THlE UNIVERSITY OF MICHLGAN DAILY. I t nicidable to our own (Coomedty ('tub How Chicago Looked at It. SPECLAL- ~t+ . Ai~ t The failure of tt propejr entouragZe- Tte iistriyfCli oX t inent tots dieterrett our' axsxriiig train- ~ ~ ~ ~ t o tLd C I~ h e Pubttshed Da iy (Sunday excepted) durtag atists from sowcing theirttilelit, bt is sgIlue. The follow i e di- the Cottege ve- r, at ttiere is no reaisoin -ott'thits sthouildi to roniititent is .itaite on ti e ast-FR THE UNIVERSITY OF ICHGAN. . College ttieatrti'tts at Mlirtig:;an iti a 5ad-paedSaturitay:FrdyadatdyMy1 ad OFFIE:n Times ba litiag N. Mtain sti opposite arein iicotitetetthtinds, is toiiigtts "Aidigenral rejotetog our teatit9 p st otlce. peri-ormiiance of Stiritot's t'iitiy will twton Saturday, the first waxteith ~e L adiles' ClothTop Chromes hid, Stiletto Tie, l itre, IS to t1.39. EDITOtRS testify, "Iidtu heir is ito ri-tistin why. chitila~iitsisli series w!ith Xlir1tigxti. Ltadies'Itark tied tiass'a, Taitee-Made. J. F. 'fiiss., '97. W. 55. TO1~i AEt,'96 L. next yeiar's Slie rminre oith itt (slT vi e itory Wtts cot etisilys' woix--tlie , tl Ceniney, tare 01o x.39. F. I. Cexoots, 'ti L F. Iii. Litimis, 'to. -thi' tins were too neari'tiing eects y Lxtdies' Choceolate Clieomo Kid, nets hlsf- 0. 1-IItAxO,'. F S.I S p w ts, its'dy ,Ciubshoudi tot mtli leetthedo!ihi rottioIe, battan, 5,5 to: 4.3i. I.C Nilop'.C.AG,iI'55 . itttceditfor tiltt-tie etgaite liiyo lchtnsueta aLtilties' ChIocolaeVici Kid, Tokio toe, bul- It.C. joeeos~co 55 C.St.heeex,'tti. stilit uta Mrtigtt steilitis as initenise'ly'liin'rstiing Cxto ttaxi, ii: 3S. 11a , tdc5tiueooitte Vici Kid, Totlo toe, lace, Ill INXGING FEDITOR 1 lyweigllt. satd tor soeimeliiidoutbttftil lire- -4 tit ,iit'9. SLatdies' Choote VDel Kid, eazoretoe, but;- G. IB. 1llixSxnsii, '54L. stilt. tot,=3 to2.69. Meeting oC Southern Club. 'w iur'sittis ie ritig t a.~dii Choroiate Viei Kid, raotiete, lace,. LC.Xtao, 'Tie secondt iiertiig ;oflie stttilerix liiietigri'rxitit.tir' ie(>itu, at this Latier' 3tBttton ClxiiiTtoe, TtixChroome- L, . WLKE, 'fi.Kid hits cshoe, raor tioe, 10.50to It2it9. I!!t ts iltitrttyii-eitn sitiiig., tri ititiketei-ciii vtsrsity reto-tig aItiix thocotatue Vici tid Oxfortdi, iraesr ASSOCIAT.EInTORiS xiioi-t rtitiittiiiii oifthe XXVrst. 'flt',teW't. t>,t s lathb-caaseof adely il Lit-- oif it uistitivlsub'gtldtut Altttus.'liii-tietuu s-ill ti itĀ°ein LOSTt -AZta Psi loniui llxuitxuti xx xx Aese-riuttut 111y. li'. llussr'tliunss. thei01 mtotitorudiut i)is iiu'uutiid'u wiut owsrm inte ott tackt. Fiuter turn toZtIs los.e 10Hi'opre thuut somet-hing aahci- thI-Iattatlatugi'ecutuluf t ')rootetsrosswill i 5i Cf yout areiiiinu'need tutantythinug ilxiI iug t-he ine tiucutt;of ut'fhue lith)s" accompany thermtiti uh0tiu'hiut oiutlitto hufft~ori he lineof sp gtit ,ls uni t 'tit i wsouldIte swrilt tb Inlt \i aiti'i'ttvictory.chuetti catll at theDatily office. You sughi iswuarutea~ixr of tlysrgiaCsuisuxt ittttt'. Secret Practice to Begin. XXtiu'lTuxutug'sCys-rerI o rd - Shoes ik l rd yertrIt isitu not improbitbtle that tuhue iscouX- liir si-lass coni~ion xforea itcycle'. cry ot this Alxierirtux Shturidatn is Co Sertuatictehe ssill tbe'hull axfIi Iti iquuire at Dttily 'offic'. , t AND KEEP KOOL. ALL STYLES IN tuelht' uisicx i hs' uilig urauiutimhlte titil d ondtuay titnil'ru lli'5.'. e'tleixxex-tf out tave ally secotnd- KALF OR KID. clb leecor"11 tof Islay No one id'e~s thue hlayers andu coachhanittd shioes orcltuhtis youi ssishi Co sell, I A L 'S ,Sho wvhii xxou hrttihtgalxsisu sill tbe' alloswed suitthue i-hut. 'The call u-t X31 N. SMain tii. 17(i B1U S sho ou cllge cn e oe n ,7rett, lats gasttes swill hue tutti~uilat uu' ltX~the il itil1 SACKE- ICit. 6 N. MAIN ST., OPP. COURT HOUSE, onir quire of Kum'daruts Bros., Sluie st., os-er fai goxutus. _________ Shtu-tox's ~OPERA HOUSE JEWELER, itca eetcomplistuedulthlexithit- TL'Ch(Kttl & CO.'S Do youx avantf a X'icr baseball suit ont tetuc-l dihicnlty. Thte lirstiper- Litte of Bieyeles at prices from $40 to at a good diseount Thtetn call at the Rtepairs all kinds oh Gold Pins, formnxe of stannldu'rgrtiduate Iro- $50 and $75, are up-Co-date. XXe rent Daily offiee.Rhtset.Clsude. dution wsould addutiferially to Clue and repair srheels. Do yoet mystnC a ness- high grad- ihu- 0. H. "EYBS'-- . interest fatten itn eollege Cheatricals,. Gexntlemuen-If you ssant Co nave cyele at agents priceS? Call at Daily ~ and in ease the niaterial offered faield mney on nstoe reluairing eallton A. oiffice. c-H o R A L UNIQON to eac th sfndtrd etCle ans-Levy, 31 N. Stain st., just below the If you want a lhigh grade whetel call lE~VDSAS teuratrn oldsilteels oCl pont office. All wvort; first clasns. Light at the Daily office. sls50 cents, heavy ones 60 cents. Thue Dtaily for the rent of te year BOUGHT AND SOD7 back utpon the regiilation dranmas and Athletic goods wasnted? Well the for 75c. --AT- eomfedies. Victor Athletic goods are sold at the Sssan Linen, for fine office stationery THE ]KINDERGARTEN, Thin, suggestion is especially coin- Daily office at. a good discount. Ripane Tubules core naunea. No. 3 N. Stain ate. 4-