THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. MICHIGAN GENuR1 Time Tabie (Revised) March 1, 189. Mil and Ex-__3 50 Mail-______8 38 N. Y. Special.... 5 00 N. Y. Special.... 7 30 Eastern Ex---10 121 N. S. Limited.... 9 25 Atlantic Ex-___7 30 Pacific EX . 12.. i D. N. Express....- 5 40 Western Ex--.2 N GS. R. Express _._1i1 05 Chii. Nt. Ex.---10 12 G. R.Ex.----557 0. W. tRUGGLES, H. W. HAsYES, G. P. & T. Agt., Chicaga. Act. Ann Arbor ) F RAILROAD. Time Table, en. 12, 1896. NORTH. SOUTH. 7:22 a. m. *7:40 a. m. *12:20 p. M. 11:46 a, m. 4:15 p. m, 9:23p.m., All trains daily except Sunday *Trains ran between Ann Arbor asxd Toledo only. R. S. GREENWOOD, Agent W. 11. BENNETT iG. P. A. Toleda 0. ANN ARDOR & YPSILANTI ST, RY, Time Table, Oct. 27. 1895. Leave Ypsilanti from Congress St., :10.8:45 andl11:00a.m.; 12:45,2:15,5:00, 6:45, 9:i5 and 10:45 p. m. Leave Ann Arbor Junction, 7:40, 9:15 and 11:730 a. in.; 1:15, 2:45, 5:30, 7:15, 9:45 and 1i:15 V. M SUNDAY TIME. Leave Ypsilanti from Congress St..l:30,3:30, :00, 6:30 and 9:00 p, . Leave Ann Arbor Janction, 2:00, 4:00,5:30, 7:00 and 9:30 P. M. Cars run on city time Pare: single trip 15 cents: round trip tickents 25 cents. WM. F. PARKER, SUpt STUDENTS T If you sant good reliasble life insuranceeeall on F+red T fScOmber, office No. 1, S. Fourth ave. Bicycle Repairing. Bicyclee Enameled and all kinds of machine work. HUNTER BROS.. No. 9S East Liberty St. RENTSCHLER, PHO0TCCE r ANN? ARBOR. MICH. qW Just Rleceived aLarge and Elegant Linn of Now Pipes I Hot Lunches, Chocolate and Bon Bone. R. E. JOLLY St CO, 200S. State St., Sager Block. RANDALL Photographer, 15 Washington Block. 26 S. STATE LOOP Col STREET. ++ Call on them fur Fine Lunches, Fine Chocolates, and Baked Goode. Try Our Lunches. COTRELL & LEONARD, Albany. N. Y., Makers of Caps, G owns for Yale '9,Iarvard '96, Princeton '96 and we add with pleasure Michigan '96. 5 r e W ELEGANT DAYS THESE.T Titese dayo of wai,:.. of usin),gepnu s. aig of can es-tlie sorit, novelies ei' wA are iHere,Congo Ccobkstipped wthie beatiflldtesignos Ptnso)l:) silver. They are i~.I I faohions,ltest fal ansd thceetareothers itreto . O5l0. Speil classes and clubs. 16, 58 and 60 S. Main St. Furniture. s I OURaNEWSPRING SAMVPLES Have atiyd Tihe lam es.tand fines.t assortmoent eserrshoon i:: A::: Arbor. Soitso I:mm $14 tosP ants from:$1uto $12. We 1k:00wbthit vw.etanphease yeoutatd t'tllpletse yo:u to obk at our satmples before buyiog npring torisintgs. F. 3. Glen, The State St. Tailor, 205S. STATE STREET, ANN ARBOR, MICH. Commencing to Glee and Banjo Clubs Return. A~~ ~)j' Arrive thir westerni trip tlisitt orniiig 1atd Tsonly oine kiiit of a raco. Kind- rip::rt it a .;t g sut iccess0. flt:oyltIt' ly examnine te shocw the cluils swere eittertained 1):v tI:, Viiia-, ~l HF versiyluand t thcowell t :::::s sere I RUILAllES. g istli io :rowssdedi houiseso. lTe ) nly one of ite Washington Block. it LIadiille ws pen in ispectIts lilmay iports of sesertol of tiie silver iit+,s an:it:Ioen- inakes it by oil C 'c''da Opera HRouses ig oatitie ice:Ptitwe. oddis the_____ riie Harvrs otuodeit sill iProbabtlly fBett$00 Bi gcle fir $75,001 take Inirt t iin uI'd n ItI jilDo' fi 0r'l n M Th 110 70 APRIL 27TH. the: iniioriortionIiof Cambiiridlgeasa PRemlei-bere e tite only ext-lusieticey- ~ceimelt ofSidineyit. EFlits'to.,pie city. (ele Dce)itr itntte co:unty. seit" tiettegeitl .l:t Ilat ar~ll~nieisiy hasrecevod 1. lSeli, iet,Reepair or Tra:deBiceycles. D rk s Ru sa gift elf $166t,00, from:nido (:ltr seit::se Doo't forgiet the piace is ii~t tttib teBys i1li . iGCatb tnlonneily. Asoperbt inaieiis ntna pubi:, for:ie e T i ab-I C p sceict produ:ctioit.Psviry fe-alteea lis:hottelt :if a dlei:artmenit of (itonllit- IIV[ . l PICrd I7 c 1111 rtesesett:tehndeery se ceeoucdI I UaieUI & cUo0 0001qI Lcq1U01adviertisedi. Diet Ttail to:: c":the:sNiiist tiive I'tolo:gy. aRe:ndezveouis tnidte Exile Station ottte G reat:ib terianttebe ifl::eSreayrceRad. Tiiillieso ~lsrlgi: Ann .Arbor, Mich. PRICES-Bioxes, $;1:art::::-: 75:: iaiquet team, whlii-h defeatedtinctetontotithei-_____________________________Cirele, 50; Galleiy 35c. lswenty-third Iletti eitilli o ii~ m~. ~e~~W5sGFS Brle:otyn, lhaivei ach iiieen : t): :1 te C lo i- n r 0EASTER GFS Wi~th ti ctiiiasiaiouei r Sli of tbiis it ciii.- tory. We have left a fair stock of uehps a "U. of all s01t5 of M." spio~ton or int" I120MM-NI Sl -llS' I+.1( tI:SIO S. A handsome line 0 stu5,iStivi Oti (eoitu - WRITING TABLETS WMC.of Lie.which 0015 he elosedl out as ANOD' JWLR'_TOE .ro poinits S::ttlo i:1 XVI'"s) at rhO: eof folloXws tnte ftire for isoiind trig), 1 1100 .2. Slt:-; MAMMOTH 200 PAGE TABLET, 50Cnrr CATIEEF, ee - Tiii 1 'l 6ld0 g:oo ri.0000 RULED TABLETS, 100 PP. 3 FOR 100 _______________ 20_Eton__________ For fuirthteitf::rtotto: ii to10tny 0000WRITING TABLET, - GC o4tro f 010o Cntr2)al5fLine , a-CRANE LINEN TABLET, - -I5C i.Tsledo, Oioe BEST CRANE LINEN TABLET, - 35C0 LOST"1. WRITING PAPER BY THE QUIRE OR LB. Fonlit1tili pen, on 1Ioniroe between This stoek will not be .replaeed. StatoinS t. Unversty. lmier Come qicik tor first choice. ee nxK~ ieiertrtoSiviisoffice. IArgus Printing House. tarOE ENDo __________ THE KINOERGARTEN BILLIARD HALL Ja50 A '5 > A. - RAILROAD TICKET BROKERS Tormja a 'v "';(sO " ^q .Ie 5 .& 1 MtONEY- TO LOPAN ON PERSONAL aCNCNNmooARET PROPERTY,. jowqA e ae ,° .f 5. _ BlyCie WXhoesale Cig ars, Tobaceeos an:d Cigarettes ,t a- M TheOnly Slinlg Oar Line betwes To- OPERA HOUSE JEIWEIFR ledu sad OGolss. < - , ~ IIf I~~ The Only Sleeping or Drawing Room Oar ~< Repairs all kinds of Gold Pins, Lime between Toledo, Golusobsfld Marieta. °Rings, oe. Call alid see. The Only tDrawing Rsom Oar Lisa betweon Toledo, OCsolubs sod Oharileson, C. H. KEYES. W a Thatpau , ullman Simepers betweensGluimbussad means . Ohiosgo. i ~ ,. ~THE ONLY LINE wilk 4 tralineach raydolily II . bewen en Toiedo as oubs THE ONLYLINtE milk8 trains eaeh wayeon ir t UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF DANCING T SEnaLs Embeweenoeomains wydilin TEObeto-eeno Toledo, BowlingGrenesnodnr Findiay. L ten Opposite LAW building. THE ONLY LINE milh 2 traoisnachwET dailyn Ott :see , hereg" ketweeon Toledo sod Charleston, W. Vs. TERS $ FO TH RET O TH YERTHE ONLY DIRECT LINE betwen Toledo everywhere., , c EM 2FO H ETO TEYA.TEand the Virgioias. Fso "- ria, Bucrs, GranvlileandlNewark. Miss Chillloite 0. St-ore, genC7-l Foulofomation relative to raes, time of piaalist 5a1dbac 9201100.Houspa rty isec,le be cheerfuliy furoiehed by aoy pal mpistAgieetof the Ohio tralLines. ..