V-, THEi UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. c"" *ofrtt. J will certainly lhave('a salutary efete on thei 'oplinio ofthtei'pubitlic regardinig f' ubllshed Dily (Sunday excepted) daring the' questionl of legal trainling. -With the College year, atr the adviaiieeieiit iilliositiontanll il-l TEE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. crease of influenice of the law gradin-t OFFICE: Tinmes building N. Main st., opposite ate there will tonte iitcr" genieral reo- post office.s ______________________________________ 'nitioii of the ieed of thiorouighnuess ill EDI)TORCS legleducautini. .1Jilig tfrom the J1. F. THsOMS, '(17. W.XV. HUGHES, '98 rpdinraeinatnanea.h E. I. Gt,,Easn, '9i8 L F. M1. Lnnxts, . i ah nces8. itilslii''ltli 0. 11. BlAS.'93. F. S. StnioNs, '9s. priulistpl lawt.scltiols of the t'titin'ry. it. C. tUiNDENOOnt, '98. it is perI'haps sate to preic le ni early 31nI NAGIN(I EDITOR I realiczationtif ct li ope. It may tie C. iB. IhsAitisox, '9it: L. that st'eiday' istilt fat' off which w'i'll B1USINESS MANAGER I siese t'e ftltillilient of Dr. 'i'opiii's 11:111 L. C. tXWsAL o, '9tt that t'e stidittt seeking admiissionl to AsSOCIATE EIDITORIS ioie of the irofissisilal schiooils mlist W. W. Tliayer, '51 L. S. It. Stailt. '55 L. first rie 'i a degree :in tihe literary S. XV. Siiltii, '97. . XIt. idorcill, '98. n 1n. J. L. Walsh '9(8 71. 11. IB. Skillinati, 'S L ..t Ci. B. Roe, '(is D. Louise Diodge, '9i9. B. BI. 71tcttany. '59. 1t. i'ol, illios9. No Dante Yesterday. Dinner to Dr. Wenley. I 71r. Wsenley they wvere loisintg one whlo '1T'ettlasgiox' teraldl of Apt ii 1 'i5 ''lmlibi P17'nus i :gles on accounat of ainkertu'i teitiel grudige hick to their coutsins across the Prof. It. St. Wsnli'ylit ((lasg;ow . ett.Ato"ihsntsnc ot rendir 'Scotlanithel 'posrer, Mri. 'We''ii lioiet'oh'lhis recet ltappiointtus'ot toi 1l71'was gain"g to a spiher'COwhen' his Pts' elixir of pliliisoiijty iin ith' I iix'i' sit callihign, 7.5. ." he ler aillities woutldl haxe full sicile, and lie hartn110utthatcilthey' would lisat alit says:' "The Charma prposd " hegioodt actounts of hint." T['le Chairtaniai hs Sir .TiitiixNeilsoti tittist.' Mr1i'.Witley wavs not a nUtln~ P'stlitertsoi. tDr. Itetiley reispiondii'd sif (xllsgo '. hut lie' had rei'vediX'il 1' to the toast "ThlU'niv'ersity of -Miceh- 'gri'iti'r hull of his educeation in (las- gmvrlndthe a~a~r poigan." Uiverirsity 'of Glsgly I Ts ost-Atbosttile mtin buitildsing. a laiis' gout -waiteh, opienlast', 'iXal- eilititti years ilgo sieSI"'. «ei iiil'y t1ai,1.lse. returnl to stewiard's of' firsltii'i'amei'a studiett i ntheIlt 'nri'er- lealtriei' 'X'd beeniiredulcedlto tl.(ioiii dcaaiee ftii iscct of tiie'year. Loevy;subscriptioni s atih Daily office oerwithi P. C. Meyer, . Cotf1. News tixud. Editor of today's papler', 'T'he' provinice' of the Daoily is nost iti r'e't'rditowiiniiii'orttside' new',-'5of '9 "lii- elal nattile.bttheiire irs' mmolif the reasdirs if this liapie'situ art' si cottisei' tet''esti'd ini.nniiAArtor liy toi tli'iis''lt-s'ss 1isti'i'(tty'afse'rtoiiti liii heavy' ritl 11iailiitheii'diatonit hto X'wt to lly' t11i011.Toiiday's gamlie 'sill bii' tilluld it 4:14 if the 'seutti:r pemis Theiiiti:'rilly's'tii' tBlue' Will iatsli fio'r gthis. It is play'toduay. I ions sail yt'sterii'y that li l i ldlii' 'iillilit to tply Whil O 1: 0 <' 1 C l fi I t Sity ofi (Wausgi:'w, andfot fi it'eearliest periout hei'hait tak;eil fiiremostitpli'.' ainoolihisfi'lliiwss. tie bielie'v'i'thti Pt mtighit lit'saidlthat in tlh' presenti partii'ulari'lini' XXlii'li hi'hail midels'its own't than Sit. V'eulu'y. 'Tls' lppri"- inivirsity xxwa5stis'own(iy t'e illrs ut ia'uuti ini by his fellotiw stuidenits. sil fiislinrg his ceai's'sr as a studiet(;l'. t'l'v'nle'y hiai gine' abroad; anotiii Romts, ini P'ris,