THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. ....--.-.- i jIGHIGAN CGiTFIn Time Table (Revised) Machl 1, 1896. EAST. 1WE0T. P. M. A. M .Maland Ex-11 3 0 Mail - 52______8 N. Y. Special.. 00 N. Y.LSpecial... 70 Eastern E---10 1 N. S. imited.... 1 2 AM. P. M. Atlantic EX-..7 30 Pacific Ex.....12 15 D.N. Express....- 50 Westera Ma.___2 O0 G. R. Express ___11 0 h. Nt. Ex--.10 12 G.REx__ all_ 5 . W. tiUiLES, 1. X. HAyes, G. P & T At., Chicago. At. Ann Arbor RAILROAD. Time Table, Jan. 1, 18. 7:22 a. M. -7:40 a. m. "12:20p m. 1:4 a.m. 4:5 p. m. 9:2 p. m All trains daily except Sunday .Trais rn betwene Ann Arbor and Toledo only. R. S. GREENWOOD, Agnt W. H. BENNETT Q. P. A. Toledo . ANN ARBOR & YPSILANTI ST Y Time Table, Oct. 27. 1895. Leave Ypsilanti from Con grss at., 7:1.8:4 and 11:0 a.i.; 12:4, 2:5,5:00, 6:4, I:15 ad 10:41 p. m. Leave Ann Arbor Jncto, 7:4, 9:11 and 11:30 a. i.: 1:1, 2:45, 5:0, 7:, :41 and 11:13 P. m. SUNDAY TIME, Leave Ypsilanti from Cogresst., 1:0,:0, :0, :0 and 9:00 p. m Leave Ass Arbor Junction, 2:00, 4:00,:30, 7:00 and 9:0 p. m. Cara run on city time are: single tirp 11 cents: rond trip ticeta H5 cents. W, F. PAK~E, Supt STU.DENTS ? If you swant od rliblle life insurne call on Fr ,1T Macuboff1c No. 1, S. Forth ave. Bicycle-Repairing. Bicycle Enamieled ad all kindn of machine work. HUNTERZ BROS. No. ! Eaul Lery St. RENTSCHLER, PHOTCOCRr-EP~! ANN ARBOR. MICH. 'Just Recccvd a Lre ad Elegnt Lino of Now Pipes? Hot Lunches, Chocolates and Bon Bons. R. E. JOLLY & CO. 20. State St., Sager Hloc. RANDALL Photographer 15 Washington Block. TOOP & CO120SIR. TAT+ Call on them for Fine Lunches, Fine Chocolates, and Baked Goods'. Try Our Lunches. COTRELL & LEONARD, Albany. N. Y Makers of tcaps C owns for Yale 96,Harvard '9,Princeon 6 and we add with pleasure Michigan '9 E 51 L EGANT DAYS THIESE.N Th~eoedays of wall::o,.of sing canes.Speaing of cane-s-tllic-srio noveisI~t~A aire C on g roi. o s..tipped silie beauifl eiglen-; in solid -svr.l Tiey inare , j fashioni stsac-iiy , anutbere arsothers, l7b:o $2-0. Spcial lprienmade to 6. -e'.-T classs and clubs.& V d 6, 58 and 605S Main St. Furniture. OUI R lNEW SPRIN IG SA lt'iPLEA fro:m 114 tiX3. lasts cromo 54 to bi2.I Wye l~inow tha:t weccan pleasc700. anid 'twill plcase you 10 ob at our samsplcs bcforc buyiing striac forshings.I F. 3. Glen, The State St. Tailor, 20 S. STATE STREET, ANN ARBOR, MICH. Commencingo to CALENDAR. A MAIE [OR LI[E Wed.. Apiril ?29-Sixt--fiourth ":anuia~l Isony(120kiis conventlionoiif Aliphas D)ellt.Phi,Ann I olyof n e. kintd Arbor :iniilDetroit, snder tile aus-piccs ofa rce. Kind- th oif Peninsla~r tChapter. etit whirch will Thus., April 30-Anual convention sho e10 of Alph.l:tIcltIiM at Detroit. IFri., 'Maiy 2Ilobalrl lsiuilIRecep~tionl [RE .Lf~ it 7:311 I. i.h Satl., Mayi 2 -Vairsity xs. Oberlnat Oiily one of thie Aiml Arbior. maiiy parts of lt'e., May i-Anualconert fItis wheel thiat XV::), M:y (2*Ao~ln~d oils~b.1f makes it by ll University Glee, Ba~njo iand1Manid:olin odds the Clibis. Tl~su-s., "Slly 7-'Varsity vs.O. . s . -i Belt $10l Bicycle fir $1500, :1t Ansi Arbor. Pon'st faiil Ito call asid Fri.,SMai', .8 p. Ill.. Il lE..rinRg seeisir lineo:f whlrs louilding tirof. 1l 1. 10:rl:rt l:-:-lir:-s Remembeor we aee the only exclusive Bicy- to~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~t igii-iigIcebeltebb-i-Deals iis:the cconly. hos't have anyting-,ilsee::o ot buy, geii r axs. soil, lRcst, Repair or Trae B icycles. ,-,lt., slaiy -Varsity vo. Chicaugo at los't iorget the placo. Mton., Mlay 11-'Varsity vs. Wiscoll- Ann Arbor, Mich. sin at Madlisoin. W~e-. i.. ~y 1 'Vutesity vs. Clui-ago. it IOIlicago. Closing uq ut Satl., laiy 16-Uivhersity Coimedy Clubi ilSa::dn's "AiScap of Pler,' We have left a fair stock of ini GiraundIOperatsiusi-. all sorts of Sat., Maiy ili--Varsily vs. WIiscoh:- "'ITN TA L S sill, at Aim Arbior. -- W iii A II Moo.. Mlay 28 -Varsily -s. Iiisiasna Siate University ,at Ann Arhior, which caii be closed otit as ____________follows: NOTIETO I) ) OI ~. MMOH20 AETABLET, 5 The sei-ormlitera:ry slas-s sieniiaai~lMA OT20PAE5 tax ha:s lieen re-duced to $2, iand is GOOD RULED TABLETS, 100 PP. 3 FOR IOC payable will:Ohe oilier class t ax:s GOOD WRITING TABLET, - BC to: the treasuirer. CRANE LINEN TABLET, - - 15C G. 11t WOODSS. BEST CRANE LINEN TABLET, - 35C (11::. Ste-moriaulCol. WRITING PAPER DY THE QPRE 0!l LB. If y001 aie in ne-id of anlythlingin This stock -sill not be replaoced. 01:: line of sosting- goods and:1wanot it Conie quirk for first choice. ceacailesl at the DIaily oufice. Argus Printing House. Subscribe ror the DaIly. _____________ _______ THE KINDERGARTEN BILLIARD HALL RAILROAD TICKET BROKERS MO10EY TO LOSAN ON PERSONAL ) w PROPERTY. wholesale Cigars, Tobaccos an:d Cigarettos -OPERA HOUSE JEWELER Rep.airs all kinds of Gold Pins, Rings, e. Call aid see. C. H. KEYES. ,<2d, Semester. c UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF DANCING a ~ oui e-'Opposite LAW building. - /~veyhrest TERMS $2 FOR THE REST OF THE YEAR. Ms~ls Chiarlte 0. Sbs-ie, genell pianist and--accompaadst. Houise pnrky l.engasgementssnatisfactor-ily filled. Ad- dress No. 48 S. University aye. Arrive Washington Block. This space; is reserved, for the Grandl Opera,.- House. - EASTER GIFTS. Perhaps a "U. of Al-11 spoon or pfi? A hsndseone line of suitable novelties WM ARNOLD'S JEWELRY STORE. GI ~ 'TnR C 2 FaERER, TheOg lci r n irLn sten o Muecseoealis ~um b I PLis s tween Telds, e u ._ su The s t lreweg.Sem sL.. stwo TeatoledsIsiu mu nSG eo als Thlenlye SleepersGr in between To-heasil beowees oldoanbuse. sa The OnlySleing oar3Drawng Reos waro Licnee bewen ToledonColuibusiend he OlenDrawToledo. owGrhin ee ToldoClubsnyCaletn TinE ONLY LINE nwith 2 trainseach wway htweeos Toledo and Chlmsr.oW THE ONLY IRECTitLIESthoisea-esayi, o Sndayso betwenTleoans. ~ mb THEOPLA LINE ihtrseachiwayodaiy beween Toe,rBolingeadeeu mw belltwfeen ToledoreaendeConreso, Wlieno THae.,ONLYsIlCbe LIhEer betwyf nilTeladg Agest of she Galso ntral Linea. MOULTON HIOUK, Q. P. A. TOLEDO.,05410