1jc II. ofAl . ailjj. VOL. VI. NO. 161. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, MAY.12, 1896. FouR tPAGEs- 3 CENTS. We Must Move IS The store we now occupy has t -, been sold. We must seek ne w I quarters. "u We Must Close Out "" our stock of musci goods anti i~ mean anything to buyers THIS MEANS BUSINESS S It you srant anything in tise 5music lone gus our prices this 5 week. iTHE ANN ARBOR ORGAN CO., i S. MAIN ST. BUY BEN-HUB BICYCLES. :Sour Grapes or Grape Phosphate is is very popula~r drink: with a. It is iiadec fromD Puire Unfer- , u neiiteul Grape JuIice. We T can sell you the juice in btt- tles if you wish. You caii nake a very refreshiing anti noturishinig beverage at your roomus. We draw the genuiint Hire's Root Beer, ii Cents a Glass. Mummery's O[I.J Store 17 E. Washington St., cor. Fourth Ave. IMPORTANT NOTICE. G. H. WlIL,, The Leading Tailor, ;and only direct Importer in the city, has just received his enlire stock of1 Foreign and Domestic Woolens for aSpring and Summer '56, at -NO. 2 E. WASHINGTONST., NEAR MAIN. Full Dress Suits a Specialty. E Special Sale. Baseball Supplies, Lawnl 'Tennis Rackets, Lawn Tennis Supplies, "Sporting Goods of every description. SEE OUR STOCK ANDPRICES WAR R'S, Up Tows, Dews Tows., Valtversity Seuttore, Oppsite CourtHouse 20SS. State St. 4 N. Male St. I 1 COACH SEXTON'S OPINION OF SATURDAY'S GAME. 'Thle beginninig of theseris btrwerin ii'hels wilewill baterfor teiWs't: en Basiblil ('hampioinshipswes aaste'izoetdlythe ieost games'evtr ssi at Marshiall Fieltd. With ot'or tiwe exeptions lii'hesnest woo ureoitiof sestonal lfea- tere. a fast teami gals' leing dislayes-iy bioiitamls, showing the to lie ureity evenly isaleliedTi.hlierro' colmini souod Chlicgos , Aisigi , theilt'oter bine very rosly,whiiiis'thefiieldiiig shances-exedtoiitt' e l chii-' tagOo men we're iivariably rsy. Michiiganiiwooseiiiori'tins'iiblatii iiii's'inthre iisances wthmlii onii bass's, twit's'wishlt'heibass filed, tie al wia~sishit lisrin a selies'ill tIhe oppiosing- fislers; o'Irvin Mihiganmellselft o sileis'testifyt is lofacl. Despite Ihis, -Mihiigan exerlld with thi s'oisk, ilintell ihits t i 'nisg's ight. C'iicago leid at botserningc.Slenliliasess bii'iiCicaosli, Mirigo Watkins ansi ('aike pistihd leerisb'l'lsthis'formershsiowig ~ee rh' stosisluess uniert'i'scisourgiing oniion uls, whiile C'arkeas owils in h i lt early isart of tilt'gilmse. To injustiyc'iticise'thit'lumpiireoril'attribulte' efeat tss that oiibil is mo1sf unsiportsmlikeiits, 1bu11Mir'igsn sferdSees l c''''y fismsitiis sellce'sosn Sii'. sily. Ini oie installer'his faiiii''tre sis-to al iiaioulelally wiic'i woldlmlsl's rei iis'he si, cos followsi by IC'iica'o's fist two 'sins; 'Sis li'iatr sditeidsiandisihis work xwas g'senraly usistisfaistsry. Saturdaiy's gaims'was hasr-fught b .1 tliat sf W'sednssly viwiselsore' bitteriy so. F..1. S X'f' N. PLAY BY 'l'HECOMEDY CLUB. s'i'giiisss'si Eg i siliitisit. i'fToghi __________ lilssian abssrinslys giut risnc "A Scrap of Paper'' to Be Given comedyls' nd its5 110y char e is's' by an ExIcellent Cast. 5so isticstly llii'k'i that it is it jsiay partic'ully adapitisdto liii'wcrek of Sardou, the geat iD'ir'ich iidriamatist, suiltles. ac o tnesasketd ty'anliiiitrviexso"'i' eiece wiili ei''s'enllt liii IGrnsi Opessa tRos net Slltiday howe' us' eliii'to write t' cometdy igit by teCedylir , 'i-tb fos'rt' kanowen Iin sglishi 110"A Sc-rapisof li'iitli f tiii'ewoilisis's g'ilasim Polle." 'T'ie explnaitionl cvasoas 5111thliiint'r'est whihis insig 11111- socel 0s is tt'e omedy iself. r'te'1ifes'te'sin heii' evet by bothsst dntesi aulthlor'saiti thatstie dayin thei'lits'115'01els i''i si.l ls'isrsr fal ut'x cc-sishy stroslling aoiase ire e. lOf tiellt' il l d 111g'ntlemei'i street in t'aris trying t ecslvt' n1c1litgo toii 1111Cl iiit'eiost it 1111y idea ~ tfor sa nte'ilay. Siiddetnly' isis libe Oli 11111a 111t.'ey are ilnsot iimat'ur, tiiousghtscw'ere dsitrtedsbi .bus sriig i tilt'stritest sense' of liii'wordss, foi'alliiof tiieiiihlie's' 111olies'or papi~l e'rir'whiche slicefalling fiomitie'less esxeiseisnein lii'heork teyi' hla's scond story cwindlowc-of a51eat'tiiftl nertake. Severselliof fe tompasin residencre on cue of the more 1prom1- tosipislt in te ' illi's perfo'maun'e iertt Paris bolvardis. Wiih his of 1sf tili'ar sisdtiieir cori it th tiloui~ts on the bit of burnineglooer thus' cos very igly sok'n of. asO lie wcledlir'along lie ibegoiito con- 'Thisisewoiiweill1pr'esnt "A Srpof der whlat had beens the reason for the inext Sllrsisy night r s i es-Iis uisiinig of the ipaper oatd ewhy it 5sas. l' ansi IDit Dnter. tIois'Bres', thirown' fromt the ewindiowo. Stup by ietrudeiev'iine, Via Duy lall st-islie sev'elopsedi astheory, wch KaitasriiiePissetr,. 01111less];",. Jamslil after'elaboration andth irilling exl- Haniidy, Thoimiias 'sWtedk, Athr 'Smith.. Ewrdaus itl'ssit ' oiet C. geration,ceas miadie iito ia 1p1a. AnsI iourlan andcKil elHairiim. hat ploy Ios stood the rava'ges'5of 'iets miiy nos e tieurchsseiof timec and 10s1nocc'a00popsular cithi tilan e mb0' iosieof te l brits diiitlii audiences of the Conetile Ftncrle sWomiie''s teauteansi miay'his'rs'rv- as t ws n is irs prdutio yarsedoil 01ansI aftr Wdesdawyu at Sler" an t e'a 00 is irs Irottitio corslin's bookstore. The riliess of oi- ilgo. It is ocasionally revivel in tie mission havs' been tplced at 5e, ills French cpital anti for soiie years'5aid 7c. 'Ills performanclle cill bii has beenin s the relpertoire of the Keln- givenlewholly for tie benefit of the slal, .thlepromiinen~t English couple wma'sgyliliasillii 011(1 ieiewe'of ceho ewere seen 115 this coun~try two that for-t it is no mor nor less than 0ears ago in "Clslcarty-" andie "Se- the 1111t0 of the studen'1t and citizens dd)Mis. Tnuluiera" 1to extndi it tleir 'patroalge. 'T'hi "A Shlrap of P'aper" in one of the ply cill be aedsnds-r the inilles- niodels of tle comcedc' criter's art lte stage direction of Mlr. Edewarl and as a weorke of technique it i lper Weizl, of Detroit. feet. Freytag, tile, grat German critic. refers to it in lila eolunme on the Therewceill be a meeting of 11e Daily drama as does Mr. P'rice whose cvrek Board Thursday evening at tie Dail' on Thse Technique of the Drana i a office. WON FROMT WISCONSIN. Badgers Fic4 to Score Util the Last Inning. Maiusiono, Wis.. 1y11i.-ihigail ket ' I'stosiu nscrin-s-ig uiitIhei last ininisg in toay's gi(,.Wis s- toin~i'O s play lackdi liii'tamsss-ork soics by' liii'visitorts, ut heli'gme oil til oe -ah' w150 lo-slayed0u. Neitheir situ' sorsdinthe ir ist sn- nisg. t-haiuiinigsolliOhil toIsc-sntr-in thie seondt' andssluhcoredsilisiani error. Anoherii'sro'sr tnablediiLowneys t o inaek'firt 1an111li' hiad litles'tiousbse ii gettinig around thel tis'lii'es-t osithlii tisses. Shielsfollowedsui wih is sine and11stoles'bis wce-i-tothis. A hit by0 thimsisssrossught him ini. Micshgn's 1r1un i this'fifth ws,01madeihi by Hlmessss. I'looings-soimsade'a lee-i-asggr iiithis'sixthsanduscoresdsilon this'ni-t hit. ILoededii''as ans ssolse'r scrst in Iis iing.s- In lt' ighths Ioweiewacsigie'n-as baseos'on ballslnd ailesisovacediri'byi Gre'sgg's inror. Ies-issiSildis hill to shot. Wist-ssiinin or blodhini5 thieninith. DissshsIl s-ss gic-sn ist andi Spooneri's'slts Ksrl fllowesd'sIisis by single's. I'PerkisoksoskiIa sfe I o-hissess, wccss-sco-s'ssithis'thii'e's isis-iocnithi s'eos. Htolmsi as's su115 ceede'd(1i'y 1Cond'inii i liiie se-s'sli. 'hiss''Vsissty welrii'leahl IC'isasgo at 10 ocs-Iis-tlomorrowiii5 iight an5010eI preparediIto put tilla0hiutrt gameis. 'T'eiosore,: MICHIGiAN. AB I I' 00 N F Iisshiiter. ..------- 5 2 2 0 0 r'oans 3b ------ 55 1 1 4 0 Mceisissey. rf----._4 05 05 2 0 0 Blioumiigtob-.--4 550 Losney:s ....... .4 35 2 1 1 silds. e f1.........4h 3 5 MKenzel.b __--- 0 0 0 Poslmes' ------- 0 0 h M iler, p.._.-----4 0 1 5, 2 0 Coto iin. ........ 0 0 2 0 5 0 Totahe .1______ 7 7 y 1 1 12 1 WISOSsIN AnIt ill l'0 A E Gregg s------ __4 0 1 4 4 2 'orrisoos------- 4 05101hO t i *Georoe,2b--------4 0 0 1 1 0 Itans-el, p -______4 5 0 0 4 0 liahlkO - --.......30 0 1585 1 h pi i.siher1 31............3 1 0 0 0 1 Karer f--5--- 4111 5 0 50 Perkisif.. -... 4-- 0 1 0 0 0 Totals ------ - 4 0 1 27 Iti Gtrge bunsised out.- 1 2 3 4 5 1; 7 8 5 IIf51 F Michigoan -0 3 0 0 5 2 0 1 0-7 I I Wieontis,..-o 0 00000 03-1a50 Blatteries-Miler and Holome and Csndon; Eunkel' anti Torrion. Earned russ-Mihi- gas. 4; s~isousisiss. Two-base sit-S stioser, t'echins, ooigost. Bases os als Ot Bushel. 1, off Miller, 3. lit by pieled bal- By Militer 1. Struct out-ny tasel. 7; by Mille, . 'aso bal.-hu0mss, 1 S~les base--Wiseons -is; Mieignfi. Dobe plays -lias, Bloming sions; slKeoici -Bloo- Isge 0o1 and Sclenz ie Geore anmd Esaik. Unspis s-Mills.- May Festival Tickets Coupons for tle May Festieal con- certs oay be echanuged for reseved seat checks at the School of Mus. Mr. Spence's office hours a re flou 9 to 12 and from 1:0 to 4.