THlE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. MIGHIGANGENTgiM Good Tailot Time Table (Revised) March 1, 1896. Mail and Ex---3a5 Mall--------8 38 No lottery schemes. N. Y. Special.... 5 00 N. Y. Special---. 7 30 Eastern Ex----10 12 N. S. Limited.... 9 15 CASH sages you 25 Atlantic Es.---7 10 Pacific Ex----12 1iandg'ranteed.Thoot D. NExpress---- 5 40 Western Ex.-----il2go00 G. R. Express ---i1 hi5CChi. Nt. Es.---10 i2 customers. The larg: GlR.Ex------5 57 0. W. RussLES, H. WI.HiiES, from. Foil line of sta G. P. & T. Agt., Chicags. Agt. Ass A rTedytwllwl PB; THE GOLDEN EAGLE CL OPENING OF TOLEDO CASINO. Lake Eric Par1k and (':siu, 'Toledo, RAILROAD. which iprovedsuchsieDa1iopular resort Timue Table, Sac. 12, 18956. last scasoii for Mieliiguiii 5)op5l1, will 7N21a.H. Sa.T. be opeiedlSupidas, Slay 17, oii a sc'ale *12:20 p. M. 11:6 a. m. of miagifiiricect' uled1111i15'iseenby 4:11 p. m,:21 p. m. the most celebrated watering places All trains daily except Sunday eTrains can hetween Ass Arhor and Toledo of thie cast. only. R. S. GREENWOOD, Agent Since thie Park was closeud last fa111, W. H. BENNETT 0. P. A. Toledo 0. Workmlenl have becii busy reissdolling ANN RBO &_PSILNTIST.RY.iiigand so well has the work beeni TimeTabe 'Ot. 7, 195. 1?efei'iocd Sh.t it is now eoilcedesl to TimeTabe, Ot. 7. 195. be (lira cool beattiful resort Oil (le Leave Ypsilanti from Cosgress st., 7-:10,80:45 elcoinl of lakesss. and 11:00 a. in.; 11:45,21:15, 5:00, 0:45, 5:15 and 10:41 p. m. Tefloigpormhsbe r Leave Ann Arbor Junction, 7:40, 9:15 and hsflovn igal ii el r (1:10 a. in.; 1:15,21:45, 1:.30, 7:15, 9:d5 and 11:15 ranrged for Mle osellilg and will be pM. SUNDAY TIMIE. free to psatrons of thie Aim .Arbor 5P. Leave Ypsilansti from Congress st.,l:3013:30, It. exeursion. :00, e:30 and 5:00 p. m. ' lefaioisrselA'iliAtsi Leave Ann Arbor function, 2.040 l tsI anh:e a1Atss 7:00 and 9:30 p. ms. St.Ileliies, the nmost ldarinig life l(':p-:. Lars run en city time Pare: single trip 15 cents; round trip tickrss 25 cents. ers 1in(lie world; A 1)realil of 1Beauty VIM.P. xsns, ept -A Ma:rvel of lrilliaiiiey, Dianla, tile ST TTYe ' I .rNSrr Tr . iqseeii of electricity il lihes wondlerful ~'L~ ~ - fire dasice; thi'e eeeiitric giool iu: ordIf ya want gsed riaeble life insuorancetacoleilsDrBreadRnall. Tis~er>oic o ,S rths eve. late: of Primrose & Wesslfiustreels; 13 jeele epaiing. Alii &A0ect, electrical imlisieail 105- Bix~leRe aiin., elty; Mauide IIirvey, (lie iiod:'riiid'eii girl; L.ynchi & lewiell, society comoedy Bicycles Enameled and all kinds sketchi; Eiiiele I'earle. sonigs illilsi rniteI of machine svork. wsithi beautiful stereopticeon effects; A H- U..N TER B3RFOS . "Ilsibe ('ir-iso," (lie riders, 'Tony :illd No. 9 East Liberrty St. ' lrsnie; liii1's Faiiioiis Miitairy 5l~a(( ___________________________________ and's lOrehestra. RE+NTSCRI.ER, Tri n b Ives Asin Arbsor at 10:,'5a. ni. PFare fo~r rsuid trip 75 censts, Its- 7n 0 C 1RAr-n n Ituringrig 11 n eves Toleoo7:01)l1. ill. ANN ARBOR. MICH'. givinig seven hxous in the city-. i Yo01 pay for what you ,,et and Sper cent. Every glrmlent fitted ioands of students are amongst osur ast line in the state to select mplles at the Cook House eveiry pay youl to see the line. OTHING CO,,DETROT SEE OUR On sale for a few days. a nstr rnn i irrI A RAC1E 1[O1RLff _______ Is only 0one'kind of a race. Kind- ly exainise(lie Im n cut which wil&lill~lU [DEl ALL RACES (lil Oly 0110 of the Washington Block. iiaiiy Iparts of this 'sheelsta nakeo it by all _______________________ eiodls die Ca4OeaHue Bol$11 Otycl $111 ONE NIGHT ONLY. Dons't fai s il tol n seeou lnef liel Q AT7{ RI DAV IW A V Q r Rexmmber te are Si:e only eclsive Hfcy- ce Dea inisthe ecounty. Dosn'Stlhaie ansythinelsbcto de hot hey, Sell, Wt Rlepa irior Tradelc Bicycles. Don't lerget the plaice. Iuiief & CO.s CyCl 1ieposilory Ann Arbor, Mich. Pirst appearance ini this city of ALEXANDER : SALVINI and bis rempeny sof players is U'ndsr th~ esgs-sBeet of Mir. W. 51. Wil- PRICES: $1.50,; $1.CO, 75c end 5co - SUMMER NOVELTiES. Waist Sets, Silk and Leath~er Belts,. Silk Uhbells, "U. of Al.' Plus, Steins.. I A M 9,GSpalding & Bros, ')eaij gn1(10t is e bsst 'rodsiced. Unfsrfsr end Su~pplies of every helal. Treuls (toeD. y73 SeedIsir hnsm . lluotraotedlCaital, gie. I Just Received :s Large and Elegant I Line of Noew Pipes!T Hot Lunches, Chocolates and Bon Bonn. IR. B OLY&TO a0 S. Stale St., Sager .Block. RAINDALL Phot ographer 15 Washington Block. Closing Ouit We have left a fair }stock of all sorts of -ยง _ WRITING TABLETS which cans be closed out as follows: MAMMOTH 200 PAGE TABLET, 5C G00D RULED TABLETS, 100 PP. 3 FOR IOC GOOD WRITING TABLET, - BC CRANE LINEN TABLET, - - 15C BEST CRANE LINEN TABLET, - 35C WRITING PAPER BY THE QUIRE OR LB, This stock will not be replaced. Come quick for first choice. Argus Printing 'House. Hipans Tabsilos cure indigestion. WAGNE & C., AENTS STGNENTSC. GNS Take year Kodak Work to B[RRYMAN, IHE PHOTOGRAPHER, Satisfaction guaranteed. 6 E. Huron st. I I TieAm fTHerfWM. - ARNOLD'S JEWELRf STORE. Sald i ngBicycle HANOSTEnRFEn1 20 FOR186.SurimerLa Lelcctues, Unsiv. of Nlrgisias. A. G. SP.ALDING & BROS., July 1to Sept. 1, 1505. Frstudens and Ner Yorki, Chi ago, P11hold. de1t'.O. 0Cliarlollesvillc 'sVai. Ingrest Maniu'faiturers of Biisyces snd Atli- R.(C. IMINOR, Sece tary. 1lit Goiids inishe serld. ________________ le COAST LINE to M ACKINAC THE KINDERGARTEN BILLIARD HALL -l.--BTAKE TH E--- --- RAILROAD TICKET BROKERS- AIONEY TO LOSAMY NSERISONAL - P'ROP'ERTY. Whlolesalie Cigars. Tobacces and eigareettes OPERA HOUSE JEWELERTO K' Repairs all kinds of Gold Pins, PETCAOE Rings, e. Call aiid see. Z New Steel Passenger Steamers C. H.KE'Y ES. The Grentent Perfection yet attained in Boat Constructisn-LuxuriosnEqnipm~ent, Artintic Furninhing, Decoratin. and-Elicient Servie. ! insuring the kigbest degree of 2c Semester. COMlFORT, SPEED AND SAFETY. Fees TRes iPEo WeEscoBETWE UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF DANCING Toledo, Detroit and Mackinac TEOpst A ulig EOiESN UUHAGUTE LOW RATES to Picturesqae Mackinac andi TERMS $2 FOR THE REST OF THE YEAR, Retarn. including flenins and Bertha. Fromt Cleveland, $i8; tram Toledo, $I$; frome De- troit, $=3.8o. 26 S. STATE EVERY EVENING TOOP OI ISTREET. + + Between Detroit and Cleveland Call on them for Conneting at Cleveland witb Earliesraisl LieCuches, forahllpoinsEst,Soth and Southwst and at FineDetrtesiori all poiots North and Northwent. Fine Chocolateo, SandapTripsiaune, July,Agust and September Only. and Baked Goods. EVERY DAY BETWEEN Try Our Lunches. Cleveland, Putin-Bayj* Toledo __________________________ end for Illostrated Pamphlet. Address The Daily for the rest of (lie year A. A. SCHANTZ.....a.. DRTROIT, MICH. for 75e. a1I Detitl & Cleveland stem ay. Co.