THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. ~J p iwenlt of the teaml; Ithe material is + Of& + urluthre. If oinly we a'li t hel ll - ~vienture ini the right spirit 'ac call e' ublished Dully (Sunday excepted) during aso before this Incerry miointh isix d- the College year, t THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. e'd, puocture a big hole ini the liroull iiiity of our confident elisiril (irFICE: Timies building N. Mule st., oppoite behe. pust office. Behe. EiDITORiS J, F'. T ca l, '97. W. X. TofAves, 'lii L. F'. L Geisuca2, '9e L F.,V. Loomis, '9i8. 0.I. H lNiS,'9t IF. S. SIiNS, 'il. It. . UxsEoc' ooo, '9S.. bI IWAGING EDIiTOIR Gi. B. haRatOox, '93 L. B ISINI i$iii%.'A(OiU L. C. XWAKER, '9t. ASSOCIATE EDIITORIS W. W. ILighes, '93). S. I. Smithi, 'Ni L. S. W. Smiu,,"It XV. I. Mrrill, '15. J. L. IWulih, '9i3 M. iH. B. Sillemun, '98 V.. C. BI.icoe, '98 D. Louise Dodge, '9ll. 14. B. Metlico ny, 'li9. H. Cerwe, '99. H Arrungementsnfor May Festival. '.hle followingIiannouniceiirnt regard- ilg;Viii'flay Festival conlcerts 5 is re. ireti by 1111' ilalgcell f17le adopitionl of tii reserved seal. Iln xl the festival, iiiikes it very iii,- lilrtlait itiat txii observe vrrv cire- fully liie loralioii of their selats. lx- cris Xwi l i be stiedlo011h1111' llirw~aly a) excii entrance to liii Aiditoritum, shoin'ig the lication tif the v i11li0ti8 ire echii iiviideeldiiio six sietionls. The oulixriptian price of the Dolly has been reduced to 11.00 in advaneceor trerefit Sections I aud II arc entereid ly tile of thie year. Leave subscxriptionsatx the soiici doer, Nos. II IindIN' by tiie Dilyo;ide or itsi' . . Meyer, C. oi Ai. Neiws Staiid. iiim id liiior, hid Nos. IV andilVt by Etditor of todays papcr, ii is enter liiie11111liby xuy other thian 'NX. W. TIIAY ''Rl, ' t6L. lii' diiir -wicihlserveX'cs 15ntranclle toi liiisecetiiinidesignatcd on iket. All it is idue the 'valrsity as a matter of slilent suppilort thai a large croiwd illtl'i'ousesXiibirv- edindparonls of liie conceert lire sireViiiriioffat tliMihigxii Centrtal siation tis aftternooni. rue galiiis to urgeid to coeiiiecarty. that there miaiy be 110 delay ill seafing liie be playeil are illilortantl iunes illil a coilcertsimitst ib-ginliromptlily'. It tirider'to avoid mlistaikes, no oneliiiXii goiiilXviys to'lii'ilinlg 11the laml bealwdt aea etwtoti the Xwinig of these gailies. ___________________ ily condiutcted to itViy' lit tiher. fhebi'asettitil sitilitioli at Chlietago The Board of Riegents lioi e latiely is summediii' p11 as folesws'editorilly asse'thtiresiiluiloll strictly' 1miiihit iiiy by' ViiheturrenltVUniversity of Chicago the piingl of choirs ini the aisli's or weei~iy: liiihe rry'ingiof ihai's if aily' ieserili' "Afxr helterriceordiwas umatde'by'Iilutihe al.'lsrgiaiu the basitiall team last Iweek ihaxnllteXlwill lie thorotlghlly cilforeel. xx'ek hfiri, blli ils th ~ he VoaridofTriustei's of lie t'ni- madlehi liy Xw'oi'k this season. 'Tiii'tid'yX'i'lsily' llsielSiieety' haveitbyli's's- tuiruc riomi'iiini lihiof utpor,'. a1,goci ltl'llrlic't'ygameis and defeats to a fliiiiid'festivlllto liii' elihiltiy'ifthie hall, of i't'alibaseball. Thii'teamlishloXXetd hdX'l'lIi iiibu fltkt 5t has reaehledh the limit the ticket offie %I hat it rail ito awieu it tries. "''<'Dci aieXillltwiii wt liibe closieilanid 110morei'icVkets "hit. Aurtytalarepwlle force hills hii'ti thiii' Viversily ef Illinois, which wassodAreuapliefcehsbn lb sleouhil exhiiitioinuifraimstart Vii orglizedi'ih ll biiei'ustsi'l ii il- finih. hadthatrare invlua l ain perfect orider and luskhlfter tiii duality, snaplh. Eveiry' 11a111sieiei conlveuienlce andi safely' of the palloils ho halve takein 1 gootd Vrae-anld Viii of tile festival at alli concerts. br~ee i~a 1111 belie'ilalcilly ltil. All personso enteringlth hll wXlii h Tr11e matchi Xith ChiciagoNtionaul obliged to shoal'thire tickets to the Leage aso ad graifyng esu tloor keepieslit the toot of the stall'- lie score of 7 to 2 iiiay be taken as a ___ase._____ fair sign oftwahltli an iateur team Prof. Mecheim will be requited5t'i to can iho, eveiii hlpriofessionllas, avhen ideliverr lie last lecture to the senior brill' lechisssted of an adess on it has detirmninatioin. As to North- claos day', as erronerously' auticedl avesternl, though the tellml play avas in yesterday's Daily'. good as a avhole and a big score avas VLost-BetwvenilDeltai Glammalb houai' made, yet it avas a cdisaphsointn~tadIlWlltrn xa ivlue gl that our opphonents madleiCfive culls; fleur-de-lis stick lull, binder' is re- they ought never to have crossed iuested to retuin to the Stewvlrid's honeplate. office. 15J1 "And Michigan here Saturday,.210 On account of othler entertainmients further wsords are necessary. on Saturday evening the "University' "Nobody questions the ability of School of Dancing" will give thbrepro- this L'niversity to wlill the clianipion- plain party this Xweek on Friday' even- - ing, Friends cordially invited, ship of the West this year. The time has ow ome or s t do ur est Lost-About the nmain building, a has ow ome ur s t do ur estladies' gold Xwachl, open face, Wal- to make an unappsroachable record, them, Please return to steward's of- Elverything rests Xith the manage- fvee and receive reward. tOPENINGt (F TOEDOt) CASINO. nectid aiti the legitimate dramabit La~ke EchoebPark anti Casino, 'loleo, the p0111unl'irtic hias beun giXen till wvhiclhroaed smith a poulr resort micitakably iii favor of Hr. Salvii, last 5t'ilsiil foi' Michigtan litlile, 11i11 SlXii has yoth, le hils the fi,_ tic openedilSunditay, 2iy' 17, 011 a scale phlysiue, digity' and11erestnecss, of mnagnifieceun uallelhtd CXveI by' qualitis that a' all 100 rare in the lie most celebrateud 'aatrinig places4 tragetdians of the tay.\Ir. Salii's ot the dst,iotrayal lhs been challngid by somei Su' the' Pairkals closed Itst fall, .f.ithe critis Xwhoti iiffer Iwithimhulls0to XX'rehlillllae' been bsy' r'moielii"gthehproper' cocptionu of Shatkeseares hndimrvn therounhds andiu ihro, btiithalibn menthusiastically igs, xiii soXXIe11lias he wXorkibenil X~coel by the regula theatergoer perormd hatitis ov coceed o eausle h hs prested ahiotr~eait be liiieimost beautiftul resort on tie t'atis in aay' mystietl. As a po- elhai l ake. d euiticiu it is elained to he tielue-V FT'fiollwinlg ti'rloga has bethnxi'-complitt'site eml'loabhle prohuc- tou of EulvimiBoouthi at the Winter ramguilfor lhe 'opeig hahd11111 be (GaidciiTheteein Nell'York rnixiy frei'io pitrstisof the AunnlArtor' 1. h. ixcunrsion. years ago. Th fnusFrnh era Atit At itheiGriid oer hotse tomorrow'iX St. hiliuti , thii'imost idauinglfi lh- g- Ies in the aorld; A Dramlof eiutty' Ripans Tabtls: one given relief. --V Xaivi'h of hBrlllincy' Dina, the him-i dance;the ecectrit g l quc g S t icN Xen& 1e-sI, ilictrical 1muthical' egige-S iy; MtiuuulIHaivey, thiemdernliedl Our window display will give you giil; Lyncihi & Jillwill, socity' comedy' the style and value o the skit:l ellEue hearce.songs Ilhusitiedpopular p ih bcathifuuhseepi'conlcihItet iiA "Rube 'C(iric," the riidi'rs11Tony and M on1ari"ch''i Fitlutie;Lh'sh' aiuuts ii Itary Pe1ndOrh1ta 'finiili-lves Anni Arbuor't 10:2 a1 N gl ge turningNegligee givinlg st-uen hours in the ___ __S h rt AT THlE GRAND OPERA ROUSE, we ae offerig at Theinerst liwnin the cotming $100 $125 $150, $20, e'ityageliiit of le fmneus actlo, Aexandir Shlilil has teuugVeatlty poncettu hben n N R nucel Vtht hei'is to lihihit in this ~'AiN'R LF cily' as "Httumlt." he roh' of the mlah'llioly' Dant' as biciniattempihtedh FtJRNlISH E RS. of latlby tvery star i aiiy way con- 21 MAIN ST., . ANN ARBOR. IF PRICE COUNTS You slould see 0111f stck of (DANDOLINS We ase oblged to nmove from one present soes soon and have setureo ne01w loction. To Close Our Stock We are offering a good mandolin at $3.85 and a fine one at $4.45. Some better ones at $6.50. These are rar e bargains. GUITARS AND BANJOS during this sale $3.50 to $7.50. It will pay you to look. Ann Arbor OrganCo, 51 S. Main Street. £"W Sell Bicycles. .