THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. ALWCIGAN GENTIRL _Time Table (Revised) March 1, 189. all and Ex...., 3 50 Mal.uau -_____8 8 N. Y. Special--- 5 11 N. Y. Special.... 7 0 Eastern Ex---1 12 N. S. Limited.-. 9 25 Atlantic E____7:10 Pacific Ex-.. 12 15 D. N. Express.--. 5 40 Westr Es-...2 00 G. R. Express ___ii 05 Chi. Nt. E---10 12 GibREs-51 . W BEOOLES, 1. 2. bAYES 0. P. 00 T. Ag., Chicago Agt Ass Arbor RAILROAD. Time Table, Jan. 1, 1096. 7:22 a. m. -n:40a. m .122 . JM 11:60. m. 4:15 p. M, 9:21 p. M. All traino daily except Sunday .Traisrao bteecs An Arbor and Toledo only. R. S. GREENOVOD, Agent W. H. BENNETT G. P. A. Toledo 0. ANN ARBOR & YPSILANTI ST. RY. Time Table, Oct. 27, 1895. Leave Ypsilanti from Congress st., 7:10.8:45 and 11:0 a. m.; 12:5,2:15,5:00, :45, 9:15 ad 10:45 p. m. Leave An Arbor Jsnctio, 7:40,9:15 and 11:30 a. i.; 1:15, 2:5, 5:0, 7:15, 9:45 ad 1:5 P. m. SUNDAY TIE, Leave Ypsilati from Cogresst., 1:0,3:30, :00, 6:30 ad 9:00 p. m. Leave Ass Arbor Jnctio, 2:00,4:00, 5:0,1 7:00 and :0 p. m. Cars rn o city timo Pre: sigle trip 1 cets; rossd trip ticrexs2 crnt. WPM. F. PRxo, Spt -if yos0-st ood rliab1:c le lesranc:ercall ox Frd T 2i:Omc:e, orriec No. 1, S. Bicycle Repairing. Bicycles Enameled and all kinds of machine work. HUNTER EROS..' No 9 East irry St RENTSCHLER, ANN ARBO0R. MICH. Just Receied :a Largc :nd Eean:t Lino of New Pipes!I Iiot Lunches, Chocolates and Bon lSons. R. ]a.JO®Lly & CO. 20. Siate St..OSecr Block. Rl-hAND"ALL Photographer 15 Washington :Block. Closing Out We have left a fair stock of all sorts of --WRITING TABLETS which can be closed out as follows: MAMMOTH 200 PAGE TABLET, 5 GOOD RULED TABLETS, 100 PP. 3 FOR IO GOOD WRITING TABLET, - BC CRANE LINEN TABLET, - - 15 BEST CRANE LINEN TABLET, - 35 WRITING PAPER BY THE QUIRE OR LB. This stock will not e replaced. Come quick for first choice. Argus Printing House. Good Tailoring No lottery ochemies. Yooi pay for orlitit you goet anul CASH saves you 25 per cent. Every gciriioent fitted and guaraonteed. Thotlsals of stiudents arc amtngst our 'lcustomers. The largest line in the state to select from. Ftilli line of sainpllles at the Cook House every tTosesilay. It will will pay youi to see the line. THE &OLDEN EAGLE CLOTHING CO,, DETROIT. CALENDAR.' A B 1E[FDBLIFE Sat., May 1-0Uiversily E0onioedy Ciub ill Ssrdois "A. Scram of Pap:er," 1s only 0110 kind ini Glrand Oipers.lHou:se. of a race. Kind Sat., 5Iaiy' 22-'Varsily Ts. XViscol- lye:xamline twil 9111, at Anno Arbor. show tile Mon., May iS-'Varsity vs. lucdianas Stt Uhesiya AnAbor. [HE BA OLRACES, j11 e. a 0'ast s hcg, X9 1 at Aim Arbo:r. (Only one0 of tile Thu:rs., flay 21. 7:,') 0p. 1:.--NV:e01:miny a rts iof ighto inll M:y leiall thlio wheel tlbs F~ri.. 3T::iy 22,1. n.-oo. 9':1lo:::-Inmakes it by 1a11 coc elrti inloay lstleal 1,11,0 3118li- odds the celhino uc~i o ncert( ,it Sla. :1n. Belt $160 8111110for $75,0 8,0i., Ma:y- 23. 2::301)p. :::.--O::-:s: i IN::Po t ftail t10alland 101,0 eein 3t::y-1"ctiv,1i seies. Firot .cc::r liD0::-o 1 a p~erformlance-::1 1in llcigau f:41 ul~p- llemeneo: :eve aro:e tihe only exclusive mliy- 81)1 0111 eliab, 1:yd;:i:0Soo:is :1ceiDler:iol hount:s y. 7:0 . 1 0. .ell, 0::-::, llepaoiror Tra 1111iycles. Don::'t forgettioe poboe. RRIVID 10 Twukhr & tC~ e epositor, B [ IAnn .Arbor,Mih die COAST LINE to MACKINAC -. -m-"TA KE T H E .- - -- rVIMACKINAC DETROIT PETOSKEY 0 QIJCG 2 New Steel Passenger Steamers Thse Grentent Perfection yet attained in Boat Consruction-Luxurious Eqnipmsent, Artistic Furnisihing Deorationand Erfiieint Service, insureinog11he highest degree nof COIIFORT, SPEED AND SAFETY. FOUR Tri nPERWrEnKBiTcEEN Toledo, Detroit and Mackinac PETOSKE t TOE 02, MARQETTt, AiND DULUTH. LOW BATES ts Picturesque Mackinac anE Eelturn. iacluding fleals and Berthn. From Cl,voelansd, $i8; from Toleoa, $,g; fronm De- troi, 113.50. Between Detroit and Cleveland rCnneoctiatClevelandsiith Foeliost rin& forolil:oint1s last, Seouth andOlSowsiand at Del lroiraloinsxNorthoaddsNorthwes. Sunday Trips June, July, August and Septenber Onlp. EVERY DAY BETWtEN Cleveland, Put=in=Bay 41 Toledo Send icr Illisstroted Pamsphlet. Addiresn A. A. SCHANTZ. . .,..nETOIT, MICH. l1ie Deirlil & Cevela~q Stem arnN. Co. This space is reserved for the Grand Opera House. Another 1ine 0of "Ad'aa"ancqa t 2d Semester. .Jii~1.. ~-~U UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF DlANCING Negligee Opposite LAW building. U[RNELES TERMS $2 FOR THE REST OF THEYER ( --- il : ll~rell ,U A ('f , palding & fials, o AL" ill ,is. Thse best patteriss al watysgoTI::oes:Oor-ia, AR ''0J/LR TRE firs t. 4t -in id is t.h lest 011 PUUf ______ protu cl. t; i~or7 FURNISHERS, THE tery_ - 2b+ 1e : MAIN. ST, - ANABR 0>.) 21 AINST, - ANARO.Spalding Bic ycl U5U t A L~)i1~ Tihe correr stainocl losstoe new driok oii toll.lEverybody 0111101 try it. -Cool ando refresloinig. Par- kers so)d00water and id 130)10 1001 caiody. 2or. Stoste 0130 N. Univer- ily ave. (slr~ib hirm a call. lOOP 2& CO. STA'ik E Caii on them for Fine Lunchen, Fine Chocolates, and Baked Goods. Try Our Lunches. ii inoSTrnErrnCATERER, n~iU~~nrn.20 EtoTs hing- Tahe yenr E1 odshtk Workhto B[R 1YMA 1 W[ PH0OIGRIPH[D Satisfaction gssranled. 0 E. Huron st. Summer Lasw Lectures, Univ. of Virginia Jnly 1 to Sept. 1, 18. Fur students and practitioners. 21tb year. For catalogue, ad- dresn I. O. Chrlottesville. Ys.0 1. C. MINOR. Secretary. FOR 1896. A. Go. SPEALDING & BROS., t NewsYorko, Clic:,gu:, l'tilad:lr la.i: bargest Alaono faoresof:1iciycls antd Atih- leibcoods ion theo oorlod. I would like to trade a Camera for a second-hand typewriter --Remn. ington preferred. CALKINS' PHARMACY,. 11 )o 8 ,ji'- 0 t TLnOnl Sniin.' Oar Lin h>uitwO' o The Onig Slenping Cnr LaingbetwenCar Lbne betwnen Tnlnedo, Columbus and Marietta. The Only Drawing Room Car Linenbetwenn Toledon, Columbus end Chnrlnston, W. Va. Pullman Sleepnrs lbetweensColumbus and Chicaujo. THE ONLY LINE0wvth 4 trainnehway daily between Toledo and Coumbus. 'THE ONLY bINE with 8 train s eobhwayon Sundays betwen Toleo and Combus. THE ONLTYILINE? wil 5 traiss emch way daily between Toledo, Bowling Greesnand Findlay. THE ONLY LINE owith 2Itris eachnS way daily between Toleo and Charlenton, W. Vs. THE ONLY D)IRECT LINE beween Toledo anodShe Virgnias. THE POULAR i .1ME betweenToledo, Fosto. ria Buyras, (Grnvile andenwark. Fail information relutive is raen,,time of trainu, etc., wiii be cheierfully furished by suy Agennt f theOhiontural Lins. MOULTON HOUK, G. P. A. TOLEDO. OHIO