THE U. OF M. DAILY. S! We We - - FOR KNOWING WHERE - - - THE Btzslr CLOTH~IGI, is sold. You have shoewn us~ by 001r generous paitroniage thaitb OUR T--r m4 STS -1\ ANj" OVERGO 0A"TS are just righit for people whot widh to dress correctly and at the samoe time SAVE MONEY. S PECIAL NZECKWE-AU SALE-j THIIS W-EEK, bINDENSCHMITT & APFEL.. 37 S. Main St. jGHIGANGENTI! GRADUATE . LAW CLASS. I '?G 0 . STATE ___________ _______TOOP & UCu1 OTEEICET. LIIU bA TieTbl Rvie)Ma 9 19. Atternpt Being Made to Form a ________ EAST WEST. Club Court. ta.ll on liem nfor P. M. A. M ____Fioe Lunches, Maili and4Ex_--.3 50Mail ------------aw-l 8eelV 43 FneChcoatsT. 0. & C. Ry. K. & M. Ry.. NY. peca--_ 500 N.Y. Spcil _73 Ilegaut lac las nt "' - F eChcolaes Eastersn E--10 12 N. 5. Litnited._ S 925t ailloin A111of lie ela iilio ani- adaod Baked Goods. Solid ll htr~lelatos 1 Icet'e Tolieo,(Ohio; A. M, Pacific ENa---It51and1 Ileston WVVa.,via oumbus, te Atlantic Es.___7 47 P. M. los ded 10 Orgaiz uiiinde a iou 01 liii Try Our Lunches. ;tart and only direct route. D. N . Expresspe .--- -115540 i N.Western E; Ex----_1. ( 0.G .Epes.. t. l t s i 11.11 fle a fear o littiasy so sre-tiir ii OfItEn...---- 557 mal:,l le-as. latuitalt, -lows tai(1 I J fl t n Toledo, 0. 0..W. lienaisS, 13. W. IJAYtS hICoop1jsIl lb f (01and a!iir P iarn G. P. &'T. Aft., eChicagn. Ant., Attn Attaotr t 11110 00 allaititatoa 10 loUthe ltlJWU g wl Findlay, O coliiilall o( 1 ralo 11tt a eoniia11th1111 Itaa.11 (ad It.-- lt. Kenton, 0. (S ol i a lo atttl O It l lie 11 t1 llot le?, to le iaOtt and.111111 .lia~ t I a rc's Columbus, 0. Asi yi i1'td (1 a-a, Uctl. Thedlaob0joct lhak'Athens, 0. i4 A of lie claiss or-aniaioal is to fotl a 4 111.(4a lvt. ' llAitl Rd port, 0.- -;ra~daiat c1u cotso t o 1111 tl-- II - II - B arda nd at wetll ( -- I <1foe. Pomery, 0.. OC HMIHGAGetn1 ~t tlDrvnHote fi- tiPeaantiW.Va NORTH MICHIGAN j i111r1ce1ve1leoatti r ee111ailpratit-al P.Pesnw a r' RAIl tWAY. kieog a alote 1 ee.Richmond. Va. NOnTH. SOUTH. _ ANN ARBOR Petersburg, Va. 8:0 aip. to. *715 a. m. iN(TIOIiNGIKIT! Ttl'flE O)11(5STEAM tLAUNDRYC. Old Point CmotVa. SO0 pin CENI EL aMILEAGTICI 1Tlif. Williamsburg, Va. All traina daily ax 'eat Sattdaa' (o yerSo n1111litcaPt hall 1ttlliet High l ogt(tss utin( ors t. aFinish.N w ot e s a R. S. GREENwOOD, AgentNeprNwsVa W. It. BENNET 0.f1.A.'fTodot e0. i inte lmar~ket l. The silly balk: gtoodtlorfork, Va. ot i th'le 13.&SO0. Systol oNvstlof :.S.E "SS an g r n . 11 tal onttltoaoleat aainfa I lt-cait -f. s alota itn -o c aOtt all truhtan ANN ARBOR & YPSILANTI ST.Bi itSERVI I ls ncuesteb, Manager ifrmtoncllOl ot oa .:_yte.___tad aeanee 23 B. FOURTH AVE. 1 Ticker, Agenttort wrtta-. 4 o-sliti ttI i atit lai~ il tle _______________________________________I lOliLTON IlliCIt, Genal Itas -.Ace. Time Table, X~ay 26, 1895. reatytlit-ket1t ove ill iluloratit huies Illttia,0O Leav Ypilati romCon~essst. 6.0, :00 ric $2.00r pn 4flhCUAS USAL. IV.A. PETEIIS, Moo alga l ass. Aat;at LeaeYoltt ncots. tieiil{lgootdtI0111'yeare. Apiilli1 rE jt lltrtttt c. a -sd 11:00 a. .; 12:45,2:15,i5:00, 6l4dxl9:30 and f LA 11:00~ p. a.m' to OGlont raou la 1AgeiloS, or allrooessiattc ils it Leave Atn Arbor Junctin, 7a0,8:0ail s ttatl 1111110 ii.i (x . , I' a, Weaso han a itoeIt l ine o o R ND L o 11a30 a.nm.;1:15i, 2i$5.i, b,5,a0:00and 1:aSSToeoO. _ofomote G o AotL o p..o SUNDAY TIME. hl SS Leave YpsilatttlinomCeng essst..1,latti, Itbttsalutols al111singaleotailo fttr- WM R A Nfl I Artistic Photos. ail, 6a3a and :00.i n.iOs -ttltil to order ot. fttlitl al 11111foe. rMa R O I Leaee Ass Arber Jssction, 2:0040,530, JewliyOore 7:l0atnd 9:30 p.tain.1111'. l to lltloO s froaiali l- Itcllto llstEIt Stttr Cas runeoncity time IsreaSingle tripli ti1 cens; round trip tickets 25 cents. liin tlll i tt- a' I ito litit. l i t' tde-'S 3 A LL I ". M. F 1>iixa, spt.sird. .02 M2ateHANGTERER CATERER, lAtV OSp.seol ( .8110o.- UN TRFRi .Iebs- LARGEST OPER tenMOTH RAING ROOM INSlATE Pr11111Ct Smith, teatoher of te ito s -__________________________-__ MA MOH PIPE SALE ]il. tuidfio0at Ithe Atill Aertae Oegta 1cr plaisatfroomseat 30 CI~leoll NO, 15 W ASHINGTON BLOCK, C.ssoe37-AT-to55101 st. 0 11111 l et. eI A toes'boardees iOTratifQ F otito-of roomsll, fltllaao heatl, jdesired.3 Ann Arbor, Mich. tJ 0 IL~wiiY & COB. to rout at reatsonabtlelaets. 27 Tinp- Remoed to i8 S. State St., Sager Bliock. SO1l St. A R( ( 1/I 2 Met andatColtdttsLunchs at All iHoers. (Gall at Stabtr,., fr fit'le itiuoew .t~.,.. modn011itre rae wiN o -The modern stand- w ard Family Medi- cine: Cures the w omnevery-day ills of humanity. .FALL GREETNG. Suitisg to order $1i.50 spa Overcoas to order $13.50 set Trouserinsoa order $33.71. Cleaning. Dyeisg, Presssg asdRepairing A specialty *FORDHAM & GLEN, Merchant Tailor, 2S S. State st., Ann Arbor. w~ait. 2 4 ElegantfSuite-balth,lieaiting 1a111 lighting-rent realsonalbe-Fotrest iill, 18 F~orest ave. IVAN'l'I).D-Irom St-elve 1o lifteen'i stttdentn to swork oilcomiss~ion..t'atil at 6 ES. Iltroli st. Advo '(isoin toeDoily. tlribste na161 uradvertise- meels in partepaymentfoatbigha edo e bicyele.,rhchte sen5d thetm os approval. Ne wor dose usill the bieycle arrives and proves satisfactery. Young Ladies esm em If sates ose I a sapply they must be well recomn- samded. Writeforpartculars. ACMEi CYCLE COM'PANY, ELKHART,, IND. S--EASON O0F t895-96. Students' Lecture Association OF THE U. OF M. 1. Snatr David I3. Hill, of NetrYerkb--------------------------------Ot2 2. Leletil'r.ilowers,ltImpersonator-_-_. ------- ---------------------Nov.iU; 3. 11i11. Jobha W. Fostter, Secretaty of Sttatttnder Pres. liarrison------- - sDe. 11 Ca)Mrs. Johtbone Bishlop, Mira. Clara Munrray 4. Ed~~atb Ctacet I IlsosMand Pewell, Mr. VontaScarpit 1 5.tRv. T.DeWtt Talmtage --------------------------------------an 14 6i. fios. leery lWatteronl, Editboroft LotisvillerCorier- Joutrnal--------- ta-----Fb. 14 6 BostonT 'emfple Quartet . ilKolathtarinee Ridgewtay, fReader)a.... ----------- eb. 29, 5i. Orataoioal Contet of thaeUnieiorsity Oratotrical Associatoet---------------larchb205 9. Iax O'Rrll,a(Mr. PauIltBleuet)i"Comnedy Letued"---------------- -Arill3- 10. loen. Theodatre Roosev-elt, Presidt'ntNett YeorklPoltc oat mnmlsin----------pi 4 11. Archbishop Ireland l---------- ----------------- --------- ay S Ther'e Are Eleven ofi Us Allfor' $2.00. tReserved seats for entirta cats ae t. eatra singfat admission t0ctaxcept teeator 11111, $1; Retdpatht Concert Cat., 7i5c,;Oratrteal Contest25c. litckets on salt. Wednes4ay, Oct. lbsa WahrsBokttores, State and Matns ts., Palmer's Dtrag Storta, 40 S. State St.,Shlian&Cat.,. Batokstore. State at., Cutting, Ileytar & Cat-I27 and 2S S. inSat., Mnore at Wetmore.'s Botok- store, OS. Slain t., and Ann Arbor Organ Co., Slain St., ansd by stueatts ott the tcampus. Ctourse tickets may be exchanged for reaerved set tickets len payment ef MeleeonTueo day. Oct.112, at Palmatr's Dreg Statre, 4605. Stale ot, antd Snore & Wdetmotre's, 6S. MainS t.. IffNa catnditional nunmbers. Every nam'+er actually secured by contractL