THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGATN DAILY. MJGHIGAN GEN-1-R THERE IS A BICYCLE ibe COAST LINE to MACKINAC Time Table (Revised) March 1, 180. - - - .4.TA KE T HE 4 EAST. WEST. Built ol honor. Built to be the best, regardless of cost Built .M.A. M to satisfy the critic. This bicycle will pease you. Its name? Mail and Es-1 _ 35 Mall--5--- 153 N. Y. Special.... 5 00 N. Y Spcal.... 7 30 THE MAJESTIC, sold at,4. Eastern Ex..10 12 N. S. Li ited....95 SM &C® IP Atatc AM. P.M.W.&Cli t 4 Atlantic Ex . 0 PaciicEx...... A215 J D.NEspress.... S S0 Western Ex_:::_ 2 0 56, 58 and 60 S. Main St. Furniture -O01 G. tR. Express _.11ii0 Chi. Nt. ExWa-- is1012 0.WGR.OLS REs. 00 _________________557________________________ .ACKINAC G. P. & T. Agt., Chicago. Ag. Ann Arbor OUE S RN S M LSERI HaseasriedTelairgstiandfinestassortmt etr shbeen is Ass Arlor. Sis PETOSKEY fromr814 te P 0 Pantsrm $4 t 12. jWe knsew tha t sre. san please yes sd'twillplease you ts oblo at or samples before - CHICAGO bayitt rb lsr1slinga2 New Steel Passenger Steamers F. J. Glen, The State St. TaihQ1r heretePerfecon tatned nBoat 4 20 S. STATE STREET, ANN ARBOR, MICH. jFrnisiing, Decoration nd Etficlent Service, r.._______________________________________issurig tile lhighet degree or RAILROAD. COIFORT, SPEED AND SAFETY. TmTai aoss.'99 Meets With Normal. Foes TIes PResWEsEEWEE NO8T) im0Tb a. 17, sO~I nTI.m. Tefeliis od mi osd IRAE[OFR LIf[ Toledo, ARC O L 11-Detroit and Mackinac 7:,ia m -710a .m. Tefes altakta1 on oI PETOKtY, TE 00,' MAQETTE, 0:15 a . n:3 . m . O rtbci:ueios h omleh ANnoDULUTH. +:4 p.50 -Isis p. m. touleindefatngth- foma ah-Is only oie kinidl LOW RATES is Pctursqae Mackinac anl *~:5 ~. 0:03 p.. etes Salurdaytiyyitie scre of 1 to of a ace. K ntl. Retrars incuding rCals and Berha. Fonm t5nndaiy only between Toledo asd1am- . , ,l y eamline the Ceead, $18; fron Toledo, $5; rons De- boglnto.IS 110s1s cuiieiiW ilee andili 5 t hih wl roili5,3.5. 00aily sleepers betsween Toledo and torut hchwl IEEY VNN Frankfurt. show the *Daily except Sunday BAl ioor stwe excepi-oslltiii Ii:Between Detroit and Cleveland R. s. GREE.NWOOD, Agent nir swor W. H. BENNETT G. P. A. Toledo 8. polint ane byl~i 1 the --Norial, wretii Coon pgati ClesSland tls est ean a i events iniwhihhle freshmeiiai llIE Bhll ornpintlesliPoistSutharlnd orthwest.da ANN ARDOR& YPSILANTI ST RY, Oetis udyTisJnJlAgs n etme ny The __ li le t 1ACo was di-s-l i e-iloelfOily ce of the EVERY DAY BETWEEN Timo Table, Oct. 27. 1895. blbecaus 1111ionhelail nt beeio- t ntisoel tat +Cevla yLna g Leave Ypsilanti from Congress t. 7:10.8:4 t iiedl:nd te relay -race-i was forfeit- oakes it by alt Send o Illstrted Pamphlet. Address - end 11:00 a. m; 1:45,2:15,5100, :45, S:l5 and iOts o elll is'0115110l-1eOdds the y+ A. A. 5CHANTZ. . . A.. tDETnOITMtCH. iosiS p. m. c It te ories s'ilbdeoteanl4tDN[& CeelartI Seair No. o. 1Le: ave m. Ann524, Arbor 5,:5 Junction, 97:40, n5d:15 and llresenlt. Bsl $10B Blcto for $6,0, P in. Tryoni sind Adamsie sir- ie-e for first otfil0:11al SUNDAY TISIE. plihe s,10 Fotis ai cit 1(1liisa- s orie oif weheels LeaveYslanti from Congresst., 1:30,3:30, i-i-Il ir 511 el-e iili lemo:e seI-cte nyessslel y Leave Ann Arbor Juntion, 2:00, 4:00, 5:30, wii ti-l n ils.cle lDe:: rIII the eonty. 70an 9:3p.n.oitCars ruo on city time Fare: single trip IS lie Do' havie :u~iolng i-Ise Ito do lit by. cent; rosnd trip tickets 25 cents. CALENDARt, Sell n, eoi lt 11001Tade icl:yle This space is reserved Wi. F. FARKoR, Sot ilo' torget4the 1:1a1e.foth Grn Op a If yo vat god relia:ble life insurance call Sate Unisersity t Aiin Artor. Tien(~ & ,QIS 1 C!16POS1ory , House. an red T lleOt:ber officeeNol. r1 S. wed., llay O2 --Slarsily as. Chicago_u UJ V 'iNVU Furth v.i At ko at Assi Astier.Ann Arbor, Mic. Bicycle Repairing. T trs. AlIv21. 10p1). Br,10 HA-ST RFR CTE Bicycles Enaimeled and all kinds en.. 22. Fes.a 5 in. Ails- Iitoo S. ______________________ of machine wrk. O:it l 11-lolrisir -s_____________________esnrnIAIIO es lineotiiisonceritt at S14 p. m -aU~iVU CILLIL IUNITER 2 BIROS.. OlSi~21 .; s i. li:o iA ptig~001~ -- Wit Sols, Silk E.5 otLbsyS 51iise ii 1 -ay iSIhZl 9i01 ir 1 1+c"Te Nmse G19 a ir - osd Leather IBets, lo rfii r e, inie-e ll an ogesief Sll1i- ist:-s- that tle atile Sills Umllhs, "U. RETSHER eai tIlthe lest of2.' pis, Steiis. so n Dllh, y SaitSchls ht Prodioed. Unifom V 0Ti:RAp.X 1. :esripini for base- .o.0 JEL bEO OCPriE! ti neplls:tif 11r y R Ouiv-S J LRt STORE. ANN ARBOR. MICH. TU CI- Et & CO.'S S s eiidbt orhandsome_____________ - Ilust r a tel Catalogue. Jot IReeved a L:reliand Elegint Lile of Bicycles at prices frelm $40 t: se esrie siE 1erh-nlisss- $i0 and $7, are up-to-dt. We rentl Hot Lunches, Chocolates and C H OR AL. UINIO)N Spal dnfg Bicycle . 1BitI Y (ESE0RVEDS SEATS) FOR 1096. R. EJOLL & C . BOUGHT AND SOLD! A. G. SPALDING & BROS., 0 i 205S. Sate St. Sager tBlo. a _tnao w -A-T- NeT on, Chicgo, Phhasirpia. - e O,,r ..0-5' 1ry T mu THE KINDERGARTENGrettuatirofBcce n~h letiNcALL to INnCsthe tw______ I,." ssa v ;No<,,, me Photographer BUFFALO MEAD w° CN~iN Ns-y r t< 15 Washington Block. N____ o f pa J oe" Thse corerstand ha the new ,.,n L O- 110,0 .5540 ClS t U rink ik tp.Everybody sould - e ~s.t~/ vtyit. ('eel and rereshinlg. Par- Thi Oi Slpig ar Lie btwenaTs- er's soda wrater and hose aielde hdo d Columbus. We have left a fair stock of candy. Cor. State ahnd N. UUniver- - Ct- tr Thia OgSinga ~sor Drawig Rssom ar all sorts of ily ave. Give hufn a call. No Ct ae Linbtwen Tsled, Columbus and Alarltta. WR~fITING lTABLETTO O UpThe in Ong rawig SsmCar Ln ewe .. 2GIIU IR LI~IOP~~ S. STATE inorSdaatrTld,, Coumusa and aCarlston, ISTREET. + + inorSd atrWIa. which casi be closed out as Cah on themn for Fulan Slepr btwen iColmbus and follows: Fine Lunches, Chiag. thisdat May18. TC1E ONLY LINE with 4 irains es wayaily MAMMOTH 200 PAGE TABLET, 50 neChocolates, date, 18d ad elmbe 7 ~THIE OLY LINE wihi8 Coln eh wayen GOD ' fl n FORloand Baked Goods. Sudays htwees Toledo lond Colmu. G LED ABLETS, 005PP 3 sORn0CTHEIDONLY LIIB wih 5 frinsehlwardaily TABLETS PP. 3unheR.etweeen Tehdo, Bowling Grees sail GOOD WRITING TABLET, - C TyOrLnhn Fndhny. TEa ONLY LINE with 2 trains eah waysaily CRAN LIEN ABLE, .150obeten Toledo and Chaleto, V. Ya. CRAN LIEN ABLE, - 15C 2 S meser.THSI ONLY DIRECT LINE bewen Tlesu BEST CRANE LINEN TABLET, 35C TEamd the Vireina. THFOPULAB LNE 0betweesTledo, Fst. WRITING PAPER BY THE QUIRE OR LB. rNVRITiCOLoFDNCN l, Bncyrus, Oanville aniNswak. ThUNIVERSITYl OFt eDANCING i.CALKINS' PHARMACY. Fall iformatos rolative 10 rate, time of Tistcwilntbrelacd______tra___________ Ninseo., wlhle heerfullycaurnshiedibyany Coeqikfor fIrst choice. Opst LAW buligcAeofiotiesOhi Cetral Lines. Coe uikOposte bilin. Subscribe for hio Daiy aid get nl MOULTON HOUK, . P. A. Arg us Printing House. TERMS $2 FOR THE REST OF THE YEAR. the baueball news. TOLEDO. OHIO