THlE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. NEX TIWO WE[KS Jas. W. Kollauf, Merchant Tailor, wil make for cash Fancy :1Lght 1Suitiogs at greatly reduced prices. Clothes cut and made up to date. 10 E. Washington St.. Gibson &Clark PHOTOGRAPHERS. 12 W. HURON ST1 ANN ARBOR Steam Laundry, No. 23 S. Fourth Ave. We still have too much Neckwear and wiil continue our NE KWE AR SALE! for one more day. SAT"URD1A-Y, M.AY 16, You can bay any Necktie in our store for 50 cents. 75e, $1.00, $1.50 and $200 Tiesnfor50c. D. A. TIINKER& SON, HATTERS AND FINE FIJANISHERS. No. 9 S. Main St Five Dollars for One Guess May seem a big amount, but if you get a pair of HANAN SHOES, you will not have to guess again. You will always know what to ask for. Come and see them anyway. GEORGE C..SHIRTS Agent for Mayhew, of Grand Rapids. JUST OUT! x ,universal Crandall Cpewriters lno.; 50osaaCRANDAtL MACIHE CO., GROTON, . t}. DO YOU EAT UT' S? Fancy Mixed Nuts--------------- Fancy Mixed Nuts--------------------11lbs for $1 Fancy Virginia Peanuts .- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---10c per pound Fancy Virginia Peanuts- 12 lbs for $1 DIEAN &COMPANY. 44 South Main Street. Summser Law Lectures, Univ. of Virginia July 1 to Sept. 1, 1896. For students and practitioners. 27th year. For catalogue, ad- caress (P. 0. Chlarotesville. Va.) It. C. MINOR, Secretary. FIRST NATIONAL ]BANK. OF ANN ARBOR. Organized 1863. Capital, $00,000. Sarplus and Profits, Wd,000 Transacts a general banksing business. Foreigu ehanges bought and suld. Furniub letters of credit. P. BACH Pres. S. W. CLARKESON. Cashier. THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK Capital Stock. $50,000. Surplus, $150,000. Rtesources, $1,100,000. Organized underthelGeneral Banking Laws of this State. Rteceives deposits. buys and sells exchange on tbe principal cities of the United States. Drafts cashed upon proper identification. Safety doposit bones to rent. OFFICEuS: Christian blach Pros.; W. D. Harriman, Vice-Pres.; Chlan E. Ililseock, Cashler:... Fritz Asistaut Cashier. Lowney's Chocolates. Hot Lunches. TUTTLE'S, 48 5. State St. T HE FINEST LINE OF BICYCLES, SUNDRIES BICYCLE SUITS, BICYCLE SHOES. Eerythinz inthe Bicycle line at [noir 11 W. Washington St. XOORE & WETXORE e6S. 5ain and S. State St.. Corner of William. Invite your attention to their line of LAWN TENNIS GOODS. We eep the celebrated Ashy Racquets. strictly htigh rde at a less ree than other erscquets thtSisal o t ter; also s te Talismant.Osford aid Harvard for ciherpee racquets. Try the new Tennis Ball,lbhe Slazonger, GUARANTEED TO GIVE SATISFACTION. Also Baseball Goods and Hammocks. PRIVATE lossens in dancing will be given by Mr. or Mrs. Ross Granger at their academy during May and 1June. Program evenings, Tues- day and Saturday. $IT DON'T COST YOU A CENT tcoo-ot ottr diretories.uoe our maeour soratplceto mct meyour friends. Of cosew 0 fP shallnbtglado supply your drug SPALMER'S PHARMACY. 0 0Telephose olmes Livery forts rig.d Bicycles. " Viking AND Hummer." GOLF AND BICYCLE Are up to date and a little be- yond. 15i Main St. SPECIAL. TDfETAS & SCAN sell Suits and Pats a rices to sit eseryody; we also d repairg t'leaslng ad Prssng. Work called for and delvered. 1\0. 05 5. Stae St., t etondifloor. Oat, M. MARTIN, Fueral Eiretor, Cloth and Metallic Casets and Fine Grade Coffins. Embalming a Specialty. No. 1 S. Fourth ave.- U. OF M. SHAVING PARLOR and Bath- room. All appointments first lass. Imported and domestic cigar. Lades' artis- tie htile dressing and bathing parlors. JR. Trojanowski 3MS. State st. HAIEN YOU WANT yur cothu cleaned W pressed, relined or rebound go to Mrs Fingerle, over Sheehan's bout ste. Lab- orary aprons made to order ° NEW COLLAR UNIVERSITY NOTES. Saturday's Games. The 'Jitlius tCaesar compas~ny will Ha~rvard easily won frolls Cornt'll Stave a group iturlec of thte priuciplals bty a score of 1.i to (. in costumeti taken lisswes-s. Ottk Pa;rk wotn fromtt (rinntell, 3 tos 1. All canitels ftr the ti'c;tckeam Tfhe third gain(cin thte tri-collt'giatt' wsill be admittled 10 theatihletic fititd chamipionship series wasO-~oin by Ait- oii their passcs dui'ng thte secrct prat- hisrt over Dartimothc9 to 5. lice of the ball teamintodtay aind tomoc-I Williams ltost to IHoly ('ross. 1-12. row. 'The '917 \1 and '99 :M tplayed-a iita'- Ths' illstrlationl headiing the article ticer gaine Salturtday afterioon, ressilt- on tite womei's Leagne in thte '96 Cue- intg in a defeat for *97 M1 by is score of talian was sdrawn by 'Miss MI. E. Ta- 6i-I. The Oatteries we-rc MIehtsiope tnd cobs. Miss Jacobts coitribsuted three- Wehlre for '99 11, Lasighton andI Fret- other sketchies 1o the Castalian. ageot for '971. Two fraternity baseball Barnes were The I. 0. 1". ball team was defeasted, play-ed at the fair trounds Satuirtday 7 to 5, at Northiville. mnorning, 'Thea Delta Clii defeating Phi Delttt Theta 16- to 7, and Delta Ciii Princeton IN, Yale 0. winning froit Xi Psi Clii 7 to 0i. Princeton shut osit Yale ait Priiicetoni Lost-About the wlan building, a Satuorday, incidenttally getting ltiirtee'n Iadies' gold watch, opeii face, Wal- runs. Easton's pitching for Prince- them. Please retnrn to steward's of- toil was a great feature of the gamne. Gece and receive rewtard. Ie struck ont sixteen amen aind Yale could only tibtain two tiny hits. Yaile Messrs. Fright, Kay & Co., of De- wsual ogtana atscn troit, besidies bsing the largest mian-tsrigheniegal. usfactuorers of fratterinity badges iii (le Soeiyinns United Staites, are hieadqtuasrters for P'rincetonl.. 0 5 0 0 3 0 0 0--13 fraternity broclies, book marlks, belte, Yale . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-- 0 hion hon bsoxes, basg tasgs, canes, fobs, ..... glove fasteiir's, glove imenders, glove ;;Chicago 14, Indiana 9. bunttoners, garter buckles, sockets, silver lorgiiette liains, silver lockets, Chicago, Slay 1T, (Special Telegram) silver ieats, iienthols, sioi'able --tndiana University lost to Chicago day talets, meinoranuni tablets, yesterdaiy sy the score of 14 to 9. match safes, necktie holders, e, ~'ien of Chicago's ruins were etirned. pocket pieces, paper clips, paper cut- Batteries-H. Clarke, Nichiolo and tees, rules, spoonis, stamp boxes, run.Tones; Daily and Htarris. Hits-Cii Is leeye link', umbrella ci.sscage, 19; Indiania, 0.Ereroro-Chilcago, vinagrettes, st.ationery, cests, mono- 5; Indian. 2. g asms, etc., etc.- Subsocribe for the Dally. f , T ' A