THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 34 f' fI1 w * Thomas M~ahon Badly Injured. M1hous ~ihcII iiaseinior lax st- - dent, fell under ca. msovii train at Published Daily (Sunay excepted) durisg s llsi rdyiigtmdlol the Colle~x year, at Ws eri rdyngtadbt THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. his feet were cut sil' at the antkles. tOrrims t'imes bailding; N. Main st., opposite lie had 1be1 en ccstixiled to go Ii fronit past office. Aitn Arbor every Priday evenfing. to SJJITOM iis itotme. Last FridayWniht tiolting .1. F. T soN. a, '57. W. W, THAYReis.96ixL. was heard fromi hiniunild atileSSe il' E. L. GotaIS\li, '985 L '. Al1. Loomis, '98i. ] 0. 11. RDXS. '93. F. S. SixoaNs, '98. it. 0.ItYDLRitOIis, '(I". it INAGS.NSOEDITOR BI5SNE'S5S 3LANAGERI L. C. WAIs.K,'96. ASSiOCIATE EITORtS W. WI. l ashes, '9. S. 1. Smith, '96 L. S. W. Smi; , '97. V. it. MAlorill, 'l98. I. L. tsh, '93) M. 11. B. Skillmans,93LO .. C. B. Roc, '98i D. Loaise liottac, '9.. 33. 1. AMtheasy. '99. 1ti. Corwio, '99i. The xa'ncrtptias price of the ODaily list bees cedcaeltal75cts in advanceeforthe rest of the year. Lcaveo aulcridtiooxat the Daily osi,eora with 11. C. Moyer, U. xf Ai. News Stood. Editor of today's papecr, 0. II. HANS, '11S. Withs all thsopserslid necissary defir- euite to thei'"unapptlroiachabile' record" so lkind~ly arraigetl for Clile.go Dii baseblall by the Viisiversity of Chicago We'iekly, the Daily scales the prodeili- cameli~ to his tiomel' withi the new's thlat lie was at tti(' tri'it Sanitaium~l tbadily' inijured. A rtailro)ad cimiployte 11,1(1 foiund hill lyiiig 055allhe tiadeat 'esot Dt'r'oitl'onisious, tort vrty weak froii losof biods~s. 'T5e' iances arei 11h1at'e xwill iecover'. Mr. Mahion wotuld J11n1e graduasltedt from ithe t'liivers'ity trt 0:5th. 11e huild ttie degree of A. 1.. from Detroit tollege. '96 a Victor Ovor '97. At Aitlet ieldt Saiility'mosrnitng iii the seconla slsss gaisle theo797 leasm after Icsintisisithtet lead ovet '9'is lfot'five innsinsa eiit to pitt's iiid ruined its chaisees ini the class pe'asnt racf.lTrouighithicfourth islinig: 'l7 laid s'eytliillgits ois A.y,'90'i iiot mlaltinig1 lii it:ndsiolilig Insi illsn' runs, after tihat, however,'9;lI weakens- cit 0a(1costly' err'urs together ,wills in- ability to hit the 'Nall reversed lt'e atill tha~t .'lehilghsll wiliiwinl is inise- lead 1and 'h1it'oii easily by the score' day's gum)'. Of ecosise, Mr. St.a-gg anUd of 11 to I. souse othieirt'iuiieoiitautlioritit's 555may 'isie lie citied toithe contrarybutt\wet1us) That the' 'vasit~y svill be stile to cons- 1'tt7 :1 4 5 iiU7?.E0 10- OPENING OF TOLEDO CASINO. ATTEN TItON IBICYCLISTS. take Eric Paalitnd('asinlo, 'foled, If y0r bicycle nesiel cleaning or 00155(1 provedl such a poulr resort repairing Tcker & Co.,1'N Fotrthi last season for lilgsisptootle, iwill aoe., is thIlcllec to et good work be topened'stSunlday,)lasy 1.7, oii a scale dose allo at prices that wi11 Suit ll. of ltslgliiiei'lec unie'quallletteventbyWc ret and tstll wvheoels, also have a the miost celetbrated te:lrinsg pisces fullI line of up-todtlsund555rit's. Otr' of lise east. miotto is "Live andt let lie:' Sinlee the Park was losid last fll NOTICE TO SENIOII1S. workmlen have beeis busy re'o'lllsinilg The sniors whio wis ixtra ilvivua- 110) imlprovinig the groundils andstbuild-t ions are reiquesetd to leave their or- iags, alid so wll hassMlse work beess tiers for themi at 20 Forest svo oir pe'rfo~rmie'd that it is n~ov oeedi to before 'fusdxay snigt, Mlay 1-. Tey beto mlt sost beautiftl resort on (le will eost tensceeniits ie. chinl of laks'. tG. K. MeMIC_ I.LENV, 'Te following programli has eels ar- 5'lil. Initatiosn Coil. raltg('i for tihe oeisg adillsulle hLost-A Kappa. Kappa GammaiSsl or- free to pat~ronss of the Anni Arbor ILI. ypn idrplaelaea l. excisrsion. Stewart's torfie and receive reward. Tlii famlouis Fr eiselsAsist Ats s-____________ St. Ielici s, (he m1os1tariimg life l ap. it you wvant a high grotto weel al irs ini lis world; A Dreamofils ftoaity at ti' Dily ofie. -A Mrvel of IhilliunyDianalte- ipil(i'ilof letricity' io5herttwonierfiliti hire, dtlnie;the ecensutric .ot dii) comiediassslter, Ilurke ianditInaPteoPrmse&\a ts isd iiie R i~ s Aleis & West. electricauical-ti0 city'; MlsidelHarve'y, tilt m~oetrnlidet"al Our wind'ow display will give yot gil; Lyinchs&eoell, society' eomledy' the style anti valte of the ketch; iialsP ite,'.sings iil ittt Ipopular ws ih beauitiful sereopticonil eliects; A "lthilaCireus," the rider','dolly nd oIa c Frankl;Isi(; 1:1s Famsous St litasy I.,l listL 1asd Orestsra. Tr'a'ii leavi's Ann Arbor at 10:25 a. "l il. F"are for roulnd tripi 75 cenlts. ID- N egli ee turinllg trainl'eaves 'Toledto:11)1p.n. givisig sevens hours iii the city.S i t Ceialei-If yo ou'sit to save mloney' on shoe repaiirinlg call on A. we are offering at Levy. 31 N. :tainlsts., just blcow lii' $1 00 $1.25, $150, post ofie. All w'rk first class. tight $2 00 soli's 50 cents, heaivy oines G(0 edtS.__________ Ahletie goods 0O':llieit? W'elltice victor Athleitic gotids are solit sat te V iNE & Co.,.fe.a .goldson. Tleigri'clii reports of the gnints FURNISHERS will te sent to th~e Daily diet 21 MAIN ST., ANN ARBOR. TIhe'96 Castalian Complete accounts of each department; the classes and organizations connected with them. 350 Pages of Matter Fully and artistically illustrated. The bet an- nual ever issued here. ON SALE EVERYWHERE Monday, May 11th. 'sine'e lidim than:Itheir iidiassarae er- roneouss for 01cc. It is probable that the IBoarit of Control woill cosnsiidert'he imater of bsaseblllprlactice'oilti't'hecampus aint mialdtito theIth atlis legaritslgit. The priesi'it11poibitionli worts conisi- erasble hasi'tl oni 11the candlidaltesi tsr thi' classo teamss who are t'ere'by shut It also acis ax i iisiiurager of a1 large am~lounit of bassebiall enithusiasmn which the i'ampusii pi'actice' tieids tlobrim;g out. Butt it shlduhbhe :it'kuoiolceit:,e that the legeisis ll had amllccaiussi'for thieir actions. '1hle privilege of !pattinig balls onlithe cmu eati s ii5~susedid't111 was nuot confiiied to work on the ciillusdiasionad, to -which it Shsoihst have be'ens resrii'tt'i.hBails were bat-1 led directly' i lto- tie sil'tiiigs asid valuabhl'lealtl~auili115initi'hiiphy'sIil laboraitory 'sas frequsently in sdaniger of injur'y' from this carelessnss.. Ball playing shsouli e prohibitedt northi of thse'walkt leadinsg to the gyminlasiunm, but it is not asking too muclhi to re- queost a revision of the rsule 'stting off all hatting of balls on this'camspus. 'With certain m~odificationsS Ohiorule can be miade satisfaetory to all parl- ies. With a view of going out of thse hi. cycle business we propose to dispose of the bicycles on hand at sacrifice prices. Eberbach Hardware Co. 160 Bastcrii's-l57, Shiechanisaint sates; '96, Brya~nt aini Wooidruiff. '90 L Detests '98 L. The third of thin ter-class gassi wsas plasyeditween I''196'iltL aind '9S I, Saturday afternoon, th~e flrore ovisn- iiin~g easily. AMiidtrsoii,woow00as in it'e biox for '9tt L woas rather wriltd du- iing the first two ininiigs, hbut then settledidowsn liind ooas 0'l'ryc ffetclioi' only tonrunshoeig scorestdulrinigtill rest of the gaiine. Wh~eeler, on the otherisanit,woas 0-cry effectio-e tdtr- ig thse first to inninigs, buit arrer that wasIihoistardiythe senihors. The score by iosnings: 1 2 3 4 5v067 S i) It. '98. ....430010001-9 hilt. . 00410901 *-1. Batteries-liS L, W'heeler and F~ox; '96 LAnderson sandt 3W'hittena. S, L. A. Officers Elected. 'he lierehctors of thie Students' L~ee- tsire Association uiek Satui'tdayInst chose the following officers: Presidenut, hI-I . Emnmons, '97; rice president, Percy hLaw'ton, '97 A1; re- cording secretary, F. C. Bdorst, '98 E; corresponding secretary, Jiames Pruet '98 L; treasurer, E. (tale Osborn, 'h57 E; assistant treasurer, A. ..Reed, '07 D; directors for three years, C. WI~. Whitney, '99, an~d W. Blackburn, '")5 L; director for two years, . 14.I Beisel, '97 Pd; directors for one year', S.. S:Mehiouzie, '97 hAt, and 1". WI. Jos- 11o, '97 D. Price, - - $1,.00.,