~IIE U.of A.Wiu VOL. VI. No. 17. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 18, 18(5. FOUR PAGES-3 CENTS. IONE GUITAR Is enough for one person to Splay on at one time. One guitar is not 'enough, how- ever, to supply 3,000 Stu- S dents. That's why we have S constantly in stock several dozens of guitars of various makes and prices. +BETTER LOOK AT OUR It's good as its name. "THE ANN ARBOR ORGAN CO, S. MAIN SI. ADiELBERT A STRONG TEAM. SCORED ON CORNELL AND WILL PLAY HERE TOMORROW. Practice Games Getting More In- teresting Every Day-Our Scrubs' Line Probably Heaviest In the Country-Interference Better. Manager Baird deoerv'es crcdit or Isis efforts to sirengtheis andtlad1(1to the .interest of the homse schedule by changing the name scheduled willh Case School to cue with Adeihert. Whens the game' was fir'st airrangedl wrillsCase it was cxpectedl to he ai hard one, but it has since app~eariedl hat the Case School teami is muoch inferior hils year to the oite whieft other at center an(]tsome1.5-very hard play resulted. H1oopcr aid Hall also gave a liretty exhibtitioin at giard Ball doing renmarkably well consider- ing his lark of training and practice. M1orley matte some good tackles and Dean at full back punitetdrensarkably well. Itichiardls did gorod work at half until an Injury to his wrist watteimn give way Is Gates. Eddie Shields was also out for practice. Hall was taken tt the training table last night. FEE REDUCED. S.C.A Dues Now $1 Instead of$2 Per Year. Thse isusisess iseetig at Newterry 11x11 tWssisday iighst imet iii old- I U~ I~ pliyd ichigsin lastyealr. ~550 IF YOU WANT . The team wvhich, represensts, Alelsert dit.Tettisirlsifei h College this year is the bsest it lists Stiudent's' Chsristians Associatioin is nowy B arg in ' ov had alhoug lat yar heywonone ticihir.While the two dolar fee' evei hails.lnevertillowed to bar anytoey fvoi 0the chamisponshlip of Ohio, defeain ig wt sse ilwdtsta isos r i~~l-..~. tberlins. In conssequticnce oftiscthsey tisc prhvilstges of teassociations, yet 1 cl~~aisiedth le "chamiishipsi oflte'"antity save ite ltstesi irsascepst thsese' B ooks West" jointily wthlsMiclsigtsis, a nitrivileges for whsichs.lthey'feltltsey tlseiiri ts sictir(=st yie gar lte srd,;sisel o t p a sying. 'it'hs-iis' retnainss CALL AT TEC Clhai iltitisof itse W'sst" wire iprisst-snow as iuefore'.M'sltnerslsiisfee'Bkepis STUDENTS' BOOK STO Edtl litnsltheotll he'lity lt'ecataiiin. no onse cut, but, a.greast nuinsste'r-of asitiSrdasy Adlelbertinset ('soriell studenit,,st' andssslasse'rltiithat cison at Istihaissandwere desfeastedl only 12 tTLaw and Medical Bisoks, Greek to 4. A report of lt'e gamettit'ays: dollari'fees'itill let thisn i. whesresa Latin. Mathematical and all Cot- "Cornsell scored tirwo tuchdoiwns in the live uolairti's'k1t.thlesisist u. It is loge Text Books at r'edulced i'ates Oirst haslf, whtile Adelbsert otitplasyedil i~lsosgithle'refore, thast by si sieges' 1(1 to stusdents. Drawing Instruments fisti in thest'cs''ndss, scorinig onsui chsiI- tens ttsisf inicreasedltimembessrshtipi15y- antd Engineei's' Stspplies. stuns, lint failinsgts kick lt'e gsoalhig titis'eldollari, the nece(ssairy sissiig WE SELL THE BEST AND The two teassitsiesre' aibouit evenly epsetss'oitft th st'itlsistcan lie isset. C HEAPEST FOUNTAIN PEN'is-tatclhedlins ws'itlt. Ade'lslbetcoisiitI MADE.,Its's'efforteslussively tos busckinsg the I mstlie re'mie'msbere'd, howeve'r, lane. maskitng lsarge is' hlsrscglsleft sthatl t'e expen'ses s'rssssss'cloiwith Nest-- SFLE HBI[A $L CO., '~'guasidtsandsileft:,.tasckle.Ussr xAdellwert, Detrry Hail sirs' iot light. It is, STATIE STREET. MI. isises WNickhlssssasid Mt'stt'ltstuts ies'rlssbelievedtiIy thseiuoatrsd hilidte bIt -work'' if dli'r'ctoirs tandl smembesrs hb'- - ~iL.1iE, - Yesterday's Practice. sidlsesittialarger numbsste'r of studsesnts T H m Li r YTA L O e s e r t l ' s ' p r sa c t i c e t e s b y 3 - f s r tt s s ' t i l l r s ' p o n ds s t it' e s s i e r i n g o f it'e uraniiin curpet cf tut.of aniy seen so faist'litss atat te iexpenise callshe es- AND IMPORTER. Ii et.holta u is et u at right gnuard 0ci the scruib. ssr n-sic Sensor Law Election Tomorrow. The latest and most Fashionable asoesit. sagssaisindat ce'nter. TThis h'le sesiorIsiw clsasss.FrinFbisfrMns er lt a eyitrsingfo satyster'dasy, Fo Lregneabist fork n'We r . llytssvr nsrsis ron ir ias ehcllets orr by's'ty iii'fre'sidet't, The Lagest tock n thecity. to fiis. fliescrusptlayingslissost ii igsulsss h.orĀ° s ohscisi NO. 2 E. WASHINGTON ST., NEAR MAIN. gooda gamseasstele 'V'arsity. Thse ii i-sty for psresisdeint. calledt-Miss Bhate, terereceof he'Vasit ws anis-t sond tie resisleit, tCe ls'hlait'. perfect astheir blockinsg asdl tsck- hing wais 'xce'llenst. A issotisuiscarried'l proidting for alt- WE AV W A IUVisTe Rteervessbuickedt sntdlchusrge'llspoininens'it of aicredt'eils sonIssiittt'e to I Chic 'Varsity's hune with gosodleffect, fuir'nish thire' lists sit those e'ntitle'd to We can meet your needs in the andsihssel h losse his'st till tlistss. 'fT' vot', psciinig for bsallostinig in lit-c 'way of text-hooks, supplies, etc., no ive ceniter men of the line ai-cragedst si's-lssis with fourftles fortsi'isi-l, matter what your class or depart- 200 pons, somiewhiat msore Cth lste ment, at either of our stores, and we 'ss'iy ns hsaiialds istysll apolititedyt he s'chasiroastidsp'o- have the right kind at the right Viyan, tifact 'Ils~ ;ets o'i uttiuho vsis.'~t -price. Bring around a list of your electonswisebe eldis't Saurdy. wants; a trial porchase is the best teamsslhued ull)as followis: silsi tilb siiieiSiurh~ indicator as to where you should ''s'ss'sily. Rtesere's. Oist. 1tt,sit 1101a.. iii., in the laIeese.trdsilteyere1011 lecture We buy, sell and exchange second- eiter.....-I. e.-......siarstss ________ hand books in large quantities, and Villa- .I.I--------Eilkes No Field Day Today. can offer you special bargains in blooper-...I. g. .. 1..ohnsons- this line. We are sole agents for (Carc------------..c - D....Iesitt The fall fieldti 55c set tel' this iftser- the celebrated Waterman fountain- pen-everyone guaranteed. You'll Henninger.... - -- g .Hall isoon has beets postpsoned' owing 10o05'- also dund the best University Station- Font...........-r.C-.'. .I ohnsotOilioni taken tby the Bsoard of Ctol ery, Note Books, Drafting Supplies, Painter -,. .. . .e-t...Hutchsinsonilo sgi.'hy etsdt loei Sweaters, etc., at special rates at Baird-..... ..q.is. . - Morley ilt Te eue t lo.i R P ' HIt iehsords-., .I. h.-...Drstshselis'cto tbc helsd, ecsanse thei' consent isads W A HHolmes.. Is....r -h----coron isoltbenisobtaiedtfor a iweek sissy lJ Ts s Downs Town. Dutfy...f.... ts - sl....et'out isseet. It witltprcbably btielsd somie "Us oersu Booksooe, Oppses Court tHouse 155S. fate St. 4 N. M1ain St. Cart and Denhy agiili faced each, day next week. LETTER FROM HIARVARD. NEWS FROM AUTHORITATIVE SOURCE ON HARVARD ELEVEN. The Daily Has Arranged for a Weekly Exchange of Letters-- Harvard Students Satisfied Over the Break With Yale. Catsmbtrige, Mass., Oct. 14.-lTme msost itterest ini lililetis is ntualldy sttacctel iae pres'ntlto the iok of thse footbssl suade. Hasrvared begatt thet'ye'sri' ithtthre'ptlcssto il, usstise- ly hose of left emii, lft gusrssndt quatisrer back, which tiers' left esiarti ely lt'h e itlsds'si'sl front cllg' it C'sut. Emmontttis, Msckie' antl"Boubl" Wre'n"s. Left situ is tbeig fitest vry acc'e'ttasbly by C'slvt, it-io suutstit'st for tEmmutons i)ilasst yar's Yale' gmeis; lsitrssy, si big fireshttiai, is plying guaired just st prsentui; andi Borsesi sesrusalt'h iost likely c'andlhidt' for shusrleu. Bt utheis'ehis o sisuri weaker-t this yea'sti'nila sts,aso fasiisdefinsite platy is c'once'rned's;hit'otiesiecwokI ci thus'elieun iill, howuev'e-','bit'strong. snt'etisrevirdl lissprobasbly thCli'grest- 'stCnumberlui'of isst class bacsutkof i 'this'cllegs i is t' coun~tiy, ue list incuduing Chasrlie' Brew-ei, l'iichilu, Uthiiirussu, Hasyes, D111the01) suani wuigttisto, sllitt thomsshatet' ss sale' ele'vsenssit this'griidirosn. Andu issi's'art's'ele issues'acsit-ilstlii 'varisity siiisuu juis t Iprsen't,so hast Hasrivsidslmusiit'estrong tehindsshthus is' this ye'ar. 'flue gauset'whichsthis'elev'nh'iplaily- ed iltoCt ida it s ases'i sfaot'ry to s sll,i'xc'i'pt.pehapittis, ihuthe suuthwithh Dasritmuouithuof us wek cirisoe go, Iii itiich Harsru waisusaslet, Ccoeutis suite'. 'Theu'wauy h in lishlss'trva'dhmetu this'w'est oint bucssoasst Saturasy lias bee'ua ssurupris'tssll, sint'e' al- mstse'i-ry ('sasmbridge' uasnoexpsected this'at'ss'to scri' sfsser tlist'larg' sore tiithiitwhichi theyuetfe'std'Trin- ity, sagaistiwhuomusTasls bsi eshtIs scoer'buut tice'. A genseral fe'elinsg of stisfats'ion f is- i-thls ir- ti' ~t'ntissifthCli' trak witil lsinitsthuels'i. Silt'unts itt's- ftels'htisseHlarv-ardt cudt sot afftori ts accsept si gamess'itilsYl'asithit'eut pea'se 'oh' malthig itvictuasl spoogy to thus'Ncts-IHaven'u ctllg, andutheiuy sancst-ion,tiithlscsarscely slutexeeios, Clii'actionu of trot. Amiiss, Cle clusur- msausof Cle aitletiricmmuittee. lHARVXARD IDAILY NEWS. Dr. Fitzgerald a Junior Professor. hutIn ucommone t hhelii'etroit satnd c ter lclst-it ershit het'Dsily susuuouuum- 'iie3-ceterdasy Ithat Dr,.t.itFitzgeraldu ha bsus eenurasisdtot hit'raukof full prumofessor., 'fhis shosulud have beeti stated "junior hprfessor."