THlE UNIVERSITY OF' MICHIGAN DAILY. NEXT PW0 [EKS Jose . ollauf, Merchant Tailor, wi 1 make for cah fancy .Light 1: Suitings at greatly r iced prices. Clohes cut afdldnie lip to dlae. 10 E. Washington St. Gibson & Clark PHOTOGRAPHERS 12 W. HURON ST ANN ARBOR No. 23 S. Fourth Ave. Smme~reLace Letre, Cic eof Srtso Jly 1 to Sept. 1,Jig(!. For stdetsand ratessoe Crco2th year. eca taloge, ad- t. C. MNOit, Secretary. FIRST NATIONAL BAN. OP ANN ARBOR. Orgasnied 153. Capitils, SoS. Sopussad Profits, ~ 4,555 'trasacts a general bsnking bsness. Foreig e xchasnges boaghe adsold. Prish etters of credit P. BACH Pres SW CLA P5195. Cashier. THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK Capitai Stok, 55,55. Surplus.$1i10,000. Resores $,10i0i,000. Oranized udertie Oeneral Banking Laws of this State. ieceives deposits.isys and sells ecanige on the pricipal cities of (tho Cnited States. trats cashed upon proper identification. Safety deposit ous to ret. Orriwmug,: Cisritian Much Prs.; W. 1). Harriman. Vie-Pres: Chas E. Hiscoc, Cashier; M. J. Frit Asistat Cashier. Lowney's Chocolates. Hot Lunches. TUTTL 's. 48 S. State St. STHE FINEST LINE O BICYCLES, SUNDRIES AND SUPPLIES BICYCLE SUITS, BICYCLE SHOES. Everythingz inthe Bicycle line at M SIAEBLE'S Cce Emporium 11 W. Washington t. GRIEA.T CLOSINiG OUT All 75c, t$1.00, antd $1.59 Neckwear at 50c. Any Necktie ini the house wvilltie sold on Saturday, Mlay 9th, only R"FR 50CEN1TS. MATTERS AND FINE FURN1SHERS. No. 9 5. Main St Five Dollars for One Guess May seem a big amount, but if you get a pair of HANAN SHOES, you will not have to guess again. You will always know what to ask for. Cormand see them anyway. G"EU' R G"'C.SH I RTSas-s TATrE bySTREETr. Agent for Mayhew, o rn Rapids. °- nivcrsalICrandall typewiters no.; . .tsISOANALL 5MACHINE1C0., eGROTON,. N. 1 =____ MOORS & WETiVORE e SMianed S. State St., Cotrner of Wilim. Incite yout tetion to thesir line of LAWN TENNIS GOODS We (rep the erlebtrated Ashsby Racquets, strirtly hi-h grade at asless 'rice thstas etherrrqestalet ;re no h otter; also the Talisis,O(sooduatd IHarvard for rlsessper rarqutrs. Try the tnes' Tennis Ball, ltce Slazenger, GUARANTEED TO GIVE SATISFACTION. Also Baseball 0Goods satd ii inncts. lessens in dancing will be given by Mir. or Mrs. Ross (Cranger at their academy duriing May and June. Prograsa evenings, Tues- day and Sattiiday. SToilet Water 'se0 o t ~itpce l ItdcolrIis ilutrcesisAl ilysuitasleforwaCmtesisather. 0 PALMER' S PHARMACY. 0 46 S. STATE ST. Porta sall party thi' 'Vaooitte !from Holies''iverycis lie mstci tet- tost-asltrand pleasanttttigs.titti.tihle. Jj"o YOU EAT NUTS? Fancy Mixed Nuts-----------------l per pound Fancy Mixed Nuts_ .------------.-- 11 lbsfor $1 Fancy Virginia Peanuts---. -l---- ---_1c per pound Fancy Virginia Peanuts_ ___12 lbs for $1 DE N rC MP NY 44 Souith Main Street. UNIVERISITY NOTES. I 'cit lent'. wholii list rlicthey l iii shci weorkedsiup into biidiit- 11em i t the Aft Bicycles Thumbeltr of staninitg room tick- ets to the SItip tFestivael is limiterd to 400. torr, Mlioi;-ao star ceteor of last fall, is outli-rying t lihi'shot puttand hammeriithtlrocc. Ittsoirtntcollege gaimes st-hedultet for totday art: Williams Ys. Haorvarrd. at Caimbridge: Pentsylvania c-s. Le- high, ait Belehemro, Pa.; Princeton Dr. V. C. Vaughainii Itft fotr Niccc Yort last itighit oilbiisiinrss, expect- log ts return aoutit the lurst of the cceels. lDi. Mctliotoec-twill contduct hsis rlasses dluring his abisencer. Prof. DOoge returins today froimia visit of ispectioni to srceral of 1tle high srchools oftcf(le slats'. Prof. Drake will hut'albsent (li enroe wetet on a similar totir. .. 9'. clssll, whlo hats esistribiuted soime of Sue isest art ccoilk in recent iuinbers of "Wrinkle, has too dracw-- lops in thelat sst number of Up-To. Dale, a Chicago hiuinrouis publica- tion. The Southern Iiitercollegiate A. A. will bold its first track and field meet witb Vandlerbiilt U'niversity, Nasbhville, Friday. Thebrassociation includes liir-u teen of the largest southern institu- tions. Full retorts of all panmes for 75c. by subscribing for thse Daily. bi'st iiid chiopsot cork.sldtie at the Azrgos binidery, os-er Sue Aini Arbttr -Savings book. t Loist-oni Suniduay at or iear Ss-hoiol Girls(Glein, a laieir'I-len faredS ils-cr waotrch withishisrt thalin. linder re- loris to 3 W'alinut si. tRewatrd. 164 Wanited-To ecanuge a tyipewriter ini first-class contionsi for a bisyscle. Inquire at Daily ofici. t TYPEWITERI POR1 SALE -Ii- qisire of Edwcsarrds Bros., Staoe SI., scves Sheehanos. 16e LOST-A Zeta PsIimonoogranm charmn wcithiown-iers naime on bcack. Finder please return So Zeta tol House. Do yeun-at a Victor baseball suit at a good discount? TShen call at the Doily office. SwaniciLinet einvelope-hecavy one! strong. Telegraphic reports of She gsaces c-ill be scot to thse Daily direct. A $700 bicycle for $95. Inqluire at the Daily office. Ripan Tabues: pleasant laxativs. In bridal silver the stock carried by Wright, Tway & Co., of Detroit, c-ill' be found very attractive.- They ba-to complete sets of tableware in ster- hong ilves', in cases contaniing twvo- three, four five and six dozein pieces, and in addition all the requisite s-cr- vers, ladles, tongs, ice cream sets, fish sets, salad nets, oyster- sets, etc., etc., in patterns to mats-h. rhese designs are from all the imost prominent Snan- ufacturerssad include all the newest patterns. "Viing AND Humm'er."9 GOT.L AND IBJOYCLAE Are up to date and a little be- yond. 15 Main St. SPECIAL. D ETAS & SCHANZ soil Sils and Pant, 1aat prices to suit ocverybsudy,; we also do repairissg, cleassiog ssd prosssg. York caled for and de'ivesed. No. di S. State t., secosidflour. 0. 111. MARTIN, Funeral Director, Cloth .adMetallic Caskets and FinoeIGrads Csoffisss. Ems-alming a Specialty. No. 1S.' Fourth ave. U OF 1. SHATINGO PARLOR nnd.Sath- S rooms. All %ppointments first clans. Imported and domestic cigars. Ladies' artis- tic hsair dressiog and bathing parlors. 3. R. Trojanowski 300S. State st. WHTIEN TOO WANT your cisthes cleaned 1Vifprssod, reusned or rebound gs to Mrs Fingerie, over Sheehan's kook store. Lab- oratory aprons mado to order e NEW COLLA