VOL. VT. No.167. ANN 1011-01-I X111GCAN fIT> i )AY XIAJ AV 19 1M!3(')'_1Fn-P P ,, s, C--:..- e5~l"AWAKI-ENING 0O' A SOU. 11We Mus t Move hi rf tnlysBotio on The -tore we now oecupy hs111Pro.Sa lysBt'llu yn ben -old. Wewmust seek nuew 0 1# ures.10 p o yto e till i el v.et MIi THSW e A111 clos IeSSOu t Iitit1i1it1 -ttp--- i --1- ($5 bIi ytantthintobyierst'inlt Iiirr'uo h ~nlfoylF11I11 4~ TE AN A~O UR~N ~O Mtey2.iiiiichtit is nild T lilt 1-tino It ;S.ouMan n hi 51 -i ho M1, tiy it i Itis i ate t o 1 Is.ctt y} week. Ili 111c1 11 UY ppE -HUR ORBICYCLES. Iis ' t- c'itd totii ev - itsi-- 1 tidf r THE -t iy'lit' in flit thu cioitioi Ihoitit'Oioi1 of Warrantcs woen O ut. CHI-ANGE FOR THElL SENIORS. il- vI-11i'Iinli- ti snys1 3011121. it ha inoltitt-ilinieeprtoof nlull is lls]tn'sit- & cold S;.;IcsWI FloG cion Made ii 'it. 11-1ot11t eil' t vs Sont lIi o'tt- More Optional. il.:; shtot i11ll-ng 11 a iltlotrit (=ri-ingen' At 't St-toe- in-i d tlh it i iIin t csitni i~stt ol lzlty (i'Qi lg, itist i ii ii t -it 'i itithit otyn i t i.im l-gte-i' 111, tiy i-it t t -i li tnie(- I-ti--cstlii- lit- iwh il t- Inti 1I etioteit l o- hi u-tlk li ioi-ect iitl-t- li I t we lit] fi triltlf' ii i luti i Ir. Ptitlt''l t l i I Tli d- tt 111t-t ttt lt titicc. it'11 et ittlI li liii Il i et ii il itt 1t-,ilii i l its c'nlh'tc5 111it-ill ii i tttiltcourses f isthe ti1t]c of - i t wo ti ll l llittI llistwlilt-nil l g:1hi-.c-ic-c ii syin -It. Iwo tilt_ l1 iti ill iii lit huS iilil it iti V l Ili I- I of ttudyni iii hs] ni-otith tilt1 taint Lawn I ..11oelt hosts, t ...rliiitii ieli ntitiof 'hiss. tti eit I .1(lj, tcd by sn.)scillliliiifoill he '11nitiii-" cls i l li itihYthi' isi stlii t 1,11d t-th i-Oil] ii0"'r ) its- 111111- ci -i l-1 11ri, - e ci' liii- tali 1-7- 1i ni g (3oliapsble ,11 tanl iti- be calried lii tile vest poOket. Just the thing for wlleelmn-)n and camip ers. u~r"14yiS DiiR Sore 17 E. Washington St., cor. Fourth Ave. IMPORTANT NOTICE. G.H. WID The Leading Tailor, and oiily direct importer in tlie city, h~as just received his entire stock of Foreign aiid Domestic Woolens for Spring and Sumimer '96, at 'NO. 2 E. WASHINGTON ST.. H EAR MAIN. I till Dress Suits a Specialty. Special Sale. Baseball Supplies, Lawn Tennis Rackets, Lawn Tennis Supplies, Sporting Goods of ,every description. SEE OUR STOCK AND PRICES WAJkH R'S, Up Town, Down Twn, Unilvecsity Booktose, Opposite Court House 20.-State St. N. IainSt. gi-iticin>fomti it lnlou ili theliiirlst ititt-iie-it, fully aiv'e-, it lotons nit Nvill impilelt, ciildllike Ilihos. 'Tue t 'cliii- 4iltiiloitt tii h",iiair .;roundstli om of ciiIlit'moit initeestinig" te l sn-,o j 1 lio"n4 tiinni tchreeirunsi III j 1fir" n'smainltic-cl t l-cn-ud fori it- second1no-sniilg lt is og'it,111alitite a l-e-cn iOli- iii.Iilii -- f1renillof ldlesirl. I11t11 liirit-lereliththi et. iis Ioilk otIhe .lleee- 1-lie-ntruenioyflrness lis iseen af1-tte ille soresnexlt iitin uiitt'Oc-it liii stormongfilp arsoc-o,--ndine fourth,' Iii- -t.Thsladw.i oth strog ad ealiet ye moedIbttont-n wsgot f-or runsicid l loeth 7i. liei thloughlts, ian ideal ciniicrT'lei l lts ttoil(,- Th'inive liii-(th lat,, fistesggc-stiono cf awannnig cun-netisti- asli lei n----icIr1 te guiding Ilucighl ice lie- iiid; lt eillcit taorc-i-nitihir icftut iii-h thieie,-simplle a] first, is lit-ard atithelii' nih. clohin tengthiened iantI ii te Te--scort~ li ei: tolnughtitaklleiifroiniit iich ne'et-ec'iiig'! 10 2 4i.) CS 7 8)1 1z-I1 wiovnle-nt. It in a cdte'eloupced steed, -='liiL .......3I0 0 ot02I0 4 *- - i.10 o eharacter- iiadce pae n-d111intense ii'Bttei-eso--98 I), Liehi'aid L. Pltt; ito progiress.5'!)0LF{oxz-end Wlii Ic-n. Onto limle- Prof. Shm-ile1-trnill lecturi- nc-tIFi-'Iilts-li'x, 1-Icci. 'l'Tiiee tani- hilts-- 11113'after'nooii at 3 oclouik, ini riezet'Lhitntil, Wt. The ninni-i yst eri-11iiy's iiii( MenmociualiHall, 11p1o11Lolltengrcin intln-ld 11- hl 1 l iefi rud 1 also 111o011Saiiioii aiid Delilahl, tnvl-lih4 1. l., 'Thiursday1-. in tos n siuig iilthe cloning conct Banquet at the S. C. A. of the Maiy Festival. ____________________-''hii-out-gocing eblt oth le Stn- 'Varsity Practice Yesteriay. (tets' (Christianu Asscitio~n tendercud Olin 'Varsity nwas p1111throughsomice atlbanquct ti thn-inew cabline-t, List shiarp plractice yesteriay behiii clocsiedSafturday iht atcN ewberryuiss tt- llcc g-lies. The teamiishowveed lit nviry- well. orer. XW. 11 1cc-zactedcl 11t10110- 3hlcliciac3- wtilla tlye'd at sec-ocid acid ascter, caindilamonig thn'spcelikersotee- Tam-k 5Condon in right. Thei- placice- Prof. D'Ooge-, Prof. Thomunpsouinen ill be secret again thitsoftic-noon. AMr. Goddard. y'ti it it' 1-cll cta Rhic-hiards ... f . .... ...I thui O'Brcienu . ,... c .......Cmlkis Atincis .... n'.c ..... ' nllnu Oco-buase Iits-Rhicluards. 'flume- base his-O'Bruieni, SlciOtleySeatburcy. those cci l balls-O~fftParkier-). Strck out-By tacker, 3; by Acainus, 1; lby Alexander, S. tPassedl balls-ni'hBrie-n, (. I-nipiin---tGnorge.