IL~e.a TUU{DAY. MAY 23, 1896. Fouit PAGES-3 CENTS. VOL. VI. NO. 1 71. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SA r5 MAY FESTIVAL CONCERTIS. The affair w-as entirely informal taid ALUMNI I)AY CELEBRNAION. oW eDiiust Tove t- j all had a most tajsytltime als._____ Ni The stare wtheowoccupy has lIltrf.Sale' Smhny1heFa Tday's lMatyFestival rogram is at unic pyof Presdeta~ btl eenasold. we must seekssnowe til Ni tacraers, p ture of the Afternoon fots Ano-ell's Adlnistration,. Weii se uts SATURDAY AFTERNOON,w:. Nit strfia tThetst 'laPIrinctipal fe atte of tt a-SisU tsatheosAaso. rat 5nlt prtsloss a beetog Iaatd WIt tricpeet. t wo tte" oricegn:sswad i1h 4 testiest stath11Ill.,, at i m~ faaaaaefa te. ) I le a eta,,Voina. Str te tat letlalirta itssa ('ttsasstI1'se- wilt seti etatds it t f owss pevet NNlPtaof. Staaaatey '.sytpttossy i 1a j at~or Slt vasachtttsta ts'etI , irp. tsrs mesautanythintto toSas ltaticaers rssta -sesnyst'ty.eeaot I.ihttttaatoaa tsiweek, soflrthe ssett-ift Iannias- 1s'tstts totassastrrnorn soferresistesat Aaara it's osiasrian- 1 Prof stule y conac to d t.t0)r rertaro-'v Stay tilts',"esidet Ande'tss ttini- t THIS MEANS BUSIN ESS NN .I.taslt tttttlet Ilit'asra-ieit Uoios[itattaas s etaas iss sfis' ssse lilt11 atd at ti ' sesdlof otea altof tat'een "isrto sexttve o te Tni mi S u a o atisicinllsae ssectymphttny ie rt'ceiset rounsaossat ig- t1, liartp Soo -'Itocoasarac trs- sity 5 tereiit'stitg adassist i trtsIitteki 0euc-------- Prs las eriet ihYwl al lc ~ or0ussos prtare. Athis etille was ~THE ANNA ROR ORGAN GOT, F"il tilttsttttation te intllitit lad- n Si ossees. slsiay I stast- 2, ss-itlais Almsattsikty, li b itt" ansiaptau dss~ing ntlOF tt ' I ttssty IIAri 5s SItsanr -tttit-------ittd wll ttosisttof publitt a-soris s'sis NNi S. MAIN ST. liltfor s'''seva t inuttss tes s'r. Wies tre- IS. VilinatSolo- ''itis oCtt ircieOas" t'snoursuis innitt veisrsiy Hltllas IIH~~. tllt tt'tisIo. tl'' 5'll iste- -- --- at-Sess 'tqttin t iatettrnoinatia s'-s BUY BEN-HUB BICYCLES. 'i t'tto PrtiyStantletIftltt.5'iitttodel 'Asc ttr.a' - Stt sti tSlllltttta ttlltts l iIt tt 'i i Z x ' fI 'niitot. PTt'fti l' titntd trielsto f t' Latleslars tand Oiestea. tIs, talsss isa t' ytssnttstts. hat 'Ite Satre'etireItly ct-o-'ti'lad1yi's'. SOp atthats.ketcese- Ul -C adwiick .At te iltrlaiag 'v-Is-risas Iegen-'st "h ioistl waspp5igs. Istif. .t tiley '5- - ta' stti bie liss-Rea-itti-si ts stlisetrasadepssS on '- A is ''Naosteet'ln Visthlf atl'of t gntis ostheris' I t lst''it' I. IiIL. 11 stsstettsis'sstsiiissticet's-tstati o AA "sasom tialita .- to lisa ayittphtany isa st sortsc'h in ' orss - Dclesta. Ii. W'itiisnsT.IT ariaof )ltna, ilg-i *casliar te stsasi toty tts'littt'btia U, Sisd5e lss -ac'S tyls rnEe tas .01- It' ntsssiss;iaass f EM aa'sits, a-t Fsstivsal r'lsstrts I. 1-"Doa-Is 5.'ofta." "'Riltc' _ seak,.aso siltastoalt Murrs '1 assytsf AD'iatta'Ptro. Stattleitys syssatltay is- - -- - l sAtscod ln EtltltIrn 'tai I tsrt, salt'swasaa ,C'tty5ltrh tPitt taarChalsoc orus ornt' le1sslsastt'taof 'ta'saresidet A~ts'l at IllltOtu t ' Sae very 'be tutifustl st'e sclti A.Ssst c.tylttown. tit'tetn Sl'ltia tstI sas'S ts' epa'ly 5so. Its srengtis in sa lt the'tirt'llil'it oattionatil t'I ila's' Colapsible ansi.can be elir'sSlils-lt sf isa' ariirnipal. sbcstajri. STURDAYta Xs'5'INt:30tt. sil)' as'ytentar:eo 5. Adrsss 'itt 'he'tis's''laaut fesl l l't sicia s ithIls' asOOaaat tliatt''allls ' e isast by a tnumberla' f sino te carried in11 the vest tUnitrtOats'sgreats snougtoompsstos' ilbhical Dacs lt TlrAts--, tllsti tand si'taer'sietstsOfs''era pocket. Just the thing SO difficutlt aiS as a0 lsl lly atUCamiosticSars ofath. lt iarge~st Cleatgs. liae aau ience's'y'sltd y -was ideed''tt stelpefomanetesta''isAli'-isiant.1 t(ie'osatheoti ntas e stin lsg fcattlita for svwzeeltn on and. cattp orntsstst'itlpss 1t'sig tilt' salatsis- eilh Stoaists:'osthe tere'oisisalt-l h it' radig its- of the'tring ltsa'irt pisoraeiaste ei laer ---_- is.Itotintrisele lodgod ofasafre'ssfully stdran ~tipaid (abao- ers. ~~~of Prof. staley'srcompitositions. tgi'eist fa Do----_--- tt' o ttllrllt'tsts~ at~ t SIS' tHeinrsichlandtAir. John",aswsra-a-- ------ - iseppe aisasari bepsn ted toitht iPretlsiet s lt ta- flmq 's but att its't sthelir e lssi ysstsrstty if-Aisr~iaasa-tresw St. Garner S. Lamssostaftoft'elhsg-ts sf te i aitiy Dr~I1I~ J8 u teroslls.r'lesa'formr s 'rsponadedta to a Sksetter andtsat tilt' I siaststy Seteassiso Iast- So eealtSy shtgitg "''py ohn"aisao- (ilaralUntiona adOrDch-estra. stir of Ia'O'titthe551111 05and1is a a taet t-tltnatstyitsg iimsstlf oasath i o. Tthe Abet Altasly, Coadctor of Ilsets-assaitt wahich-iett'is th'ae l y 17 E. W~ashington St., CO. Itast tawsonmbterasante progaml aer GymnaiutmCommtteo Rporsallsthtes'ofiesroof us'eITivrsriy. As- ly tte ochet'sta, bust tte'rat rs'tgh oter featsur of itisr'est aittlas'e t' Fourth Ave. of Sir. Siottssstsaer'o organtizationst witl At a tme'etig taf tie gmnttatstttsigig of il sa , arittn isahonsor saP las'hoofstislosesd ly te performtace commaitttt'e'of the Wssstts'ttaLege oheSta'ocasions ly ksof('ICsas 15lusy- of "SamssostnsadDeiah" tongt. ASlay 1, taefolowsitg resoatiot s '5ly, nowo'sf tie'Uniavesity ofsa ltl- xr rn N T C ' Tie cert-e Iastsighiti aas te belas-a ed: 5AlLfoas, andsthe athorfthe saP ells' ow'ia - ~~~~thti h'a sofest ngiaent isatthefostsi . asotas-t, Thaisit's'en Stuattssy, adsaluts" adssisve'raltherslass'faPours iThe- progr'ataas asmisiclltaneoustsnetast ty l),lt'he manatgemenstttosf the Anotti pospu011lriv5ti-esity ,otg. This G . fH . its sarageodso as to s-all farte s'talentasofAesrbrRailroadactes at t itSso l odet sats bteas Stet t imusiely P'of. Gthel ii~ , indviualtasotsosoists.Tile'ssres- of te Womaent''s Leagues treers' St'-ansle yad itsa-itlaoistng lylte The Leading Tailor, tat nubers aweergieta of Swhichthe:lisasotstrainsabetas-o-tiAllisArtor ad Ciorarsl I'nion. stud only direct Importer in the city Suite for (Orchestra, itsit s 'ooatthrealite"ee h niosut Ts'lbanuiet itheta'aftienoont aill -lisa just received ila entire slack of mtetasfoi oksasta-sii'strlsat vdfromthSie sale of the exsursiontloasss 'tsaaeafi ta-l Foreign ad Domestie Woolens for etjoyalble. fietas wit asad' aailtable for tet'fake tilt plae' of the ususalta anini Spring and Summer 96, at Ait. Evas Willimsowasas etiy t' buildig fustadof the WAtt'o 's bsisl-sdinser atdt ill bes'tssrts ita'ro'e' farife soloist taP the ('e'inltg.Isy sss sopr f tsss stitfetaioss tantsteolsh s'ia-s- seenIt NO 2E WSINTN T. EA AI.sweef tenor voiiesawasasown ina its ly tre AssitArbor Rasilroad or louisel pasf years Staeecles'aill Se giv'a' bsull Dress suits a Specialty. aiefrstg'ii"t asi''Wei"to smeet any of the exess' of te su ossr'tosett s ain frosma"The Creation." Se respondtaed exiursin, terefore te tans of the smembers of he faulty sunt by sev- an il enore. Sig. Camlaar's ra- Womsas's Leagio are heby tedserreed rl as-ll knostwrs alumnssi. Special Sale. sonant, stirring baritone atte to fte sanangemtest of te airoas i Te es-sits0 reettisastits tle fst- fancy of thte asdienceandswal s app streitiont of teir very- great kid-t sasissisaill le gists by the 'tsiser- obliged to respond to too essors. "insa tt5. siy' Senate in honor of te Pesientf Baseball Supplies, Lawn Verdure.lad' from "The Creatisan," For the Gymntiasimncossmsittee of and the' Visiting almissand their Tensalthough a little heavy or ter sVoice',ftlet'wonana League,frns. TensRces an brought an encore for Siss hose Stea - KTSEN AENJ EOSES ITe usins'sueetig of the Alsisuni Supplies. Sporting Goods of arf, soprano, always a faorte her. Th - Secretary. Assoiations std te resnios of te" every description. Miss Gertrude Say Stein, contratfo, varovn aaouishaebe 'ios tlasss'wsill behetls isssss'a- wasasalso recalled. after Its-prendaitiotaltsiS h gttaintlatii tly tiftep tirehbaquet isa ts' aft~r- ofOU5TO "N S'Je'nne dt Ac" fromu estbsg t alis osinnioto oditonin lsteas of in te orisg as * '-The quartette fromsit "fgoletfo" swasaste ikt,$5 TtstyUuhas been tle custom in past years. If one of the best things of llaeenig Jacksons, $10; T1oledo excrs'ion, swas oigialy it'nded to hold fte e' 5 us t sn-I r-$12.37; proceeds of ply0givnlay six execises some time in Stlaybulaf w '.j- . noewa etnas. girls $10.25; irs. Mary Loa, $4 total i a ei dt 1 eIte lre A reeption was given at Prof. Stat- $21..02 liomimecemet seek In Orer to have UlpTows, Dos Town, ey's residence after the concert last Instructor Wiiliard C, Gore wet to as large an attendtance of alusuni as VstiversihyBohstre, Opposife Usrtltsuse 20. Sats St. 4 N OAla i t. night to the soloists of the eening Clhicago yesterday, possible.