TIE U. OF M. DAILY. A G. SPALDING & BROS Football Supplies a Specialty. vry requisite for the goe. Jackets, Pots, Jer- -f sy, Seatrs, Shoes. Caps, Belts, 'astkigs, AitMouth-l' NosZe Ms, Rubbir Mouth- "-;. l ee, Shn Coods, Head hoarsess Saldig's OHcal ~+*. lteroiigiate Football rost be used i ol Match GaseP.rFee, $ 00. 1 I Spadin's otcl Footial Gui~ode NessIlicse' Fitess' Of. eie,10 ts. clisodomomely ill! tated to-otbad Catalogue st Fee. We.- Yoerk, Chcag, I hilade~phhe., MOORE & WETiVORE S S. MAIN ST AND STATE ST., CORNER OF WILLIAM, UNIVERSITY - TEXT - BOOKS! New and SecondHand Note1)0oos asetotherStuidetsSppies Funaini['ens, "te Sttioery, Siortig Goosal, c., hich hey odoer at the losct prices. 'Call and see us before Purchasing. ]FIRST NATIONAL BANK. OF ANN ABOtI Orgaized 1803. Capita, $100,000t Surplus ad Poits, $4,000 Trasacts a geeri bahing usiess. Foreign echnges boght aed sold. Furish Petters of credit. R. PIACI teres. S. W. CLARtKSON, Cashier THE ANN ARBOR SAINGS BANK 'apital Stsck, 000,00. Surplus, s150,0. tisoasces, d,100,00. Organterd sdeeths~ Geerel Basitg Lws of this Stat. ltleeives deposits, uy ad sells echnge as the piieai cites of rie Canired lStates. Dtss cshd pos proper ietifiestio.SafeOsity deiosit oes to ret. OFeresosCisianiosMacsk, Ples.; W. D. Harima,tsVs s Pres. (Chs S. ll ccl, Cashisir: lesrt Assstat Cashiser THE BOOK OF ATHLETICS AND OT-OF-DOOR SPORTS, NO1t1sAN '5V. BIlNGHAM, J., Ca.sptan sf tss'Mstt Haves Tem, 1595. This'uensiue ools is sn atsleiesympsium cotibtued to by sellknowns'saeaters, e- srtes asdeollee teame-captis. Haurard, Yale, snd sthe ledicleigs'sarerepe- rented. Foothall, aselli. tenslaf, e:rrcit, hrdiisg ad tschlsetsicts, ycht- Is, satng, bieylig, etc, are sesetially rodsgestvele ttreated. tnec pa.,cloll, Se.' profusely ilustate,1. Fr saleiy allhsihseller. THE LOTHROP PUBLISHING COMPANY, 92 l'eal Street, Bsstn. UNI1VERSITY SCHOOL FOR DANCING 44 AND 40C S. STATE ST. 11. M. Atset, ItRS. Nes IEt L. TLt,tt 2Thomsnstss. P. o. Blck. HE FINEST IN THE LAND" oby0nCoal, 'ivso trital and you wi'thwvs use it. SOl) fitOLiv3 M. Staebler Of0iceit Waigost sasesN.'Sue YaisMO, s t. R Noble's Star Clothing Huse. 35 South. Main Street. 8158.00 You 815.00 812.50® D00THE 8410.00o- SELECTING. Gray, Blue, Black and Brown Sack Suits, regular, tailor made garments. To appre- ciate them you should ex- amine them. DEAHof A. C. McGraw, of DET A. C. McGraw & Co. of Detroit, force a settlement of the estate. Shoes had to go. S H O E S .We bought 3,000 pairs for 50c on the $1. Have opened the greatest slaughter known in the history of Ann Arbor. It will pay you to investigate. L -A d-,,%- . r. A19r. This space Re- served for Beal's Shoe Store. U JU0.speeLL , 17 S. MAIMSr.J's LAWBOOKS! Iloy all you can aflfrd, for L.A.IVPS Thai~t lhavo perfoettiiltiustion and do niot simoke or psresent at'd future use, at our stiill: LOWIEST PRICES Tha New Rochester, The Yale, The New Royal, The Perfection Stu- We shall be here for a few dent, The Princess Student, The Empress Student, all nickel plated, days only. with lattst imnprovemoent. We sell what we advertise and guaranttee ~~ quality of gsiods, and are never undeersold. Calliagnan & Co. DESAN & COMVPANY. LAW PUBLISHERS, CHICAGO. 44 South Main Street. AT SCHLEEDE'S, 50 S. STATE ST.,. Assor k UNIVERSITYNOTES. 1 TO HELP CUBA. OPE )4JHOU E AC V1YSTORE I'htltsylsviiuisi us'l's'ois'l Isbigit lon- A Former Michigan',Athlete Joins daty l5t to 0,. the Cuban Ranks. Gsetiel stocks af Wsatc'les, Joesery ansd _______ Niovelties. tRepalisngofWath'sese.Jea'- .. V. Rossencttrains'se,55 1, lsprieiis's- eiey, Golsd 'ens, IthissnSt psectacles lug hiIltiltilt,51500Sylvs'lsr Seovel, isfrni s ldisitlofir aisopel ity. Casts paisd fsseolsidgoandt inri a Dn1111i, inn.silver ('htlltiiof'9indlsela'ndenis loilsi_the I nl'tiiviiy ofi-' Shi-ani,isast silse;I-. }EY S ros atenoo a : o'lok.thu' e onttised ith'iiihis'I loisi 1 lGuildsl thihil Rexfsord, Detiti,i ht. hahd.joineiditheiii' s of 't'hlii' 'hail Tour u iga'rs prcice o la',t o i I'sll Cuiii bi''tarn le tislll i'iiltand Tobacco will llrle'hi'e tlfisi'ss iiiIiliit, Il. 'iiuiii lrli)'.have the right flavor A. J., 'slttls, 'fI, iSls 'iiM' i.S'rli 'esililItliiilif you got them at s0111s, M'sont.. in aitsosice oer'.uts aIssbeen'i l'prom~'int ini sldeiit'anss J.s. ICgeli i'r, '1)5 1Li o ili te law lus'' iilitisi'y 'lI'eiit' heyise', lotlii' actedii'ilPa~lOZer's PhA'53.CiO pracit''ttic s'alone ('siCounsil hBluffls. Ii.. t illilliit''i'orflsthe i C leeldA. C. 46 S. Stae St.. Ans Arhor. Mti. Lasirdl, 17. ha'iils'be l'c'is-s Cl'11as aniC ottsiliesrit'hle (liis Nsii onl Iel'1inth11i15lii iiof isoill in tilby Co., liiardi. It soeaheili'''si'i.gostintlorit- GRANG3ER'S ACADEMY OF DANCING. h.re~spondencel 'wssiithi''s. I'llllli,Iti' Twelsveiear of tesaching IsAstnArbior Ia 'ililili patiolsitieo s 11chiari' sr withs i esol of 653sipupils1'st season area '.'llis tboats trd fi'('ii llirhlthihitg 'ufficent't gsatssrtee s' itss osurability to teach thisir reglalsr liihlty session tiers'ii-tolurgeniti ffirr'oill Ne'ssvs 'orts, adtiesi- duociigastit sisiulilhe. All classes see us- dee the persTonal in'struction ef lie, asdMee. Illy. e']Iediis'i isotf'er f tdlae'ilills' 1)li- RosGrantger. Aeoslere af lisaAmericas r ioti lslilas;istorutioi'r av N° atiassal Assciation of Msetss of Danscing. MIse s I+.lllullia ao, 9'-L. Iis a'ssstng rs'sosr' ifossimation regardsing clasoses assi terms Chancelor MtCl'sns'iiii ills'sdi t ilek 5s f 1ma5jor1'anstS asibsasycall at thsealfie, geousd floar 6 Maysnard at. (hts''oil''lsii sili'air5 :;Esig'Sl 'Ccularsat tisic Starrso sr Mailesi. of leov~i es'svo. si $)i'afSsmoniith. tie' as Iaisso