THlE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. SB IGQS HO0E SA LE Gents' Special Pubishd Dly Sunay xceted duingRandall, Argard & Co. Shoe stock, Grand thelshe CoallSndeg ee durat gRapids, Mich., sold to us. ~ ~ th olg er tTHE UNIVERSITY Of MICHIGAN. 65c ON THE DOLLAR. LI[I ros1 DrE:o Times building N Main st., oppositeI o fe 1Sh s1 pst olfice. I Men's Hand Sewed Rtussias $600, cut to $4.5 __________ _ ...______Ien's Hand Welt Rtussias, V5.50, cut to $4.25 -FOR-g EDITORS AMn's Darlt [rown Russian, $400ct to $298 J. F. Tani , '97. WV. W. T rATI n10 L Men's Pt. (. F Bale Rusa, $.00,tct to $d.8 AN SAIfQli E. L. Ges. int, '8 L F. A. LoxnI.0\r,'S. p ® ® 1S i. C1. CoN 'nn, '95. . S. noesN D PEDRO '9 FRDA AD ATRDY,'8 .S PaiosO ___ __ __ __ ___ __ __ __ ___ __ _ '} 22r4 23r& . 1. lbIIiiasi,~'00 L 9troppo. 'helir st 1n1tive imp1essio0n f1en1/0ot dsirt. ilAll(Get' $550 Sho'. go t $4''. All (Gelts'$.00 Slioes go at $.49. L. C. Wf('taN,9. ins'the hrater of teDi(rt subjet the (or11sit'e oultitot'nthrnG'oil'ff All fGento' R.801)Soe o at $2.09. ASSOCIATE EDITORS givenn out tby t'obeniano,)011.antlit fr'ny, andltu ''lrn1tile opril. 'lhee (prie nlulde eer''ly(olored W. I.ladies,'. .It. Smith. 'I. dev'tlopo'd by oteinw'nd in rumnts'lt'i , 1pa11sulled'. 'lTe'muicattll mnsllby Shot' in te' ouse, inItRusia, ie ti n S. W. Snmith,.'KI. . P. Mlinrill. '9. niail it finlly works .1111 t o lbid whoi h t i sis'lb 1d(ole'co'fe'p'n d ie-l se- ('tilo'o, i ll tllthe ltetst shtdes 1111 J. L. (CuIt s, 'W 1, . 19B. Skilman, 'SL. te. C. 1t. line'' 9S . LolselDod, '199. iiry themiewh'ichis'ra0ediot thend '11ly with tloe emlployd toin iii'lt'0 ___________ B. 1.MSetliny, 99. 11. coewnlt'99. -Oftefrtnoe tisa oneig th.; et psd. :he rnipl ub. -tirast' between t(l it'rstt oad seoi'tJid i i ginheard plydiy t'l yte voin- A O .A L A The coliocipion pociecof tie Dtily hsut, cct is:ulhradi l ie u beer, re' ct i io t ot, ia adeoccefoiiithe r tt 1)''lttl.lti iIiit 111(0lt'igOIt t of tne year. Leace s'iciptioii at thet 'Ilie'secodisubljcit, C('maorci'(tnby tlllt'e otriig tagistthle' pil W shn tn e k Diiy otn or withi . C. Meye, . of M.1 W sig Neon Stoiid. tranqutillo, in di'eo'dcmt'laltilleigt itg t'lo'tofitifilt' wtto t win . 'ilit 9111911teit'(rt otubjttt, otnd htlolias rchrzot.Gtiiimci, i(.141tue) leIi . lar,4 11 Edltne of lodys paper, ito it 011011tcnllin phraseiit'.)o'.0d, i10hl i lrt'sceotlorfil isothi 55 1 '. 55. Tt.5L'tO, n0 0liit'lis,(devl'oped10li't he (110ntoo trio, (l it tit i a lt 1major, iolar a d 'Ihen'folloin tii&Iysi'. tf 9r101 Santy's ympihoniy -whetyi 00ill b edhI ad nte nrd'to ad . itneusOtsd fott it e n r h1e1ard 1 folner tl.het dyherdin(hiirt'tdtttitim111e .ittilonotol.solt'tt911er-. i g thee owith soeral iv ('0'te n d 911 iiil'.15 iaiorll'(21ll t'e 11egr 0o Dilytby -t. 1L.I. Cle't: i() ttd frth iiidwl hoyan su tcsi'on01 of Codslo l'illetl t), Otiil o li' ltl 'l l Wh'iilethtlt'Symphony ill1+' matjor 615 Prof. Stntley is 1106stritly' pro rnthirdp0ar111tIn tthis the prt~ifnct'tlo111(0f(ll otendttI ness. 11Th'l trogf'mesl'l.yltairire muic, it', 19, '"heAw'ton o j lrsae developedl motee r t'caried outl ~t il ltietsta11(1formii. A r ioe laesadi irel (lie Soul," sgge sotllth itfalo liI)ttlidil' thnieoflirt (111 (etllaridoftht' (('1 P11 ih' lto 1111 that grnrl los.Strtproeto(h graalax enralclss Itrer 11000'h nw sletI1 isiateriall for i csee 1irst Imitif of (111eIntouctio oeeuro ill 1b1p('dltIousaieg tb ansouillloiltruTlt' e~ie' tn', owhile a ombination1)1(if thisloBabrigan Underwear forHot appr'teciation1 of lift. It 'shiowits 0 ( Ia1111dIimoeme1n't, so'hiht'l f110'il ltteme ail'1(11thi' firt sbjeeet of tht' Weather. four moviemetstOfotl eirods in lit)'. i 'n} iter'r'uption, 19(lt (-4 till")firt o (i't'il, 1bot1h of tem henalen. Thie first movemhent stndo toe stini tgit th nht xhr'.oin.r'e 'lou11tlntil they stnd fo .,tutii tint, It' secotd tflt lovelife, the ,r1(10 the so0l11nderte nlui~ececof riteihies, fora'thte olteht'ion ofteW AG NEiR & C0.1 ltirdfor joy, (lie fosrthi thet'fully deel stong' emotios, lonli~'ioddeus'i'tl un11ttil'iY stndlIfill' diniog FURNISHERS opedl ehraicter lIinturlet'lift. SMany pa ir. The lprinctiipaliuet isf given19fot' tie fttlliotern Oreetr. 21 MAIN ST, - ANN ARBOR. of (lie themhhes tile lcommlon to twoV no'velhtels, antI there is the jiler'11il h (11Oll.nelhtii'B1yIeforetdeiding 011 yor reainsi fth hmti ae inittedtr'I(5hie''eelli in (i'o(theetilSttmir Ostig, conulttie T below. Thin is caieid oti strietly "tour-'Trhack Series," W A H R ov'hocldnlrly ctl rottd'rurintglthe ist expositionl of the scab- the Yew' York entral'sHO R E Ia ebtitietl' c tu .sibjee, ie. A short iasae for lt'ebrasotbeultiftli boos of tael 'ilie treatmtent, owisithe exeptioni Illctritd ('tilgsen re ot leto 19u11eisode is -oih otriouslgn tl re 90 of somse parits of the fis ovh0emhet, paidi,.oil reeit of it two'et stamp solo insltrumhenlts are iitl'otlthetl(i(liirby Geore H. Dtniiela(.cier la - ns eseniall moern Thewor beitation (lin the sceondt). A short sulo segr Aget, Grand Cetra Station gills withia in ltrodction, F major, for hor, aeonptitet by solo vio1in1 Neov York. 34 time) poeo aago, in ohihe(iesithi the rem(aiing oioiun tremolo, Lost-AIKappla hKapphat Ganuna Sot- w0id ilstrritsl11 give outphrasseadittinto (9(what mihgit be cledhilIa ority ike, set5witi peals, oner' whlichl stasid for infiluences or sligges. Seond subjet, were it developed. nate n1 back. Finder return to Ste tinus fromn outsidle atinlg on the soul Tepieta lbe Smerlei.ward'n office and receive rewarud.t (the strings) whchasti yet lian learned Eavie yotr biyele relaired at Wen__ ed by the --ood -win (in imitation)ge'rparsotaonhepte niothing of Cle tiue mheninig of life, sperdoof(I(leIrlelss ~ '~.s N rti hao'. easnbercs nor asakenied to 11 realzation of ito Nosy foio-vs tan agitated lioreuielrt Lost-A Liddel ad Scott's Dieek own power. The irresolute attitude havinig for its ditinguishing mul~sial tLexieoni. Finder please return to You ogt t inear a par of of the sotl is indicated by the abfrut feafure imitative tretmtuet of the Steward's office, Kolored - Shoes changes of mode and key. ''he frt lorns and bas agist a suging Wtnted-To exchange a typessrier motif, given out by tie horns, is the bakgrounsd of sring figurs By 110 in first-class condition for a bicycle AND KEEP KOOL. ALL STYLES IN most important in the whole work, uniexpected transition an episode Inquire at Duly office, tKLFO*KD and recurs frequently during the heatt Milie stands for grief is nowsa' (11B E AU Gentlemen-f you hae ay second- B EaShoe and last mnovemens Tue soul set15m cds I hs(i srnshv hand soes or clothes you wish to sell, £kI lkJ Sto e to respond several (ines, ut sinks calaS1N ana,6N ANS.P.CUtHOUSE. due.I hstesrnshv ala 1N anS. 6pulsating figure, wshile (le oboe gves If you are in need of anything it .MI TOP ORHUE back again into its irresolute state, out the principal subject in the rel- teln fsotn od n ati E until.1 the end of the fntotinfive minor (G7 minor), This s nvel- cheap, call at tie Daily office PRAH UEzLf It rspodsandthrugha mtifoped by other wind instruments, Now Lost-At Athletic P'ark Wednesday which is a question, it seems to look cmsai eia~efrsrns c ikubelFne eunt 0 Repairs all kinds of Gld Pins, around with eager interest. Then en- companied by pulsating chrds for State t, and receive reward. 171 'igec aladse sues the first movemen-t proper, key (le brass. This leads into an allegro Swan Linen is high grade paper. c. H. KEY'ES.. Y -z ,..