Hot Lunches. icy a seere oc 8 to 3. tegenco Dr. -Novy Xwis1he oaiineuneean- Orange A. C., 6; Chicago, 3. myymmv ,T other ecalagi for lice examination for -- 1 U 1TlL S 48 S. State 'St. reiiovali ofcothelionsI iniateiie y Ciceago lest to the Oraiige Alicietic - lecture course. lice exaination Xill Ckbb h cr of +1 to 3 Satuiray. l Are all the rage. Whty not you wear a pair ? We have them made right and of superior quality FOR $1.50 Belts 25 Cents and Up. CUTTING, REYER & COB 27 AND 29 MAIN ST., ANN ARBOR. SPECIAL. 0 ETAS & SCHIANZ sell Suits and Pants Erat prices no snit everyhody; we alsn do repcairinoa, cleaning ancd pressnc. Worh caldfrand de~ivered. No. 48aS. State at., second deeor. O M. MdARTIN, Funeral Director, Ccothc -and Mdetallic Caskets and Pine Grade Coffns. Embhalming a Specialty. No. 17 S. Fourth ave. UOF M. SHAVING PARLOR and Sat- rooms. All appointments Senst clans. toported and domstic cigars. Ladien' artis- tic hair dressing and hathcing parlors. J. U. Trojanowski 30 S. State at. lIHEN YOU XVANTr your clothes cleaned W pessed, relised or reboand go to'Mes Fingerlc, over Sheehcan's hook store. Lab- oratory aprons made to order D o i IN E W COLLAR / I THE FINEST LINE OF BICYCLES, SUNDRIES AND SUPPLIES, BICYCLE SUITS, BICYCLE SHOES, Everything inthe Bicycle line at M. SIAEBL[B'SCycle [mpnrilm, 11 W. Washington St. oe Ieid in thei bcteriologicl labora- tory Friday, M1ay 2-9 at 8 tp. in. Messrs. Wrightl, Lily & Co., of De- troit, besides hieing Ilie largest nian- ufacturers of fraterinity badges iii the United Slates, are hieadqunarters for fraternity brochies, bcook iiarks, belto, tcon hen boxes, bag tags, caiies, fobs, glove fasteners, glove mncders, glove buttoners, garter buckles, sockets, silver lorguette eciaiiis, ilver lockets, silver hearts, iieiithols, inenmorable day tabalets,nmenioraiidum tablets,, match safes, necktie holders, pipes. pocket pieces, papier clips, 'paper cut- tern, rules, spoons, stamp boxes, ten dials, sleeve liinks, uambrela clasps, vinagrettes, stationery, crests, mono- grams,. etc., etc. innling aii coeid againiiniitlie tifthc. Atielis madlie Chicaigo's last ruin. All of Cica.'go'is runs were eariied. 1 2 34 hi (7T 5tt Orange AC. .. 0O20021 01-6 Chicago.... 0 0i10 1 10 0 -3 Eariied runs-Orange, 3;~ Chicago, 3. llits-Oriige, 9; Chicago, T. Errors-- tOrange, 3i; Chicago, a. Batteries- WrestOrvelt aiid Csinniings for Orauge; Brown and Pike for Chicago. Yale Beata Princeton. Tale's victory over Princeton at Newv Haven Saturday wan an excit- lug contest, won by the work of Che former's battery, Greenway. and Murphy. The score was5 7 to 51, acid 4,300 people saw the game.