THE UNIVERSITY OF MICItGAN, DAILY. WHY NOT USE I11 ra°YN~D flflNXNC PaxLO~S MOORE & WRTMORB i .... .r + es.t -_.ri R THE BEST? THE VICTOR LEAGUE BALL is unquestionably the best ball on the market. Hand- made of the best materials only. Every " °official " League Ball on the market is an imitation of the Victor. Examine the VICTOR line of mitts-endorsed by many lead ing players. OVERMAN WHEEL CO. Makers of Victor Bicycles. Nmv. YORE, BSc o.DTOITo. mes SA FACSO. PWrAce, OE. Dinnr and maker of fine foot- wear. Best place for repairing. JOHN WOTZKE, 43 S. MAIN ST, UP STAIRS. FIRST NATIONAL BAN. OF ASS ABOR.k Organized 183. Capital, $005,t0. Surplus and Profits, 04,000 Transacts a general baking busiess. For,eignaknges bougt and sold. Furnish letters of credit. P. BACH re. S. IV. CLARKSON Cashier. THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK Capital Stock. 50,0. Surps, 0150,000. Resources, $1,00,0. Organied under te General anking Laws or Sin State. Reciveo deposits, buys and sells echange on he principal cities of the United Stole. Drafts cashed upon proper identification. Safety deposit boes o ret. Omross Christian Mack Pres. WV. Harriman Vice-Pres: ChansR. icock, Cashier:ii. J. Srit Assistant Cashier. Lowney's Chocolates. Hot Lunches. TUJTTLE'S. 48 S. State St. THlE FINEST LINE OF BICYCLES, SUNDRIES AND SUPPLIES. BICYCLE -SUITS, BICYCLE SHOES Evrythiag inthe Bicycle line at MSTWHO['S Cycle Empiulm, 11 W. Washington t. HYGIENIC -BOARDING -=HOUSE. Located half a block from University grounds. Unerc news managcmcnt and stll thc sie of accommodating any person apolying for b~oard. We. are assured of good springtIpatronage. Sirer our rapa city is limited apply at once or call at 11 lMaynard S., scat to Schmol of Music. F. J1. RENNINGS, G. W. PRINGLE, PROPRIETORS Five Dollars for On1-e Guess 6 5Sl ain and S. State St. Corner of Wilium. Invite your attention to their line of LAWN TEINNIS GOODS, Wer keep the celebrated Ashlsy Racquets, stricly high grade at a lees erice tkan other racquets tliot ore ino bolter; also she Talisioun, Oxford and Harvard for cheasprr racquets. Try the sea Tennis Bail, the Sloazeger, May seem a big amount, but if yoL HANAN SHOES, you will not again. You will always know wi Come and see them anyway. GEO0RG E C . SIT Agent for Mayhew, of Granm DO YU EA T Fancy Mixed Nuts-- -- ---- ---- ---- -- --- FancylvMixed Nuts.................. Fancy Virginia Peanuts- Fancy Virginia Peanuts__ DEAN& 44 South Main Street. uget a pair of GUARANTEED TO GIVE SATISFACTION. have to guess Also Baseball Goods and Hammocks. hat to ask for. p R I XT.A. TE ' as8 S. STATE lessons in dancing will 0)0 giv'en STREBET. by Mr. or Mrs. Ross Granger at their acadesny during May and d ,Rapids. June. Program evenings, Tues- day sod Saturday. qUTS? ----- 1cperpound $ IN WRMWEATHER $ *----- 11 lbs for $1 f everyouiwant goodeoopto wash 10~C per pound the lied you ied at"' op __12 lbs for $1# PALMER'S PHARMACY. # vHolmes' Livery can Sit you 00t iii CO M PA Y . pns-S any styl' riz you want, 'Bes, 'rep, Surey, Wagonette, loupe, or fnycarr lge. UNIVERSITY NOTES. TUCKE R & CO.'S TheStuent' CrisianAssciaionLine of Bicycles at prices fromiiS40 to 'du Stssent' lilistol Asocatiin$50 anid $75, arce up-to-dale. We rent isill be addresosed tomoisrrow' Iiorniulg antI repair w'heels. at :15 by' E. 11. Ms'nss'l, instruoctor in Ls-ewe et am os (lermian iniithelciversity. onid (iGi ~slieuass' lvelne, a golud tPresbyteriani 'lchrc-Sundal~y teen-leu'-dle-lis slickopiii. ,5inder' is rc- lng the tastorwill 5resenit soli '1'es- tlno'Stedtloisr'eturnito ithe Stewa~rd's tilusseie for Christ 10' leadling lneni of office. 159 osir time," educatlors, philosotphers, SOi- :Musical-t'. F. Steiiibcisii, Xl Psi elitistslissyer's ansi socto's. Phli, teacher of Banjeai, 'Manidolin atnd Guitar. IResidence 7 V4olland St., A. J. 'Tuttle and1:1ii. Forre'ster, of or as I? . Washinigtol St. 40 mlinulte Lausing, and G. C. Keech, anid XX. E. lessoons 50 cents; 600 minulte lessonis, Bolles, of Detroit, visited AiitiArbse 75 rents. 15S thiiosvweek end were guests of thie Lost-About the riain buiding, ti Sigma Alpsieha issilois frateriiity. lies' gold wvNatchi, ipen face, Wal. Di'. George Dock returned from thani. IPlease return to stoevards of. iXaslington, D. C., ys'sterday mornuig flee and receive rewvard. wshere lie has been attending a meet- With a viess of going oset of the bi- ig of the American Association of cycle businesos 've propose to disotse of the bicycles 011 laiid at sacrifice Physicians, andl before wyhich he reasd prices. Eberbach Hardlware Cs. 1(00 a paer.Lost-P'air light lune suede gloves GecorgeWXilsler left thie hospital Yes-s at Leap Year Ponty Friday night at terday, wthere lie has been csntined Granger's .Acadelny. tinder please for souse timie frominiijuries suistainied retsirii to 23 S. Divisioni St. to his kinee, dulring sprinig vacation. Gentlemein-lf y051 Blnt to save Bir.,WXilder is able to be about oii money on shoe reatrinsg call on A. crultches. Levy, 31 N. Main St., just belosv thia MNiss Alberta Spore, '99, wvoswet-t ost office. All wvork first class. Light to Colorado lifter thle fist semester sls5 ethayoe 0cns for her health, died of consumpisltionLatOST-A Zeta Psi monogram charm with owvners name on back, Fintder it Boulder, Colorado, this week. Bei' please return to Zeta Psi Hilse. funeral was helil at her hionie at Bay n o vn 'cs aealsi City, yesterday. at a good discount? 'Then cull at the Imnportanit college gaines schieduledl Daily office. for today in addition to the Chicago- Foll reports of all gaimes for 75c. by Michigan game are: Harvard vs. subscribing for the Daiily. Prninceton at Princetonm, Wisconsin vs. Telegraphoic report. of the gains Minnesota at 'Minneapolis, Cornell vs. will be sent to the Daily direct., P'ennsylvania at Philadelphia. Swan Linein looks like fine did. The order of services at St. Ani Lovers of fine stationery, dinner and drew's church tomnorrowv is an follows: wvedding cards, invitations, progranis,, 7:30 a. mi., H~oly Coimmnunion; 10:30 a. e., etc., will find in the department devoted to these goods at M\enero. ill. monin pryer lianyandserWi'ight, Kay & Co.'s jewelry store in mnon, by the rector; 12 in., Parish Detroit, the very choices goods that Sunday School and Bible Classes; T:30 are produced iin this country., The p. u., evening prayer and sermon by firm make a specialty of engraving, 1Rev. L. T. Cole, stamping, illumnating in colors, etc. FOR YOUR ra atiD Swit have nothing but a CLAY WOIRST-ED Workmanship and Fit Guar- atnteed. CUTIGREYER &Cog SOLE AG EN TS. 27 AND 29 MAIN ST., ANN ARBOR. SPECIAL. D 5ETAS & SCHIANZ sell Sells and Pants at prices to suit everybody; me also do repairing, cleaning and pressing. Work called for and deliered. No.,48SS. State it., second boar. a. MARTIN, Funeral Director, Cloth nd Metallic Caskets and FleGrade ofins. Embalming a Specialty. No. 11 S5. Fourth ave. TOF S. SHAVING PARLOR and Bath- U.oso,. All appointments firest clams. Imported and domestic cigars. Ladies' artis- tic hiair dressing and bathing parlors. . . H Trojanowski 100S. State at. STHEN YOC WANT your clothes cleaned pressed, relised or rebound go to Msn Fingerle, over Sheehan's book store. Lab- oratory aprons made to order 1P NEW COLLAR- I