THE UNIVERSITY OF ICH1-IGAN DAILY. Why Not the Best? li & 6 S.lIfMain andORS.OOSEte St., HYGIENIC m BOARDING =HOUSE*. ,t oratnint hi ieo Itoatedhalf a o]:fon 5 f~esiy -a-one] Inder new manazeicoand it th iw faco mda in-aypro pus igfortboard. to ires ured of U.IEIII serngw.. na,' in ur aaiy us tirautout app y it once oriclltIt Illaynard a ALF. J.RENNI54GS G.W. PRIOGLE PROPRIETORSWeph .iis1AI cqe rstictcly high gradei at a ies'; cuce time ote hr uets ha re no butter;also YOU WILL SOON NEED theT~im+,Ofodand 1Olarcaud for althe zelazcager, Tru k o 'f a ve %A !.Q'1 ARANTEED TO GIVE SATI SFACTION .-u E V ICTORTEN IS 005DS1Liret assortim-nlt in thoe iy. Boiy it at are endorsed by all ire,,( IU -fa rn ss Sk'hop 45 S. Main. A. athletes who appre- ciate fine points o e, o O e construction. t ~ uii o e n s 3Z5CTO5R TENNI~IS BnLL.S- ay(st in the Wocld.) May seem a big amount, but if you get a pair of $4.00 per dozed, cash with order. HANArN SHOES, you will not have to guess OVERMAN WHEEL CO. again. You will always now what to ask= for. Offices and Factory at Chicopee Falls, Mass. Come and see them anyway. Nes York. Bosto. Detroit Denver. San Francisco. Lot Angeles. Portland, Ore. jan s. S'T'A2rE Agent for MVayhiew, of Grandl Ra-picls. JUST OUT! entrWtd vrwhere SendWA or Ceaog. 11 a- - - ~CRA5DALL MACHINE CO., 6050CC?,N. P s!.n o e a n d sO e r o f fi te fo o t-0 U. wea. tosphcofetrotaiitg. Fancy Mixed Nuts ------------------------------1lceperpound JOHN1 WOTZKE, 438A. MAIN ST,, Fancy Mixed Nuts---------------------------- 11 lbs for $1 U P STAIRS. Fancy Virginia Peanuts- _1c per poured FPS NA IN LB N .Fancy Virginia Peanuts----12----- lbs for $1 OF ANN ARBOR. DEAN & 0COPANY. orgaied 1953 44 Seuth fain street. Capital, $100,0c00 .Srplus and Profi t ,t00 Transacts a gesccot tbanhiag bhotness. UNIVERSITY= NOTES. A TTlNTtON OIt'heLoS" ' . seottes oct.eslc h.sdodlcttIf yosua'bicy cle needis cleturirsor P. BACee eres. S. IV. CLA. eesON, Cashier. 'Theteiortetatl hstids ilgrt ectttttl iocker & Co., 1ii N. 1i0111°11 _____________________________________a recs-ititi at (grantge's ttitttcerttw ave., i's thte slace to get goodsi s-ott THE ANN ARBOR SA.VINGSHANK eventing. itsti d *-(onondt at prces rthat l wilootall. Clapital Stoch. $:,0,00. neilas, ft$1500. Tetc Ciorace ebioard illOO itlet ttO fesst-tt ootio u Resoorces, d1,100,000. afternoonuit t-4 sicloitiintoos fort'ul ieofu-odt 11 Orgnteit nt~eohtlenraoaning'sistotto in "LiveandileOt lie." of this Stain. Otc-Ises deposits,hays andtOee teittitielt of cottimittees. ' cT A~dbN snitaseeange on the petincipualcites of the99RAK'IN Unitied States. Dtrafes cashred supon proper Amontig teewes courses teotie ottfcr- A1l canaitltes foe the freshmtaan identiication. Safety d1p-1 ctihones to reat. OrraCarassChrstiana Otch Fees.; NV. o. ciiiiat te Ittiveesity of Wisns attrte'tack teamtttareeuetsotetoeporset at, Harriman, Vice-P.res.; UChas E. Oiiseank, Cashies: tO. 7. Fritz Aasiant Canstier. itioseon atthooiltoigy aridetlilteogiy te athlteic fild ievery afteeoeneat -ibyarose. i ayrstisl. 4:15 sllalri. C. C. AO)A1IS, Lowney's Chocolates. The scontd annasrAl"Wicottoit r-_______ _Manager. hot L'u~n~cehlasOtiO etewsiOOllibeOheld at beast- CGentlemaen-if you s-avaot to nave Hot unces. c noney on shoe repiring cal nlO00A. sotn, NXtisIll). Tsvi'tty-tsvo schotos Levy, 31iN. Main at., juest bclosw the 4S S. State ~ Otive signifeditiheteiritniona of c ent ie O eenOs ~tn ih 1' UTTte a terisig. soles 50 centts, eas-y eoe 0cents. ______________________________ All seisor's who hiave ntstpatid thire Atletic goods woofed? WellO ehe THEFINST iNEOF class taxes acereuse to d~o 00oia Victor Athsletic goods are nold at thte, 01111 01toFINuESTlisoLiINEecoOF Darily chico at a good idiscount. B Ia irs ordte thaetOttbismay Sue iaid sret , Messes. We'igsrs Kay- & Co., of Dc- IYCE, SVNLJRIES Ipre'sented'r. Thest rerasur'e ma oliptrop5, esii's beirng thi -lagest muan- Also Biuseballioodts arnd Ia numockus. Icolesnsirndaiscieg will 5be Pg"ce bit M. or iles. Otoss (lerargee at thoi' academry dureiing, Ao3'and Jane. Programosevettitngs, 'rees- d.,y antd Sa tudy. ;i It' Nt leasan lt is S o skuit isif you souldr--rt d epli tnsint.icEver es rissglurI of your phsi c i russ uulih t Iis' - It c-4,no smore lo -ct actinust Fii(roe' lAsucy. scud thesris us IcaIt- +ieioo knu ~ yu c.ittelct I "1Viking AND H uimer." GLF AND SUI1TS. Are op to date and a hiittlc he- yond. 15 MairLSt SPECIAL. TuIETAS a StHANZstell Ori's srndOParts at prrrices ro sit eveeribody-,ore also do re pairng. cleirun oaid peessing. 0Worh caliled for and de~ivered. No. SrS. Stae s., secon d flioac. 0tO.lPMARTIN, Funral Duirctor, Cloth 0. andMetallic 'askhets arnd inerrtrade lti~ns. Embalming a Speeilty. No. 14' S. Fourths ave. U OF 1. SHeAVING PARLOaod S ath- sn roms. All oppolol~meols irsnt class. Imported and domest~ic cigara. aadies' arts- tin halressrminug;and hathing parlorrs. . .R. Trojnowahi365S. htate ci. XATHd0N YOU WVANT year clothses eleaned 1' 1'iressed, relisned or rehond gn to Mrsa- Fisgerir, averSherehsan's hookhstore, ah oratory aprons made to order A NEW COLLAR r AND SUPPLIES. BICYCLE SUITS, BICYCLE SHOIES. Everythina in.r the Bicycle line at M. SITEBLE'S Ced~e Emporium, 11 W. Washington St. I 1 foundsias ileetofore,inlte stcsear's ratscse eeeriyhsg' nCs Uniled Staetes, arecheadeqiartrsofre office,-Monday, Wcdsdary and Fr-'i- frternity breochs, hook msark~s, belts, slay.,9pCoo1:30 a. iti. or at 74 E. Washt-Crs boo boxes, bag tags, caris, fis, lasi;-oraor., C Coo7 sp.nI. glove fastceers, glove mcendies, glove. bsuttoners, gatee bucklecs, seckets, Stsudents whossavrtelcics fthey swisht silver lognetie chainso, nil-er loeckets, woerkeid up intoe bininrg can _get tte silver earsots, metols~, nmeorale bst anidc caipest sworidonte at the csly tablects,nmemrtsianum obablto, Argssbindley, ever thte Ann Arber mtcheaotfes, necktie holdern, 0pipcs. Savings barnk. t peckset .pieces, paper clips, paper cut- Lest-Aboeit the mtain bulding, a tern, rulecs, soones, staintp boxes, rssn, ladies' gsod ws-tch, openi face, Wal- diails, slceve lineks, umanbella clasps, Ctham. Please return te steward's of- vinagrettes, statieoery, create, meone- flee and receive rewartd. granmo, etc.. etc. 1 7 t I