THE UNIVERSITY OF MICIIIGAN DAILY. MGHIGANGENTI(A' Good Ta~iloric ihe COAST LINE to MACKINAc Time Table (Revised) March 1, 18116. -~i---TAKE TH E + - lall and Ex--5 51) mail-S--- 3 No lottery schemes. You pay for whlat you get and c N. Y. Special...5 00 N. Y. Speclal.... 7111de Easters Ex-1.. 0 Il N. S. Limited.... 9 25 CASH saves you 25 per cent. Every gariient fitted :.l Atlantic Exs.--71W Pacific E. 12 15 711 Ots.,' 0 .N.Expres _s.5 40 Western Es.2 00 and gularanteed. .lhlisilO(1s of Stilents aretIol~St ol G.R. Eapress .1105i Cht. N~t. Ex.10 1a customers. The largest line in the state to selectp" G.11t.Ex5 . 512 MACKINAC 0. W. EnsLess, H. W. HAYES, from. Full line of saunpes it the Cock House every EIt rlG.PcT.A.,CiaoAg.nnrbrDETROIT 0.P .AtOiae c.AsAbrTuesday. It illt wnill pa iy oii to see tih, line. PETOSKEY CHICAGO F0 1oP THE GOLDEN EAGLE CLOTHINC CO,, DETROIT3 Nwte~segrtair 1' - - ThetiGretesti Perfetien yet attieds n Boa J!"" - ° ------~ WILL r'~ SO N , cnstrsction-Luxurieus quipsment, Artistic Ju SOU ILL SOtyiN NYl~EED FeenshiigODecoratio and Eictet sS eice, Sin~~surn the highest degre ef RAILROAD. '-u®- '-.-'." Oa'IIOR, SPEED AND SAFETY. Tim Tble ean,12 1{:). ru o i av lsa6. 1FO~ TtIP Pa EEKB~WEE An g 1 0)NORH,60r~l.o Tleo, Detroit and Mlackinal 7:22 a. m. 57:40 a. m. L-srgest aissortmient 1in th C ty. hill} it at i'TOSKiT, "THE sow," MasQaiETTi, '12:20 p. is, 11:461 a. m1 AND DULUTH. 4:.1 p.m 1n :21 p. i .1--u-.1' '' ( p,,.. 1.0W RATES tos Picturesque Mackisac and All tr-aiss daily except Sunday .ie iei . ia rnes~ ._ Il o 7 X5 S.* Minf et. Retlure, iscluding heals asd 1Berihs. Prom *Traiss run bexte Ash Arhar aid Toledo C-________________ Cleseland, SS; from Toledo, $15; from De- y R. S. GREeNOd Acget CALNARroest EVR E t V ENriING W. 01. POENNETCT G." P. A. Toledo . * ' 14 JI1F ewe eri ANRROACPIANIS.REilrOMy2 alll oleiT . nyorkii Bteen Detil oi and Cleveland PL s llni14-F culy cocert11Cnecteringoat ClevelasosdlwsatlEairlies Traiuss I e+ tmriaz l~ llI hall. Isoljnhld Dtotfralpit Norlb aed Northweest. Tietb'Ot.2.19. Fidia~y, ay a5s Frcalinai banqiuuet of a ac. Bindi- Snday Tripsls JueJly, August and Sepember Only. Ti f TalOt c7 ee y e11aisll melte EVEY DAY BEiTWiiN Leave Ypsilanti trom Congress sO.., 7:10,S:45 at Ourzuiicera i-ut wihiec will and11:i0a. in.; 12:42, 2:15, 5:00, 6:45, 9:15 ad Sait, Mlay 1)i-tiiersity tCoiuicdy-= sliw the Cleveland, Pnt=in=Bay Toledo 10:5 p m. lfSenos r c Illstratedl ramphlct. Addhress Leave Ass Arbor Juisetion, 7:40, 9:15 asd ;hili iii lvdiois Ac Seap of 1i1050.1 "a. T1'S t1 A. A. scHA NTo. . s... 55T55ity, Miss. 1 1:10 a.;. 1:15, NDii 5:30, 7:15, 9u45 and 11:15i ;t rini O)per a I-on-ic. l0 Deri (Iieag 3emNv o SUNDAY TISIE. exat., ..lay 26-ii 'Vrlsty vs. W~iaeoi- [E D [ 1i li~t&Ceta~Na~Ny o Leave Ypsilasi from CJongress st.,1:30,3:30, sin, at Ann Arbor. l lQ oefth 6,:30 and 9:00p. m. y eave Ass Arbo Jscls :0 :0, :50, Min.tay SO-Varly vs. Inialina maniy liars o ' ad :30p.5 m. Stt niestltAnAro.tis wheel thiat Cars run on city time Pare: sisgle eri p15 Slt-uiesi t rae tb l -Costs; round trip tiekets 25 cents. Wrud. flly 21)-'lirsily us. Chilcago, oaks lit al W. I'5. PAKR Slpr t oddsi it Auh Aeir aTDtT An Arbor. t& O' s ~~f~$~o This space is reserved if I ~ I Lx'l osBst$Q iyl o i1 rn 700 you t good reliaoble life Isu~irance call tiiine of Iiiryrles lit prices iruasl t40 to Do',fi in ll an frdh Gad pr as Prod T SlcOish-slofice No. 1,1 S. seer :11 oii:f whsic Fourthi live. 4-o husd $75, isle upi-to-datie. We it-st Remembi~iecre ule otie oniy cxclniv~se icy House. 7 earn. and rs-pair wheS. c Dir iu he ccosnty. Bicylehos't 1:s Lie ayi u lse t i-cc u ~t boy, -c Getlrinn'u It ysu nuot ios avre Seul, hteut, Eli r or Tiride 131:cles._ moneusy sun shoe repauiring (-a11 oo A uDos't fsogt thes p1ae Bicycles Enameled and ail kinds tLrvy, n N. AISinu sI., juist tb-low tlhe ~ 1 no machine work. (es fie l r-i i-ueuus.IsttT~~ pSui ustr HULNT.ER EROS.. -sles 50 rests, hueavy ones 0 crusts. U ~ tl u 1 SUMMER NOVELTiES, No. a Eas Libersty St. ILsst Abosut thue olaolisu iidiig, au Ann Arbor, Mich. ladsius guild as-atchi, openi face, Wuol- Writl Seta Silk, RENTSCHLER, ani inLeaserhuo u lwur' o thel~r Bells, l ic ~ ~ice -uod receive lrsvurd. LIri, .',( M hiosa Stuios. X isli a viewy of going 0111 of thes li- r _________________ WRBOR ARCHOlD JEWEIRt STORE. Ache_______________________ 1xU.lsusiuiess use roupose tos tlissos Jo1st Received a Jare an ElsPe-.ani oil the bire eli-s son Ihild it sud l-iii -_____________________ L Qf N Pipes u rics-ss Ebseruarh rlsswore Go 1111) TOO & 26O.AT Hot Lunches, Chocolates and -_spn Tauevuecosiain Cl u m Boo Bons.n~nr AEE , i ROi MAMMOTH 200 PAGE TABLET, 5C THE KINDERGARTEN BILLIARD HALL THn POUA LIEbeweTlediFoso. GOOD RULED TABLETS, 100 PP. 3 FOR I0C Feall snformaions relstive to rates, tiimt of GOOD WRITING TABLET, - s c RAILROAD TICKET BROKERS tntsO ,h elseeeteeeislussbsdbyanyge ,. CRANE LINEN TABLET, - 50 MONEY TO LOAN ON PERSONAL MOULTON HIOUK, 0. P. A. ® eerwhei E s Y BEST CRANE LINEN TABLET, - 35C PROPERTY. TOLEDO, OHIO WRIING PAPER BY THE'QUIRE OR L.B. WoeaeCarTbcsad lrttsThe Daily for thue rest of the year This stock will not be replaced. Ssmmsor Law: Lectsures, TUnIv. of Virgisia' for 75c.- Conme quick for first choice. July I to Sept. 1, 1896. Fsr Students and praetliflossrs. 17th ysar. For catalogue, ad- If you want a high grade wheel call WAGNER & CO., AGENTS, Airalna. Pryining A' aa_ discs IP.Q 0.harlotOesslUe. a . - . -.. i-