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May 18, 1896 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1896-05-18

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t t e . a

A t. a .


We aMust Move 7ise' increasing interest in debatin
' The store we now occupy has 'Varsity Wins in a Prettily Playedwicisbngrnsliste o-c Comedy Clu1b Scores a Success in
bees sold. We must seek ne W11i5on)oue ntetnvr
i quarters. U Game. sity of Michigssn was wll shown :rat- Its Play.
Wt We Must Close Out H e Vriy u rily iigtt in the intersociety dbiate .Tefist i h sicl lt
00 eiO'li ssf sefictgd WisscinsinsiSit-lstween the AelphsiitdAilia. "TeE redsoshei.dyCu
Ihiycles. e offer iersshicth tyfrte ce tSse iiCs se-The questioni for delelte wso" Lie- gavewte scciinilapirlce of thle
}p itsell goods i lose p~ies
1IS4 meaanytlhing to buyers - te't gasse of basebssl seens oillthe' ath- solved Tiat free ansdi unlismitesd coin- slb is goo sisdienieait te Grindu
T1S ENSBSIES leic eisdthtisso ion. 551. ictoiiloige 5f sivr at tertiisosiosf liiio 1 Strdtay nigt. Srdssu's 'A Seals of
~ THI MEAS OUSNESS ~ sIned onie sinin he islitissg andtsholssitbe adotedtstb the iitwlle r 'li'"' Wt sesnitet aiiilteis'
If youswat snything in the N00leli ills''Varsitsy withois crfo
B music lise gas our prices tilsstsosii'srSistes" Ini lliliSillIi't lut's csof the' liscts 'iris'theiria rts
week. hushtiss'htifrirstislive inniing-s.irBothhiitesas-s'li't
thetoo est live' illioflie.igus- it 'sib issinsncelhit Euainmor.
~THE ANN ARBOR ORGAN CO,.11Tthe tuahlesather s(iest butsxcsllnt teosi 1ncsu E isllii sslss isrs' weirelyfwsesits us
S. IMAIN ST. j fielinsg kept the hiis fi'irooutinc. took tiefiratiiilisve. Thiidebsts'sers thee wase none of iliat sifoss which
ItheiltlsSieilds maieit p sllo oll- a-sis-itt teAt'tli~ wr natesrslresihttoIsbrinigntis somes'dy
ois'lsnss'tsaei ii hils-'ilie.sotsly unsilse t ulysn~n'sfils'yid sisgswork.-
__________________________ Mic-higsan tosok a brace in fthe'sixti. tast the huts oftiellsulstSisies "A Scrlls of Paue" is It skifully
Lowniey opeesstwills a sliris Isi'etisoldius b eeedts the free coinags' ostre-isiesnid etvlsspsedIin three
Its tt1 Lafte ba~gger intos rightandwassbrousghtin of silver lt the ratio of 1G tsi 1, but acts. It is estecislly adapl~tedfsr 011-
by\ U.nsloght nocetr lss heAphsiaNsirps-en'ittivsswsi ossr istislhisusghithis'sitains
shiic-h wes'nt thirsoughiSpion s. Cs's- ai]usuiest is tii i'isir s n hilihiwees' _ rquirshiosises'thissis ill-sr ge ablitiuy
in the season, but we sdson iasvsncet'XWstkiis bylis prettyablet o sow ilier jigss-,iy ts' fi- t poii lder111 ssiisof thiss iricilu
still have a scriice and sas followd lby iCaptain Aselpilan1 o5f -iiig siler st the 1511ts. 'lio:ie'nitiice Sotrssy night
Holms, whomad a onghomeI-ill
sris' isso left, whic-hsbroght iitwo st iiof 115 is S wssst iofsmst se'wssnolit disppine iri t ishsregr.
moescrs Asrsicsl'chasngs. sar iF. hIsairlsssau s triss'sse'uhe'
Bihh IalltIisI billC tc220 ill VasityJhnsn ndIsceddsrh'r ii l isil Arthur A.Siha ntlMs
~ O ~ bse oss balls for 'X'siis sa scrifice
I t ( ~~~y oindons snd timeily slis by wser' Ohsthe rnukiigsysisii uit st iii'Le (Slicis's'flly dsesrs'e'dhthis' up-
01H1J1\Solmsis andhsslctseis'ic. Wision-ssin Adtelphi s IlI lrs'ultes's ofolows-o plnust dlestedIiteest Ishisis-l I iy
6 UII.JiU ga ine euscond usn110ill ser hlf of Alpha iNs-Leichsk, b5; thi hissitr, wo011from sthe .audsinuc. -Ah. liasri-
thudSuig salso. 12-20. Adtelphi--T'homa's, 4; Leemansuu, chaillrO'srers'ntation iof thie'olit11ss13),
on ~~~~~~~~~Lowinsyisrought iniMichs igo'S 1lit h.A hsi s lulti'lgic uieusssiss-s sidsisryget
onband and most respect.5scoreAlpin thealltheiigutsisisbyu alsia pgric'lrly'vod
fully solicit your patron- ssleis basssaniud a wilsdthrosw by 'Ior- swers: AhshssNss-Nicol, 11; Aastsss Miss Bs'sie Dust'r'asui Mr. Hasisdy;
ag.risosi. -i. Aelhi-tarrison,. 8; tathers.ersven a sus1curtieinlst the close
The gamse -as quitesto testisg. 6'--4. of uheseicondst slt wich was ss il~-
S. W .AT uirc ifie4I boths teasutussphtsa goodsilinhug 'Thistiebate -will iproabhly tine a . entlsy fliiimeuit f thisstoting more
h Bgsshsss'd bet Michiigsan-,von essily by ss'11i-suuuuusl sffir. It is hssieit slso thanu hbyupesonasl feshiing. kM. 'uXd-
E. Huron Street. cevebasee runing asset sueir work
with the sirk together withil Mille's thast sde'bates with the lwssepalcitesit sock aisuro ess La ts'slalsiri' uit
IMPOR TA'N T NOTICE. excllenst work us the bsx after the sicities csns te arr-susgditforness't Miss Disue'I,, Iistlilie csrriedthir
frissing. ysti. It is qjuit' likly that55 rgulsrhpits ssell andstthe remahiling'mumbsihi1
In this second innssing- McS-inney sw'5O scisheul inte-socity conitests uill of this'compausnhy s'quallysiidedtsile
sbstituteit for tlooshiiigstons at sic- hs ssseos o ix eu' thhotiglouso
Y m oust Cordsons going into rigrt. Thepatrneses,_f__e_________w re
se ditilest score is: Advance Guard Goes North. ''s'hshhessufteesuiu 5sS
The Leading Tailor, le.Jlu' t ug',Ie.X' I
MICHIGAN. Ar,.Jue .AglMs V 3
ands only direct Importer in the city, All Its o n. r P Srf. Dsvivs, of the is'igieirrihg tDe- Pettee, las. FP. ('arrss, lie. X. P.
reevdhsple Mtc fScsinney.......r t-----501
bas just eevdhetr t ockof1 easu3bOh 4 5 5 d t 0 iisrhel'ut andstlseitesvaneegurdsiLombaisr,IMrs C. B. Esucecih, lis.
Foreign and Domestic Woolens for wey, ss t- 5 2 :0 a ooht oenot n2r rerig(l
5Vatls. t - 5 ~ 5 huiv' oneuuuris usu sre sr'iuseuug01X. Pattrson, liis. ('.1E.trcn-s'
Spring and Summer '96, at Iulson sioon, iii-h-1 0 o 0 0 0 i
Hlsmes.el_ - .-5 2 13 7 1 0 the rcsamp fusethur rest of the unuior en- Alis. J. (. Knowlton, is \N.S. Htsef,
X1O 2 E. WASHINGTON ST.. NEAR MAIN. c~nze.If _ 02 - c' ingues who will folowhsslst'rIetts.ilisi(usssle. .Ksihig
Miller. p---------31 5 0 1
bull Dress Suts a Specialty Lndon f5 4000 550 0f this -ve. Active wovok ill be lis. C. H. Millen, Ales . H.. W.XXluke,
Total ._ 0 7 t3 27 7 5 iounuu'ucuiothue rns-walof ele chus lis.1.. Seehan 'Alis. It. ihs'loi,
S pecial S aie. Grgs 4 tt1 1 0tu' oncl 5 frah 0t55uioti.lis. i. S. tlusstes, lis. t'.C. rser,
0Torus ~ 5 0 1t 30 01 Tecllpi iutd. hr itn
el24-ar --4120 '4c sm2issi0sued51sor hit ihie ris,.7.I. .MuuiLclliusrrichs ths. '. C.
___________ Ihoolk b,_p._-_...-----S- 2 400 0 d nuo'ilsov.st sf 'raese (iy. Vsssglan ir is. A. A. Sansle,. ths. F.
Baseball Supplies, Lawin srslsr f-c-----t--4 0 x200I.5 5eh ir.H oeMs .p
Dreel,:b. 4 .. 0031 On a Tour o Insection i truis i'. i olle.t.P
-Tennis Rackets, Lawn Tennis Perkins ..... -_- 0 0 t 0 0 Hall, lis. i. ti eoes, lis. J. iL.
'Supplies, Sporting Goods of Totalsis-----Prof-are-of his'2Ini rsi1y 3lBsck, Ms s. S. Divine, ls. AV. ID.
every description. Mciniiney unted oass;Miller sas out by (Slssgoss, andli. Burnet't, ass aectu- tsrhusn is uuus(ery
Slcu~n 1 2 0 4 55 67 h 0 51 tec empl~loyd butheusae 0510institution, lisiwssfossuetuyheig
OUR PICESMichgan---.--.--0 05 0 0 0 5 03 1-57-,
EE RQi~T( UKlU( Wsonsin..-..-I 0I0 o 0 0 s 1 0 2- ess-reiiiAnus Arbor lsst week iset-s-hool nrclestrnesssslr te ledeship
'tourisn Ku-MooTleisuse uTwo-seneits-g tie Egineering Depatinen. Thus' of .. 5W X'srrew,7he ssge fursnish-
Hlain ran-Hlnme.tDouble pavs-Lowney Uiversity of Glso spann1' nswr ond yMri alr
and bMeKinney,hDens unasted; Denas.sovi saahht nsnsxvr'lsscliyhatu ~il
Sand 'Mceinsney;FhNarkuassised.- Hit byls als colo ehnclel
SitcheSball1rlath S.h-ses o ahli-Gore Ms- etbihasho fmeihslOl Short Stop Gregg, of the Wisonsin
Soebaes -Runtel 2,rSeehils,-Gatkinsginerig anq these smen are saking i a u'hull ien, wai'shintreS- iuuatlhe
Htomes M KenieLoney . Struchun t- tu fvrosAeia rieste
Up Town, Sows Town. aypSiller 7 hr Mnel . tPassed bus Is - tn fvriu Prca nvriie tausisDelta Chi house wile in Asuss
'tlveratyBoktore, oppoite Gertiloane NneWid pitches-:None. Uupr-BaiyIin search of new' ideas. Arbor.
205. State St. 4 N. Main Bt. Tie2:0

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