~~hc ILof
FRIDAY. MAY 22. 1,696. FouR PAGES--3 CENTS.
VOL. VI. No. 170.
We DM ust M~ove 1111
The store weno occupy has No First May Festival Concert a
quarters. GetSces
W eMstld. mutseekneuGea Sccss
We1Y.t lseO t f The presenat seissoni of the May Fes-
our storis of music goods ad
Bicycle. We owter urices which ilk tial collci'ts opeed'ti ost rOlsiil-
will sell Faods if lose prices..
H mean asything tooyersa Iouslylast night. Es erythlc sas catr-
THIS EANSBUSIESS tied out inl accorsliance with the ar-
THSMASBUIESjN raligeisients anti there wssn11 hitch or
If you want -soythise in tihe -trineaaiyieslricue
ausic liue ges our prices thia 10listubneaaytmedrgth
week. 1eveniiig.
THE ANN ARBOR ORGAN CO., ;;i Frani lafsky. the (Gerimans prima
i S.MAIN ST. tdomia, was the principal soloist aind
BUYBENHU BIYCLS.she ftilfilledl every expe-ctatioin. tier
II voice, which is a sopranso of wooidcrfuat
_________________________________ power intdicats't a force ini reserve
which rnsist make ti itnuse
,It' a LitleLate singer equal to the most exacting of
It'sa L tI~ aidWagner's roles. Frau Riafsky was
in the seasoni, but we pirolosigetd applanse she recei%-ed. tn
o'clock. A isiscellaneons prograiii will MAY TURN ST'AGG DOWN.
logvni hchtefloig oo T3its will take tart: Miss Rose Ste- Chica o Students Take Action
wvart, sopsranlo; M1iss Gertriieile ay
Stein. contrailto; 'Mr. Evans Williais.on Athletics
ieior, 1and Sig. tisepp~e t'alliaimisr. A mceinlg of lihe senioir class of the
baritone. 'liii full trogralis is as fol-Iivesyoflicg wsiid e-
liso 5: ~tertlay at svlslil~li ipotat sictionsini
1. Suite for Orchestra, Miiszkosv-
s; itstoil Festival OIrchestra. regard to atlic s eo ws takcii. A re-
2.ia."o iv iits" rl sert was lpresentedlto(thelI('neeting;
the t'reatisnjilatlyili; Mr. oil- soggesinlg stuide-it reprecsentation and
liaii 5. 3. Letter asia. Mozart; Miss osailageilieit sif at hletics.
Stewvart. -l. Prologus', "I lFllii" Tul e plans iiider ciinside'rution inI-
ci," Leoicavallo; Sig. Ca'anauari. cle the electioss of coaclisis for the
i. Faitasie for sircisistr'a, "tsmi-o
and Jlieit," Sventlsen; Rosti' Fs- iffere'it 'varsilt- itlestic teazes anti
ival Orchsestra. 6. Asia, "Jteaninei'11100 the coiitrol ti f inances tiy the
tI'Are." tls-iserg; Miss Steii.i. 7. s ti'uiets. Ititherto buothi the culaclilog
Quairtette froms "tigolettis,' ' eir- 11nd isinnial iaiiigelssnt 1his4tbeen
di;; Miss Stewart. MAiss Stein, MIr. in the hands of A A. Silg, 1 u i
Williams, Sig. taisilanilri. 8.
Olvertuir', 'Saklntala" (holdumrk; of the delilltment of athiletics, hut
Rosito 'ustival Ofces-tra. those oilliii' insite la'iiiiithat Illa
'lii' smanagement have asked t1h-itclays sire nuiibetred. Stigg; weiit to
still itave a
01 XWolell
on hand and most respect-
fully solicit your patron-
S. W. Burchfield
E. Huron Street.
The Leading Tailor,
and only direct Importer in the city,
has just received his entire stock of
Foreign and Domestic Woolens for
Spring and Summer '96, at
uall Dress Suits a< Specialty.
Special Sale.
Baseball Supplies,' Lawn
Tennis Rackets, Lawn Tennis
Supplies. Sporting Goods of
every description.
Up Town, Down Town,
ll7sl-erslty flonlsslre, Opposite Court House
20 S. State St. 4 N. Male St.
resp~oning to a hearty eacore after special attieitioini le calldiii tie flscls tileunoiversity tliid'r a five years' con-
siesging the 'Lii'tiistoil" of Isoldi', she that the concerts will begirt esactly tract, whit-litos's not explire biefore
miatde Mr. Xtollt'ilsatser colle upioiilt
platfornm to shiare the hoiiiis of the
evening with her.
M r..Ban-on Bierthialdl has a pturtaiid
very pleasisag tenor which at onsc
slaced himi in snarkt'd favor with the
audtience. tHis singing of Siegnhesnd'e
Love sonig froiai -Die 'salkuere" was
enough in itself to -win the emphilatic
approval of the nmusic lovers who
heard hire last night.
Miss Stein and Mr. Hleinrich svere
already favorites sithi Ann Arbor and-
iences, anid last evening they further
strengthienetd their popularity' here.
'Mr. Lamnson, in the strong reciitatives
of King Henry' in "Loliengrin," was
all that his most enthinsiastic' adiires
eonld have asked froii hinm.
Before the program was fiiiishied Mr.
Lamuson was called to the stage and
presented with a pair of expensive
field-glasses as a testimoinilil frons the
C'horsil Union.
Today's Festival Program.
The program for the symhonmly con-
cert at 3 o'clock this afternooni is as
1. Overture, "'Magic Flnte," Mo-
zart; Boston Festival orchestra.
2. Piano Concerto. E fisat, "Emn-
peror," Beethoven, Mr. Alserto
Jonas. 3 .Scherzo from "A MIid-
summer Night's Drean," Mendel-
ssohn, Boston Festival orchestra.
4. Ballad for Paritone unditetes-
tra,: "Lochinvar," Chadwick, MIr.
MIax Heinrichi.3. Symphony, F+
major, The Awakening of the
Soul" A. A . Stanley; dedicated to
President Angell; T. Poco adagio-
allegro ma non troppo; II. Adagio
con motto expressione; III. Scherzo
--motto -vivace; J''. Finale-allegro
The evening concert will hegin at S
on timse asid thuat the carryisig of
chairs intis the 1h1111with not his- allowedl
unlder ansy eiretunuisanees.
New Courses in Chemistry.
Twvo new conrses in genersal chiemnis-
try will lii offered hnext ysear unider
the ihnstrhuction of Dr. Arthhr Lacs-
smasn. They will he knowvn as Coturses
12 and 13, sisid lre as follows: t'hy-
sical tctehiistry, chiesmical dlynltis-
cohntinhuaition of Cousrose i. IHistorical
sand thie'reticail chem-sistry.
'Two housrs lectusrecsourse will he
giveni ty Dr. Lachamans tuning the
first semester. 'flis course nmust tie
precetdetd by Conrses 1 and 2 inpshuy-
sirs anti either pirecededi or sitcom-
tianietd hy Coturse (S in generail them-
istry. A know-ledge of orgasnic chein-
istry anid of calcsilns are extremely
Course 13 svill constitute the labsor-
atory stork svhich sill he gisen in the
second semsester. Thernio stsd Elec-
tro-chemnical, tsvo afternoons a week,
stithi three hoisrs' credhit. This course
miust he precededl by Course 12.
In 1897-S asid thmeresifter, Course J
isi physics still he requnired.
ht is niost desirahle that students
having thle initention of takisig this,
course hand their nasses in to Dr.
Lachinan as soosi as possible in order
that adequate sarramigemnents snay he
matde in equitpping thle physical-chem-
teal laboratory, which will he located
in what is knosns as th e "towver
roonm," isa the east cornier off the south
sting of the chienical laboratory build-
At the last meceting of the Rtegento
Dr. Lachinan was appointed instructor
in general chenisutry for next year.
Dr. Lachman now holds the Park,
3Davis & Co.'s schiolarships..
neuxt yesar. 5'holhier lie sswilremauisi
in thei'unietrsity shioul tort of hli
piowers lie cilieih si-uiss tuo he an
otuensutuestitiniassoig the sttuients.
Sosse huoute hpret-tdet',t.andulthemythinkil
tha~t Stsagg isill rusigis. Ohers this sot
go so fist.
'Thii'feinig of the sluidiitt bidy'hims
Pen'siniifsisor of studuent ciontrol of
athletics for souse tiiiii pulst,lustthile
is the first timue that sny smctive steps
in thiatudirit-tionm iss-c been takens.
The fsact that this mieetinmgsvss him-hi
wthslie Stagg;stas oust of towtn is signi-
Medics Defeat the Laws.
hn yesterday's initer-claiss tislligamse
'9h) A defeatesd the senior lawssby time
close score of S to i. This gamme gives
1'Ph)Z itthe chiasmpionshipi of thit-prtofes-
siosnil depiartmiesnts, asid the right to
play iii the finals wtlltihe fr'shme'n
lits next Tuesday. 'fTic date of time
finale of the series has hi's-iscl aged
from Saturday to Tui-sdahy the
26th, on accounit of the Bsmay Festival
Time gaume yesterdlay was quite close
and interestinig. 'Thle iatteries for
botts teamsss did very good work, ex-
cept for the first imuing wthen Asnler-
eon - wesnquite avild. Osnly seven in-
nings wtere played hy smutnal agree-
ment. Thue score:
1 2 3 456 's7 hI
'991M------------.104000-S B
'Nh6 ..------0 50 0 000-5 4
Batteries-'99 iti, Apel and Wehmrle;
'9(1 L, Anderson and Fox. Umpire-
Hon. John C. Tarsney, '69 L, has
heen appointed associate justice of
the supresne court of Oklmhoma.