THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. For a Sty lish We still have*too*much Neckwear and wiil (MOORE & WETMORE continue our 6 S. iain and S. State St.. AND WELL MADE Corner of Wlliam 1( iL'V/EAt SA L E Invite your attention to their line of for one more day. LAWN TENNIS GOODS. SA TlJ I.RDA Yi M A Y i 16 We keep the celebrated Ashby Racsuets, , - , strictly hirrh grade at a less Price than -CALL ON- You can boy any Necktie in bur store for 50 cents. 75c, $1.00, $1.50 and theraiets tat are O o brtter; alo $2.00 Ties for 50c. cheaper racquets. Try the new Tennis Jo8. W . Kollauf, D. A. TINKER & SON, GUARANTEED TO GIVE SATISFACTION. HATTERS AND FINE FURNISHERS, No. 9 S. Main St Also Baseball Goods and Hammocks. Merchant Tailor, HePleasesalltheStudents.Five Dollars for One Guess P R IVATE 10 E. Washington St. May seem a big amount, but if you get a pair of lessons in dancing will be given by Mr. or Mrs. Ross Granger at R. o 1 HANAN SHOES, you will not have to guess their academy during May and DO again. You will always know what to ask for. June. Program evenings, Tues- day and Saturday. PHOTOGRAPHERS, Come and see them anyway. 12 W. HURON ST GEORGE C. SH IRTS, 8 S. STATE I's 2at Plea.san to be sick, but if you should get Agent for Mayhew, of Grand Rapids. pick remember our prescription ANN ARBOR dpartment. Every prescriptio of your physician will be i olell- JUST OUT! gely asarefully Oiled.Light Bell, dothbe -afraid to rint hard. SLEKInII DKTLECiS FNE0 PALMvs PHARMACY.0 a- universal Crandall typewriters no.s It costs no more to et ar sAgentsWanteaEveryw ere S h eni forCatalogs .fatifoi o nowin you've'otihebet - tCRANDALkMACHINE c., GROTON N.f ,e4 _ '___________ _+ Lau.dryA DO YOU EAT NUTS? DUCKTROUSRS No. 23 S. Fourth Ave. Summer Law Lectures, Univ. of Virginia July 1 to Sept. 1, l896. For students and practitioners. 27th year. For catalogue, ad- dress (P. O. Charlottesville, Va. iR. C. MINOit, Secretary. FIRST NATIONAL BANK. OF ANN ARBOR. Organized 1863. Capital, $100,000. Surplus and Profits, i40,000 Transancts a generai banking business. Foreign exchanges bought andsold. Furnish letters of credit. P. BACH Pres. S. W. CLARKSON. Cashier. THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK CapitalStock,500,000. Surplus, $150,000. Resources, $1,100,000. Organized undertheGeneral BankingLaws of this State. eceives deposits, buys and selis exchange on the principal cities of the United States. Drafts cashed upon proper idenatifiation. Safety d nsit buses to rent. Oicaioy: Christian Mack Pres;W. D. Harrinuts. Vice-Preul Chas E. Hisocck, Casiler:It. .J. Fritz Assistant Cashier, Lowney's Chocolates. Hot Lunches. TUTTLES, 48 S. State St. THE FINEST LINE OF BICYCLES, SUNDRIES AND SUPPLIES. BICYCLE SUITS, BICYCLE SHOES. Everything inthe Bicycle line at M STAEBLER'S Ccle [mporium 11 W. Washington St. Fancy Mixed Nuts Fancy Mixed Nuts. --.. Fancy Virginia Peanut Fancy Virginia Peanut 44 South Main Street. ---.--- --.-----.- -- .-- c per pound -- -- -- - -- --..-- ---- - -- 11lbs for $1 s -- ---... ---- -... c per pound sO - ------------ -.--- ..- 12 lbs for $1 DBAN & COMPANY. UNIVERSITY NOTES. NV. K. Sagendorph, '90 L, was is town for the Chicago game. kg. R. Kellogg, '95 and R. O. Austin, '9, are visiting in Ann Arbor. An inter-fraternity baseball league has been formed at the University of Chicago. The Southern Club will meet in Boom 15, law building, at 9 o'clock, tomorrow morning. The senior laws at Cornell Univer- sity have adopted the custom of wear- lug caps and gowns. The 'Varsity baseball team leaves for Chicago at 10:12 tonight via the Michigan Central. An informal party was given at the Theta Delta Chi House last evening in honor of May Festival guests. The D. A. C. defeated the University of Wisconsin yesterday in an interest- ing game by a score of 14 to 7. Stanford University has won the final game with the University of Cal- ifornia, thus becoming the champions of the Pacific Coast for the fourth successive season. The Western Inter-Collegiate Ath- letic Association will hold this year's meet on the 'grounds of the Chicago Athletic Association, June 0. Prelim- inary arrangements were made at 11 recent meeting in Chicago at which the following universities were repre- sented: Iota, California, Chicago, Northwestern, Illinois and Wisconsin. Dr. Novy wishes to annoiuce a change in time for the examination for removal of conditions in bacteriol- ogy lecture course, from 10 a. um. to S a. im., Saturday, May 30, lower lec- ture room. DESIRABLE FESTIXAL TICKETS For Sale at U. of M. News Depot, William St. Six seats together in middle section of front row of gallery and six togeth- er on main floor, middle section, next central aisle at $1 each. 171 Lost-At University Hall last night a pair of opera glasses. Finder please return to 34 E. ,teffersoii at. or Pal- mer's drug store and receive reward. A $100 bicycle for $73. Inquire at the Daily ottice. Messrs. Wright, Kay & Co., of De- troit, besides being the largest man- ufacturers of fraternity badges in the United States, are headquarters for fraternity broches, book marks; belts, bon bon boxes, bag tags, canes, fobs, glove fasteners, glove menders, glove buttoners, garter buckles, sockets, silver lorgnette chains, silver lockets, silver hearts, menthols, memorable day tablets, memorandum tablets, match safes, necktie holders, pipes. pocket pieces, paper clips, paper cut- ters, rules, spoons, stanmp boxes, ruan- dials, sleeve links, umbrella clasps, vinagrettes, stationery, crests, mono grams, etc., etc. Are all the rage. Why not you wear a pair? We have them made right and of Superior quality FOR $1.50 Belts 25 Cents and Up. CUTTING, REYER & COB 27 AND 29 MAIN ST., ANN ARBOR. SPECIAL. IETAS & SCHANZ sell Suits and Pants at prices to suit everybody; we also do repairing, cleaning and Vreslnf. ,Work called for and delivered. u. 4S. Statest., ,econd flour. IlM. MARTIN, Funeral Director, Cloth -ladetallic Caskets and Fine tGrade Coffins. Embalming a Specialty. No. a7 S. Fourth ave. U OF M. SHAVING PARLOR and Bath- l!.rooms. Alt appointmentesenirt class. Imported and domesic cigars. Ladies' artis- tic hair dressing and bathing parlors. J. R. Trojanowuki a0S. State st. THEN YOU WANT your clothes cleaned W presed, relined or rebound go to Ms Fingerle, over Sheehan's book store. Lab- oratory aprons made to order rNE COLLAR