Highest Tribute Ever Paid t0 a Bicycle! t 11 &I.YN1,& DD In ING TCPARnLOP.S
~~-ONew York, March 25th, 1896. -O
Mr. C. Noa Pawley, Sec. Jersey City Y.MCA TJf VN
The National Board aon Tade ofCycle 1 1iI -B AR IN OU E
Manufacturers heretby sanctions a public cx- loae hata tttottnarst rsnd tncrreemns mrtedets
hibition eef cycles, accessories and ssdries,x Lcted hrolfoa t sac rsom nrit r nds . Unde t r n asl e a,,.a.etawithgre
the Y. M. C. A., March 27th and 28th. sprinag tatoae. S ie u r capsacy iselimited apt!ypat once oal at t itAMay nard
This s.action is granted on the express andler- St., ecttaochooltoat'Mattc.
standing that no exhibition of VICTOR F. J. RENNINGS, G.W. PRINGLE, PROPRIETORS
BICYCLES will be permitted.
Years truly, Y U W L O NF E
R. L. COLEMAN, Presittcnt.,O IL O NN E
ar t ehe mebers ofth A Trunk or Tralvelling ag
of TradC .L-ingest ttssortmnetit in the city. Buy it at
AFRAID to exhibit their wheels with TFeufel's If nrness Sho1-p, 45 S. Main et.
BECAUSE VICTORS Five folr or OieGtss
Cot more to buildt, D la sO e ~
Are snade of setter nuaterial.
Show better workmansehip, M~ay seem a big amount, but if you get a pair of
lueacsier and wear lostger,
Are uworth mose than other tbiepeles. HANAN SHOES, you will not have to guess
WHY NOT RIDE THE BEST? again. You will always know what to ask for.
OVERMAN WHEEL CO. Come and see them anyway.
New York. Bostont. Betroit. Bearer.
San Francisco. Los Angeles. Portland, Ore, E .SHIR S 85 TT
Agenut for Mayhew, of Grand Rapids.
Ofliersl Candll ypewrrrs o.k c2s
iDeolisser sndttaethr of fiaet loot DO YOLUJE A T"N U TIS ?
wrP. heat pluce fotrtretairint.
rFan cyYMxedNuts-------------------loperpound
JOHN WOTZKS, 43 S. MAIN ST., Fancy ired guts---- --------------------------ll1lbs for $1
UP' STAIRS. Fanev cVirgriniacPeanuts----------------------__ __ _ __ _c-lc er nound
e S. lain and S. State St.,
Corner of Willim
tnvitseyeua ttention to thlaineto
We keep she cetlesrated Ashtby Racqtst,
strictly hiegs trade at a Ieees- rice thaan
ether rscqtuetu Ihat tare 50oissuter; also
she Ttslisssss, tOxfsord sand larv-seedfoa
cee seracques. Tsy cte new Tennis
Bait, tha Slazeasger,
Atl sr ssbllGods andsad lnsmec.
lessons in dancing will lie giv'en
by Mr. or Mrs. Moss (cxaisger at
their academy dturinag May and
June. Programn evenuings, Tsues-
day and Satuirday.
0 to oesuetesur dreca trese or
sssss tr e s se l ests meec
-.ssalts be letosteely asses dsun
$ Wlis
#TelephoeorsIlslete-' tiecry los asri
Are all the rage.
Wilty not you wear a
FIRST NATIONAL BANK. F .ancy Virginia Peanuts - - -------------- - 12 lbs for $1 pair?.
Oh+ ANN.XICIIOSI. DEAN & COM PANVY. We lave tlaem made rig# ht
GOsseeced 1863 44 South Main Street. ao fspro ult
Csapital, X100,000. Cectlss . seed P'fite, W,0000ia~ fspro ult
'Trasacts a senerasi baning busnesseec UNIVERSITY NOTES. 1 llia.Inctl s111{leet'set tIles
Foreigs eaclseseses ltetas oled. Faruili.
letters oflereesI't. (-(- tstttttt t it s-s (ti Its at c.tts s+)ft 1c(ties ' -e
.BAI lres. S. I . CLRKlltONZ. Cashiler. It I Neslet-afliettets s1teost talseieee \ltttsistu. F 1. 5
_____________________Na-scYoyeat s etilt
Capital St--!s. QtlOt. deSu erpl% , 000.le t. le lt e at lta Ise letit ' e-Iset.. .} t
Rtesoutrce-s, dt,l1lt,ttl.)seittlititiel lase. te lee tlltlifesea- e's.eaeastit<t 5 llt Belits 25 O nts and Up.
Oraesnizerd etthe GesereltBssnig Laws ' lltstttese tetele llit itt1,, se'llt rsa atlr______________
et this Staesr. Rececives de-ssits, keepssratI ie ialDeltaoilt. ted' l l1tas est, isel is-
sells ecihaeeota eepristcipaleities ot tierblt. ~sitllailtees cetl 1 era Is a
Uitedl Stsee tates ,scasshed attest preoper aittet
ldaeifi iaea Safsetypdceosit btesato rent. 'Pit' ftct'-leateeaa tat ll cit-s c1 ls! tes1t I
Harlc ises-ass, itreneflakN lPres.; . 1. ats etttreaaSiestillicast' '1" l, I CUTTING,1REYER & CO
Orl n tns e-I tata Maica tE lsIVB trr.Ssastietes!. u 1 ',li.lil ~e'.,,,, 11 ,J usAitlt-esa,
Caeshi MIJ t'a era Acsitast Casicr, etoiletia-altyie trs ase sevekTotee ls',
_________________Iltldte tscrsetetees. sIiurialas itl 1 27 ANDa 29 MAIN ST., ANN ARBOR,
eaceeltle lt 5 aets,.t
It. .1. Its.- 'tat idsts e t-lcs'. y lti
Lowney's Chiocolates. 1(L1i-<t l ims ttttel'l 55c5tst) ilttt SPECIA ,L.
H1ot LUR .CheS, us a13e11i' saa]a<11a01s'eees-ee5 s 5t5i ,lta t ~--tlesate e'lseea-4aae esi ,II
ttgtthe t st atI°sli ;,5 tsoIw. tsnoitses Vt.TAS & SCIIANP.sellut el sad Pants
(11t'lste 'iWti5 l l 1,}! .tse J at price-csto s'tc erybyltlp w'esslse do
tcflie-a(si)t !doallss I e' ttt'stittts. a-esraa. lceis. ted eeera. 'oh
wy r v wa" c.,. .~ , - F. sAl . sEtc er I It. 1 1. ii e(°t--raa, i npa'll -M--- -- -i , nc , ' -.,ti
'UT E'S, 48 S. State St.
line cat
M. SARE'S pleEmporium,
11 W. Washington St.
i~rsl.lstttclisea eartttssstI~'iittCi!casllerdoraat- 1erre. ce. o. easer as.,
fees st sris-str aP Iiseee-i te tae Itft.sp tlAIT'l'N, isunaset titrector, Clotia
lea' es eitti tess- i-leae etc isaessasesaissl i caeand 5it5L llltltCaslketestald ktie Grade
Tllc. (1m(1 antilr rIe~rlle w en Clii4. rilaloe aSlpecialip. No. 11 S.
'leet' eleleatleslafbbtistr .55""costeseformerat lurels ave.
ldesti casts-ti. t'esltsleatsita.I 'esteeslI a stOI+-1la. SHAITING PARILORIand Botla-
este3Is csill Is.' reese elaeli oliston-t5 " sroo s. All 'appaitamrrstc 1fist Classo.
hel ttsoonatatto o tseese s lslto lo aes7mlsertedsanel eteesei tars. Radies' at-is-
Retie I'nas .n tate0attic tatear oel stee ad bahetine parloars. JI. i.
l isewoerks. rreoneaeki 3QOS. State st.
ile I. I0. 1'. 1tee1th eeiat p1ety scillh_________
THlEN YOU WANT poor clotheceaneed
Neertias-ille' tall st laat Neal llstilia', Illttrielsal oils-cr thersose le ets-l lay Vpessed, relined or rebtound #eats afr
- iasgeric, ores-Siecisook sto -lre. Rat-
Mis-la., tiesafterntoona. iatesielcefeor i Nrighst. ly & (Ca., iof Dettl 'wils-l oratory aproas made to ordei-.0 TAe n rlhle. N fudvr trcie l.yhv
celalaplatesesotf taeitls-al-e intser- >-I
fTs' Daily tatera'iappiedeto Chli-lhng oilversi l tcarsleuc-eltaiililsgtwoe- I
c-setteefas this eraulref lithe tlhe-s Ihee. fu iveet' scassetsixgabdszelitres,
lnln aetilfe motclsaes. If >ie- antitn lltaddiioniallatlie e i~llisitc satr- i jfl
ceiveillt limos'that s-ora' swill te'teseltedl s-a tlele sngs, ice camtes, ucla
lit thte ofel -ahies emilig.e-Is saladseats, oyster sae, etc., ietc., talsoto iells. lo~e (deaigas
Pro. '~hillsonateul("dftNEW
i~sf.Tlastaseshta atleel i t'tilare ~cfiomiaallliar noest tproinaent sin-
isfuseItiltieti S~sta Ba' A505i55 ifoctlrsrcla 2lincludhe all the ocs-sest
tions at (lrtisllt ~ailiss Vaste-li stsstaild tpatternas.