TILE UNIVERSITY OIL MICHIGA'N DAILY. WHY NOT USE THE VICTOR LEAGUE BALL is unquestionably the best ball on the market. Hand- made of the best materials only. Every "official" League Ball on the market is ane imitation of the Victor. Examine the VICTOR line of mitts-endorsed by many lead- ing players. OVERMAN WHEEL CO [Makers of Victor Bicyles. sot. VORY .P'tcr. DTROIT. UnNVER PM-te, OE. Smme Lect's,tni. of oVirgiai.. July 'I to Spt. 1, Iic.Ptr stednts and loacttioe: 27th year. Foectatloue, ad- dress (P' . 0. thaotitlsiiie, V.) R. . MINOR, Secretary. ANN ARBOR No. 23 S. Fourth Ave. FIRST NATIONAL BANS. OF ASS ARBOR. Orgaied is63. Capital, ffi00,000. Srpius ad Profits, $40,000 Trassacts a geerai baskig bsiess. Foreign echages bogitad sad. Furish oIttera atcredit. ' P. BAChI Prs. S. W. CLARKSON Cashier, THE ANN ARBOR SAINGS BANK Capita Stock, $50,000. Srpis, $50,00. Resorces, $1,10,000. Orgaized oder the Geeri aninlg Laws of this State. Receves deiosits, bys ad ,sls echasge as the pricipi cities of the 'Uited States. Draft cashed uonpropeper Idetificati. Safety deposit baes to ret, Osceo~: ChristionIMac Pres.; W. P. Harrima, Vice-Pres.: Chas E. ifiscoc, Cashier: M.. Frit Assistat Cashier. Lowney's Chocolates. Hot Lunches. TUTTLE'S. 48 S. State St. ITHE FINEST LINE OF BICYCLES, SUNDRIES BICYCLE SUITS, BICYCLE SHOES. Everything in the Bicycle line at 11 W. Washington St. 11 MA Yf.lMSIlC PA~LLORS MOORE & WETMORB --OR HYGIENIC - BOARDING - HOUSE. TSo, ,ttd Stoic a block fecesUiversity grouns. Undter cnesmaaeset cod stitis ttesootw ofacomodacitig syerson applyingfortboard.Ste are ts.uedetoc good s.pring tpatronage. Sinice ourscopacity is limsited apply at oece or call at ii1Siaynard S. et ol tfp.'itsic. F. J. RENNINGS, G. W. PRINGLE, PROPRIETORS JUST OUT! ., 4IniversaI Crandall typewritersfno. - >°'sOCAN ALLtMAINE ~tCO., GROTON, 0N. Fivve oil 1 Ctr s fo"-r One nessC : May seem a big amount, but if you get a pair of e S.Niain and S.State St.. Corner of Wiliam. Ine ouyeattentntoterieoef LAWN TENNIS GOODS. We se-ep the celcertecd Ashoby Soeqeets, ttrictly hlob grade at so less nricethoan other rsoesuets tlastsre to ibutter; aso tsc Taicsiseso, Oxforc d nd eosord foe clcr mwssoso. Try thec ocw Totals Bail, the acaen.e, GUARANTEED TO GIVE SATISFACTION. Also Bsebiall(rosods tand nilsoesooes. Those Wishing to Keep Up Prac- tine in DANC~IN- can do sobyIspiinsot11e0club clooses H-ANAN SHOES, wl o aet us youwilnthv to guseset aot Granger's Academy again. You will always know what to ask for. Tuetday anod fSturday ecoonings. Com e and see them anyw ay. A S S S T .T T EE.0 P R I C A Agent for Mayhew, of Grand Rapids. lBrancI ofsice.Itavocagoes PALMER'S PHARMACY. Y "OUI.T EAT1 NUTS ? I Hls ivertylhs teifonestoldr- ing000ris inathe city. Piocac. as from 7 Fancy Mixed Nuts----------------cperpound sere. FacyN eTuts------------------------ 1lbfo $1 s . . Fancy Virginia P'eanuts-___ .-- -- -- -- -- -- - -- -- --10c per pound FO YGOU Fane vVirginia Peanuts------------------12 lbs for $l11< 44 South Main Street. DEAN &COMPANY. UNIVERSITY N OTES. oI sholairsips offerod sond 1ir. looerirk stooodfirst osf tsevly-six assitioitis. Dr. TLoSeooo' begins a deostrat~ioni A itioltgraviott ofPto of. ,tdolf cousrcse Iliirgn:,;try thit s m tk. listyos.Profssor o f (ioooicril11011e Thet JefIP:rsooiian Society htold ill1'ntivec:it;oof Militl, ws olO lottoins electionoiott61olroslit ittsiiseetingts- the laortoroy of geonerail olotostt nighot. y esterday. D~octors Freer. Slosin Thec Alphao NuoS oetey will presenit ad aollohman oio wre sioudlioleofPr~otf. thoe same01prioposoosothis week thoat was a etieoi at Muonichs. j nouncoed toIiniist ThurosdooayslD-ally. Prof. D. J. liolaoiioof theiC tiooo- Thehmo pa(110tic miooeil slituden ots ondUivrity tsP Msdieiioo anioiSii- toe tdoinig so110ieldSt ol ss in 10Coll.,-Sc> l >o . to, it ~t~iepOis bog miateriaol for oie0in toi coeosed- lmeil stuitentsthtibs nottoig ti OPO. ?ldotriai Joedieco. Dr. lltlsoi s on10hi;o Prof. Crlarie lectoire before tilt vaca~tisisorona iegiagedinlostomle tiler. Rosgisicerlig Societystill heeloeld in liil work help at psresetnt. (lie lectuorrotoms, Physical lhoratory, All sstdeints rom lte Sooutho 1001 ol istcead of ilo the enigineerisng blidinig, whoc regaord liothele 05a sothernoers as previoutsly anoued~. lre skedl to aotoend a meerting for tlls Jtutge J. W.5Donsovan, of Detroit, osisiose of orantoizisg ot Soithlern ClIto, will deliver his loctuore "Prepalratlions soin ton 15, 1lmwvhbuilduig teinorross for Trial,' inithoc loow lecture 1000m, oafterooon at 5)oclock. There are thisevoeinig It 7:30 olock. Nt itd- noealy lifty tsotherns stittenstosn ot- oiissiono Pet-will b htearged. bt-enioaiee at theIUnilversity. Graduating Sit have nothing but a CLi i WOIR STEID Workmanship and Fit Guiar- anteed. CTiNREYER SOLE AGENTS. 27 AND 29 MAIN ST., ANN ARB( i SPECIAL. D IETAS & SCHTANZ sell Salts asd at prices to salt everybody; se s O repairing, cleansiog ood pressisg. 0V6Ik celled for and d&ivered. lie. 48 5. State r ecoosdfloor. ®111.' MARTIN, Fuseral irector, Cloth s. asd Metallic Castets sod Fiso Grade Coffino,. Embhaming a Specialty. No. i17.5. Fourtho ave. U OF M. SHAVING PARLOR ad Bath- .roomss. All appointmsents first class, tnmported and domestic cigars. Ladles' artis- tic hair dressinc sod bathling parlora. J. 0R. Trojanowski 305S. State at. HEN107 YOU WVANT year clothes cleaned pressed, reusned or rebound ga te Mrn Fisgerie, seer Sheehan's beak stare. Lab- oratory aprons msade to ardor A NEW COLLAR The Aprl numbiler of 0t-eJournasl of Rxiserietl leMdleinescotatints lal article hy Dr. Gi. Cool Hubler oil" tls. serv alhoscof nerves Osupplying subh- lingal aii s oibtoilary glands." Harvard has received a gift of $,10,. (00 frooin 1010 unkooownfrienld for the estabhlishmosent of a chair o~f comptlara-. thve pathloology. This will bhe onlly 0n0 ill any univerlsity 410 this counltry. Theithirtd lnher of theJournial ef Morphology contains an article bsy Dr. G. Carl uher entitled "A studsy of tile operattive treatmoenot for lost of osrve osbstanice Iln.lperipheral Inerves.' The sections in histology, electro- thierapetutics and dissection chanige Monday. The flOeawinations will he held Friday. This is tile last lab- oratory course to he given thits college year. C., ruickol who100received the Luhin prize for lois essay en Agricul- ture hoao also received a fellowship in Colunmbian College. 'There were eight HlOMERSRRKRRS' RXCURIONS. May 4 and 5, 1896, via Ohio Central Lines. Tro points Soult and West at rate of onie fare for rouond trip, plot $:3. Slop. over privileges allowed oii going trip: F'or further infsrooadtion oapply to any agent of GhLue Central Lines, or ad- dress MIOULTON tIOSK, G. P. A:, Toledo, Ohio. If any reader of the U. of M. Daily is desirous of providing hlimself witho an exceptionally 1fi1e watch 110 should by all means at leasst examsine the stock carried hy Messrs. Wright, Ktay & Co. of Detroit, Their "Wlright, Kay & Co,0 Patek, Phillips & Co.," etc., etc., cannot he excelled in quality of omovement and style of case. They ore sole state agents for Patoek, Phoil- lippe & Co., of Geneva, Switzerland. Subscribse for the Daily.