TITZE NV ReSITY OF I~ilIGA>, l)AILY, FOR A WELL MADE T Alfred Benjamin &, Co.'s Crash Trousers, Linen Diuck A NO FASHIONABLY 811T SUIT Troesris, Crash and Linen Dock Golf Ctps. Belt=.-Afro also cetrry a fall line of White Dolct,: rousers, Suit Caises, CALL ON Traveling Baazs and Trunks, lliah Grade Straw flais, MOORE& SETORE 6 S..WMain and S. State St.. Corner of W hlam. Insie yor attnlion to their line of Jos. . ollauf, Merchant Taior, (lotL es cut and made in the City of Ann Arbor. 10 E. Washington St. Gibson &dCark PHOTOGRAPHERS. 12 W. HURON ST onmer -w e tueUiof i n Tiny> Iito Sept. 1, cSt. ltor sudoent" and pctin tior..2111 year.Foi-i-a taloo>e, tel- diess(1. OClloicsvilie. Va.) It. C. MINORSecrary.i ANN ARBOR Laundry No. 23 S. Fourth Ave. FIRST NATIONAL BA"NK. OF ANN ARtBOR. Organized 1863. Capital, $105000. Surplun and Proilts, $4d,00 Transacts a general banking boiness. Foreig-. exchanges bought and sold. Farnish letters of credit. P. BACH Prenn. S. W. CLARKCSON, Cashie. THE ANN ARBOR SAYINGS BANK Capital Stoch,.1,0,000. Surplus, $100,000. Reosonrcens,$,10,00. Organized underethenGnneral Ranting Lawn of this State. Reeives deposits, bays and sells exclhange on the principal cities of the tUnited States. Diraf to enshed noon proper identification. Safety deposit boses to rent. OrrtcnEms: Christian aek Pros.; W. 1D. Harriman. Vice-Fees.; Chas E. Hscock, Cashier; M. J. Fritz Assistant Cashier. Lowney's Chocolates. Hot Lunches. TUTTLE'S, 48 S. State St. THE FINEST LINE OF BICYCLES, SUNDRIES AND SUPPLIES. BICYCLE SUITS, BICYCLE SHOES, Everythinz in the Bicycle line at M. STABLER'S Cycle Emporiuffi 1 W. Washington 8t. Correct styles iIIIneetewear. Modlierate I lrIs in al do- lWt-tieepithe CelebredtOA hy ll20oiuets, strictllya tritle at ia lossrsrce than -J~ixLtcts. coher raquets Hitar e 1l0 b.11er; hlSs3 111 Tlisiaioxfrdard Iarrhtoecedfoe .9 aristlleri rnii- 1i ci . Iy 1th etm Tennils GUARANTEED TO GIVE SATISFAC'TION, HATTERS AND FINE FURNISHERS, No. 9 S. Blain St. Also Ie li Gloodsandt tOIleetisYocls JUST OUT! - I }lyn..n Those Wishing to Kep Up Fran- L lll 4ll E (L ANDtice in 11Haert. ranallCupwrlrs .Ie CR070.0 qcaiii do so11y li iieaieg1theclibCltss's _______________________________________________- to tot-it at Grangers Academy HAN N SHOES, you will not have to guess 10EX PRE-S3 again. You will always know wvhat to ask for. I 0 i eat;;- h; lit--e. cot eacagsce0 lieic. Moseyiorders o ldl. Come and see them anyway. PALMER'S PHAnMACY. 83 SSATE 1,1),hies Lisery has Ciii.finetttit- 'vE~ M *' in iith~e it.113Pholt1 ifiats 9 STREET. hr. Agent for Mayhew, of Grand Rapids. - Fancy Mixed NTuts--------------- 0c per pound L Fancy Mixed Nuts Fancy Virginia Peanuts._ Fancy Virginia Peanuts._ 44 South Mfain. Street. --- --- --- --- --- --- --11 lbsfor $1 ---.-----------14c per pound ----------------12 lbs for $1 IDEBAN&C O MPAN-Y. UNIVERSITY NOTES. Bariry- -elon,, c11, -omittodt-si- i-ilt'at LoNgelits. (til.. ri-etinly litrct, of te Ober-li lnininc, was-cs--- terttiil dat llt theDlta T0 siloil louse- Saturdailiy- Prov-isioin 11110beeisnmadei-forst-- euty-flivie iaddiitinal statsi itoC ea-rsity-, Ill for the Masy Fesival conceerts. They will lbe' reservedl. Mr. Weitzel cotmen r0111Detroit three timst a witeh to drill It-eCiottdy Clulb in "A Scrapl of Ptaper."Il~e says that te as-o f iCte miembersl5of the (Cltb is exicllenit. The Alpha Phi Sorority- receia-ed Satusrdlay- afternoon its holler of the Wotnai's Li-agiie. The hiouise wats a-ry Ipretily tdccorated aithi tottid plantsanid lpalmis. Reva. ;lohin Iighani, instructor in phi- losophly at thec Uniaersity last yeaor, hats an article ons experimentlial pay- c hology, enititled "The Neaa Psycliol- eg y" in Che current Methodist Reiewaa. Thse Delta Clii taseball team defeat- ed thle Sigmia Alpha Epsilon Satulrdaly by a score of S to 1. The tbatteries' aaere: Miller anti Keaw for Delta Chi; Keith slid Fox for Sigma Alpha Eli- sillon. Thle Zeta Psi ansd the Delta Kappa. Eplon baseball teamos played a goose Saturday morning, whiehi resulted in ascaretif 1Ctlo5 inifavorsof tCDI. K. 1". S-tiand111 Church Cit eZota Psi. CALENDAR. Witd., :-May t--Anisoal cetil-rt of 17 lia-ersity- Glee, lBanjo antil thliulill Cluibs. Thurs., 'May 1-'Varsity vso.0. S. U. at Anns Arbor. Fri., 'aM8.i- ---Illti-rtailllleul at Ihigh Si-hool1h-hill for thei limit-it of the Frusit 1111d1Flowset Slisslili, 7:45 1p. mi. Sat., Mlay 9--'arsity- vs. Chicago at Chicago. Sat., Stay- 9.--Ell-ineer's banlque~t at tGrtanger's Acaidemy. Sft., May 9- Presentation of "Julius Casesar"ill Valentinie theaite~r, Totledo. MTon., May Il-'Varsity avs. Wiscon- sils at 'Madisoni. Wed., May 13-'Vasity vs. Chicago.f at Chiceago. Sast., Sily D!'-Uiversity Comedy Cltub in Sartlo's "A Scr-ap. of Pape," in Grand Opera Ilolse. Sat., Ma16 -'Varsity avs. Wisoen- sin, at Ann Arbor. 'Ton., Slay 15-'Varsity avs. Indiana State Unia-ernity at Ann Arbor. If any readerl of the U. ef ST. Daily is desireus of providiog bimlself with an exeeptienally fieawatch lie should ty all means at least examine the otoek carried by Slessrs. Wright, Kay & Co., of Detroit. Thleir "Wright, Kay & Co.," Patek, Phillipe & Co.," ete., etc., cannot be excelled in quality of movaement and style of case. 'They tire sole state agents for Patek, Phil- lippe & Co., of Genneva, Swtterland. AND Hummer." GOL-,F A'ND IBCYCLE1 Are up to date and a little be- yond. 15Main St. SPECIAL. D TIETAS &o SCHANZ sell Sils and Pints tt prices to suit everyhody; we ahso do repaieieg cletaning tied pressing. 'Wsrk. called for and de~iccred. No. do8S. State nt., seceond flose. 0lotM.MARtTN, Fsneral hDirector, Cloth 0 . and Metallic Caskets anti Fine Grade Collns. Embalming a Specialty. No. C7 S. Foseth avn. U OF M. SHAVING PARLOR and Bath- .rooms. Ahl appointesents first clann. Impoeted a~nd domestic ei~gors. Ladies' sells- tie sale dresosing and hathting parlors. J. IR. 'Trojanowski 05S. State st. HTbEN YOU WANT yose clothes cleaned W pessed, relised or rebound go to Men Fingerie, na-er Shteeh~an's boot store. Lab- oratory aprons made to order ° NEW