TILE UNIVE1 SITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. THE1.& 1,jn n1 PNC:L&LO:RS MOORE & WETMOR { VICTOR.HYGIENIC -=DBOARDJING El-HOUSE. re fWint Located half a block from University groundso. Under new man aemn and with LW the viewF of accommodating any person applyiag for board. We are 'assoaured of good Holds al l records spriagpatronage. 4riccrour capacity is lmted appy atonce orcall atlItMaynard LAWN TENNISSchooGOODSsic F. J. RENNINGS,G.W PRINGLE, PROPRIETORS we kee the celebrated Ashh7y -Bacquets, For fine construction, thorough strictly high grade at a iota rrice than JUSTOUT!other racequcts that are 00 butter; also the Talisman, Oxford and Harvard for workmanship, and the use of R L ^ h fl'del c heper racquets. Try the new Tennis expensive materials. u.niversal Cranft4ltypewtiners 11o. GUARANTEED TO GIVE SATISFACTION. Otteo wmc tttf it tti o OtigoAlaoBaehallGocodsaned Hammacks. THE VICTOR Zhas held this k w CRpeANDALL MACHINEgoea.,-Os p N.q.____ record for fifteen years. Re- ____________________________ ~~~~~~~~iemember - experience at the e D ollars for One G v-tess esn i acn ilb ie factory means dollars in the May seem a big amount, but if you get a pair of by Mr. or Mtrs. lRoss " Granger at pcesof the rider. their academy during May and pcesHANAN SHOES, you will not have to guess JTune. Program evenings, Tues- again. You will always know what to ask for,. a n audy OVERMAN WHEEL CO. Come anti see themr anyway. - - 4 NNnYeas. OTOa. DETROIT. DENVER, _________________s GEGERGE.CPSHIRTS, s S.STATE $IN WARME WEATHER 0 PORTANDORE EJK E C.SHI TSY TREE. ]f ever youawantgroodlooaptowaoh withSonnet smellin., tnice Soap, Agent for Mayhew, of Grand Rapids. the ind yoa find at D YO EAUTS? $ HlmsLierca f uoutwih . 'tI op. tnt roy, Wagonettc oupeor .~ : ~~Fancy Mixed Nuts------------------------- __ __ _ __ __ lacper pound fancy ratotiage. < 0Fancy Mixed Nuts --------------------------- 11 lbs for $1 k'® - ' Fancy Virginia Peanuts .-- -- -- -- -- - - - - - - -c per pound FOR g 'TI~ Fancy Virginia Peanuts -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -----12 lbs for $1 - IDEIAN & CO MPAN-Y. 44 South Main Street. Desge ad maker of .fin ot- UNIVERSITY NOTES. ATPE\'rIoN BICYCLISTS. IradluatiD Sui wear. Becst place for repairing. lle'i.rio~illiii i'iu If yaor bicycle nislea(it ng ogr / g p .I'le '1S casswil hol almeetng n (relpairing Tucker & Co., 1 . - I ourtb ,JHNWTZE 4 . AN T9 ltn C ltoy at 4 o'clocek. ave., is the pilace to get tood iol have nothing but a UIP STAIRS. jTlie '199)ratcle' toard will umeetlfor dioc nelndat priecs Ibat willauiot till. FI:RST N'ATIONAL BANK. ii 'to fuiilttrii treluit n 0 ef p-toasell unwreels 1. iOur - OF ANN ARIOOE. 'h' ttec otsy-six stdts atlw irlltlott s"e a n 1-tlo i e.t.~'5. Ot Organized 1863. ittthelii solohgy laoaorotty mu tter 1 itot h Iteailltlt.' . Capital, $100,000. Surpltus and Preito, W,000 Iluber, tbe largest ecltiniltia collegeI CL P Ct&CO.'S Y~eMR Transacts a general bankiag badiness. ie at Bicycles attplrices from $40) to Foreigit exchangeahoaghtandnsold. Faraish yeaor. $50 andil$o, are up-tio-datet. We rent I _A aettars of credit. P. EACH iPres. S. W. CLAIIESON. Cashier. sMr. Winneir's aiddress ibefoiet l' and repir i oneels. gitoerilg Soittlliiitrtw itiglilwill M o (' 5' Seioiatr, Xi is THlE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK lie umosut"iylrooolics of liters 1100 Phi, teacher orfliamojeoto, MantdoliniWrmnhp n i ur Capital Stork, 55,000. Surplas, i$150,00. iog AlluitaloiBeds." and (itarti ilesitietoe 7 Vollamid ol.,Wokahpan Fi ur tennarem, $1,,000. or 5S 1]. Wsinon most. 41) Iinutte anteed. .P b Organized unader theGenaeral Banking Lawn of thin State. Rteceives deposits, haya and sells enchansge on the principal cities af the United Staten. Drafts cashed apon proper Identification. Safety deposit banns to reat. Oinacan: Christian Mack Fran.; W. 0. Harriman, Vice-Pres.: Chaa E. iHiscock, Cashiero:IM. J. Fritz Assitant Cashier. Lowney's Chocolates. Hot Lunches. TUTTLIE'S, 48 S. State St. STHE FINEST LINE OF BICYCLES, SUNDRIES AND SUPPLIES. BICYCLE SUITS, BICYCLE SHOES. Everythin& inthe Bicycle 11 .line at 1 W.Washington St. Olpi\ti FOti MAY. lesoms 50 cemts; do0iminutelessomos, Otinig fi' ooty opens wilt aecioi- iosIS I pllile stoi'y, "'lTeSeoarcho for Mrls. D~en-- leigih," cleverly tol by Agnes L. 501.0 With ac view of gtiiig ot of the bi- itst. A secondi ecopilee story, cycle 'btisinoess wi'propose iio iispose "Llano Estaado," by .J. F. Dunieanii.of' the biceyeles on ha~nd tl sacwrifice is a thorilliiog aeotirosi of an00nianosiprices. 5EbesrbachloHartdwatre('a. lilt siisitoillixlt'eStalet'Pains.Other''Lost-Tiheta Delta Clii fraternlity iitable feattures ire: "Theiol Trutho of pini. iinder will receive rewtard by~ a 'routimog," by Ed. W. Sanditys; tt(a- returning to thte house, 10o Cornwvell iooeimtg ailthlii'St. .Tohnsd" liy Rev. sW. Place. r C. Gatynoor; "Camtip Cookery; "Baiss Lost-About Sloe tain buildiing, a E liisloimtg"; "Itaeimog Sandbaiggers," and ladies' gold _watch, opeii face, Wl- "Hanodic'p l Iefommtitoi Lawn 'Teinnis,"' thaiw. Pleane return to stewarod's of Sty J. P. Part,. faee and receive rewasid.F M~r. aindl Mrs. Mosis Graniger cordial- For Sale-High grade bicycle in first ly inito 'all studtsol of the Uive'r- clnss coindition. Mlust be sold in a to-w sit wihin tokee ti prctie i days; -$35Ottaies it. Meyer's iowza daoncinog preplaratoryS to theioseor re- niand, 465 E. Williami st. S ceptiont, to join the Tue'sday or Sattir Lost-Piair light blue sunede gloves day evening praticei class, cooiuieuc- at Leatp Year Paty Friday nighot at F iitg neot Tuiesday erening. 8:V-5 ~clo(D rniger's Acadeimy. Finder pleasec 157 retuorn to 23 S. Division- st. Studteints interestedin iimuilitary are' Lovers of fiine stationlery, dinner aund invitedl to visilt: t'e arioory anyW ed-005 wedldinig carods, invitationos, programs, nesday owening., Dess Granger, Capt. e., etc., will find in the departmtentI Liglht Infantry, Co. A, !IL N. G. devoted to these goods at Mtessrs. Last-A Kappa Kiappla Gamma Sor- Detroit, the very chooices goods that Deity pin. Finooer plea.se leav-c at are produced in this country. Thoe Steward's on'c aiidmeceivo reward. firm make a speciality of engraving~, Good office stationery-Swan Lnen. , stamplog, illuminating in colors, etc. GUTTING, REYER& COB SOLB ACENTS. 27 AND 29 MAIN ST., ANN ARBOR. SPECIAL. D IETAS a SCiHANZdll Suits and Pans at price, to suit evrybody, we aloo do repairinog.,oleaning and pressng. Work tolled for and dolivered. No. 4b S. State at., ecotod floor. 0IM. MAtRTIN, Funeral Dlirector, eustb Z. and M tali askt and iFinn Grade Coffns. Embalmiug a Specialty. No. i7 S. Fourtho ave. UT OF M. SHAVINti PARLOR and Oath- S rooms. All 'tppointments firstclasa. Iparted and damestic cigars. Ladies' antis- tic hair dressinog and bathing parlors. J.t. Trojanowski 30S. State st. THEN YOU WANT yonr clothes cleaned W pressnd, reluned or rebaund go to Era osngeri anoverSheehan'sboknaostore. Lab- oratory a prsns made to order dANEWE C 6OLLAR