MJGHIGAN GLnTA Time Table (Revised) March 1, 1896. Mall and Ex- 350 M~ail ---------83 N. Y. Special.--. 5 00 N. Y. Special--- 7 30 Easters Ex----10 12 N. S. Linited.... 9 25 Atlantic Ex--7 30 Pacific Ex---12 15 D. N. Express---. 5 40 Western Fx--2 00 G. E. Express --11 05 Chi. Nt. Es----10 i2 G R.Ex----5 57 0. W. PsUbGtES, H. W. hAves, G. P. & T. Agt., Chicago. Agt. Ass Arbor RAILROAD. Time Taibie, Tan. 12, 18965. 7 :21a. m. *7:40a.mi. *1:20 p. m. 11:46as.i. 4:15 p. m. 9:21 p.mn., All trains :lasly except Sundasy *Trains ran hetwen AssArbor and Toledo nnly. E.S. GREENWOODS, Agent W. H. BENNETT G. P. A. Toledo 0. ANN ARBOR & YPSILANTI ST, RY, Time Table, Oct. 27. 1895. Leave Ypsilanti from Congresat., 7:10. S:l5 and 11:00 a. m.; 12:45,2:15, 5:00, 6:45, 9:15 sod 10:45 p.in Leare Ann Arbor Junction, 7:40,91:15 and 11:30 a. in.; 1:15, 2:45, 5:30, 7:15, 9:45 and 11:15 SUNDAY TIMIE. Leave Ypsilanti from Congress et., 1:30,31:30, :1)0, 03:10 and 9:00 p. mn. Leave Ann Arhor Junction, 2:00, 4:00, 5:30, 1:00 and 9:30 p. mn. Cars run osn city time vare: single trip 15 cents; round trip lichets 25 cents. WM. F. PAnacisd, Supt STUDENT'IS T If yenu want cood relfibie life inesranc e call, on Fred T MelOsaber, o111cc No. 1, S. Forth :ave. Bicycle Repairing. THE U.NIVEISITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. ELEGANT DAYS THE~SE.T Th~eor days of swalk~ing cc slic y Spes. ing ecof ccns-tlie springc noveltis lI ar ee oevr: cro,:c ,tipped :ii~itbeotifl icieci *nx insolid silver. Tiey W fashiontex, 5 fani::cy,ad lucre :acc others, :;7c t1::x1'.0. specisilipricces mae o Ace classes and clos. 56, 58and 60 S. Min St. Fuistureo OUP? NEW SPfING SAMPLERS If Hoe riv~xedi Tie ]arrest ondfincst as.sortmc:eeserswn isAsAbor.houits 0 .m i::so SiV4io :0. 1Pantscfrru t41i2.I Wke hknow tha:t owe can :p1ease 00u:ssd'toill please yous 1o look: at ass samples befor:e bsyi::osia r l, s e:, 115:./ FJ. Galeo, The State St. Tailor,. 205S. STATE STREET, ANN ARBOR,, MICH. Commencing *to CLIAI.I~l. IAlrive Fri., Say 1-Ileiirt 1G1:ilecetiol at7:)0p.nt I lone010kiind Fat , 7:,,) i 1-Po.11hr lfr of a rasce. 0Kiini- 1-i 1 11 1ii :ri:rt01l: y exainie th~e aos. L :etore rooiim of Pihysica:l Lab:shcw tihe 0:a0 ,iiMay 2 -riy vs. Obierlin at [HIE OBALI. B :I Aini Aiboi. 'L We:l.,'My1-i-Anniiuialioe::l:rt of inly oine of iihe Washington Bl1ock. Uiversiity (lice, 12111(an11:1:0 .ot:inoi ii:l many pairts of iil:this wh~eel that 'Thulrs.,-ay 7 2 ersiy vs. (58U . S.I-i.os tb :1 at Ann Airboi. Sat.,c f2115 0 2,y, i sl 0. Chieico at1Beit $100 0(10111foir 10 Sait. 2117 t1-irecsishli::iiso".ioliicsee ourleois::f wheels Caecsar"iiinYValeintine tieater, i::'l:-:0. 12em:ieelee areCitr osnly escl::sive lucy- This space is reserved pe Dal:r:n tn ouny.for teGadOpera. sill lat 1adiOnl. 1.c~eg.Sell, lent, IRpa:ir :orTra:de Bicycle-s.Ioue Wrild., -lay 15-'Vaity v.Chcgo C os't forge-t thecplace. ue ,it (iligo. Two O yF i~i0~ Saf: 'Mird 1- tst omd ~d lb inSrl:u"A o f 'le nGadOeaHue. Ann. Arbor, Mich. 8:at.,3iy Ili,--Warsity vs. visco::- 0111, at Anin Arori. ~~ Mon:. fliy 18-'Varsity vs. 7Iiana:21 I-LI. . EASTERGIFTS, 6SaeUiest.tAnAbr Si::tc 1iii-veeo(Iy lit111vrs. iao Prasa1 .o 2Yel. hii 1bol I.l~ci eiavo left a fair stock of 1. perha rpst?o :11 Clii::igs. aolsorts of A0.ansomDe lin11 11) ' 1-12'1'US 28UI. i- -WRITI NG TAIBETS of sslitabl t zi oio-el~hire. 'rIo -eicoor liteirtii-chiss mi:::i:::eil '''' lU IlUL U F oi0Lia 'r ta: has been,: rcdtie-:- $2«i _, an1d is wh~ichicaii bo closed out as WM. ARNO L99II[[LD'S EWELY _SORE paysablcl l ie swithteo-r clais1tapcs follows: to:1h trie isnrerl. MAMMOTH 200 PAGE TABLET, 50 20 E. W:.Sbi, (2. Ii 2V1)11D8~s GOOD RULED TABLETS, 100 PP. 3 FOR IOCs Cline. 1i-omor:il (Cott:. GOOD WRITING TABLET, - 8C 1,0 0:111ioaDla iii liiilliiit-~y CRANE LINEN TABLET, - - 15Cz pin.1 1Finder11:11ill cerewa:rdl I~y BEST OCRANE LINEN TABLET, - 350 I a 1: (mum..,to i:: eiou-e, 10 C irilo:-l 'RITING PAPER BY THE QUIRE DR LB, hiis stock wilniet be repilaced. I Sw's i 111pape111101ulue-d :siin.,111 Conse liick foir fist cisoice. ~ /:8 lt T~9 i rgu~s PrintingHouse" THE KINDERGARTEN BILLIARD HALL tnpr E S atir~a ; ay RAILROAD TICKET BROKERSJ MONEY TO LOAN ON PERSONAL QeeeINCE xo- AIr We have just received a I ROPEETY. Cr e _ s> -Af~ O5a~~5r 41n~ Wholesasle Cigares, Tobaccos :11:2 Ciaretes alens o:. n % I Bicycles Enameled and all kindn of machine work. HUNTERF. EROS. No. 9 Fast Liberty S1. RENTScHLER, ANN ARBOR. MICH. JustlReceivedia Large sndiElednlIt Line of New Pipes. Hot Lunches, Chocolates and r . Bon Bon. j RZ. 1B. JOLLYww &4_.CCO. 20OS. State St., Soger Bled:. RANDALL Photographer 15 Washington Block. TOOP & colI SR. TT Call on themo for Finn Lunches, Fine Chocolate., and Baked Goods. Try Our Lunches. SMonarch NL'egligee Shirts COTRELL & LEONARD, 'and for quick sales will open Albany, N. Y~ them Saturday at Makere of $.25 1s.50. r. Cas Gowns-W G E & C~ for Yale '96,Harvard G R & "9 '96,Princettn'Sfiaisd FURNIS-HERS. we add with pleasure Michigan'16.21 MAIN ST., .p ANN ARBOR. OPERA HOUSE JEWELER Repairs oil kinds of Gold Pills, Riings, etc. Cull aiid see. 2d Semester. UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF DANCING Opposite LAW building. TERMS $2 FOR THE REST OF THE YEAR. Mis Charlotte 0. Stoowe, geevl pianist and .aceoinupaut. Ilousc party engagemsents satisfsiooily filled. Adl- dress No. 48 S. Universiy aye. j rtg . >. 5 1- - 1 1 Tile Only Sleeping Oar Line between To-. lesdo end Clumbus. Tie Onl Sleeping or Drawing Reom Oar Line betwen Toesoi,Columbus anl Marietta. Thle Only Drawing Ronm lCnr Line between Tnledo,Colunmbuss and Oiharleston, W. V n. oillman Sleepern bntween 'Clumbusa and Ohknago. THlE ONLY LINE wilS th4tns seacsswaydaily bela-en Toleos:ned Columbus. - THE ONLY LINE w-ith 8trains eachanyn Sundays between Toledo snd Columbs. THE ONLY LINE wish bStransseach waydily betwreen Toledo, Bowling Green and' Findlay. TEONLY LINE awithS2trainss eh raydaily between ToledioansdCihsrleston , .Va. TBE ONLY DIRBECT LINE bela-en Toledo aned the Virginias. THE POPULAR iINEI betweensToledoe,Fseo. ria Bucrs, Granvilend Newark. Sail informatoen nelntivento0raten, time of trains, ete., will be cheenfully furnshed blyny Agent of tile Ohio Centrl nsies. MOULTON HIOUK,. G. P. A. TOLEDO, OHIO