THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. MICHI GAN GENTI -M 1THE Time Table (Revised) Ma rchb1, 1896. Maken a specialty of iRenitinig Luri EAST. WEST. P. M. A. M Satisfascoiy Rites. A.large lii Mail and Ex--3 50 Mail----------8 N. Y. Special.... 5 00 N. Y. Special--- 7 30i kinds of Sporting Goods at :asterS Ex-ii S 2 N. S. Limited.... 9 23 Atlantic E. --7 30 Pacific Ex----T-12 1 D.N.Express...-.5 40 Westrn EWIZ. 2o0 56, 58 and 60 S. Main St. G. R. Express 1l O5 Chi. Nt. Na.---10 12 GiREx .3-----525 /^ 0. W. RUoseES, H. W. OiAYES, t. P. & T. Agt., Chicago. Agt. AWEnsAster QLJ F? N TTY. SPFR lssc arris-st. Thlargssest. led fist as frisi$14 tod li0.sPatslssfrir $o $12. F YWe hsnow tha t wcan-S please you .snd 'is " 77 ~tbeyig 555pr551uicsings5. J. Glen, The S RAILOAD 20 S. STATE STREET, Time Tabsles May i7, 1896. AT TOII' R AND O PRItAI iCSF,. 19:) Isa.sms i5: so aa l.sshelattictlois it tihe(Grand Opera t:2p.mrx. 15:11 p. , hoseTboirssy evenics 3 1 iy J2SrĀ«ili **9553p. .5:02 p. m. z " Sundaiy ossly -betwsee-nsTolesdss asd 11am- se Al. It. l isis ii ewsventusre, tDari - bnig Junctions. **Daily slee-persbeteessToledo ssnsslest Anici-ss," asoniiti ofiisls o Frssssfobit. tn ooe 11ite eflle' *D)aily except Sunday isi s-ssr-liiiitel elsri-r It. S. G3REENWOODS, Agent wsi iP-i is bids supIsof plastr fssstsrs W; H. BENNETT 0. 1P. A. Tolesdo 0. 111 1 h-liln ANN ARBORQ 1&6 YPSILANTI ST.RY. I_11F.Ii, wills iis susal gsssd jss-lg"- A nit.1t. I s-Iot only Sile-st(s-sir(list 1sho Time Table, May 17. 1896., Illriety fbitrisiasssl of o- 1 ands Leave Ypsilanti from Cosgress st., 6:'30,8:00) ansd 11:00 a. a.; i12:45, 2:00,.3:1,0 5:00, 6:45, 5:30 is osil eisrs--r iui ls lssiI (i and t: 15 p.m. pormi i dial 1,1ir Leave AnnW Arbor Junction, 7:0), 8:3(0 andIilliiliils ilillls illii. i1:3S a. in.; 5:55, 2:36, 4:00, 5:30, 7:35, 9:i5 and '1tis-srs is ple(1ty0of 2(11)11 ltiesil, iliicill 10:43, a. m 5SUNDAY TIMIE. plarillllt issie- bot1ll X(5(11 111(1 jlstr- A Leave Ypsilanifrom Congressest.,1:30, 3:30, 5ment111, Os,111:1115of i l e ie P sill- : :S0,6:3 and O:Olp. M Leave Aisn Arbor Junction, 2:00,4d:00,15:30,'med11 toI 15pllss '11w solioiis col- 7:0ad93 .i.Cars ran ons city lime Fares sinloe trip 13 ~sdo ihcasspclis eui cents; round trip tickets 23 cenits. 111fillllarches-li-. th lltillli1.,1i1i-- WiM. 0. PARKERSuOpt bor-ingo (il10e111 lhiusdr ipeoli, (lois-i S sJJ) js{P5f ini theis- oA-si t-silli of I ilisi li-::s. If younsst gioid eelial ie toiissine call ANN R.\Itt t 1. 1.It. tLTN on Fred T SOcslii-s-oficNo. 1,S. - TiAsosRoadsiltil i l1)1y,1-lI;1111 Bicycles Enameled and all kindn R. S. 1Gl1~l-,N V511)I, Ase.. of machine work. ________ %.P ~ .L..J ~ its lirst-Isiss coniion(:15folr 55bicycle. ss.i1 Fast ELiberry St. OIquire- at Dasily oficell. t RENTSCHLER, Gsntle-iliIfflitsuIhave Stny sicond- Si enshoso ltisyuwsit sl,20 0 : P Z $Tcll -it 31 N. SlssitlS t. 1716 ANN ARBOR. MICH. FuirniihedlNosto10renst foelwo Just Received a Large and Elegsant lislstl1ss llsgiiiillig .1113 3, s-xeells-st lislotinIfor tholse-d-esigtoo 1eep-5 a Linoe f o Gw :Pipes! oarsdig and11 llllglig islisse Idrisig the Hot Lunches, Chocolates and sitistsssr selhsol. Appily or adIslress 11' Bon Bonn. S. Unsive~rsity- ave., 0Opp. ecampus11. . IS. lss. lSuentsiss lihivi-rilies they swis-Is F?. E -Jo L..1L..Y co.workeid utp istsinig calisget Otse 20OS. State St., Pager Bl~ck. isetstilld cseatiest vwork donse sit 0111 R ANI ALL Argus binide-ry, over (lie Ann Arbor >TO0 E ...am0.1 i.he COAST LINE to MACKINAC Itire, J1711s, 1)551715 (,hitiaec., at -TKTHEM - soe of Bicycltes, Cansisanid sll Furniture. ZING SAIAPLES DETROIT ssostsen evse shown11inAsn Arbori. Suits PETOSKEY w11 iltslas osto lokt ousampsiles befoe CHICAGO tat St Talor 2 New Steel Passenger Steamiers Consruction-LuxuriossnEquiipmeenstArtintic ANN ARBOR, MICH. Fusrnistinsg. Deoration and Eiienist Srvice, isuing;ss lis highest degree of COrIFORT, SPEED AND SAFETY. _ FOos TRISER ciWEEK BETWEss R"I-PA"N"S , Toledo, Detroit and Mackinac. PETOSKEtY, IKTHE 300," MARQUtTTt, - AND DULUTH. w ~LOW RATES to PictsresqeMackisac asd. Ririnluinjg, (teassaned Berths. From: Thetmotiern stand- Liaroisad, $18; frene Toledo, $15; fromne-s W artd Family M1\d- IBt Een YEVNN Line:BCresetheDetroit and Cleveland cin :Curs he Connseting t Clessetln ith illOiriest frais for all pointsiuiast,outhliandlSousthweest andlat C o mo very-day Detroit for all soilts North and Northwsest. > ~SndaylTripsJunseisly, As nad September Onl. ills of humanity. tVtRY SOC BtTWttN Cleveland, Put-in=Bay ,$ Toledo TO MOSnd ccc Illsustrated ramsplt. Address A. A. SCHANTZ, so. .. , DETOIT, MICH. 1A8 Detroit & clevela~~ SMaul Nov. Co. Cranad.Opera Zlouees -s A G.Spaldir & Bros, 42li.---rts- I00tiathe article t4 F snin (i sis-the best s y podlucid. tUniforms And )Suppilies 11f every Ilutted iltsl, coc, Th lce fPrii-rin- THEI Spalding Bicycle FOR 2896. A. G. SPALDING & BROS., Ne soYork, Clhicagii, PFilaeinlla. Lariget 5ssifi-turers ot :ficylsaniAthi- (lt i siosds in th worstld. THE KINDERGARTEN BILLIARD HALL RAILROAD TICKET BROKERS MONEY TO LOAN (SN PERESONAL PRSOPERTY. Whiolesale Cigari, Tobsaccos andsiCicisretles THURSDAY EVESMAY 28 AL. G. FIELD'S 50 Artists on the stage. Thie lairge-st Isegro iiisteel coin- psany its the sworltd. PRICES, 35C, 500, AND 75C0 , - SUMMER NOVELTIES, Waist se, Silk 1aiid Leather Belts, ISills Utobellso, 'U. Iof Al." Plus, steliss. W. ARNOLD'S JEWELRY TOE BUFFALO MEAD Theo coisner stanidhIt; he nes Lost Afit 'ivs-rsiOt- Isll ist silghtO driink ois taip. lE-verybodyshioultd Jj i.01 r ap he, 1' apair sof oeallse.Fiusr lera11e(tryfit. (pooland refreShing. Par- retrn o k 3: .Tffesoi s. r Vl-kers-5sSoda swater atid hiorme tmade candy C~o. Stte ad N.'niver-1 15 Washington Block. iuers drutg stosre ainslroes-iiverewrsd. shy ave. Giime himn a call. I ivoulsdlikse to gi-e instruct-ion ini Ic,0i14-ino (h t Geriman, in exchantge for instruetison -J. WV. I1. A.S. ~F i n IiiEtglish conversastiont. 0:111at 33 We have heft a fair stock of Kingsl~e t.110. utz, 1Ohs. D. 177 LIVERY, HACK AND BAGGAGE all sorts of Ripann Tabulen cure bad breath, + + LINE + - " WRITING TABLETS TO PF C .,0S0. STATE 21 N. MAhN ST., OPP. POST OFFICE. T P& o SRFIT_.-.&which can be closed out asORESFRTANPTIDIVG follows: Call os them for ODR O RIlPRIS RVN Fine Lunches, Promptly attended tss. MAMMOTH 200 PAGE TABLET, 5C FnChclts GOOD RULED TABLETS, 100 PP, 3 FOR IOC and Baked Goods. ISTUDENTS' TRADE SOLICITED. 6000 WRITING TABLET, 8 C Try Our Lunches. TELEPHONE 68. CRANE LINEN TABLET, -- - 15C . BEST CRANE LINEN TABLET,- 35C 2d Sem estenr. HANOSTERF ER1 CTEER WRITING PAPER BY THE QUIRE OR 'LB.,UNVERITYSCHOL D DACIN This stock will not be replsced. DoNyouRSaItYaSVitorLhoseaDANstil Come quick for fdrst choice. Opposite LAW building. ataDood sou ntViThrbenall sth Argus Printing' House. TERMS $2 FOR THE REST OF THE YEAR. Daily office. The l h OsSeps OrLe sw e s Lie bCies ? .Tledo Oolnmhs ssd LISintes. O TOe OnlySleein w ith4eeteenTo- iesledo adsCluuCsm ThOnlySleeith St rawisgetchomCar ninde betwen TltedColmsan Te SOnlYDirawith Roomtine Lieeteen TledoreCoTleumb uwlangOCretont, THE ONLY LINE with 4 trains each way dtily betwees Toledoanod Chlmsree.Tn TOEny DRes between Toledoadriumu. ned tNLY TH wenLARlIeotwengeen aels indlaiyr. leaii elea Sewneesn Tltelatdveharlestee, timeVaf trans, etc., wilt e he eorfully furishedt hy any A&get ofthe OhisoetratLins. MOULTON HIOUK, 0. P. A. TOLEDO, OHIO