THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. AMJGHTIGAN GEN2I THE STrOREw . de COAST LINE to MACKINAC . Time Table (Rev~ised) March 1, 1896. Makes a specialty of Renting Furniture, Rugs, Drapery, China, etc. at -~-+TAKE THEE-- - - EAST. WEST. lre Biyls P. M. A. M Satisfacory Rates. Alag line of BcceCaines, and all Maili and Es -3 50 Mail ---------838, N. Y. Special---. 5 00 N. Y. Special.... 7 30 kinds of Sporting Goods at EasternS Es-ES- Ai .M N. 5. Limited.... S liA M C iYeP i Atianic Exs- 7 30 Pacific Ea--S----12 15 D.N.Espres..---5 40 Western Ex es 0 56, 58 and 60 S. Xain St. Furniture. 't G. a. Express ___ii 05 Chi. Ni. Ex- iS- 1 i1 WGR.ons R.Ex------5 57 __________________________________________MACKINA.C O.W.nRItL$ . XW. HAYeS, U G. P. &T. Agi.,Chicago. Agi. Ass Arbor OUR. NE X W SPRZING SAINA P-eBS " DETROIT Haveiarived, The largest andfiniestas.sortnest eveshowns in XAnnArbor. SuitsPETOSKEY e I We knoss thatite can piease you and'twill idease you to ok at our samples before CHI CAGO A'?sl \ j byis soisois iols ~2 New Steel Passenger Steamers F. J. G e , h ,tate S .T io h raetPreto e tandi ot 20 S. STATE STREET, ANN ARBOR, MICH. Fiurnishing, Decoration anid Efficient Service, __________________________________ inssuring tine highest degree of RAILROAD. COrIFORT, SPEED AND SAFETY.. Tinse Table AMay 10,ns89. Wednesdays College Daines. Po esPRWt ie NORT. SOTH. --- Toledo, Detroit and Mackinac- 7:135 a. m. x 7:105am. ti'owii suffered Ilei secoind defi'at: PtTOSIIEY, 9 THESOtO," MARQUETTE, 19:15a. es. ii1.0 a. so. ^AND DUCUTH. if:a4p. m, 4,:1i1iP. . of ihe season it lihe iiandsof01 1111 i LOW RATES to Picturesque Mackinac and 0:55 p. m. 9:2 p. viSMy. cr o t Ri0eturn. iclding teals Sand Bertha. From l-siluonwly lietween Toledoanid Siam- - - * CO('IO 6 t . + Clevetine sd, 515; from Toledo, O$15;from De burg iylepio biwe Tleo DxS a~rtlinlii swoilfrom Vi rulont tby ai l trait, -553.50. **ailoet. retenTleoadScore of 55 to BetwEVE YEENN *Daly xcepiSunday -eiison ,(;bltinii>. isconsiiiBtwenDetroit and Cleveland it.5. 5GREENWODAgn oncigtCeeadwtEalstTis W. H. BENNETT G. P. A. T 001) . Aeplaea oogmeithfelbt fo1r aesl its fstohadiSouthwieis. indsa © i(+ bated n drail bas11 e0101s o-rii. \ QDetroil leraoilpoilts North anid Northwsts. ANN RDOR& y PSIANTIST.RY, X~ineli , I100it13.Sunday TripsiJune,iJuly, August and SeptemberSOty. EVERY DAY BETWtEN Ailiersi 2, Tllts -1 Time Table, May 17. 1896. 4Wi0.(rln ~iClvlnPti=a Toledo _ ~~-Sd lee IllustratedPapilletAddrs Leave Ypsilastiifrom Cosiress xi., 0:30. 5:00 Vlivrisils f- il Slrinlli 10, Prlince- 5. A. SOHANVTZ, . a. nA.. DETnOIT, MIen. and11:00 a. in.;'11:45, 1:00, i:,()5-:e0-545 8:3-That55ccc ad 10:tSp. m- tou i .men Deri(X lv1Qgtea K .C. Leave Ass ArhorJuisction, 7:0),8s:30isod ___ ___ 1151&Ceea~~eiiRy a; l:ii, 2S35,1:00, 5:30,7:15, 9:5 ansd D ltfTn DetaCovntonx 10:45 oem. et5TuDla ovnior UNDAY TIME. Tleranidii / Opera House. Leave Ypsilansti from Congress si..1:35, 3:30, h anl ili-.nvlll liio llf llii iio 0,0:30 asd 9:050 ic i'Eih -n ~-s oii 014~E p.i mAssArio antio, :054f5,5D0elia ~'01 9ela9o1'isllilli naseethm THURSDAY EVE3 MAY 2 cents; rousd irip tickeis 25 cesits. 111111Illinisiis li SeioSIlIint 11 stlii . eiiilli ( re (. ovM. h.-l0AssiEs, Suptt N ltio1n Av11S ltendierei-ihtlii-}:5it111 .AL4.FE DS STUIDENITS Y dlriO-Otlle5lst ilit huh so bloioslt l A ., IE if you east good reliable life inssurne c1alil o iodiiltill 0 NS R E i.. un Fred T ITcimber, oafce No 1, .- - Soursli ire. F- ursnishiedl house lto rent for IwoM I % r lliiiliiO beginsiing JTiny 1,excellenit WAGNER & CO., AGENTS)1 50 Artists on the stage. Tile Bicycle lRepairing. iocatiioii for those desiring it o ki-i ala0gest pnygo inisrIcm boardiil nd ioidleging lhousediinig lii _________,PRICES, 35C, 50CAND 75C Bicycles Enameled and all kindo Suilller siioiol. AI py oi iaidress 150pp of machine work. S. i niver'sitsy ave., oiii. cllionus. iiSadigl C~ I-i UN'TEI R -RS. Gnlmni ouooltt ot~&~SUMMER NOVELTIES No.9 astLiert S. lony o soe epirig allonA.ite aing it is lie best Waist Sete, Silk L~evy, 31 N. Alaiii st., juistbelowr the p~ riouced. tiiiforms -ant ileaihef Belts, l ost ofiche. All work firstrclass. Light j de 0socriionilfofreaey-SikU ela . e-bait Tio s furslut ,of N.~ Pins, Steins. PHO OO. PHE.soolis 50 cents, heavy osies 60 centso. ;s 'i iodom AN ABR.MC. I wul-Ik to girv-instructionsin [ife Acnie of5Perfecionm- W ARNLDSJEELfSTR ANN RBOR 5415M. Gi-rmain, ini exchanlge- footinistrucetion Just lReceived a Large and Elegaint i Itgilss cn elicrafili~. (Cill at 3-- T H IR Lir ofNewPips!Kingsley st. 55. Lutzie. . 111i~ - Sents wo vioae srlies they owishi Hot Lunches, Chocolateo and oworke-iiup into bindinlg caniigot1- Spalin3gicycl Bon Bonn. best and chieapest work donie st 5irthe89.. RZ . B. JOLLY.W & Co. Argus bindiery, over the Ain Arbior A. G. SPALDING & BROS., tMl< Eo 1 K} - 20 S. Slate St. Sager Block. Stong bik.Net-Tri. lonoo Ilmmlllu- -u If yon want a ligla 0,de oWheel call Largest Massifamctrers If Bicycles and Ath-¢li~ , f j letcGoods ma time world. Pjet ' , . 11ANDALL a~a° RRipans Tabules: at druggists. BUFFALO tNolEAD;mrs.ITT! BUFLMEDhotographer 2 eetr 15 Washington Block. The corner stand hiae the new i l f, 4 s I UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF DANCING drink oia tsp. Everybody should tL a a' .o - o'C 8 tyi.Cool and refreshing. Par-. ,al cc*¢v - (ZI~ i 'O it IO-unt A ulio. ker's soda owater and ho me mradse O __ann a Ln ewenT- C: 0,9i 11 C cantmy Itor olate anWbuildinniver- i a . r ! a L all sorts of Il - RITING TABLETS which can be closed out as follows: MAMMOTH 200 PAGE TABLET, 5C GOOD RULED TABLETS, 100 PP. 3 FOR lOC GOOD WRITING TABLET, - BC CRANE LINEN 'TABLET, - -15C BEST CRANE-LINEN TABLET,, - 35C WRITING PAPER BY THE QUIRE OR LB. This stock will not be replaced. Come wick for first choice. .Argue Printing; House. TERMS $2 FOR THE REST OF THE'YEAR. CHORZAL .UNION (SIESEIIVED SEATS) BOUGHT AND SOLD! -AT- THE KINDERGARTEN, No. 3 N. Main St. -STREET. + Call on them for Fine Lunches, Fine Chocolates, and Baked Goods. -Try Our Lunches. sity ave. Give him a call. J. W. HAAS. LIVERY, -HACK AND BAGGAGE f +LIE 21 N. MAIN ST., OPP. POST OFFICE. ORDERS FOR TRAIS, PARTIES, DRIVING Promptly attended to. STUDENTS' TRADE SOLICITED, TELEPHONE 68. ANGSTERFER CATERER, ER0ss.sxwmhlng. Ledeoand Columbus. Thn Only Slinlg or Drawing Room Car Linn betwen Toledo, Columbus and Mlarietta. The Only Draing Room Car Line bntwen Tolndo, Columbusanas Charleston,, W. Va., Pullman Slnepers between 'olumbus and Chicago. -TE ONLY LINE with 4 tratin each way daily betweensToledo and (toluamun. THE ONLY LINE with 8 traineaeh way on0 Sunanys betwreensToledouand Colums. THE ONLY LINIE with train each wagydnily between sTsleds, nowlinc Green and Findlay. THE ONLY LINE5 with 2 traina eaeh way dail betweenol-ni and Charesetn, W.V. THE ONLs- DIRECT LENSC beween'T'oleons anod the Virgina. THlE POPULAR LINE between Toledo, SFosW cia. iBoeyrun, Granvileandewark.. Suit informnation relattve t rates, time of tcan,et.,wil echeerfnlly farninhed byay Agentlof thn Ohio CentraliLinea. MOULTON HIOUK. o. P. A. TOLEDO. OHIO