TILE UNIVERSITY OF M1IC -IGAN DAILY. FOR A WELL MADE AND FASHIONABLY CUT SUIT CALL ON Jos. W. Kollauf, Mrerchant Tailor, Clothes cut and made in the City of Ann Arbor. 10 E. Washington St. Great Hat -and Sock Sale! All Spring Styles $3.00; Stiff and Fedora Hats $1.98. Black and Tan Socks, worth 25c, now 2 pair for 25c. Now is the time to secure a new Hat for Easter and before going home for vacation. Dj. A. T IN1K E R & SOC'N, HATTERS AND FINE FURNISHERS. No. 9 5. Main St. - - LEIQH-IM E AN u1niversal Crandall typewriters Ino.s trO gnsWanley whee, Snd foCtalis CROANDALL MACHINE 1C0., GlIOTOIN, PN.1-. i _ i PHOTOGRAPHERS, 12 W. HURZON ST Sum e La w etrsU i.of igna July 1 to Se~pt. 1, 1501. forstudets and practitioer 2711Ct year.. ForIcatloge, ad- dressP. (I. I'iirles-ille. Va.) R. U. i1INOR, Secretay. ANN ARBOR Steam Lundy Five Dollars for One Guess' May seem a big amount, bnt if you get a pair of HANAN SHOES, yob~ will not have to guess again. You will always know what to ask for. Come and see them anyway. GE 00RG *E C.- SHR'I RTS, . T T Agent for Mayhew, of Grand Rapids. Fancy Mixed Nuts----------- -----lcper pound Fancy Mixed Nuts----------------------------11l lbs for $1 Fancy Virginia Pent ---- 10-------lc per pound Fancy Virginia Peanuts----------------12 lbs for $1 No. 23 S. Fourth Ave.1 44 South Xlain Street. DE AN & Si.COM IPAN Y. MOORE & WETMORE e S. reain and S. State St..__ Corner of William. Invite yer atten11011 to their line f LAWN TENNIS GOODS We hoerethe elertd Ahy Racqts, stricly hf-g lgrade at a ltr's ricettise odher rcquets tet are n0 bater; alo hr Tellsee, xfrd ad Iarard fr 11i"'" acques1. Try tie ne Teenis Bal, the Slaenger, GUARANTEED TO GIVE SATISFACTION Also Baserhall Goods and IHammocs. Those Wishing to Keep Up Prac- tice in DANCING cani do so by joinieg Lre clrasss to 00(1t at Granger's Academy #AM)ERICAN 0 EXPRESS Branchi offiue. lceaepackag~es, SPALMER'S PHARMACY.y #Hoolmes'Lery has.teieser',tdnP) 0 (5 inte.cty Phoso . s from 7 Bicycles "Vikin11g AND Hummer." GOLF AND BICYCLE SUITS. Are up to date and a little be- yond. 153 Main St. SPECIAL. DITAS P. SCHIANZ- sell Sits ad Pat at prices to si eerrybiody; we als do rrpirirleceainegan d ressing. Work called for' add oeiered. N. 9ds. state 5.. ercondflioor. .M ARTIN, Fneral Oiretr, Clth 0.P and Mtli Caskets and Trine Grade Coffins. Enmalming a Specialty. No. 17 S. Fort are. IJU OF . SHAVING PARLOR ad Bat- rorms. All appoinments first clas. Imapoted ad domestic clars. Ladies' atis- tic hair dressing; and lathing parlors. J. R. Trjanewsls 0. State st. ATHEN YOU WANTr yer clothes cleed pressed, relined or reond go to Mrs Fingerle, oser Sheehan's took stoe. Lab- ortory aprensomado te rdr a NEW COLLAER _________________UNIVERSITY NOTES. FIRST NATIONAL BANK. OF ANN ARBOR.Teewlbearhaslo te Organieed i563. lWarsitylo 7.idolili i '1a1) 11 p . n11to Capital, $100,t00. Surpusssod Profits, $a,000oI11.7 Transacts a generasilbankieng business. 7iiss Best. if innea olils, 7111111., Poetig.oehansoghsht andsold. hFurnishcu Mic1111ofl0t1111.-n letters oftcredit. ndMsMilrofot iru.ae P. BACl3 Pros. S.W. CLAIROUN, Cashier. (101111 iniss 7May C'ooler. Thl' e embrs iii 1111 fieslil,iali se- THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK ball1 01111 In f 1110 dental depalirmlent Capital Stoekl,0001 Sorp1us, $150,000, liavei rt'ee'l their inoiforoais. lReseurces, $1,100,00. ''lie' fresliilli iiii'11117 lilt.' inillncl ,Orgonleed onderthieeerral Banking Lasofor tomiorrows afternon a bol o st1(01001110- -,Of this State. Rteceives deposits, hays and nc ni lnaatrona -sells eochanege on the principal cities of the ~Ili'l tlMoi 'fi~lOi i Tnited States. Dirafts cashed apes proper ('clock. "identification. Sfety ideposit hoses to rest. OFFICERS: Christian dsck bites, .; ). . on. F. S. Iloofoidl, of Walililigtoll. Harriman, Tice-tres.; Chas E. Itisceck, C:ashier: M,. J. Frito Assistant Cashier. D. C., aud 1G. AW. Metadeswib llibd~rO'0 1110 Deoloerot lub (1111at Newberry Hal Lowney'S Chocolates. tiorweei- Hot Lunches. tifaut-poiiigsuesinht UT11811,,o ito effectuiitiblinett fall1. 4$ ~State St. Thii'Yoale 11(1 trinietoinlibaseball miaiagi'liil's hav~le .aopl~ted1 the sameit miresste m at i L a 1 ist y e. 'Ihey ITHlE FINEST LINE OF halvoselillied to fire ident Yoonig of I p j tp the RNatiol Gelgie to select iln0111- j BICYCLES, SUNDRIES lire frcve'ry eainilionlip b) ne I A NO SUPPLIES, bnon by the eipltins or1teamsols 0111 BICYCLE SIITS, lit ________ BICYCLE SHOES,1H0ME1 'SECEKERIS' EXCURSIONS. IEverythinog in the Bicycle lo' Lui l,181, ie 110Ceta I line at TOo p~ts South l nod Welt at rate of I one fare for rellnld trilp, pinus $2. Slop- " IFLB' y~ oer prIv" gsallowed on going trill. I 1 W. Washington St. dress MOULTON HOlJK, G. P. A:, Toledo, Olsis. i lishers 11111e'the folw no unsc11 liii~le'- "'ttu vitiiiaifew t ess rs0n11 l .111il knlowsledge' of "htoiei'o 50110 110111 011 1111 situ11y- (f thl~oe of Eurol-. IRecent e'xplo0rat1i15 ions 'have 1shown, 1however,' 11111.'North Amieric-contailn thouis- anods of :glaielrs o. 0111o1'(Ifwhich are1'i 1101on011117 sl7- hbngr thanlain117 in stuld' of liii'glaciers of Nor-th Amer- il- aesei. at51'lly t111o1' of Aliska. Professor Russell'lbbis tlakenia aie' Phart, 11101thits bookt1111o11117lyl'presents th uti' of11 cihisown051eIxplorations bti a condliensed(land1(acceurnte stattmnti of 11100lpresen'lt 010111sof gllil binvesti- thie "Lake's of North Ame~rical" by tCIhI s'1111('-authlor 11n1 hs inbteided ato i reading lessoiis for' studentsll of geology 11110 geo'grlob-" Lost-A buinchi of ke'ys, one of thieto la bicyc7le 1ke'yhtidiwih10 bbtek ribboIn. Please leave alt Stesward'sofofice. 'Tile Daily Mill be delivered for thr remainder of the year for $1. If any reader of the U. of 71. Daily is dlesirous of providling himrself with ani exceptionally ine svatcelsieoldo boy all means at least exaune Cue stoek carried by Nfessrs. Wright, Kay & Co., of Detroit. Their "Wright, Kay & Co.," Patek, Pilillipe & Co.," etc., etc., cannot be excelled ina quality of movement arid style of case. They are sole state agents for Pateko, Phil- lippe & Co., of Geneva, Switterland. Glbaciers of North America. P~rof. leoll's boot:1; 0111"tlaers ofil Noirti Alooric-11"osill blii' sue1111 01