THE UNIVERSITiY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. NDXT ITWO [K Jos. . ollauf, Af-pvnhn .ior_.i We still have too much Neckwear and will continue our for one more day. MOORE & WETMORE a S. Main and S. State St., Corner of William. Invite yoar cittentien to their line of LAWIN TENNIS GOODS. 1Z~ttctLt~i~,JVI' e 1 l"1 y * IVI 1-k- We l rep toe clebroted Ashiby Racqes, for Y lstrictily hieh grode ot aolssci ce, than 1I iiia1ke f o al . . You caiiibuy aiiy Necktie in our stoire for 50 canto. 75c, $1.0 0 10 ad throt eiii t hat irriinoie;ae thle Talismane, Oxford aedud Barv vrd for $200 Ties for 50e. chieoper racets. Try the nen Tannis an a Light :n ii~s.A., TiINK ER '&ISON, GUARANTEED TO GIVE SATISFACTION. HATTERS AND FINE FU3ISHERS, No. 9 S. Main St Also Baseball Goode and aiIommok. nt greatly rclocedc prices. _______________________________ (clothes cilt anld 111110le lp to F ve o lr f r neG is 10 E. Washington St. Msay seem a big amount, but if you get a pair of lessninil dancing will be given by Mr. A Ai IIE yowilnthvtoues or Mrs. RoscGranger at G ibson & Clak HNANSHOSyouwl o aet us their academy during May and again. You will always know what to ask for. Jolla. Program evenoings, Tues- day and Saturday. PHOTO RPERS. Come and see them anyway. 1 W.HURZON GT1CE H I r"TS0% 88 53 . STATE 00uToilet ate __________ STREET. 0~itwae Agent for Mayhew, of Grand Rapid s. and colognes of all piceat All0 ANN ARBORdeiii~teilowiaidort atone- Aiv 'I Cran llARBOR JUSTf OUT-!lo 0 ta ll itable frtarh e ater. LoEHcWiIesDtiyoh, tihCLiE-i.)$Nittie( i d-6 iiTATE ST.10 a~l LIAfiDALL MACHINE Co., GRO0ON00. i.i0 'A No. 23 S. Fourth Ave. Samnier lLRo Lelcr, L oin. olOfgei July 11 to been. 0,1154(1. F ircloento aod prai'titiaee;. 27th yeore. oreceataige, oat- drs etcit. Ocailot l 'a. ) R. C. 1IN O P, eere iy. FIRST NATIONAL BANK. 4GO ANN ARIBORI. Orlmmiz-d 1863. Capital, $100,000. Surpiiioaend Prefits, $00,001 Transacts 0 general banking busineas. Foreliriebciim-es boughttind sold. Fornish Inttere of aredit. P. B3ACBPies.S.1V.W LAtilSON. Casheh. THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS DANK Capital Steak, $30000. Surplus, $50000. lReooures, $1,10,000. Organized under the General Booting Laws of thin State. Rleceiesepaosits, buys ond sells exatange onethi eincipal ties of the United Statees. tirafts coshird apoe proper identificatioin. Safety daeiosit bones to rent. Orracmeac Chelatian Mock Iran.; Wi. D. Harrimanc, Vice-Pre,.; Cboe E. Ilisock, Cashier: Al. J. Fritz AsistontGCahier. Lowney's Chocolates. Hot Lunches. TUTTLE'S. 48 S. State St. STHlE FINEST LIFE OIL BICYCLES, SUNDRIES AND SUPPLIES, BICYCLE SUITS, BICYCLE SHOES. Evrythin z in. the Bicycle MSTIABLER'S Cycle [mporiwml 1 W. Washing-ton St. 1 0 YOU EAT NUTS? Fancy Mixed Nuts- Fancy M-ixed Nuts _ - 10c per pound _ -11 lbs for $1 Fancy Virginia Peanuts---------__-- -- - - - - - -- c per pound Fancy Virginia Peanuts-------------1 bs for $1 DE-=AN & COIVPAN-Y. 44 Sooth TMain Street. UNIVERSITY NOTES. Gneleen-If yioulhame iaiy secondii- haniid shoes or clohes you wvishi to sell, (hi i l ad tliilta11Phi will hold cill let1U0-,1N. - ii-O. 17 thiiir lialieis ini ilerois. Roay 211. Stilileitis 11110have reliics they wish A hall gaile will b la ilye'dl lt 10.0- Aorleicl)pinto bill inngc1111g('t fti' Iai tomoirrow ibetwisenl'll and tilt' est and1ceapiest work 10o11' lt 1111 Noruol tieii. Arhuslinhdery, oaert-ieIiaAnnliAirbiir Prof. l'rui'tlotol will give his oil-Cligsbik drcess on Savonar'ola ini Newo-tirry Hall Lost-(fin Selitay lit or niear School Clliit~ly liorlilg lit 1:1G.rl's15Gleni, a lathes' 1r1p111faecedl silver watch Iwitli short eliain. Findter re- J. 0H. Short, '1)l L 1. of Vlkslolrg, tilrl to 31 Walnait ot. Riewardl. 10 4 Mliss.. lhis b'en I"eti'iIpre'siiient of W7altedI-T1o aeiaiige a typeawriter lie.htilller flb. lit'eiilt Ii first-class conition for a bicycle. "Viking AND Hummer." GOLF AND IBIC-YCIE S u ITS. Are up to data and a little be- yond. . 15 MainmSt. behi' d li-th ilsafteruon oli iielet theIi'tquire'at Daily ofiie. t ohrolc-,of itle club. SPECIAL. _o roliisTYPER I~TE Nt I-IOP.SALE - Ill-_____________________ Wednesday's College Gaman. quire of Rid-aids Bros., linic st., over ]DIFTAS & SCHJANZ sell Suits and Panic Slieeliaii's. 1110 ot prices to salt anerybody; can also do -epoicine. clcaniiig acid preening. Wart Haorvrid 101. Willias 0; PDirtmuithlcalled far and de'ivared. No. 43 S. State at., LOST-A Zeta Psi monogramacharmo :l-eoad floor. W'9, Teufts 3;In:ii iiii ti t-lit5- 17., 11ith owlnero nzamie010 boach. Finide'r t. SMARTIN, Funeral Dirctor, Clot Illiiiois W('- leyaici 9; RuhilsMedicadl 9, please return to Zeta tsi los.o 0 aid Metallic as~ets anal Fine Grade Armor Iztitue 1 Pricetoa 9Cofins. Embaling a Specially. No. 17 S. Aeiuou Itliihl 0; tilitvill 0, Do you wvant a Victor baseball suit Fouerti ave. Laifayette' 5; Amhlerst 14.,IWorcester let a good discount? Then call at thle OF Al. SHAVING PARLOR and Batt- Technolilogy 7; BrownliI. IWesleysan 34; Daily office. u." rooms. All cppointmanti set caos. ' ,tImported and domestic cigars. Laodies' aotis- Rates C, PUicersity oS'rwoi . Azr oan tLicnn envelopics to tic tair dr-essiig and bathing parlors. J. R. t r~ty o VerontTrajanoovahi 30S. Stote st. ma'ch.illnsylvali13, Lehigh ,Sa.. ___________ITHIEN YOU 'WANT yorclothes ecleed tn bridanl silver the stock carried bey 55 pranced. relied or reboand go to Mars Cornell Lawn Heae a Real Case. Fingere,ane Sheehan's boot stare. Lat- _______ Wright, Kay & Co., of Detroit, will oratory aprons nide to order A rather hioNl cl-sillg of an ccil- be fotundl I-ry attrciv.They hays coniplete oats of tableiware in -,ter- chi~it~l cse oilI doe a lliooN.ling 0111-el', in cases contiin~g tcxo- . Y.. thieiithier day-. tudge Coxe, be- three, fotur fi-e andl ix dozen pieces, I fone whlomlithii case wras heaid, 1000 sacid icn adidition all the reqiisiteosear- - , p le(Ilurig bforethe onnll lw vcry, ladles, tongs, ice cream sets, fish R school acid the hiearinig waosiiade af sets, sal'ad sets, oyster sets, etc., etc., sessiocn of the schil. the studheuts in patterns to match. 'liesa designs Aigt h lasaefo l h ot rmnn a- AN W liotining to he lilacs.reroal the lumostlpromine eua-t Eipans Tabuleo curea liner troubles. patterns. mdinlue llth nwLs