VOL. VI. No. 159. ANN .ARBOR, M CH[GAN, SATURDAY, MAY 9, 1(isId. Four. PACES- 3 CENTS. ' BEST ANNUAL YE"T ISSUED). "T"he University's Early E xecutives.", INTER-CLASS GAMES BEGIN. WTe Must Move f'6 ae by Pro'tf. AXotirev. Ten Brook, whli eeti s hetore we now occupy has Gsain il on csiLilprises short biographical sketbill's Freshmen Dfa Sophomores 1 benold. We most soen new il#N sAof 1Rev. Josepth Whiting. 1vev. tleorl'e. an ExiEt1ing Game1o 11 i WeIut lsnOt~ u nearly every respect tlls'0' l s- lroD.Dne .Widn r The tirst of tile series of inter-clas Oscycle 'f. SWeotl es hitch a l selisuerior toanythinlg else elyI.''slpllici, 1Dr. laven aandDr l ame, was piyed at the athleticfiell 1 i hsgos iftow riers 9 vrpulse i h in f1 Fvr rieze; the sFlltosillln en tielt lii's- yesterday and as a resullt '3 has list meaI aythngtosier YASS city annuals. Tise seiectiso of platter, sioli o1 wom~eiito Mhe fsieisiy itttihi' 1er rivasl '9s otit of tilhestae and given U IILO tyllogr~atiical appleairanlce a111( qiuality liives °teilrilidI by tiele1 herself a good start for inter-claiss Ifyuwn antig nth filsrain riouhnae h t ients (ot lesiting western iilstitiitis honors in b'ssebs. muiclitks. oe isesths shossldlbtieexpecteti fromilanliassnial I isti Sty it lroisilietlt sillllililof tthels'Therewassaslasige erows-siof rsooters ImTHE ANN ARBOR ORGAN CO, !4 at thleSUniversity of Mlieiiigsii than iisersily; biographies lull Iorlraits ipreseint fromn both classes sil the aI . MAIN ST.~ has~ been prtoduledi heretofore. Ign asin i tl il-gaiile fiurnisheid a grea l ofit cx-. 1 x19 sie f ,helivrtiseills aislfolir~li Cisiseress; "Muitcat tiii7111-ci-iteiient. The stphiomiores tuooh.the BUY BEN-NUB BICYCLES. full-page illtistrations the book eco- sersity-," biy Prof. F. W1. Kelse; The lead ini She first iiinig by gsiiing two __ ~t iis22apiges, tastefully bouiis wills Len-is Ait Collec-tissn," by Prof. I. rusns. Thley asdelthree icsore iii She a ery'attirtcti-e cover odesigin Sy Lain' l' D i)ge; "Blriefilistiory tf tile secoiid aisilmdsssthe freshmien 5 to 1 o r G a e T mtwoisnwsuyn5r rtriis tteUiest, yF l tetid oee,'9gtfv :11 ' t . mitch who ~i vii 1is- tudying 117W13 leman; ii"Tile Arlsfr' 1 na tii'rs. '1'i - . a..-n or Grape Phosphate is a veery pop1uttr d5trink Fith u1-. It it lllttle froln Pure Un~fer- liielteiI (Grape Jic(. Wve can sell yoiu tie jiliee in bot- tles if youl wish. You can itke a very refro-hilig anti nourishing beverage at your roomus. We draw tihe genuinle Hire's Root Be er 15 Cents a Glass. Maxm yS DwUR Store 17 E. Washington St., cor. -Fourth Ave. g IMPORTANT NOTICE. G. H. WILD, The Leading Tailor, and only direct Importer in the city, hits jast received his entire sleek of Foreign end Domestic Woolens for Spring and Stummenr '96, at 10. 2 E. WASHINGTONST,. NEAR MAIN. Full Dress Suits a Specialty. was done Sty A. L. Ssvift & SCt., itt hicago, antl most tof the ilinslesiois wt're snails'by tile Binner Eusgrsaving Thle BosardlittEsditors is heatd-tI Se tou!,s A. Wttodsard, as miaiiigisig i'ditor snd Charles A Maing as buls- insess manager. The oilier mt embler', of the Bosird are F~rediIB. Cuteonti, assistaislt manisgin1g ediitotr; txiny T.1 Lansont and WV. ll. Thiompsttn, lsis- taut btusinaess manigers; lilss Louise Bsicorn, secretairy;: Miss . As Cairtwvrighit, Mliss Ada St-n-sr, .M iss Charlotte E. Pit-iseti. Il. It. Wottds. 0. tP. Cole, F. tP. Ssadler, J. J. IFrane, is- sociates. Two of the pirizes otfi'redt by the Board were 'ion by Mrs. Msaud ('ald- jsis,'' by Prof. Ri-lsey; "'The 'Woiatel's ine-ssstea ti'sefriioe ill iithe fotirth, Llt'ils" Siy Mr's. II. S. ('srhart. Miss gi-V illg tiis'iii0ItSo 'its's ti. Sis'stl'utl' e I.t'scotibu'its an ai rtice' Tilt'fresmenivs-teeshut:tnt in She tti St'e t'stabilishmeinst if St'e S. ot At.,next Sts's' inninsgs, indtl hels'otttho- Dasily astsItlandiesr ini 1811tt-l9. Isior'ssIills'heieaniiieiraie th e Iiir score The wo-trk of thelis' iferesit tit-Sart- ilito 12 and tools is ls'sdsofisso onl innst is reviewedi by Petit. B. A. thie'freshmein'i. Htinsdle lt'osthe literary ndepartentsil; In Stth iplilhiossesvi',s'99 hscttred Di'. Vaughisn,. 0n the mnedicsal idepart- thiiee ilmss, lesinsg lisir ttptontets5 its'it; P'rof. iHutchinls, osi She lass ils'- by one. TPhis leatdi wasi incesessd lisi'lt'llt; Dr. Prescott, sinct'teIsesioeiiSirlsltf the iist- -. netofp~ray D.'ef i aniditis' sithomsorets so-rs' istiredh in I~sstiieit5sfPlstsnlie3 lS~r Iti.Ohorderl, St'efiisil scotre gis-iiig theigaissl Ills denitsil depatuent ; iDr. t'til'litSo itse frssmiiissi6iito 12. onlth hit'loitltllis'deptarltmitl. aiti 'fT'efeatuireof i ~t'e gsllt ils Ste Prot. Illitne, oil lt'eengineet'riig sit- lpitcing of Besthsftr '19l). Onlly lise lsss'tmsii't. Eachiof thset' rtit-ls's issing lt'sansi 0115'tsso-Saggt'r wtre (Contilisesi on Second Page.) s-t't f i l'isly iSi ~ lp ptort inlthe is'ldshaistbelen ltetter use Deans WVili Play at Chicago. sc'tre 11-0111(l hisist Stt''en lunhlslili- ci'. ''I'e ;alssi' ll)ilsntell' ietrro-s oh 'Thie''vsarsitvbsall tbamile'ft ftot' (ii-bthisiess, ill phsayinig ttsiiig t1qite eligo yeste'rdsay at 2 sio'-ek ovir tie loose, asnsiustsesidy. ''l1s' score: .l~tchiaiiCental. Oily a :111111 2 Il4 5 i (;I 5It. trosdodtf studet'iss «irs' at She tdeiot >'.) - - -o 1 4 UUIt):; R-=16 tst s-ussr thei'n itheir depaslrtusre'. 'The 'p - - 2 1;h0 12 11.30 0-12- lesssis '-s isothe Stist of slssile issith Batts'rie's-'99, KiethianLtnI.;lil'JS8, .I well-Perry-the casshrize' of $25 for She best story wias awarded So her for the story entitled 'The Hlypno- tist." Br'yant's 'Library of P'oery asid Song," was wons by Mrs. Perry in the prize poesn contest by the poein awsarded the price of $10 for She best l hem'selv'hes iii sll of the gamieo to Sit drawsing. - played. '1'he openisng article is 'Presiiient Arraingemeisi'i w sere' masde nitis this Asngell as Seen in IHis Writisigs," idesital faiculty wishiiri'by Deass Sesal- written by Prof. F. N. Scott, anithse lowesd to isceomopassy She tearn asid his fiontispiece of the book insass excel- sv-il ltply thirsi base iii sll Sue garneis. heist ftull-page hoalf-tosne of Dr. Asngill.; With L~ownsey sat shirt, illoosngstosi Todusay tw sonre clsiss gillswsill hi lasyedi1off. '961 ss. '957,sit 'l):.'0se. lii., sot the Atletic fsu'el; sassi19(;tiL'vs. 'it8 IL, at 3i p. 55..,055 thse lssN'air Gous~i. 'ee to Meet the Normal C. C. Adasms, f t'efreshsmansstrsick msansagi'r, has arr'ansgedt a fi-dthisis's- Po.Scott has arranged ibe 'ivitinigs at second andssileizie stt first thst betwseien '99h assilthe Norsiasl Schoostl. S pecial1 Salfe. of President Angell in five clsasses:-inflielsd is exeph~tionaslly strosig. 'Thsesmeet will taks' hllscsit Yptsilanist, Rssays and addesses on educational 'lhe issake-uip of She ti'ams for thle May 1th asid '9t9 expet's to ssssshsea Baseball Supplies, Lawn topics, essays on literature, essays on Chiceago game is as fiillonws: nsame for herself iii teat-k ndssi eld aI~enis ackes, L wn Tnnisinternational law and dihlosmacy and Ilinoes, c; Watkis, p; M~Ieiessi, athletics osn thast occsisioss. Miisiger Tenis acktsLaw TenisAdasos'iill take a team of tess or Supis prig Go s tatepapers, essays and :addresses on 1 b; Bomig , 25i; Lwny, so; SpleSotn od ftwelve sieno iwithlis a hss'sIo 'isill lie religious topics. Selections are given Deans, 3ib; Hlollister. 1 f; Shields, cf; chsoseso fross those taikisng part iii thin every description, of each of these classes and a list of MecKinisey, r f. Mliller asnd Gonden hhsssayhesIdyti f os SEE OU TC N RIE the writings of Dr. Angell is append- n-will be the battery for the Wisconssin; The evenssat Ypsilsanti with be as fioh- t EORSO KA DP IE dto thle asticle. Accompsanying the 'ninme. lon's: t10tSassd 220 yards dashes, onue- article are portraits of President An- Chicago's batting os-des' today 'iillflrt so on-af ieru,52 ansd 220 yards husrdles, runnsing hlighi __'V VT ,IA H Z .'S . ell a different periods of his life and Ipsobatily be: .tones, c; Slenry Clairkes' p oevut rnigbo3 up S cuSn of hiss birth-place ands present i; Cualt. Abells. ihi; Gordon C'laske, 21;i;hl ie ak n ml iyceVc' Up Town, Down Town, residence. Sweet, en; Winston, 3b; Browis, If; one mile relay race, four .usen; shiot lals-ersity Boostore, Opposite Court House 20S. Stats St. 4 N.Slain St. Other special articles of interest are A'dkhnson, ef; Nichiols, rf., poat and hammer thro'iing.