THEI UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN D)AILY. FOR A WELL MD AND FASHIONABLE OUT SUIT CALL 0ON Jos. W. Kollauf, Xerchant Tailor, Clothes cut and made in the City of Ann Arbor. 10 E. Washington St. Great Hat and Sock Sale! All Spring Styles $3.00; Stiff and Fedora Hats $1.98. Black and Tan Socks, worth 25c, now 2 pair for 25c. Now is the time to secure a new Hat for Easter and before going home for vacation. D. A. TINKER & SONIC, HATTERS AND FINE FURNISHERS, No. 9 5. Main St. LEH11QH I YCTtLE5 AND a unversal Crandall C pewrihers lno.s Ans Wantd veywhr Sed frtla oegs CIANDALL MACHINE CO., GRIOTON, N . W..M I I Gibson & Clark PHOTOGRAPHERS, 12 WV. HIUIRON ST Sanet.L w Lectur-es, Uriv. atVirinia. July 1 ta Sept. 1, 1800. For studettancd pratitioaers. 2th year. Flor catalogue, ad- dlress (P. 0. harlttiilla. Va.) It. C. MINOR, Secretary._ ANN ARBOR Steam Laudindry, No. 23 S. Fourth Ave. FIRST NATIONAL BANK. OF ANN ARMOR. Orgasizeil18S3. Capital, $1i0,0i0. Surplus and Profits, d40,000 Transacts a general banking business. Fureigu exchaniges bought and sold. Fursish letters of credit. P. BACH Preu. S. W. CLARKSON, Cashier. THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS 2ANK Capital Stack, &.00,000. Surplus, $1i0,000. Resauroces, $1,100,00. Organieed undee the Oenerai Banking Lawu at this State. Receives deposits, buys and sellusachange uunhe principal cities of the United States. Orafts cashed upon peeper identification. Safety dspasit bares to rest. Orricene: Christian Slack breer.; . tD, Harriman, Vice-Fees.; Chas Et. Hiscuck, Cashier;:1M. J. Fritz Assistant Cashier. Lowney's Chocolates. Hot Lunches. TUTTLIE'S, 48 S. State St. Five Dollars for One Guess May seem a big amount, but if you get a pair of HANAN SHOES, you will not have to guess again. You will always know what to ask for. Come and see them anyway. GEORGE C. SHIRTS, 88 T.RSEATE Agent for Mayhew, of Grand Rapids. DO YOU EAT NUTS? Fancy Mixed Nuts--------------------- Fancy Mixed Nuts--------------------------___11 lbsfor $1 Fancy Virginia Peanuts-------------0cper pound Fancy Virginia Peanuts--------------------- _ __ _ __ _12 lbs for $1 DEAN &COMPANY". 44 South Main Street. UNIVERSITY NOTES. Iwas Aroni by Psein~slviiiasverXYaie i 24 inillitits 5 4-5 seconits. TheIii . 0. 1'. bateal tainare oilier raiceostwerie rsinsii ithhnors is- eect the l'98ID te~ial -intribuited. The ieniisylvasnia. lituiiiiii.-' the caimpsis Saturdbiyimorniug. tlitoeiing recoirdl was bititkein, becotiiig Tue lfre'shiminiil uis ar al- iin;liltliiifeet 8 tnchles. a.iaseba~ll temiind wsill sotn be iii Dir. George Deck still lease ttltr- shiaple to iiieei soy of the various class loss for Wisiilgtonl. D. C.. to attieiii te'ams. the mieetinig of tiie Aicaeriean Astoela- Yesoterdaiy a pic-kedteam t froiiiftle Lion of IPiciaiii,tbefore' which-i iie miost dlignifitedaf tile l'irnl(ll filiallyssill readI a paler 015 "A Case of Tri- pilayediait eamiifritiiithe :senior cleaseuspiid Si'noi.'Ile swill retusrn tue as-is ucertoini reautsl. first of next sweR. Tue twso-tiile course so be tised oti Ten nvriySho ft~nig tkloSaltonsiall for itie iseotoihs- Te"' e~y'colo acn Vale' race is already '-bi#l oad wsill conitinuietuntil Jutne 1 at tiletor- grent requst of puils. All idesiring, asill aooii be'reaily fat' lse. Three aseeks fromi today the track, to joins the Bltss for May tplease osed tlfrllsin their naltmes bty Saturday. Programn teailsof the Piiisei'silu-of piry s-ryStttrtayevnig urii awill inertHlva- a ot Boston. Tsvcn- at vr audyeeigdrn ty-fiv-e athlletes still come cast. Stay for putpils anid frienda. Yesterday afternoon the 'l9t and '97 HO0ME SERKRERS' EXCUIONS. classs teamlls pllycdion the camipus, the gieale resuilting ill a tie. '97 scored May 4 and 5, 1S596, via Ohio Central eight rens is the first innlingl, aindlLines. the result stis 12 and 12. To points Sonthe and West at rote of BishoplsPotter, of Ness York, has one fare for round trilp, plus $2. Stop- bieetinit-led to bte "select areaElier' to os-ar privileges atloaved on going trip. the tUniv~ersity of Ceaibridge for 'tay,;tFar furtier itiforiiation apply to any 1897. H~e is the first Amerieatn to re'- agent of Olio Central'- Linkes, or ad- eels-a tuh i onor from all English T i- dress SIOUL.TON HOUR, G. P. A., s ersitfy. Toledo, Ohio. The ness athiletic field at Princetoin is nearly finished aaid asill be tie If any reader of the U. of St. Daily largest alli tmost comnpllete i the in desirous of pirovieling hinmself with country. Besides eight tennis courts an exceptionally fine waatch lie should it will has-c three bsall ,lianti')nds v-Bichi by all means at leatrtexatuine the ran be used its season for twso footbsall stock carried by Messrs. Wright, Kay fieds .& Co., of Detroit. Their "Wright, Kay & Co.," Patek, Phillipe & Co.," Tile relay races just MaltS aith the Univrsit ofPenlsylvtz~ as-ra eryal., etc., cannot be excelled In quality larelyattnde an rcedt'd s fl-of nmovemsent and style of case. They. lowo 1-arvad a-an he ne-blleare. sole state agents f or P'atek, Pllil- chamapionship with Georgetown second 'ip oo ee-,Ssirrad and Yale thlird. The five-mille relay Subscribe for the Daily.' MOORE & WETMORE 6 S, ilam n d . Stan St.._ Corner of Wlliam. Invite yoreattention to their line of LAWN TENNIS GOODS. 5ekeephthe celebrated Ashty Racquet, stricty £hl grade at a lesries than other rlcqets that are tia buter; also the Talismant, Oxford 'and tHarvard for cheatper racquets. Try the ew Tennn Sail, the Slazenger G3UARANTEED TO GIVE SATISFACTION. Also Baseball Gods and Hammcks. Those Wihing to Keep Up Prac- tice in DANCING ear do s tby joining the club casseu to steel at Grangers Academy Tuesday stnd Satrday evenings. ' Your Teeth 0 Careasiybelkeptpearlygwbite by S uigortotth 5V be s's i it Ve niae it. The detsts saytitgood.iIfyurdnt slike it brinsg it back and get yer0 PALMER'S PHARMACY. Hlmles' Lvery ernsft you out tes * elletig itow.ailot Fhi'nmfrm YOU MAY HAVE USE FOR + Telescope, Suit Case or Trunk When going on your spring vaca- tion; if so the place to make your selection is at CUTTING, REYER- & CO SPECIAL. D IETAS & SCHANZ sell Suits and ante at prices to suit everybody; we asa d repaiin, cleanig and pressing.tWork called for and deivered. No.IsS..Sate s.. h ecesdfloor. I . MARTIN, Funeral Directr, Cloth adMetallic Cakete and Fle Grade Coffins. Embalming a Specialty. N. 17 S. Fourthsave. UF oM. SHAVING PARLOR and Bath- I.roam. All appntmentese ist las. Imported and domestic ciars. Lades' artis- tic hair dress~ng and bathing parors. J. R. Trojanowski 3llS. Stte st. WHETHEN YOU WANT yur cithes cleaned Vlpreused, reined or rebund go t Mrs Fingeri, over Sheehan's brain sr. Lab-. oratory aprons made to order 7P)I$KEWI THE FINEST LINE OF BICYCLES, SUNDRIES AND SUPPLIES. BICYCLE SUITS, DICYCLE SHOES. Everythinz in the Bicycle line at M. STIAFBLEB'S Cycle [mporium, 11 w. Washington St..