TIlE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Why ot Ikse he2.st ,'" 'an 1).D DININ G PAnLO1~tS MOORE & WETMORE CSI? _R 6 S. Main and S. State St.. x Corner of William. HYGIENIC m BOARDING a° HOUSE. Invite year attentin to their line of -Loc-I ated half a block fronm University groands. Under new man entent and with A h iwo comdzinn esnapno or.W r sue ~o thSht ft onono ongaay inslmienap t oo1 nar ce o llt Uanee d oficoo sprinrpatLAWNe.TENNIS GOODS.I otingeptona ch e f o cpciy11ut, p yi nenr 1a 1 anr u O NSBA[ F. J. RENNINGS, G.W. PRINGLE PROPRIETORS Wlepteelb-edAhyVcut strict]lyhiielt gratisat a Ies oprite thian ,, othter rro t ti tatt e n io Itte alno YOU WILL SOO±N NEED thte TtlsmnnttnOxford and harvted for fiterper raicquets Try tite.nite Tennis -. .. Ball, the Sisoenger .A.Trun "k or Traveling-, Bag GUARANTEED TO GIVE SATISFACTION. VICTOR TENNIS GOODS lairgosit assortmtent in the city. lay it at ai . Alto Baseball Gotons andanmes are endorsed by all Teufel's Fliarness 110p, , 4 . an t TT athletes who appre- RiV ATE12 ciate fine points of Five olar orO e u SS lesnsu dinwilbgve construction. Isosi acn ilb ie SLCIGR 7T1%NIS 0BAL-IS by M~lr. or Mfrs. Toss Granger at (Bcst in ltst World.) May seem a big amount, but if you get a pair of their acadetny dtiring May and $4.00 per dozen, cash with order. HANAN SHOES, you will not have to guess June. Program evenings, Tues- . y day and Saturtday. wilOVERMAN WHEEL CO. again. You will always know what to ask for. f Offics atdFatory at Chicopee Falls, Mass. Come and see them anyway. j New York. Boston. Detroit. Denver. _ San Francisco. Los Angeles. Portland, Ore.' s S r T or'itrcohsi ________ _______HIT_ STREET. Camuphor, or Tar Camp0 genofr ayewrofGrndRapds hr, Camtphoor ihAgetfrMyeo rn ais Paper aond keep out the JUSTOUT PALMER' S PHARMACY.# tosnsoireto ttet itiit , REIQ f D ITCLEIANiHlme'ivery, antl tteesoithe its- - I$ faction of Ittoto .o.eiileto Ulniversal Crandall typewrirs flo.s >': - . OTI" CANDALL CMACHIINt CO.,GIIOTOII5 4 Desizner and makor of fine foot DO " YOU EAT NUTS? UILL i wear. Best place for repairing. FnyMxdNt-------------~ e on JOHN W OTZKE, 43 S, MAIN ST,, Fancy Mixed Nuts-.-------------------------- 11 lbs for $1 UP STAI RS. Fancy Virginia Peanuts---------------lc per pound FIS AINLBN.Fancy Virginia Peanuts----------------2 lbs for $1 " Viking OF ANN ARBOR. DEBAN& CO MPANY. AND Organioed 1003. 44 South Main Street. Capital, 0100,000. Sarlusti and Prcfits, $40,000 siuiii iiter Transacis a general banking bssiness. UNIVERSITY NOTES. CALENDAI. Foreign exchtatnesought aitdsold. Faraish ____ lettern of credit. GOILI FBACIO Pros. S. WI. CLARKStON, Cashier. tPfof. Cliallli inIiishedil his lecltres Sal., May 23, 2.30 p).nis. --lrelitOfil v to li t hvel Clisses yestrday. Ima~tinee in10 May Festival -series. lFirst, AND THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK Capital Stoch, $60,000. Surplas, 0150,000. tiesources~, $1,100,000. Organined snder the General Banhing Lawn of this State. Rfeceives deposits, bays and sells exchtnsge on the principal cities of the United Stts.Drafts cashed neon prnper identification. Safely deposit boxes to rent. Orrtceslo: Christian Macttk Pres.; SW. 0D. Harriman, Vice-Pres.; Chas E. Ilscoch, Cashiert:10. J. Frito Assistant Cahier. Lowney's Chocolates. Hot Lunches. TUT'LE'S. 48 5. State St. STHE FINEST LINE OF BICYCLES, SUNDRIES AND SUPPLIES. BICYCLE SUITS, BICYCLE SHOES. Everything in, the Bicycle line at M. SIAEBLEB'S Cycle Emporium, 11 W. Waoshingtona St. E.1 1).BrownI, '96i.D, will 010011 a denital offbee July 1,lot Dunldtee, where lie will Ipract-ice. Prinicetontswill ineet Yaleboy iat ?News Itaven, antilHatrvtardlwillla~ty Pennlsylvaiailt.alPhilatdelpthia. L. Ltd. Parrot, Ilt6 E, has securedtheOit prlincipallsip of thie St. Johns High Schlool for the comnog year. C. J. Letfoy, '90', hats sectored a posi- lion as princ ilal of the Petoskey Hlighi School dusrinsg tie somtinog yealr. Riegent Farr. made11 a ten mbiute asd- drless to tbe sentior lawvebilss at the close of DeaoiHtcheins' lecture yes- terday. In the class gamT huoflsrsdlay Apel strulck ouit eleveon lmen, Andersont ninie; fouir hits were madek off Apel, six off Aniterson. This is the last year that Judge Chtamlinil wilOlie at the University as Ihe has presented Oils resignation to the regents. The mlembilers of the junior class in civil esigineering left for the northlern part of the state ou the early train thils nmorning. Odgen Jewell, Geo. WI. Benhinnd si II. B. Merrick will art os assistants to Prof. Davis. Gentemen-tf you want to nave money on shoo repairing call on A. Levy, 31 N. Mlain st., just below tbe pent office. All work first clans. Light solon 50 cents, heavy ones 630 cents. performtancin lO ichigan of "Samllp- sonl and Delilaht," by Saint-Sarlts, ot T :30 hi . 11 31011., ilay 25--Varsity vs. Illinois at athiletic field, =4:135. Tnes., Mfay 26, 4:23-Final gamle ill hoter-class cham~ipiontshipttseries. Thuors., 'Mlay 24-i'arsity field. lay. Sat., Mlay 30-'Varsity vs. Chicago at Detroit. Moinday, Jinlle--Sapolthmor-Fresli- ottan trtack meet at athletic field, at 4:A3. Tnes., Joone 2--Varsity vs. North- svestern at Anon Arlior. Sat., lone t6-Varsity vs. Toronto Unliversity at Anin Arbor. Messrs. Wright, Kiay & Co., of De- troit, besides being the largest nian- ufatctnrers of frtaternity badges in the United States, are headquarters for fraternity broches, book snarks, belts, bioo boo boxes, bag tags, canes, fobs, glove fastenoers, glove menders, glovc bnttoners, garter buckles, sockets, silver lorgnette chains, silver lockets, silver hearts, mienthols, memorable flay tablets, nmemoranum natablets, match safes, necktie holders, pipes. pocket pieces, paper clips, paper cut- ters, rnles, spoons, stamp boxes, tn dials, sleeve links, umnbrella clasps,. vinagrettes, stationery, crests, mono- gramos, etc., etc. Ripann Tabuleo asist digestion. BICYCL.E SuI'TS. Are up to date and a little be- yond. 15 Main St. SPECIAL. D IETAS a SCHANZI sell Suits and Fasts at prices to snit everybody:; we also do repairing, cleaning and Pressing. Work called for and delivered. No. On S. State st., ,cecaitd floor. M.MARTIN, Fnneral Director, Cloth adMetallic Casketn and Flee Grade Colfins. Embalming a Specialty. Ito. at S. Fourth ave. UOF S. SHAVING PARLOR and Bath- U.rooms. All Appointmlents first class. imported and domestic cigars. Ladien' artis- tic ir dressing and bathhng parlorn. J. R. Trojanowakl 05S. State at. ~~HEN YOU WIANT your clothes cleaned WI pressed, relined or rehound go to Msn Fingerle, over Sheehan's book atome. Lah- oratory aprons made to order AR A NEW COLLAR