THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. M.ICHIGAN UC'ENTI AL Time Table (Revised) March 1, 1890. Mali and Ex--3 50 Mail --------- 03 N. Y. Special.--- 5 00 N. Y. Speciai---- 700 'Easters Ex----10 12 N. S. Limited.--- 9 25 Atiantic Es--- 7301 Pacific Ex---12 15o D. N. Exprees---- .5 40 Westers Ea-_- 200 °G. R. Express ---i1 01 Chi. Nt. Ea---10 52 GREx----5 57 0. W. RUGootEe, H. XW. HAYES, G. P. & T. Agt., Chicafg,. Agt. Ann Arbor RAILROAD. Time Tfable, STan, 12, 1896. NORSTH. SOUTH. 7:22 a. m. *7:40 a. m. *12:20 p. m. 11:10 a. m. 4:15pm, 9:2 p. m, All traiss daily ecet Sundasy *Trains rus between Ass Arbor and Toledo only. R. S. GREENWOOD, Afient W. H. BENNETT G. P. A. Toledo 0. ANN ARBOR & YPSILANTI ST. RY, Good Tailoring No lottery schemes. You pay for what you get and CASH saves you 25 per cent., Every garmlent fitted anil guaanteed. Thousands of students are amongst our customers. The largest line in the state to select from. Full linle uf sales at the Cook House every Tuesday. It will Xwili pay you to sen the line. THE GOLDEN EAGLE CLOTHING CO, DETROIT. OPENS-NOO OFt' i')1I,'D) 1CASINO. Lake 'rie Park 111112Casin1, 'Tolcudo, wehichlovned such a popular resort last seaon 50ifor :Miciganosop~:'le, Neill beop0er-ied Sounday. Stay 17, oii ascal:e of 100:giiieeo'unteqiualled evXeni ty ther mtost celebratedlwoleringtplicecs of floe east. Sinoee the Park was closedl last foll, tworkm~eni loire been busy reooooloilin-, animpr ~ovingithte grounids atid boild- 01 nd0 11s: 00Xtll las the work been a~orue~l,.thto sitis fl0w0e 0-00,:::to A RACE FOB LIFE IS only one kind of a race. Kinod- ly examilne the cult which will sihoXwthoe ER:,[IE HALL RACES man~lliy parts of 1tiiis wheel thats SESE SEE OUR 2?A69 Tan Shoes On sale for a few days. ~jjg & A11IDlf Washington Block. Crand Opea House. ONE NIGHT ONLY. 83ATUR DAY, MAY 9,, First appearooncinothis city of ALEXANDER 1: SALVINI and boo compoany of players. Ooo Unooer tic. o o 0 0 ort of Ste. XV. SI.XWil-- klooe. Time Table, Oct. 27.111 N 1595. tc-, ivmakes it by all TmTalOt27185 btheo e'to 0)tobeautittlrsoort 001 thoeoddtlle Leave Ypsilanti from Congresost., 7:10,80:45 ototiiof latkes. @ ad 11:00a. in.:22:45, 2:15, 5:00, 6:45, 9:15 and CBs 1 Ipefr$50 10:45 p. m. 1Tooe folloowlig orograaoo os boosn. ut 1,Ir-i fr$11 Leave Ann Arbor Jonctios, 7:40,9515 aed1~1.dfrteowilanwllbDn'faItoclad 11o30 a. in.: 1:15, 2:45, 5 9,7:5 :45 and 11:15 ltoo o lo oeitg ool trl o sto)) tfnofweat)los P.M ret rI.SUNDAY TIME. Ret olooso o Xoi \to 0 0m embers Che0aretthe only exse ic ~y- Leave Ypiltanti from Congress sk.,I:M,3:30, It.excurcsion'. c otolr In the coounty. 00,06:30 and 5:U0p. m. 'T'oc inioots lru itsto .erit lArtists-t oDot ioaveoanytinogeo soo othy Leave Ass Arbor Junction,2:00,4:00,5:30, let obtby 7:00 and 9:30 p. mn. St. Ilclooocs, ttho host daoring lif:eoea- Scll, Rent,IRepoair or TcrodcOBicycles. Cars ruo os city time Parr: single trip15 osioIIoIroro;A rao o Dlooot oo't forget tioe pace. tents: round trip ticksetso2H crnts. esi h ol;< ral fIfat WM. P. PARKER, Sopt .-A Marvel of Striltiooti:y, ianato, toohe a.,P, ~ quooeei of -tlecrcoyllyohtoetteodetol1ITd f oNW ~ sU U~C ngIJeosiWPI, ST IDEN lT iro' odotoc'; toeeccenotric goioesoito: If yes wanst good reliaoble lifeinsansoce call cotoeicto, Iloc, SBocke-aooi d1t,1oo0l1o1. Ann Arbor, Mich. on Prod T _tcOoobe~r, office No0. 1, S. lote of Prio1oroso & Weosts MIitistoets Altent&ist, olet-ricaol oloosicaI ol oo- Salig(p oelto; A.1atodo'Itartoy, 1'thonoderttiti l't A.g ald i&Bo Bi .cce Repairing,1" girt; lynch & Jewell, socieltycoly "Tb. MiO s abest BiylsEnameled and all kinds vt1bauiu teeticotn offots; ,prodoced. CUntforms Bi mcycehoit iineo ed Sopplies. of every ofmcie oktotto' (irctts," fthe ridors, 'Dolly oand ,. description: tor II sr IIjJ.'"'EK' rooio it; tos Faouts .I:italrty Boot1ot Sen_;or:: handoosom No. t9 EastOLberty 3t. taod (lrclo-lh . ' Ostratool fCotio opc I'ri 0011eavts .AnntoAAtor tolt10:25 a. The Acmof 1'etetso RENTSCH-LER, tot. Foirforc rountoorip T) conts. tRo'-'I-fEH 30 CCR3rn ER iing toseiven ours intto7cite. 0 ii p alding Bicycle ANN ARBOR. ICH. Go-ttlo-loi-If yout -wanit too save OR186 Jus Reeied L r'>e.en Eegat tonooey oto shoe tepoairig call 011 A. Jot tocve o Logc5 Fr~n 1o tI o.Sootoor.itsttoltet~'A. G. SPALDING & BROS., Ne Yons, (Chicoago, Phlldlepla. Line of New P ipeS YIlost offico All toork first cla:ss. light Largest Manoofoctoooers of Biocycles aond AOO- soles 50 cetots, heaoiy onies 00cenits. letic Goods in: theoooorld, Hot Lunches, Chocolates ad If you twant to rent goool ttheels' H IDRATE ILADHL Rrma ort ulwecl t. El. JOLL.Y & co, the Opera llotuse news depot. P'riceos RAILROAD TICKET BROKERS 205S. State St., Sager Bock. reonaotobole. Also inistrttctor furnoishedo. MONEY TO LOAN"(SN PERSONAL Sottoors iay fintoobe class treasture-r PROP'ERTY. A in. ' tObe stotrdo's oft' M otodoy, Wed- oRoidFidyNiotiu, Wooi~Ohoolesale Cigaoro. Tobaccos oed Cigarettes p hot gra her to 90:W5o'clock. Ph t g ap e Subscribeo for the Dotty. OPERA HOUSE JEWELER 15 Washington Block. Repairs all kinds of Gold Pins, T ll l NMAEC losing O t IRinigs, etc. Call atid see. TOO UUI JU I STREET. f+ We have left a fair stock of C. H. K E-YES. Call on them for all sorts of Fine Lunches, WRITIemester2 Fine Chocolates, - WR INGTARfLETS n aedGos Try Our Lunches. which can he closed out as UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF DANCING ______________________________ follows: CTEL&LOADN. MAMMOTH 200 PAGE TABLET, 5C Opposite LAW building. COTRLL EONRD, GOOD RULED TABLETS, 100 PP. 3 FOR 100 TERMS $2 FOR THE REST OF THE YEAR, Abn. GOOD WRITING TABLET, - B C Makers of CRANE LINEN TABLET, - - 150 Requ~est fl fl~ ~ ES CRANE LINEN TABLET, - 350C edr fte al ilcn Ca LjO~NfS WRITING PAPER BY THE QIJIRE OR LB. fefavr on the Editrs yilcn- r'This stock will not be replaced. tioning this paper when dealing for Yale '96,Harvard Come quick for first choice. with advertisers. '96, Princeton '96 anid we add with pleasure Michigan 95. Argus Printing House. Subscribe fer the Dail. o. ,, PRICES: .$1.10, $1.CO, 75c and 50c. SUMMER NOVELTiES, s Waisot Sets, Silk y and Leoather IBelts,, SuitkUrnbellas, "U. e of M." IPins, Steinls. WM ARNOLD'S JEWELRf STORE, op ~ hI ~ 0Eashing- - a :s I a I Marietta.tbI °o C Thle OnlygSlreinng SeemOaine between - TLedoad oslumbsal arels W. Va. Pullman Sleepers between Coslumbus and Oihifiago. THE ONLY LINE with 4 trenseach way daily hetweensToledo and Columbhus. THE ONLY LiIEwit~h 8 trains each way en Sundase htween Toledo as o tlmbus. THE ONLY LINE with 9 traiseacnh way daily between Toledo, Bowling Greesnsand Findlsy. THE ONLY LINE with 2Etrais each way daily between Totedo and Charlteston, W. Va. THE ONLY DtBECY LINE hetween Toleoa and the Virginias. THE POPULAR LINE betwtes Toledo, 5'oeto. rta, Bucyrus, OGravileandNewarl. Foil informeatio relative toeraien, time of trans, Se., will he cheerfully furnished by any Agent of the Ohio Central Lines. MOULTON HOUK,.E3. P. A. TOLEDO, OHIO