,Almllkkk..- -.j Oro oak, m qq4v, f AlL j7j I VOL. V I. No. 146. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN', SATURIDAY, APRIL 25 , lhG3. Fouio.PAGES -0 (ENToS. SPOKE TO LARGE AUDIIENCE. 11 tioo ihp was m, (aethe baIsis of FRATERNITY MEN TO MIEET. It X'iVe usteDMove !ellmoion00ill 11h' 1o1i1e0 110])ill'tit. The soewenwoccupy bas t}lion.-Theodore Roosevdt in the "Tb 01)1)whwin]h to hItteis Oh Sixty'-F;ourth Annu1 alConvention Iis S. L .Cure thely0tliotteooligtoil li'1(1 of Alpha Delta IlIll. 55 they i-an to not make ci lollios bbs 20 We'tlse I A btrge audlice listened to l tOb' o o(( 0101lgth ,- " The sixty-fourth annul co1(01 oar sto k of mn-ic goodstand 10 . T eooreRo set}I1(1' (15 I''c olveastiey (call. Theiii' ait- ta'i'e t?) II ist t~c e neoffe pic hi chl el i 51(1) 100(10 i0(5l (1 I - 110)1 (f the Alpha Dellta Iliid la (emily -II 5Os i ss ion iiii o.aw' ibeivrst l :t:to .fiilled nililist 1)e0 weigil'ed With i' i 01111i ii'ii s fA r II m a.asytin rto hbuyers 91)1 1(11 s ii li11 O last niLld Sesnai .J 'okrNh be un~enforcIed sso sl<,) fun 111ltzl t X'tildi ilw0-l)iiil- lndeak, aind p11pers w.i.llI-kcreadi initolmliI-)y for self-governmnoon liii 10' Oitteil by Judige Coley, Ilirins,' A. lirt of thiietnatii. Thlctu(1e1r1-th1e-uSewarsdand olthirs. AltIG 111-11)1k thie I r-Iill. islattorl' 00lnted reftorm so50it prliIoceeedIhlablllln- ss-ti. loomoinlgatou oithi 1 lbusiness55 session, ~00141-h osill to make mattlsloser 000. 'ili-e comis~l- Rtherforil--Ii-.V.I').....Wtkinis -0)11 1115' througlilte moring 11111 silonswastmasde fout' lieledl'11 11)11 a -11 (1)Iill - Ihi -I.A.. (' .... . olIli tlhil11'e lslll f1'>lhllO Iemer asb. elphill-.. .f.. , ..... Holm sol- ls blglssu 00 li1115 Iilembler os-angives vesoowerl ove~ria tlirtc'. 1 )111Cllli'sISpalnglr.... - -1..... . Conidonwcnteillgts ilejy nat the oSt.rs.NorInan col1 be1dis-tic edIlitionl. Th-esannal tonis- chal-gilltroll)the potlicefoteexcepllt ''llIhil'-.......ll---lt.....I lr1 ion li lIllili'V ill Il' gin lat 111' lula- Ilosgh a court of lass. Hampeliredl ini C. Hemplhill....1. f -...llSosoaller s lllose-ill 1111 OtliiL 111t0whit-h tis 11)nne)r1 111e pre'sentllt i~il soill The nt-ole Iby ilitigs: toasts osill bes onded111llto byiis li- hlia d ho do its swork. 123i4 6T87 59 tnusi mmeso h rtriy Therl~e al~lbtil ) te Ssililiisaiiichigan -.......1I0 0 00 0 1 - ~llil~lli'iieso roriy The uleadoted y te cmmisionS2agitosos....-.1 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0- 2 'Thomas S. Jeromels, Hen-ry A. 111'r- st theIbeginnlinlg of its wsorkt 0as10thait hits-Michiigan IG, Saghisaw 4. 1-"-_11011 (11,1Edward A170. hPiendleton areh1 eascihl pollienmut 110 honest and !1 rors-Mi(-liigan 4, Saginaws-T. Strusck 11'the lllia'lumi llmiltee'ill cha~rge- of Ills impllartial ansd thisa rule0has lies-nstruct- oult-By Watkins 7, t-ylRutherfolrdllI. onvenlitioni, 1)1111heiicomilttee'trios TwIso 111101'liit-W'atkins. Tiime-- ?:101.tPsninsular-ll Ch lr s-. I tilio, ly adhlered to. The closing of nraloi~ls I.( orac 0111)il15aillcletilsellootlinllire-Sl')111(1015%. orlis, tFreemao~n Fieldi ands camein s anincdentin he ateilltA. Al. Smuth. to eniforce this rule. The greatecbCI- 9e Will Meet Adrian. Thle Alphao Delta1'Pii frate'rnlity'w111 jection noeltowilh in cohinectiot ithytthei' 11e10'116 teamtl gois to Adrian 11od1ay foulnded at Hatmilton Collsegse in 18312 cruadeagins Snda saoos wsiy Samtuel IEills, wosesblrotherl, IDan cruase aaiis Shndl' ~ooll~a0010to Iplay osithi the college teaat )5uthat .lElls, is to b1e'onie of thii'speakeres that an obsolete ansi puritanical law00plate The teiani will bse tiade tip 1)s at till conv-ention banltuet. Theiire Irse swns beinug enforcesd. Yet this law swis follows: Woodlruiff, catcher; Brya1nt 11000'twnty-twolchaptlers in. 1a5smaniy passesd by a Tammanony legislatuire to'h or Woolfenden, lpitclier-; Cole, first colleges, be'ing 1111 in tile I oiled States years anis three monthls1.a'Thle balse'; Whitmhan, second lbe; C laiir,(ecept ons', os-bk- is in the Univ-- lectttrer illustrated the hindlrances thle thlirll base; hDesitt, short sloth; Alex- nity- of 'ToIron~to. 'Thle younagest chatler commiission had to meet anid the trials titider, left fielsd; Davois, eenter fieldi; of the fratlerniity is at Chicsago h'ni- itha t ndrebylratialepi- Torit, right field. o'ersity, and thils was estab~lishiedlwi wti the last month., Penitisular C'hap- lences that keput the audienice both iti- A gift of $210500tins recently been'm1a h nsriyo ihgn terestedi and amnused. Merit anid not made to the University of Vimrginia. noat estabhlishied in 1841.