THE UNLV,1RSITY OF MICHIGAN l)AILY. Why Not Use the Best? S A:D PXTC ARLOS MOORE &WETMORE Corner of William, HYGIENIC= BOARDING -"HOUSE. nieyu tetint hi ieo -Located haifa block froeo Untvrsity g oundt. Under new msanagement andt with k ~thaewof ecl totltta ny persoo applying for board. IV are assured of,.ro 4 '' ~~~~~sping pttoa.-e. 5t eour crpty s lim~t ited apyat once or callat l laynard ofyat LAWN TENNIS GOODS. C, F. J.RENNINGS, G. W, PRINGLE, PROPRIETORS WekeI ep the celbated Ashby Racquets ,? oher ra ttcque ts tte no 1btt e;also tt'tiinmOford and lHarvattd for Fi eDollar s for Onue Gud-ess epr aqet.'y h ewTni May seem a big amount, but if you get a pair of GUARANTEED TO GIVE SATISFACTION. VICOTOR TEN NI SG OODS HANANl SHOES, you will not have to guess Also BaseballGodanHmocs are endorsed by all again. You wiill always know what to ask for. athletes who appreC Come and see them anyway. P iv A eiate fine points ofK cosrcin QR .SH IRTS ~ 88 S. STATE lennons in dancing will lie given 3ZG1TR "TENN'IS 0BUL.LS 9 STREET. tyeir. aca.Detsyranrtgeaytn (Best in ihe World.) Agent for Mayhew, of Grand Rapids. the roradmyeveings, Toes- $4.00otra veins per dozen, cash with order."JUTO !daanStuay OVERMAN WHEEL CO. -2 L~iQti 1 CI'LES ANDL' Otfices -ad Factory 01tlChicopee Fallst,Maas. r uieslCadl yertr o3 New York. Boatan.Detroit. Denver. Wivesa Cr=diIToilvets )03Water- San Frnisco. Lot Angeles. Portlald, Ore. - OADL AH~ O RTS n oote falete l "a_..a_-,,. :-- . toate delicatteflourtttodors esnec- ______________ IN-____ ork,___ 206_____SIN _____.,_________ fatly sattikle fotte t ea tttere. PALMER' S PHARMACY. D0 Y DO YOU 0146A. 1TANUTS? "-Fancy Mixed Nuts------------------ per pound$ foetaklettnd pleasat r>itt agiabtle. Fancy Mixed Nuts--------------- ------------11l lbs for $1l--- Fancy Virginia Peanuts--------------lprpun . Fancy Virginia 7Peanuts--------------12 lbs for $1 ?D DEAN & COMPANY.DU TO THE SHOEMYEN. 48 S. MAIN ST., - AN) Al 33 B FIRST NATIONAL BANK. OF ASS AtRBORl. Organtzed 1803. Capital, $100oso0. Sarpltun and Profits, $4d0,000 Transaeta a general banktng; boniness. Foretgn exchtanges kought andnsold. Famnish tettert of credtt. P. BACH Pres. S. W. CLARKSON, Cashier. THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK Capital Stock, $0,000. Surptus, $i50,000. Resources, $1,t00,000. Organised ander the General Banking Laws of this State. Receires depositbays and sells eange on the princtpal cities of the United Statea. Drafts cashed upon proper identification. Safety firposit boxea to rent. OrrICER.: Christian Mlacok Prenn.; W. D. Harritnt, Vice-Pren.; Chas E. Hiecc, Cashier;:iAt. J. Frito Asitant Caohier. Lowney's Chocolates. Hot Lunches. TrUTTLE'S, 48S_ State St. THE FINEST LINE OF BICYCLES, SUNDRIES AND SUPPLIES, BICYCLE SUITS, BICYCLE SHOES, Everythino, in-the Bicycle line at M, STIEL['S Cycle [mporium, 11 W. Washington St. UNIVERRSITY NOTES. Genltlementl-If you have iny Secofnd- hanfdt shoes or clthels youi wisht to Sill, Tiii local chatplter otf Alphia Phi will call it It N. Mtain St. 1763 celebrte th le fourit anniversary of is Students alien0 havt relics itey wvisht estabtlishmittbiy a banlqulet Satnrdtay. worketd tuplae iito inintg ionget thO rTe juiior civil enIgineers will go to btest afndiceapoiest wotrk tdotte at Ite the noerthternihart of the sttefnett A-rgns binditery, over lie Antn Artbor Sekt itiiattttiitfrtte avigsbank.t workitlsenltta.moB.tain.pacicl Lost-O~n Sundnaytit or near Schtool wor uner ro. J B.Davs. Girl's Glen, tiIlies' t ten faeed silver G. R. Allen, Gri. E, will speak befitre watch wsithi short chanl. Fintder re- Ite Enagineerinig society tomoirrow tutrn to 3 Wlalnt St. ltewvart. 1134 light entahet restilt of the rtcent test W~atit-'1to exchiange a typtewriter of the Grtind Iaidts wtaterworks. in Birst-clas ttoitition for a bicycle. A large snutt of mioney lionSiteen al- Inqnire at Daily effice. t lotwed Mrs. Duloptlt HIopskinis, te TYPEW5IITEt1FO1"SALE - In- fonnder of the school, by te London quire of Edlwards Bros., Slate St., ovor Countty Council for the estatblishmnent Siteeltans. 116 of a sintilar inistitultiton in Lonidon. LOST-A Zeta Psi monoegramn charm! At the meetings of thte Alitha Ntu vithi owners noate on lack. Finder andt Adelplti sotcieties Satnrdtiy night please return to Zeta Psi Itonse. Do yen Mont a Victor baseball suit the two joinit debates Ibetwveen the at a good disconnt? Then call at the snceties will be held. Interesting Daily office. ttrogratis for the etening have been Swatn Liinen envelopes-heavy andt arratiged by both of the societies. strong. ______________-Telegrapshic reports of the games Jeffersonian Society. Mill be sent to the Daily direct. The ptrogramt of the Jeffersonian So- A $1313 bicycle fnr $75. Inquoire at ciety for tomtorrow night in as follows: te Daily efice. Rleadinig, C. E. Chtadmata; declatnation, Swan Linen, for typtewriter or pen. D. S. Ew-ing; essay, Mr. Truisdell; ora- Ripana Tabules: pleasant laxative. Lion, C. R. Stranalian; soiety paper, In bridlnsilver thte stock carried by B. V. Koliont; Spseecht, E. Hanson; Wright, Kay & Coa., of Detroit, will biography, G. L. Sandero; imipromptu be found very attractive. They have discnssion, affirtnativt, Mr. George, coniplete nets of tableware in ster- negative, S. Brody; debate, "Resolved, ling silver, in cases containing two- .That the Chinese Emnpire shtouldi be three, fonr five asliIx dozetn pieces, and in addition anl the retquisite dseneel"afraie .S ~p ser- dismnibred a~iiattiv, A.S. ep-vein, ladles, tongs, ice cream sets, fish ner and G. C. Bagley, negative, B. sets, salad sets, oyster sets, etc., etc., Ja cobson and Mr. Wetherbee. in patterns to match. These designs are frotn all the most prominent nan- Fnll reports of all gatmes fer 75c, by nfactnrers and include all the newest snbscribing fer the Daily., patterns. Are all the rage. Why not you wear a pair? We have them made right and of superior quality FOR $1.50 Belts 25 Cents and Up. CUTTING, REYER &C01 27 AND 29 MAIN ST., ANN ARBOR.- SPECIAL. D TETAS & SCHANZ sell Salts and Pants at pricen to suit everybody; we also do repairinge, cleasinig attd dreasing. Work called for and delivered. Its. 48tS. State St., ,ectttd floor. 0 M MARTIN, Funeral Direector, Cloth 0. and M.etaillic Caskets sod Pine Graden Coffins. Embalming a Specialty. No. 17 S. Fourth ove. UOF Al. SHAVING PARLOR and Bath- T.rooms. All appointments first clots. Imported and domestic cigaro. Ladies' artin- tic khair dreasing and bathing parlors. J. R. TrojIanowsktl3405. State at. lAHEN YOU WVANT your clothes cenaned W pressed, relitted or rebound go to Mrs Fingerle, over Shiehans book store. Lab- oratory aprons mtade to srder A NEW COLLAR