TIIE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. N[XI I!,i II [KS GRE]=-AT CL1-OSING OUTI Jos. Kollauf, All 75c, $1.00, and $,1.90 Neckwear at arc. Any Necktie in the house xwilil he so1(1o00Saturday, AMay 19th, only Merchant Tailor, Avi 1 12 ke' for Ca"'1 atgreatly ro(10170d prices. Gotlies cot and in-adotup to date. 10 E. Washington St. Gibson &Clark PHOTOGRAPHERS, 12 W.1-URON ST~ ANN ARBOR No. 23 S. Fourth Ave. Summoer taw Lecturps, Untv. of Virginia. July 1 to Sept. 1, 196. 1 r students and practitionera. 2rth year, ]l0or3cataogue, ad- drss{1. 0. Charloesville, Va.} Rt. C. MINOR, Secretary. FoRso50CENTS. HATTERS ANPO FINE FU3NISHERS. No. 9 S. Main St Five Dollars for One Guess May seem a big amount, but if you get a pair of IIANA1N SHOES, you will not have to guess again. You will always know what to ask for. Come and see them anyway. ERGE 0. HIRTS s8 S. STAE Agent for Mayhew, of Grand Rapids. 6JUST OUT! x', \e 2' OttI r[3ALLMANCo. ~~rN - 3354,f-h CC..25 oSaf000700.o0 o S. Main and S. State St., Corner of Willam. Iaxviteaourttention to their lice of LAWN TENNIS GO"ODS, xxe e tho e33celebrotedi Aslhy racquets, stre-fly high grae atit3ls33301333 tha other racquets tx hot ore 3no lbetter; also 31he Talisnmoa. Oxfor nd (1Iloetrd for Cheaper rac qucola Try the tew Teneis Baoll, the slosoener. GUARANTEED TO GIVE SATISFACTION. AlstBaeballGoeods and liI -33m3o. IV s lessons in dancing will he given hy -Mr. or Mirs. Rose (ranger at their academiy during TMay and June. Prog raton evenings, Taos- day antI Saturday. IN WARM WEATHER 0 PAL XER'S PHARMACY.# Mons ieycnftynotwt I -I ~ 4 DYOU EAT NUTS? Fancy MixeiNu ts--------------10clper pound Fancy Mixed N4uts_---------------------------11l lbs for $1 Fancy Virginia Paus----------~ per pound Fancy Virginia Peanuts - 12 lbs for $1 DEAN 8& COMPANY. 44 south Brain Street. f FIRST NATIoNAL BANK. OF ANN ARIBOR, Organize-d 1861 CIapittal, $105,O. Sarptus and Profis,$4,0 Transacts a gezierul banhtisg hasinless. Foreigniexrange330s hoaght andsold. Furnish letters of credit. P. BACHI Pres. S. xv. CLARKSON, Cashier. THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK Capital Stoch, 500,005. Surplus, $150,tt0. iResources, $1,100,()00. Organized anderithe General Ranting Laws af tis State. Rteceives deosits, hays and sella exchan3ge oa the prinacipal cities of the Unitied States. Draf to cashed span proper identification. Safety deposit hoses in rent. OFFICER.: Chrlstion tach Fret.;,xW. D. Rarriman, 'ice-P~res.; Chas E. Hilsecc, Cashier: 01. .J. Fritz Assistant Cashier. Lowney's Chocolates. Hot Lunches. TUTTLE'S, 48 S. State St. THE FINEST LINE OF BICYCLES, SUNDRIES BICYCLE SUITS, BICYCLE SHOES. Everything in-the Bicycle M4.STARBER'S CyclcE[mporium, 11 W. WJIiZgon St. Among the Colleges. I Organized for Research Work. 1113' lli meet 1133 f311111' Princet'oni E A 0011113i1003' of t111333333303'3 10331-. '10310k Aaaa30i~llio3ixll 1331he ldturdl~v to itrh, esabllished1l inthile I3331131 it01 eiirlti1. Thiere' xwere' 1 27 'i'ri'a013000 last Otobler, 113a33b(11l1p3o- 31 1133'd317fe33333 3'vent3inciOludinlg lthlse illt'1 xithi hetadquarlte3rs lat AliAr- 01. 3311131' o e 031'.'and il l 11113 lub1311. 110o'. FT'e oslnlillee 1xs1,4 largliioe3 13r330'1ti xNvoll i eghtl3of 113e'folrtll byihy le Ainatican 1lntrieti3-al .As- evets1. 1113'only lPritlc-t033 3 '(1 aociationi 0n(1isalsupporltedl by liat bro-1kenli xxl th113'll~llii'r tliroxx' by bod1y 13131by Itie c3Illiiittet' of'revis- Schll orsliO is 15t'aeh11:1feet. i150of thl~l 111r1133113111'it of lte lTeitthlfle tlaenni sof fCornell11 11731'llitted 001311. 113'e 11iiel3('taof thie I'1sri5taly o '4 1Nsylxo~ia 33100.0a3- t111113111t3'(' 3t'130't IteNt'e«- Yolk tllxhy iOin thetirdl 031311031r3330313311-Cily Collelge' (f Pharmacy-7, 1100 lii- s13103g allils. 133tlsylx:31113t 3331 1wit1h x'raity of xxistellsill, till'uOixrity "bViking AND Hummer." GOLF AND SUITS. Are up to date and a little be- yond. 1~5 Maha St. SPECIAL. IP.TAS & SCHANZ sell Suits and Pants ai prices t0 salt everyhody; swe alsn do re airing, cleaning33 and pressing. Worh ca3led for and delis-eed. No. 48S., State nt.,_ econ3d Seeor. Oi MOARITTN, Fun~eral Director, Cloth andilMetallic Caskrts and Fine Grade Coffins. Embalming a Specialty. Nn. 17 S. Foarth ave. U.O M. SHAVING iPARLORt and Sailh- .roams. All appointments first class. Imported and domestic cigars. Ladies' artis- tic hair dressing and hating parlors. J. Ri. Trojanowski 30SS. State st. THEN YOU WANT yonr cloihes cloused Vpresnrd, relined o rehonnd ga to Mrs Fingerle. over Sheehan's boot store. Lab- oratory aprons made to order A NEW COLLAR seventiy-thre'poin1t;,tCorinell havin13g fifty-lste. iitit'0ai:rinis Ctornll waxs33 m1331e'111311 5a31math for i3Plnnsylvatial but3 131 the it' d 11113"3 r Idics 31(1 hll' events1theile at1tr rosily ot-lassed350 tbrokeni. 11103' in thle'22(1-y-ard da101 13111220-ya-so dl31e31. L(30t iair light blue suede glsves at iLpYear Party Fidtay nlighit at Granigers Academiy. F.inder please retuirn to 231S. iisiost-. IIIidal13111silxter the st-lk carriedl by Wxriglit, Kay & Co., of Detfroit,,xiii bte found111 very -attratctixve. They lhaxve comp31le sets of tabltexwaire in ster- ling silver, li013000scotntaiin~gixwo- three, fou~r fixve'and sixp3dozen ieces,'t' and iS addition iall theireqis1ite' ser- ver-s, ladles, tonigs, ic e cream sets, fishi sets, salad sets, oyster sets, etc., etc., in patterns to mathi3l. These tdesigns are froms all the most.1. protminenlt 1m03- -utneturers 01131incltide -a11the newset paltterns31. tof Kansas11, 111'ie 11Phi llhia t'011eg3 iintterest0of tCininnatlli. Prof. Pres'- tolltt-charman31. 'lTiheililinitl3e ('m3- 11131 3aireference reade313tr, 130 01'1i3t11'. forth ut'p311131 of originllliterature10Cof chl( try for w t o xlrkers in1 'researc'h, This pos0iin11h1s 1ee011ld1by-Mr. 73. L. tloray. of 011hislnvity'017, 01ince Januatlry 1sf. xx-lit thle commllitte dot's isto 10ring10-about eo-opertion13iof different wsorkers, anud give s0ome di- ret'ion3 of research, a130sowell as to fixr- ri isl refereiiees inientific 110literattire. CJALESNDAt. Mon., '.May 11-'"'arsity VS. xWlncon- sin at Madinon.. xved., Mlay 13 -Varsity vs. Chicago. at Chicago. Thiurs., May l---iatulty concert in Frieze Memiorial 1-lll. Friday, May il--Freshman.batnquet at Granger's Sat., May 111--University Cotmedy Club in Sardon's "A Scrap of Paipet'," in Grand Opera House.