TEE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. a itle porit. ('ollege seal should en- Veezuela as a "dictatorship tempetired f E b iii+ 01 50 111to illie ed-Avork 1s import- byirevoliitionis, one Of which lbecamec ant a factor inl hasehall as foot-workoerlercnythug icotn- I lifon of the boundary dispute." Publlshsil Daily (Sosnday excepteidl during is; the ability to advaiice Ilihi on At the tapers close a discussioni the Collegevease, at bases by placing the ball just out of over smle of the speaker'-,Ipoints wNas THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. reach of the infielders should counit carried onl by Professors Dnoge. OFFICE: Times bling N. MIan St., apposite lfcorniuchi more than the strenpotliAdams, Hinsdaile, Wenley and others. pest office. which lifts the hall over ths esee. The annual election of officers took hua~e after the discussion andl the fob- EDITORS Coach Sexton is working onl this 11th loiiig officers were chosen for the J. F. THois. '17. W. W. TFTAY'i'.' L. lat the work of the teamloass already euinlg year: President, -Miss Wil- 0.. L GEsmm,'9 . F. M. LSis,'9S. -how ii somse good exhibitions of s-i- hams. 'ta; vice p~residentl,-Mr. Davis; at. cC. nclw oon '15. t'. VM. GtisEc,'hO- eltilie bttinlg 1workc. A aliwho ifI- secretary, Duaine It. Stuallrt; genierl at hNUSGNGl EDITOR tow-s the illstrtlctionls of his coach ,scmite,-.f.Ga n Ms oel G. n. ItsAisISOs, 'so L. C'ondon didt Satulrdaly may not haive Eastern Dual Mleets, BUINESS4S MANAGE tebet eor llprn, u i swrk Wile the Printcetonll'tigers were L. C. W LiKER, '50. is far wcore piraiseworthly thanustill busy runnl~ing bases on thes Sons of Eli1 -' mT~;EOTLS playesr whose work is almost enirely at the Prinicetoni tbasebaill grounds last . 1llge,'5. .a.Osli.M. ililtisidmsl. Saisirday, the hale athletic team was S. W. Smith, '57. I1V. P. SMsrrill, '50. equtallly busy runinig tul scores oil the J. L. SWash,'51 A. II. 0. OSkillmali,'110 L. Graduate Club Meets. trinceetonl men ill the first dutla1th- C. B. Rse, '110 D. Lsuise Dosigi-, '9. --leti' meet oif these rival unliversities. BI. B. letlieasy, '55. II. t'sesis, '05. Prof. an111-Mrs. Adamns eitcrtaiiied Y-ale tsok S87Ipoints to 25 for Prille'- Lola . ictlrios, '19. _____________ she (l'ldsale (lutb at its last ms'ting toll, and11 won11t welve firsts id nineic of Jacob & Aiuali , By express and freight a fine assortment of Ladies' and Gents' Shoes. in. all the newest toes. Call and see them. JACOBS & ALLMANO , Washington Block. The saucription pice of the hallyhiso biens redoucd to ,5 el tinoadeancetfor there-st ef the yeae. Lease sihscriptisas at the Daily soce or with P. C. Meyper. C. of 11. News Standl. Editor of today's lpaper, 0. 17t. IANS, 'JS. '111 charge of college thieatcal11s at -it -which a 1p111 aprVLS lpre5se'lted1by- Prof. 11. A. tInsdale -oss the subject "Ti'le Neall Monr~oe Doctrin'." Prof. Htinsdalle quottit freely- froin clebrat- ed Itlglisli speakc'rs -ho had coiul- 1115'Ite(I 01n 111'eiMonroe Doetrilo'. amng Itlemilfir Wlilliamll Harcourt Cdicliigaihas ce.lilllly' fallli iitono""'''"'(' llici a11 as crtanlyfallr' ntothat its originl 'ias Enolisli. I'.flirst goodl hands, tini theii'pl'odtctiols 1111'Isllinlelit ia atbot it wals its focr- Coicity ClujtsImaly presenit fir st'11are' tidinlig foreigners to colontize iii Al'i- droerA-ilg of is high lplacet'amonglY1g}tileicxt -North 01' South. It AWas prlomted~c cvintsof li' ycal il Cliserityiif'.by cerlaisi llnssiall 'lll'oli'lllll-lts to thie'north 1111(5wist. 1-our1'leai'nilg The pr1esetationl of Sardou's comiedyPIiiill'i-'de-adty-11fIis Satistitay liighlt show'etdmore ttian tile 'tol underlie it.,11s intendied by' its cart'ful prleparaltionl; Ihers' was sousee lnnciastor'. t-itst, at is tt declalrationi gi'i'eni ti' lielllsels of the club by -Mt. Se'ond,1its a politic'll Policy it pt'sts oI,, Weilil.illit te scotu liillu Il's- d ati ''isll uniderstoodl principles, ill- itel,01 (fad iii'sec11111) 'i'o- ols'itig i'spetlially' that of l'ullop t'an tito f lay by' t' oln'ity'Clu ialnte iof power, tint as a litll itiOll ,vas assredly' a success'5. l'ni'ersi'.y' rather't'thain isaensioti 1f thmt prl'- lliiatris'als 'i-ill ;r'servie libe'ral Ilitol eiple'. Third, it was pr11'ilopsed1 solely ae 'ihilletey'arc as ably pt,s.lt'd ii the inile'resrt(f tiei'I'liulSlabes. as was " F~lonrthu, ihit''iarioass quarter'ls from Sra if ae. as 's-as"A crtli ofIlloer. 'ihiich dsllgers 'isre to be1'fl'e t 'is-ire Saturday's gallclilmade it e'iidetT 'heis ie-1.iows'prev"ialilig' titm hei thmt tieaill'i'work it thit bat is nostthor- 7bollrie I)o-tl'inl' is t- d-ifferIielt frmli onlliy aliho'i at1dSly' tihe'spectaltors Ithlat.,held by its hprsohlltalide1' rtio 1-0111 -islus 'i'iitlliss hail gailil's'at the tithi- ave' 111d 11(1 ideal of thme inflines it lehi' ieh. fit''Vasil' lh~lcro'isI-etsOdes'tineld to 5as1-it illfuture y'ea'.S. letc feld Th 'Vrsiy payes wreIs-ci'nilhis lhay i istis thiailtltcl tie l'lhl'1tehh a'iisil o lit t t~" ill cnserviativ'e. Conglress has lu'ser e- athi1temts to butitltthie bails me~t ined 51' formuath~ltdihit. lint fromt tilili 'iithl the eiiphiatic disapprsobat- to timle 110need arusse differen'iitatis.- titni sf this'eromvd. This 55a15'd'ell liave'inltecrpretedt it, echimeini especially' noticemahie 'ihenli Con'- usualily wisithi a somiewshiat 'i'ier scope. utnil now itIisundeitrstood to lie'a dton c1111' to iat. ttis batting Sat- plicy' thie't'iiitcit States isojustlty enl- llrslliy 'is-ed as exac-tly in accordtance with titleut to o liitto llicast'ftireign hpows- inistructtionsi. It wias 011 exhibitionl of irs thre'ate'n itl('ssafety' or intdeent- stientific ti-01ors10 ashopposed to "record oce t'of ally'Aimsricain staste, mund ho idt- hittiiig," isid for this lie is to ho coi- fe'ndsuch1111Aslerican state biy fors't- of mndiedt. Atbovs' mll, colls'ge Sams a4 rmns if necessmiry'. The Vuenezueslan dishpute cosulit never psropserly' hav'ie shioul.hlly scitntific tball oust at till comneito conflicttwsithi the early' it- (ilies as-old falling into thie oltl-.ime sterpr'etations of this itoctrinue ands thiss "suggisig" hrtic(s, 'iwhichi prevailed this change ill its scope is exemnplified., whslen this'blacksmih 'ihlo couldhputt Thierefore, tirof. hlissdle hielit that .the ball fusthiest orer thic fence 'ias Secretary Olney wiould have done bit- ter in his hstlishieit oh)iliosbs iii thit this best nuan at this ba~t. 'Themcirnort- satter, had lie merely- stated thse facts ance of teasn'vork at thisbhat is only in the ease ansd their bearisig 'iithomut heginisg to obtaisi rightful recogni- any misleadting referesice to tlielMon. tiouainsg baseba~ll players. Gameis roe Doctrisie, ussnser wicih they' do list which ore sere exhibitions of mseus- legitiniately come. Sewsasd itei this in this dispute ever this Mexican bound- tar sport are invariabily tsuesoalne to and thiseeroachimens of Maxi- -watch, but shihfusa ut"ing suit place- sniian. Prof. H-insdiale gave a wiitty slitting snakei baseball 'a truly scion-1 characterizatiosa of the governent of this fiourteen seclilils iiiilthirtts re'-__________________________ sipetisely'. (apt tais-eti, trinetonsi W %;oion e v cery'thling lie ellicreitiiheo1 u 1-1t n t it u ot o n (tlymilpieccintcstos, sciiiulsolly ge't a thirt, anit'Ty-lur, 'iho scarrieds'u ols-h legse sohsi's t isi Iriu 111hi (i;recet, 'i'ias slla k ot hiearitfront. " s WiI .~. . . I1r I~ssard 551on1fiomi I'i'lisy'ls'lliia ini ts-Illllhse' univieursitie's iy' 10scorie ~ B if it) to 47. Sucs-sinithe isldevnts'il, satd Pnnylvniafrm a inloiusf idefeat. Iinsolly' one tevetnt dish thue Jllif T f Pennllsy'lvaniia rtuilirs sish lip 'iselF o o d hc 6 eutlemie-If y-oui 'ianit to save mlonesy'oil shiie repisirisug call on A. I of Detr'oit will -. nake Leivy', 31 NT. Mlisl st., julst btelosv the lost office. All worlk first class. Light your sittings every soles 50 ceints, hleavy sues tGf cents. F~ursiishe't Hotusieto rat'mtfur twoWi IrfM[DfAVIl HO SA IIIP'i S lii'llsbgni Juy ,exelnoitionlifor thiosse desirinlg 10 keehp a toini-tlg anlodhiginsg hiouissetduisugthei'--AT- summer11l'schiooil. r.plly os' maddretss iS S. Illiversity' mie., o;}p. camulills. NO. 5 W. LIBER tY# ST, Studsents 'i'i'io haveics estheiy 'isishi wiorkeit up iiuto tininlmg call get tteuiro hi- est anditcheapiest 'iork-honue atthue Ai'gtis bisntery, over this Asn itios Sasings banhk.t Athiletic goos'iaintesd? Well ttie Victor Athletie goods are siulit it tile Another line of Daily office at a good discousut. Li-st--Warssichc safity' tiucycthe, 'iusel Mtac 2,No. St.62i. Pistiesrretunmito IPsi o a c 5' Ruo us atdreceite re-,sa01. LOT-AZeta Ps monogrm charm N egligee please return to Zeta Psi htouse. S'asted-To exchainge a typewsriter S h rt in first-class cosnditiosn for at bicycle. Inquiri' at Daily office. t The hest patterns always gG. Gentleens-If you htave any secomid- frt hand shoes or clothes you 'ii'sl' to sell, frt call at 31 N!. 'Main st. 17G TYP1EWItTEfi POP'tSht Sk I- T __R & qnire of Edwards VBros., State ot. overXV GNEI , , Slicohuas's. 16th Do you 'iant a Victor baseball suit F NS E S at a good discount? Then call at the 21MiST, - AN RBR Daily office. Do yen wasit a new high grade lii- OPERA HOUSE JEWELER cycle at agent's price? Call at Daily office. Repairs thl kinds of Gold Pins, hf you want a high grade wheel call Rings, etc. Call anid see. at the Daily office. c .L IY S. Thse Daily for the rest of the year for 75c. If you a tsed of anything in Swan Linen, for fine office stationery the line of ig goods and want it: Ripans Tabules core nausea. cheap, ca' io Daily office..