THlE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. WHY NOT US E x~ --ORnon TH EBEST? HYGIENIC a BOAR~DING mHOUSE. Locte bal blckfro Uivesiy gouds.Unernew maagmet and with TIhE VICTOR LEAGUE BALL is unquestionably the best ball on the market. Iland- madc of the best materials only. Every "1official " League Baillcon the mnarket is an imitation of the Victor. Examine the VICTOR line o mitts-endorsed by many lead ing players. OVERMAN WHEEL CO. Makers of Vitos Bicycies GI1 'padiig & Bst "Tic'V lmi is a Can- - nice" th1at the atclel ',..I nit is tihet 'adacd. Ifissforss -d -uppie ofi caer iii aceiptis for isase ball. Teli, Gif. iitisiaiencd Caal~gtti. IrHE Spalding icycle FiOR 1896. A. G. SPALDING & BROS., NewneYoek, tChiago, 5'llaiirpldss Largest i Saiifaeini o c cles iantiAt- lein. Gad in tewisrld. F'IRST NATIONAL BANK. OF ANN AROR, Ogaizeud 1t6. Capta, $i00,000. Srplistanad Profits, $40,00 Transacs a genea akiiggbusnmes. Foreign excange tught andand. Frnish letters of credit. P. BACGItees. S. IV. CLARKSON Catier. THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK Capital SetkV,00.tSurplutis, $100t00. Reinacces, $2,10d,000. Organied undethe General Banking Laws of this State. Receveen deonits bys and sllis elinogo as the Ipriaciplatcities of the United Stte. iDraft cashedupo proe identficatin. tSfety deptsit bxes in rot. Orronnit: hitin ach Pe. W. I. HarrimanoVie-rs.: s RisF.Iscoel, Cashier:il. J. Fitto Assitat Cathielr. Lowney's Chocolates. Hot Lunches. TUTTLE'S, 48 S. State St. THE FINEST LINE OF BICYCLES, SUNDRIES AND SUPPLIES. BICYCLE SUITS, BICYCLE SHES Evrythina in the Bicycle line at MSTELRSCycle Efprium 11 .Washington St. apng e'atroci'. Sit ce ourcapacnity in ltmitcd apply atsance or cai-t ti tMiaynsrd ai.,nst tohol oftaluaic. F. J. RENNINGS, C. W. PRINGLE, PROPRIETORS JUST OUT! fyuniversalICrandallIZypewrters fl , ; 1, e ANDALL MACHINEL CO.- cROTONhN. YOU PUT YOUR FOOT IN IT. 0 0 I HAT' just what we want vote to do-hut S ou fotinaHA&NAN SHOE anti yiu will siay it's the iceent anti lest fitting shioe yiou eves' had cii. Coale and scO them anyw ay. 'Geo. C. Shirts, 85 S. State Street. Agent for Mayhew, of Grand Rapids. Fancy Miked Nuts. Fancy Mixed Nuts - _ 10c per pound - - 11 lbs for $1 Fancy Virginia enus-------------l per pound Fancy Virginia ent-----------llbs for $1 IDEAN &COMP1FANY. 44 South Xain Street. UNIVERSITY N OTES. Schooltiand Iibitle classei; 1) . Iiill.,a A clssa itit; lgat 'lT will beihliS aad ttly a mt i elln tt it BtoottsiC. SIInsay at 4 nelttels. t-tmnlt'i- :307 1)1. itt.,eveniing trayeri-n d t sen bya ret or -i. Ihigeie '. isi'sles ucetltc't ~ Anueffois ein clg smide toit ilige cisitita t i tlist-c l uttdresait theii I'ir ita erice btween'im'lsaian 1'. Canumeft ii'ti ofl' t('tiiga. it .K Snai h liot a iii A unisiise ' siis'on ien tion sill b he' l dFilB cotl eanio ni at Htarvasrdil sy 1IS lto iaiiiiittecni-runsofAeiandEgn. At the tCongega'etionsal i-Iiise to.i s- MOORE & WETMORE e S. Main and S. State St.._ Corner of Wiliam Invite yer atetionat their line of LAWN TENNIS GOODS. its~ Ikeep the celebated Astiyn ten et strictlip hi is rade at s ciasirie tlin othiesrraisqnt that aenro iAlter; also she Taltissma'ni Oxford and las-assd fr cihcaiier raets'. Try te new Teasnis Ball, the Slaeger. GUARANTEED TO GIVE SATISFACTION. Alsn BsealfGeds and Hasmmcs. Those Wishing to Keep Up Prac- tice in can do tob~oi isuse lu ib ciass toameet t Granger's Academy Tuesday oiid Strday eenings. 0 'tourTeth Cantsncsig e ept laearly whiite ly 0 unsao.asithndipater. Welknowse whsls ini it te sake it'i'lhe deiss sasy ita sid iyesutdsi't Iesiing it lickad geyur monsaey. PALMER'S PHARMACY. 0 Hlis' iva serycfty eota ie0 wrlest is.; in tewn.isPhie 's milarom YOU MAY HAVE USE FOR A Telescope, Suit Case or Trunk When going on your spring'a- tion; if so the place to mae your selection is at CUTTING, REYER & CO. SPECIAL. D IFTAS &. 5CHAN7/ seli Sls and Pats at prices to sit everybody; we also do repairIng. clesniog and ~resig. Work called for and doflered. N. 4- . Stato St., eco d flor. ( f iMARtTIN. Fneral Director, Cloth - l ndEetllic Caskets and Fin Grad Colis. Emalming a Speciaty. o. if S. Fourth av.- U. OF Mi. SHAVNG PARLOR and Bath- rooms. All appointments first cass. Imported and domestic ciar. -Ladies' artis- tic hair dresing and bathing pariors. J. I. TrojanowskliS0S. State t. W~ HEN YOUO WANT your clothes cleaned pEssd relined or rebound go to Mr Fingerle, over-Seeanhboktore. La- oratory aprons mds to order r NEW COLLAR litlaic's f'o' lii' presidenmcy'. 1101i. '''Tieodire loosesvi-tswas iii- tertanesd wihile' ithecty' to- Ielta. 'Tlit'96'LtdI.basebtall tei ales bei'i c'all'ed out for lplacticeonthlii'Campiusti every- afternooaoiit 2:15aot-iock. Therelire sixste'en iriternities in prn- fessional schoolsinmberiing maout fifty' activschtaters stit S,SO iuiem- hero. 'Ihere'airetelteiencollegesosrorities inl tile UnitieiSissies, the oldlest lieing Pi Bleta tifacnted at Mlomnocith in 1867- Tawo caiiiidates has-i been dropsped from Itie X'mlte basebhall squad because they' ptlayedlonsuintr athletic cluib teams. "The Story of Jlonahs in the Light of Modern Investigttions" -il11 be the toptic discussed at the M. E. church tomiorrowr evening. Four hundred anid twventy-four col- leges swith classical courses in (icr- imsany have gradutaedl 10,600oimensill the last three years. Tomorrosw's opt-vices at St. Andrew's church swill be as followvs: 7:30 a. itn., holy cemnuniion; 10:30 a. in., morning prayer litany and sermon bsy the Rtev. Rt. M. Beach; 12 in., parish Sundatyj mnorrowa-lt 1o0i. iii,les.XW. I-1. Stog fJcsn ilpec ne-change waihthe Itastor. 'The otlier serv'itces still he held as follos: 12 il., Siunday sehool; 6:30ip: im., Y. tP. S. C. L.; 7:30 it. Iii., 'Yauing Slit-i's iinmmcla~uy Evening Club, snbject "'Tie Sate Sldt'"lResa. Mr. Stroing waill spieak. Thlle uieiieri of the loellG(ootd Gov'ernimeint Club hail hopted to msile larrangemients by wvhichiliiiaddresh swouitS be deliveredl befhore the i-mb by S Mr. ttoosevselt ws-ile in Aiiii.Arbor. This asniot possible.,lhowaevei, as SMr. IRoosevelit wa conipelled to cc- tun as sooin as possible. He svill lec- ,ture at vale Slay 4, under the auspices of the vile Civil Service lieforin Club. ATTENTtON BICYCLIISTS. If your bicycle iteeds cleaning or repairing Tucker & Co., 1S N. F'ourthi ave., is the place to get good svnorts done and at prices that wvill suit ill. Wle rent anti sell asheels, also have a full line of up-to-date sntdries. Our niotto is 'Live and let lire." Messrs. Wright Ktay. & Co., of D4- troit, have such connections wvith thme principal manmufacturers of Walking 'Sticks that they are abile to otter spe- cial Inducements to classes requiring a large nuniber. Many of the largest universities have been supplied by them.-