THLE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. VI For wort expci T HI reco menr factc Poch Nut VT HiE 11lXL~YNA&RD DININC PA.RLOR.S MOORE & WETMORE OR 6 S. Mtiain and S. State St.. IC TOR HYGIENIC=- BOARDING w HOUSE. one l located half a block f rotaUiversity grounds. Uner cow omanagetoent and with ss bisalrcrs tece focotoaigaypro clineg for board. Wtecare assored of good LAWN TENNIS GOuDS. spritgltatruoagc. sinccorcapaciy islimited applto nOOrc o l callttl ayttard s. ett colo lsc F. J. RENNINGS, G. W. PRINGLE, PROPRIETORS We kceep the celebrated? Ashiby Racquets, fine construction, thorough strictly igh grotto at a less price thtac JUSTOUT!othterercquetasticat are tto better; alsoe ite Taliiomot, Caford and Ha'rvard fore imanship, and the use of . . ~L IQI1H t ^DIT(LES N sfciteaiter racquets. Try thte cow Tennis LL Al r)Ball, thte dioceoger, msive, materials. Universal Crand~allCypewflter$ IIo.3 GUARANTEED TO GIVE SATISFACTION, y r M getsWts ~ettvryre.t etndtforcataogts. E VC'TP hs hld hisAlso Baseball Ooods attd Hammtocks. E VICTOR has held this ~~.eRtANDALL MAMCOC.,.GaTOsN, N.____________q____ rd for fifteen years. Re-25 ew r- __206U3.11______________________________Th-oce Wiching to Keep Up Prac- the olla s tie in ber -experiene atth FiveDol s for One Gness t DANCING rY eansdollrs i the May seem a big amount, but if you get a pair of tetshfterde. SOS cac do so by joining tite club classec ofterdr AA HEyou will not have to guess to mocot at Grangers Academy again. You will always know what to ask for. Tuesday cod Satutrday evecings. OVERMIAN WHEEL CO. Come and see them anyway. Ic ccBOTO. DTcOI.DNVR. t riT ~ T 7{ SAN FANCISO. Ls ANGLES, ® ... ... ® ... /® ,." = 0 Q S2 C C"T E L M B 1 x Suomer act L ~ctures, Uciv. oi Virgittia. :July J. to Scpt. 1, l896. Fotr studtentttand pratiitioners.. 27th.yetar. Focatalogue, ad- dress lP. 0. CI1arlot'corillc, Va.) R. C. MI11O0,Seccetary. A"N N ARBOR Steam Laundry, No. 23 S. Fourth Ave. FIRST NATIONAL BANK. OF ANN ARBOR Orgocloed 1811. 'Capital, $100,000. Surptus and Preftts, $40,000 Trascts a ,general backing business. Foroli exchanges hought and ssfd. Furnish letters of credit. P. BACH Pros. S. IV. CLARKSON, Cashier. THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS DANK Capital Stock, $50,000. Surplus, $150,000. Rtesources, $105,000. j Organized ucderthe General Banking Lawn of this State. Rleceives deposits. buyn and senls exchacge on the principal cities of the United Statets. Crafts cashed upon proper identification. Safety doposit boxs to rent. OFrICERS; ChristiancDuck Prst .;V.D. Harristan, Vice-Prst; Chas E. Hiscock, ,Cachier; 5. J. Frito Assitant Cackler. Lowney's Chocolates. Hot Lunches. TUTTLE'S. 48 S. State St. ITHlE FINEST LINE OF BICYCLES, SUNDRIES AND SUPPLIES. IGEORGE C. SHIRTS, 8TRr F'fE~XPTRESS r Agent for Mayhew, of Grand Rapids. Brancs offce. Leave packages __________________________________________________________ Iere., Mocey orders sold. 0 PAL]MER'S PHARMACY. D]E l, N UT ? Hlmes' Livery htoin testdsiv- DO Y U E T N T ?ing rigsin tie city. Photo. t lfons Fancy Mixed Nuts------------ ----lcperpound itere. Fancy Mixed Nuts__------------11 lbs for $1 f ' Fancy Virginia Peanuts-----------------c per pound F OR YO R I 44 South Main Street. DEBAN 8& COMPANY. UNIVERSITY NOTES. Today's Game With Oberlin. Pro. f, osco ('oilT 1yler is thec gest Todtby's gititicwith tObetrliin wil lit' of ttrof. 11. It. Ilitimti while int Ann cttlledi promttly it I3 o'clock. Stage Atrbor. will zullti'e, t t iis is tissuriantie of st Al.I{ . llnbittrd, 911?, of New Yotrk fautless gttnc' as fair tosi'cisioiis tic City. wtas iniAnti Arbott fisth palit cotnicernt'd. 'lT'e estsleniiiof tilt of ture t't'k. iiletchers willtic rt'servetdtifir ltdst' opien iirt recittal last eveninig ini frot of U'niversity tHtll. A r'cepctiontto ills' t'tachiers aitd pupils sof tliii igh Schotol swas givt'n by the S. C. A. at Newbecrry Hatll laot night. C. 1". Steinbautr, 'OS D, has retuirnedi fr'oim the wt'ste'rn tr'ip with the mtusi- cal cltuts, antd is tpreparced to mteet his putpils again. "How to (lCooce One's ('ailing" is the subject of R1ev. ..NI. Gelstoni's scr- nion tomiorrow evening in tile Presby- terianitchurch. These are least tlifty-seveni liquor healers ini Ann Arbor, for that niassy have filetd bondts for the aipproval of the city countcil. Bloomngstoni'is credhitedi with four tut's at bat iii yesterday's game, from which hle mtadet a three-base lilt ando three two-baggers. Track MTanager Wright has been in Detroit nmakitng arrangemtents for a tdnal nmeet wills sie D. A . C. It is probable that one will be held June C. The "chiaperons" at telealp year party of the Forty Club girls at Granger's last night were Prof. A. C. McLaughlin aind Pr'of. G. W. Patter-; F.' H. Ifosfonil, who will speak be- fore the Democratic Club in Newberry Hall tonight is the Washington cor- respondent of the Detroit Free Press and a memuber of the National Demo- erotic conmmittee, cud 0. W. Meade' the other speaker, is a member of the Democratic state central committee. Ripans Tabules: at druggists. antd their i'scoirts. Michigim's ittintg order is os fol- low s: IHollister, 11; Watkitis, pt I- Kinney, 21); Hlmes, c; Shields, cf; Blootitingstoit, ii; Mc~iloie, Oh; Kit- miontd, rf; hleard, ss. 'T'eio'ting ortder of thit Oberlin pltaye'rs, who arrive la t oon, will prob- abily lie as follows: Shierrill,, c; W. C'lancy. ss; C'. Ftturer, '; tPeir'ce, 1If; Juineson, cf; Voorhiees, 1tt; L. Clancy, rf; G.. Fans-el', 3b, W. F'auver', 2b. 'Tis is subet to chtange. HIOME SEEKERS' EXCUR:SIONS. May 4 and 5, 1196, via Ohio Central Lines. 'opoints South and Wtest at rate of one foire for round trip, plus $2. Shop- over privileges allowed ott going trip. For furthier information apply to any agent of Ohlio Controal Lines, or acl- dress MOUL.TON HOU K, 0. P. A., Toledo, Ohio. We invite inspection of our National and Pierce wheels, for which we are agents. Finest wheels, best records, and honest, substantial construction. Stofflet & Son. 153 hf any reader of the 1T' of M. Daily is desirous of providing himself with an exceptionally ine watch he should by all means at least examine the stock carried by Messrs. Wright, Kay & Co., of Detroit. Their "Wright, Kay & Co.," Patek, Phillipe & Co.," e., etc., cannot be excelled in quality of movement and style of case. 'They ore sole state agents for Patek, Phil- lippe & Co~, of Geneva, Switzerland. gradvatiog, Suit have nothing but a WOIRSTIED Workmanship and Fit Guar- amteed. CUTTING;,REYER & CO, SO1.EBAGENXTS. 27 AND 29 MAIN ST., ANN ARBOR. SPECIAL. TIETAS & SCHIANZ sell Sults and Pans Dat prices to suit everybody; we also do repairing, cleanintg antd pressing. Work called for aod de~ivered. Nso. de S. Statests., .econd Slour. ®M. MARTIN, Funeral Director, Cloth . t etallic Caskets and Fine tGrade Coffins. Embhalming a Specially. No. H7 S. Fourth ave. UOF IM. 8BAVING PAELORaned Bath- U.ros. All .sppolntments Senst class. Imported and domestic cigars. Ladies' artis- tichair dressing and hathing parlors. J. R. Trojanowskil30S. State st. WHATEN YOU WANT your clothes cleaned Vpressed, relined or rebound go to Mrs Fingerie, ever Sheehan's book store. Lab- oratory aprons made to order ~~NiYNEWI BICYCLE SUITS, BICYCLE SHOES. Everything. in the Bicycle line at M, SThEDLEBS Cycle [mp rium 11 W. Washington St.