THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. M~ICHIGAN GLnT Time Table (Revised) Marchl 1, 1896. Mall and En-:__3 50 Mail-______8 38 N. Y. Special.... 5 00 N. Y. Special---. 7 30 Eastern Es---10 12 N. S. Limited.... 9 21 Atlantic Es-21_7 0 Pacific En- i2-- 15 D. N. Express---- i 40 Western Ex--2 t0) G. R. Express ___ii l5 Chii. Nt. Ex- ie- 1u1 G. R.Ex- ill--- 55 0. W. RUGGESt~, H. W. HAYES, G. P. & T. Apt.. Chicago. Ap-t. Ass Arber RAILROAD. TimerTablr, .Tan. 12, 1896. 7:22 a.m. *7:40a. m. *12:20p.m. ll:lia.. 4:15 p. m, 9:21 pM. All trains daily escept Sunday *Trains run betwecen Ann Arbor and Toledo only. R. S. GREENWVOOD3, Appal W. H. BENN ETT G. P. A. Toledo 0. Good TailoringNe Nlottery scemnes. You paty for wvhat you get lintd CASH saves you 25 per cent. Every gairmient fitted and gualranteedi. Thoulsands of stnslents are aimongst ou1 ecustonmers. The largest line in the state to select1.,iI from. Full 1111e of samllples at the Cook House every o d -. Tuesday. It will will pay you, to see the line. THE GOLDEN EAGLE CLOTHING GO,, DETROMT, o mecngt CALENDAIR. ARC 111fiT Ar Wed., April 211 Sixi r-fooirll n~ili AWE[O 111l co-ttiiiioni of Alha.Dela Pi aniIs only ono ~kinid Arbor and Deitioil. snider the auspices i o a he d (if eiiiisilartiritercut Whicli will Thuirs., Aproil :o- .tiiiual eoiirention show the rily3i-flobali (milecerptionlEI BL at 2:7 . i . : S:1t., May 2--Vorsity vs. Oberlin at Dil Oly one of thie ANN ARBOR & YPSILANTI ST, BY. Ann Arbior. ti-Aiiiirttltrt flp Ypartis of Washington Block. " 1l-ha~y ~lkes it by all Time Table, Oct. 27. 1895. l'ioer..ity al:-:, Banjo anil'Maindtolin odds the Lease Ypsilanti rom Congresut., 7:10,80:453 Cluibs. and 11:00 a. in.; 12:41, 2:1i, 5:00, 6:e5, 9:15 and Thurs., Sa - ast 0 .8 .Bet $100 Bicycle for $MAT 10:45 p. m ll - 'rayv.0 .T, Leave Ann Arbor Junction, 7:40,9Sits and at Ann111.Arbotr.lD:o'ftufall trcll :and: 11:30 a. in.; 1:15, 2:45, 1:30, 7:15, 9:45 and 11:15 e nlnefw el p. M. 1-ri.. M 8l. 1; t. In.. ill ltll"ilworing i tCln-t iel SUNDAY TIMIE., billing-Prtl. 11 . it. trl:iri t-lures IRcmembe~r cc trc the only is: Ic-itt lucy- Leave Ypsilanti from Congressst.,l:30,3:3l, , i l ce elrnth e c iouty. This spac(ej is reserved :00,06:30 and ontltoeaitytltiiocl-.c 0::ltthe ot boy Leave Ann Arbor Junction, 1:00.,4:00.,5:30, ((,, 'Z . elRet eai Opera-.iyce. /- 2:00 and 9:30 p. m. lt.SloolpirorMd.nyl.for the GrandQo er Cars run on city time Fare: single tip 15 fait.,'Mat:) --Varsity vs. Chlicaigo at Diont foeit the placec.d cents; round-tirip tickiets 25 H ue Wu- . P RESUt IC1'(a'.l 4 tu e 8:10L., -May 9l-l'reseoe0i 1 llof 4.i.liii flsL L " W'S SP U DEN1.T Caesar" 117Valo-nlinem iltier, Totled. tt If entitit itd rloiielit.tuortie al -Mto.,laiy 31-Waroity vs. OWisron- Ann Arbor, MVich. on bred T SicOs,:irrr. offiec No. 1, 511si at StItiio Foturthi ave, Wie-tM ay I32-' ir-iiy vs.Cicago, B~icycle .1 ACairn o' a. l-. Si 16t-niversiity- EASTElflIFIS ClD ii81300 A tr~ltti ~a~e, We have left a fair stoek of a- Bicycles Enameled and all kinds n GllrandtlOltt'rat Houtse all sorts of Perhaops a "U. of of machine week. Sa)nt-,iMa31,-'Varsity vs. «Viscoii- IAIITAl N." spooni or pill? ,-it, at AnimArbrita. -I~ L fA handsome lioe HU ,rB Z E F S. lonflylflahiyv. niaa W ITING AB ofsuitabie lnovelties, HIJNo.T9Es LbrSt. .'Sae1i slity ISatiAn rbor s lilil which dcll be closed out as No SEat lb AR5. SNOtLDi'Salya ,.n .iioi flow: M. EWLR'STORE. Wril.,S1:y 2?--tiarsiit- vs. 0Cliciago, folw :. RENTSCHLER, a lai agdog._______ MAMMOTH 200 PAGE TABLET, 5C PISoTxc c ~A r nxTt'1 ltll & bCin'S G000RULED TABLETS, 100 PP. 3 FOR I100 cATT I8' AN RBR IG. 1iure of Ilitycles at pi-ees froli 03)9t1.i GOOD WRITING TABLET, - 8CH "SE n! tls. _________________ 5___00 and $T5, are up-t o-ela:te.(Vt' rent CRANE LINEN TABLET, - 65CS Just Received as Lamge antd Elegoatnt ndrepair 33-hecels. BEST CRANE LINEN TABLET, - 350 I tost-. dark blue. silk h-l ise o(rr-i WRITING PAPER BY THE QUIRE OR LB. A Line of Newm Pipes!c e iatliatdt- iy tClrver u& Sla(-kay i Th Iijlis stock will not bhrerplaicedi. list Lunches, Chocolaten and (fliiait. il lealseturn1111 ii 010 Conie quick fol first choice.- Boa Bonn. t1sui Oplttlt hoiuist~lelndret-ive rv ial IOVjJI ':~ ~.B.JO LY &co 1~.d- --rd oy-i ) ~4Argus rinting ouse. __'__x H:1;yr _ _ _ _ _ t,: v<.rIo .l-lgl -uebl:y'I nfri;1i o - 209S. State St., Saner Blocki. R ANDALL Ph otographer 15 Washington Block. Toop l& cog;. TRETf Call on them for Finn Lunchs, Fine Chocolaten, and Baked Goods. Try Our Lunches. COTRELL & LEONARD, Albany. N. Y,, Mbakers of Caps z Gowns, for Yule '5,Harvurd 96,Princeton '96 and we add weith pleasure Michigan '96. days; $15taktes it. 21eyirls lrvnew.'ll~1~NSLLAISh stanid, 46 5E. Willianit st. RAILROAD TICKET BROKERS' IIITA~t f.15t1.t18. MONEY Ti) LO)AN SN PERISONAL Ripans Tobules.iRo IT Ripans. Tabules core nausea. 'tFETY Ripano Tabuleo: at tdruggiotit. Whiolesale Cicors. Tobaccos-anti Cigrettcs Ripaos Taboleo core dizzineito. Ripanit Toboles curecheadachc.,A Ripans Taboles cure flatulence. U LK HO S JE L R Oiipao Tatilc curedyoppsia ItipaooTble ue yppsa ans Tulsoasittdigestion. RearalkidofG dPns Ripans Tabuleit cure bail breath. ear alknsofGl is Ripans Tabuleo core biliouoneso. Itings, etc. Cull anid see. Ripans Tobolcs: one givestrelief. Ripans Tobuleo care tndigeotion.0. H. IK IBY BS. Ripans Tabuleo core torpid liver. ___________________ Ripano Tabuleso: gentle cathaortic. Ripan Taboleo cure conotipotion. 2d Semniester. RipanTabules: for itoor tomoch. Rpn aue:pesn aaie Ripans Tabuleo cure liver troubles.. UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF DANCING SwaLn leni paper for retcords. Opposite LAW building. IVIO EY L ANED TERMS $2 FOR THE REST OF THE YEAR, On Wa tches, Diasmondi, Wheels, or other t personal property of valve as collateral MISS Charlotte 0. Stowe , 9gilie7.i security. Itte=,i-.Oamonds and Jewel- ry for sale at r.oittT prices. Allkinds of plianist "altoS accompalnist. House patly rAiring exceated neatly and promptly, engagements satisfactordly illed. Ad- 011cc at my residence, 10 E. Llierty it. lours, S oll1 a in., 1 to 3 and 2 toS9 p. m. dress No. 48 S. University ave. All busnesrs strictly confidential. J. C. WA'TTIS. Subscribe for the Dully. Ther Ongleing lar iii.heumsTn pldn ad taiashus LMiuntnci ToiCndoV,9l inbu a TCnINN, ima ; s '&al 2hrinaln Thllman Sleepr itweGar Libewen noi ledweand olumbuds.imina Thle Only LIeeith 8rDraingeoomwarn bietweeennTleod,Coolumbusceeand The Only LINwith 2om trainsetwenl TledoCo TuEOaNLY IepRsetwLIe eiwoeumued TU twenPOULTolId n Colms.~dFes SindaseteernToliedoand Ceuabu. Tal OL LnNtrh 5tr ats eacayraitmei trb,,oe.,welledoheBowniytaniheenbyand bTE LLINlE with rainsaeac wydal beOeeTeoand11Charles.op. A.Va THE ONY DIRC TOIEDOwen oHIo